Grant:...the first four issues I wrote they really are utter crap and Ive come to regard them as my idiot children; its impossible to have them painlessly put to sleep at this late stage so theyre out there making a public fool of both themselves and me. Its all so AWFUL. Its my own fault for not trying harder. The thing is, that at the time I wrote the first four issues originally just a mini-series I was so keen for DC to love me and pay me that I simply did work I thought THEY would like, rather than trying to do something to please myself. It was a serious mistake on my part and I pulled out all the dreary old British Comic Writer clichés like poetic captions and tacked on subtext and glaringly obvious panel transitions. Im surprised they let me get away with it.
Mark: Ive noticed that you tend to use the Alan Moore panel transitions a lot.
Grant: Yes, well, I havent been using them for a while now. Alan took that kind of thing to the limit in Watchmen I think and its one of the superficial aspects of his style that a whole new generation of dour copyists is sure to pick up on. The most important lesson anyone can learn from Alans work is simply that he refuses to stand still. Hes constantly thinking about his work and how to improve things and find new perspectives. If new writers could pick up on that, instead of latching onto things like transitions and nine-panel grids then the world would be a much happier place and nothing bad would ever happen again anywhere.
While were talking about those transitions, Id direct your attention to my first ever published story Time Is A Four Letter Word which appeared in 1978 in Near Myths. There you will find Alan Moore panel transitions, repeated motifs, poetic captions, flashbacks, flash forwards and all the other stuff that was apparently only invented in 1982. In fact, I think we should start calling them Grant Morrison panel transitions, dont you?