Yeah but when the servers work Street Fighter V is amazing.
Yeah but when the servers work Street Fighter V is amazing.
We don't fight like we used to.
I can see what Sarah is saying. It is the number of issues in a trade as well.
Daredevil v1 ohc - 12 issues, $20 ($35 retail)
hawkeye v1 ohc - 12 issues, $20 ($35 retail)
Archer and Armstrong v1 deluxe - 14 issues, $28 ($40 retail)
Quantum and Woody v1 deluxe - 13 issues, $28 ($40 retail)
We don't fight like we used to.
you're not part of the comics-gaf Illuminati. We take care of our problems in other ways now.
You're not supposed to acknowledge that it exists. Especially to outsiders.
We don't fight like we used to.
The second Thor by Aaron is quiete a bummer compared to the first one.
And Ribic is missed...
You're not supposed to acknowledge that it exists. Especially to outsiders.
Yeah but you'll always find outliers in both labels, OHCs with less issues or more.
Apology accepted if you accept my own for being overly aggressive!
Apology accepted if you accept my own for being overly aggressive!
True. I've looked at the weirdness that is the Fables OHCs, which includes at least one OHC that is actually the same as the trade except one of the middle issues from the trade was moved to a different OHC. Mostly I think I've been spoiled by Image and DH stuff.
openly discussing things like this...I'll have to bring this up with...The Board of Directors
Sorry, counterexample to prove my point about cherrypicking:
Secret Wars HC, 9 issues - $25 ($50)
Armor Hunters Deluxe, 22 issues - $25.94 ($50)
openly discussing things like this...I'll have to bring this up with...The Board of Directors
Possibly. I just picked out the two valiant books that were on my wishlist. Haven't looked too much into the other books.
Nah man, you were looking for a fight. Don't be frontin'.
Internet fight with a Valiant fan? What's the point. We'll talk when they figure out how to use the "fit to printer margins" setting.
It's terrible.So I'm reading Avengers Vs X-men, about to read issue #3. So far this has been a poor choice as an entry point. It contextualizes the events but in really clunky (and at times with tongue in cheek) ways. The story itself so far is not good with the battle at Utopia being contrived and not even visually interesting. Some of the panels look so silly and one has to hold their brain back to not analyze the specifics of the battle. I certainly hope this isn't one of the better big events.
That movie is the epitome of mediocrity.Fairest's first arc reminds me of Maleficent, i liked that movie, but the telling in Fables is pretty basic in the middle.
The thing thats become really clear in the past few chapters is that I have no clue who Im supposed to be cheering for.The Order has its head up its own ass, and seems to be headed by the Heart, who has its own fucked ideas on how to do things; yet the Heart is the only one that can defeat the Noah (as it seems theyll just keep reincarnating otherwise). The Mana wants to keep Nea alive because bro love, but Nea wants Mana dead to become the only half of the Earl; the Noah just follow the Earl, so whoever comes up on top is the one who leads them. So, yeah, especially considering Mana and Nea are two halves now who want completely different things, I just dont know who I should be backing. I predict Nea might take advantage of Manas emotions and kill him, which would be ridiculous on so many levels because where does that leave Allen? Leading the Noahs?
As for Cross,whether hes alive or dead (my money is definitely on alive), weve not seen the last of him. I think the theory that he was also cursed by Mana is plausible and has some merit, but then that raises a couple of questions. First, why isnt his hair white? What separates him from Allen where Allen started changing into Nea but Cross couldnt? (though I think that one has to do with Allen himself; I recall a comment by Nea about how Allen was much younger than he remembered 35 years ago) Why did the Heart kill him? When did Mana have a chance to curse him? Also, not specifically related to Cross, but if Mana died, how was he there to turn himself into an Akuma?
On the topic of deaths,Im not a fan of those fake deaths that are supposed to play on your emotions, and Hoshino is definitely guilty of that during the Edo arc (Kanda/Krory), but I like that shes been doing the fake outs with some real narrative/developmental purpose recently, especially Kanda. Where once I thought he was a trope, during the Alma arc and especially when he could have walked away but chose to come back to help Allen, I think hes become one of the most well-developed characters in the series.
Lastly, the Bookmen are complete and total jobbers. lol
It's terrible.
That movie is the epitome of mediocrity.
Lavi is not a jobber! You take that back!
Also, the reasonAllen's hair turned white wasn't due to the curse, it was due to the shock of the Akuma attack. The shock turned his hair white. The whole Mana thing is weird, and I'm sure it'll be explained.
Oops you're right, I remember now.
Dude Lavi's always been a jobber. Couldn't even legitI feel bad cus I love him, but he hasn't even beaten a level 3+ Akuma. To his credit though, they've stressed how much of an outsider the Bookmen are supposed to be, so he's not really supposed to be a top-tier exorcist or anything.beat Road.
How is D.Gray-Man right now? I stopped reading it after it went monthly. The pacing went to all kinds of hell which turned me off from it. I really liked it before then. Has it picked back up?
Because I crapped on Nigri. Nobody craps on the Nigri.
Can anyone here recommend any good comic podcasts? I've tried listening to the Comic Vine podcast and Cape Crisis, but didn't really like either. I'd prefer something a little more well rounded (talks about everything, not just Marvel / DC) or possibly even something that doesn't talk about that stuff at all. I don't read a lot of the main big books, so listening to someone drone on about a big crossover event for 30 minutes doesn't really do it for me.
Final Crisis, my dude. Strap those 4-d glasses to your face and get to reading.
I want to take a hallucinogen and try to read it.
Bojack Horseman is pretty good. I saw the episode with Messi in it last night.
"pretty good"?
Well looks like I'm going to sucked into another Season of Batman Eternal
Dick is front and center
"pretty good"?
it's no Maleficent
it's no Maleficent
I hate to be that guy, but I have no idea what any of you are talking about. I don't even know what a Bojack is.
Every time I see Red Robin's outfit I just remember this:
It hurts.
Can Geoff Johns go back to Teen Titans? I'll even let him rip a few characters' arms off.
oh wait hang on does that lap the entire series of mad men in the last twenty seconds of the season finale oh gee i can't remember
I've never seen Mad Men, it seemed depressing and full of alcohol.
I hate to be that guy, but I have no idea what any of you are talking about. I don't even know what a Bojack is.
Do we really need Superboy moaning and crying all about him being half Superman and Lex Luthor again.
That's essentially his whole thing in Johns Titans.
Even when he came back from the dead he again was mopping about it.
Shit got old beyond quick.
Valiant is holding you back man!!Hellboy and Kabuki picked and scanned. Waiting on Bloodshot OHC
Has its moments. I endured, what, 4-5 seasons.
You're right about the alcohol bit, mind.