Thanks for the comment and suggestions.
- I've added the word 'often' in the title.
- The next 2 weren't big enough news to be added: the 1st one is a given as that has been Sony's stance since the beginning, and the 2nd one was just Jim saying that he doesn't have all the info and data to say what he would do. That's like nothing. I've also not added other similar-sized news.
- I disagree. The email shows a clear will to spend Sony out of business and they proved it by spending $80 billion in only 4 years since that email.
- The word 'implies' takes care of that.
- The subsequent content only adds additional context and reported information to explain its importance and why this point is here. It doesn't have any commentary.
- The mobile business part is in the details as part of his original email screenshot. That provides additional context for "why" he suggested it. In my defense, it's nearly impossible to provide complete context in headers only. The subsequent and images are responsible for providing additional context once the header hooks the reader.
- Same as above.
- The text started with "According to Jim Ryan," so it seems trivial and repetitive ... but I've edited the header anyway.
- Because it discusses the present. Gen 8 is behind us by 3 years. This is what they are currently doing on a weekly/monthly basis so the header is 100% accurate.
1st one is a given as that has been Sony's stance since the beginning
This is not true. The initial email from jim ryan and his testimony did not include anything that Bethesda games should stop being exclusive to Microsoft consoles.
- I disagree. The email shows a clear will to spend Sony out of business and they proved it by spending $80 billion in only 4 years since that email.
again, this position is not concluded from the chain of emails, but rather trying to link other things to it. That email alone is clear to what it tries to say and your header is not that.
- The word 'implies' takes care of that.
Again, this is your assumption on the subject and not what is reported. "implies" doesn't mean maybe; it means not stated directly. You are saying that all 17 companies were approached. Unless you have an evidence, please change.
- The subsequent content only adds additional context and reported information to explain its importance and why this point is here. It doesn't have any commentary.
Again, this is your external input into the subject. We can have a better header on how Microsoft is frustrated with not being able to enter the mobile market, or their views on who will be their consumers for xcloud, but our reading of the matter sounds more like conspiracy theory.
- The mobile business part is in the details as part of his original email screenshot. That provides additional context for "why" he suggested it. In my defense, it's nearly impossible to provide complete context in headers only. The subsequent and images are responsible for providing additional context once the header hooks the reader.
I read the emails you posted, and they match more with my reading than your clickbait reduction
Same as above
- Because it discusses the present. Gen 8 is behind us by 3 years. This is what they are currently doing on a weekly/monthly basis so the header is 100% accurate.
it is not. Your title means that microsoft does not ever consider Nintendo console sales ever in their reports.
the picture you linked only shows that how they defined "console Gen9 share" which means they do not include Nintendo switch when they show their sales report of xbox series console and ps5. IT DOES NOT prove that 1) it was the case during gen8 2) won't be the case during new nintendo switch when it is released.