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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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Man, they fucking killed any interest I had when they decided it was a good idea for old man Taker to cost Brock the title. Do they think people still give a shit about the Undertaker?

I'm way more hyped for NXT Takeover: Brooklyn than SummerSlam, personally. The fact that there's no way my body could handle two 4AM nights in a row doesn't help, neither does the rumoured announcement tonight that SummerSlam will be four hours.

There's a multitude of problems with the SummerSlam booking. I think Cena being Rollins' challenger, and probably going over, is a waste. It's a waste of Cena's excellent US title reign, where he's frequently been the best thing on the show for months on end, and whose reign could have been used to make a star. I'm a massive Cesaro mark, if Vince could get over his hate of foreigners he would be the company's next big workhorse star. He's got a great look, he's well-spoken, funny, charismatic and has workrate for days. Instead, Cena's going to ROFLstomp Honky Tonk Rollins, because oh noes, he put over Owens and his merch numbers went down!

Had I been booking Battleground, Cesaro would have gone over in a triple threat with Owens and Cena. They've also completely killed Owens' momentum, since he's now lost three big matches in a row, and it's likely to be four as there's no way they can put the NXT title back on him/have Finn Balor lose. It's a shame, because Owens could be a legit star, but he doesn't fit the mold WWE wants.

The Undertaker/Lesnar thing is a big meh. I don't want to watch 'Taker take the kind of bumps Lesnar will dish out. The Undertaker has nothing to prove, at least to me anyway. The only match he could have that would interest me is Cena, but even that has lost a lot of its' lustre with the Streak gone. I'd also much rather watch Lesnar against any of the young guys from the roster. Even though the match vs. Kofi at Beast In The East was a squash, it was fun watching Lesnar throw him around and Kofi selling like death.

I dunno why I stay interested, honestly. At least NXT and Lucha Underground are good.
Except Lavi has easily one of the best Innocence out there. Plus,
no one can "legit" beat Road. She's OP, like essentially every single Noah except Wrath. He beat her as legitimate as possible.

Yeah, that was a bad example. Honestly though, he doesn't have many feats in the series so far. I mean, his weapon has potential, but we haven't seen him use any of that - most of what he does is just Flame Pillar. We know he has dozens of signs to use, just haven't seen them.

Anyway, he's cool as fuck otherwise.
Yeah, that was a bad example. Honestly though, he doesn't have many feats in the series so far. I mean, his weapon has potential, but we haven't seen him use any of that - most of what he does is just Flame Pillar. We know he has dozens of signs to use, just haven't seen them.

Anyway, he's cool as fuck otherwise.

It doesn't help that for the past 5 chapters or so Lavi and Bookman are strapped to chairs somewhere
Wow. They're taking the source material more seriously than thought. Chloe Bennet is orobabky going to look cute with that haircut.


Can't handle all this short hair goodness.

I promise I'll read a Rucka book or something to make up for my lewdness.
You should read Checkmate. An awesome DC spy book that took Bruce Wayne's body guard after the OMAC stuff and put her with fire, count vertigo, OG green lantern, Waller, etc. amazing book

Sounds interesting, I'm a sucker for chess metaphors. It's the 2006 series on CMX, right? I can't buy anything for a few days because I lost my card a couple of days ago (ironically, while I was making a deposit to keep some money safe for a few days, well it's fucking safe now!). I'm....going to miss New Comic Day this week. It sucks.

Can I skip the non-Rucka issues at the end?
Sounds interesting, I'm a sucker for chess metaphors. It's the 2006 series on CMX, right? I can't buy anything for a few days because I lost my card a couple of days ago (ironically, while I was making a deposit to keep some money safe for a few days, well it's fucking safe now!). I'm....going to miss New Comic Day this week. It sucks.

Can I skip the non-Rucka issues at the end?
Oh hell yes. Bruce jones ruins everything like he was prone to do at DC (see also Nightwing)

Just get the first 25 issues. Now near the end they did have a crossover with the outsiders. But I got the series in some trades and during the CMX sale (outside buying the floppies when they came out back in the day). Also everyone has a chess code name metaphor
Wow. I actually enjoyed the MU Uncanny xmen issue. Granted it's mostly because someone really told off Scott which pleased me. And the all new xmen art was cool. Still WAAY too much focus on Jean. Let it go Bendis.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
All this Bojack talk makes me want to finish S2 already so I can click on all these spoilers without problems. Bojack is so good.
Ok sorry for not posting these earlier but I was pretty tired from each day and didnt really have a way to make a proper post, but here is a relatively quick summary of how Space City Comic Con went.

Drove from my base of operations (Austin) to Katy (Houston Suburb) with no A/C around 3. It's hotter than hell in my car. Objective: cover costs of getting table/parking and thow a couple bucks in piggy bank for new compressor.

I was able to get a small print run of the first two chapters of Rage Against the Jackal in time for the convention so I had posters, original artwork and my comic for sale. Thankfully there was enough interest for each to sell reasonably well for my first con outside of Austin.

First, the three original pieces I sold

One guy bought a Mucha study I did and a Morpheous/Sandman piece.

I also said goodbye to this baby. Forgive the scan quality and shitty cell phone pics
The same couple that bought the Kiki piece had me do a Totoro sketch

I did this Wicked Witch of the West piece for a guy who had just gotten through some finals. I believe he was studying to be a lab tech.

I did this Furiosa sketch for a girl who had bought an original Iron Giant piece last year at Austin Wizard World.

This Zatanna piece was a lot of fun to do. I still need to read Blood Spell

Harley Quinn came out kind of creepy looking in this. Probably not Messi approved

This was part of an art jam a guy went around commissioning. These are characters from Martian Manhunter from back in the day IIRC. Mine is the last on the right.

My last commission of the con. I was getting tired. You can kind of tell

Head sketch of The Rock. Came out OK-ish. I think I was in a hurry trying to get through all my commissions.

I also got to do a sketch of my own character from Rage Against the Jackal (Ramzey). At this point, I had run out of ink in my brush pen and my back up brush is trash because I treat it like trash so the inking is very 4/10

There were a few others I didn't get pictures of. I forgot to get one of Iron Chef (Iron Man in a chef outfit) and a few others were portraits of the people who got the pieces or their significant others so I'm not sharing those.

Overall, I did pretty good. Certainly enough to cover costs and it helped to have a remastered version of my book to put in front of people. I had one guy contact me after the show to tell me what he thought of my book.

He called it a 'comic' that 'could be read or not'
Actually, he said he thought the story was original and art was great. Yay! First time I've had someone contact me to tell me what they think of the book

Also, if anybody is interested in reading the comic, you can read it here. I also have physical copies, but they're $7 plus shipping (digital printing is not very efficient in regards to cost) but I can offer a free head sketch in there of any character you want. Just PM me


Anyone checking out Justice League Gods and Monsters this week?

It came out today in the UK, i went and bought it after work. Hopefully it's good I've enjoyed the little shorts on YouTube though apparently they aren't on the disc which is pretty shit.

Hot damn she's so cute, I love her. She's legit one of the biggest reasons I watch Shield they improved her character massively between season 1 and 2. Great show.

I bought volume 3 of the Hellboy library editions and volume 2 of BRPD collections today. Ready to delve back into the Mignolaverse.


So I'm reading classic Fantastic 4 on MU, because why not.

So The Thing is super pissed ALL the time, and he randomly changes back to Ben Grimm at the most inopportune moments.

Dr. Doom's first story involves taking The Invisible Girl hostage, and forcing the others to go back in time so that they can steal Blackbeard's treasure, which contains Merlin's jewels that he can use to take over the world. In the process, it turns out The Thing (in disguise) starts the legend of Blackbeard.

There's a plot where the fantastic four go broke because Reed lost all their money in stock trading, so Namor buys a movie studio just for kicks, and decides to produce a movie about the fantastic four. The movie is just an excuse to embarrass them so he can get with Sue, but they beat him and make the movie anyway, thus recovering their money.

This post made me check out the early FF issues for kicks and I'm actually really enjoying them. Whenever I've checked out 60s comics I find the cheese enjoyable but the get really turned off by the super expository writing and the bland artwork (I know this is inflammatory but I find the Lee/Ditko Spider-Man to be a chore to read)

FF on the other hand is just full of wacky shit and awesome Kirby art. I'm still in the single digits so I'm looking forward to seeing Kirby really take off further down the line.

My favorite revelation is that in the origin story the FF broke into a military base and hijacked the rocket Reed had been working on because they were afraid the Commies would beat them into space. Reed tricking the leader of the Skrulls into not evading Earth by showing him comic book clippings and telling him that the monsters were Earth's warriors was also hilarious.
Hey guys, is there a reading order guide or something for BPRD? Jesus fuck, there are like 97 books labeled "Plague of Frogs." Are there any books not called Plague of Frogs?
This post made me check out the early FF issues for kicks and I'm actually really enjoying them. Whenever I've checked out 60s comics I find the cheese enjoyable but the get really turned off by the super expository writing and the bland artwork (I know this is inflammatory but I find the Lee/Ditko Spider-Man to be a chore to read)

FF on the other hand is just full of wacky shit and awesome Kirby art. I'm still in the single digits so I'm looking forward to seeing Kirby really take off further down the line.

My favorite revelation is that in the origin story the FF broke into a military base and hijacked the rocket Reed had been working on because they were afraid the Commies would beat them into space. Reed tricking the leader of the Skrulls into not evading Earth by showing him comic book clippings and telling him that the monsters were Earth's warriors was also hilarious.

Love classic FF. it's so insane. How about the Namor appearance. From bum to trying to destroy the city with a giant whale.
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