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COMICS! |OT| July 2015. Okay for everyone, unless you're a DC or a Spider-Man.

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E the Shaggy

Junior Member
Also, the Robin timeline brought up something weird.

Isn't the Tim Drake who's currently Batman Beyond an alternate future version of Tim Drake? Is it actually Tim?

Li Kao

For the first time in years I succeeded in defeating my OCD, skipped the metric ton of back-issues I wanted to catch up on, and simply read some actual new comics.
God, it feels good, I hate my OCD.

So I read Convergence and yep, as expected, run of the mill event without the slightest hint of creativity. The damn thing has a giant "shitty commercial event" written on it in a big bold font. Not particularly unpleasant to read, just bland as all hell.

Archie #1 was really nice (my first Archie !), but too much on the forgettable side.
We stand on guard #1 was... well it's Vaughan, it's automatically better than 90% of the week's release. Not a fan of the theme but characters and world building are as brilliant as expected.
I wanted to love Injection to death but really... maybe I will... when I can understand more than two pages in a row. For the time being it's just a more cryptic Planetary. It still have the potential to be wonderful but at the pace the story progresses I fear it will be a while before I can say what I really think of it.
And finally Mythic, one of the two titles I wanted to love. While the first issue seriously fed me up for some reason, I warmed up to the title with issue two. Still I wonder how long Hester will be able to serve the mythology going ballistic formula without getting boring. This need character development asap.
Tim being all cryptic.

Press Release

During Friday’s One on One panel at COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL: SAN DIEGO 2015, JUSTICE LEAGUE writer Geoff Johns revealed his plans for series of one-shots spinning out of his current “Darkseid War” story arc.

Scheduled for October, JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MEN is a series of six single issues focusing on key characters in the Darkseid War and extends their individual conflicts against the backdrop of universal Armageddon, with Darkseid squaring off against the Anti-Monitor:

Batman – Armed with the godlike power of the Mobius Chair, the Dark Knight has taken on the role of Metreon and plans to use the infinite knowledge of this device to turn Gotham City into a completely crime-free zone!

Superman – Corrupted by the weird energies of Apokolips’ fire pits, Superman has been turned into an angry, violent brute. And only one man can possibly save him: Lex Luthor.

Green Lantern – Oa has been conquered and transformed into a Parademon factory and the Green Lantern Corps is no more! Only Hal Jordan remains to follow a distress call from the last active Lantern seen fighting on Oa: John Stewar

Lex Luthor – At last, Lex Luthor, the new ruler of Apokolips, can do what he never could accomplish on Earth: hold the fate of a world in his hands. But his one failure from the “Darkseid War” continues to keep him from the peace he craves – and only a crazed Superman can help him get it!

The Flash – The Flash takes on the role of death’s harbinger, the Black Racer. And the beneficiary of his first visit is Aquaman!

Shazam! – Instead of accessing the powers of the old gods, Billy Batson now commands the combined powers of the New Gods like Highfather, Mantis and others trapped within the Source Wall. And that’s power that no mortal should possess!


Li Kao said:
We stand on guard #1 was... well it's Vaughan, it's automatically better than 90% of the week's release.

Tim being all cryptic.

Press Release

During Friday’s One on One panel at COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL: SAN DIEGO 2015, JUSTICE LEAGUE writer Geoff Johns revealed his plans for series of one-shots spinning out of his current “Darkseid War” story arc.

Scheduled for October, JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MEN is a series of six single issues focusing on key characters in the Darkseid War and extends their individual conflicts against the backdrop of universal Armageddon, with Darkseid squaring off against the Anti-Monitor:

Batman – Armed with the godlike power of the Mobius Chair, the Dark Knight has taken on the role of Metreon and plans to use the infinite knowledge of this device to turn Gotham City into a completely crime-free zone!

Superman – Corrupted by the weird energies of Apokolips’ fire pits, Superman has been turned into an angry, violent brute. And only one man can possibly save him: Lex Luthor.

Green Lantern – Oa has been conquered and transformed into a Parademon factory and the Green Lantern Corps is no more! Only Hal Jordan remains to follow a distress call from the last active Lantern seen fighting on Oa: John Stewar

Lex Luthor – At last, Lex Luthor, the new ruler of Apokolips, can do what he never could accomplish on Earth: hold the fate of a world in his hands. But his one failure from the “Darkseid War” continues to keep him from the peace he craves – and only a crazed Superman can help him get it!

The Flash – The Flash takes on the role of death’s harbinger, the Black Racer. And the beneficiary of his first visit is Aquaman!

Shazam! – Instead of accessing the powers of the old gods, Billy Batson now commands the combined powers of the New Gods like Highfather, Mantis and others trapped within the Source Wall. And that’s power that no mortal should possess!

So....Darksied dies, or is at least dethroned somehow, in The Darkseid War....Johns....*possibly shakes fist*

This makes it sounds like the New Gods get wiped out. That could actually be kinda epic.
Shazam ongoing by Johns and Frank please.


In this day and age, I can't imagine DC thought it was wise to do an one-shot for every member of the League, but Wonder Woman?
We stand on guard #1 was... well it's Vaughan, it's automatically better than 90% of the week's release. Not a fan of the theme but characters and world building are as brilliant as expected.

It seems like nearly impossible to say on the 1st issue as far as brilliance is concerned. It did get me on the hook to read more and that's about all I can hope for out of an issue 1 barring the introduction of a truly stand out protagonist (which I don't think happened here).

Li Kao


Just a light-hearted jab, I'm not a blind fanboy ^_^
Then again, yeah, I don't think I ever read something really bad from BKV. On a personnal level I couldn't finish Runaways vol. 2 but maybe that was me.

It seems like nearly impossible to say on the 1st issue as far as brilliance is concerned. It did get me on the hook to read more and that's about all I can hope for out of an issue 1 barring the introduction of a truly stand out protagonist (which I don't think happened here).

But that was my point. Well, I think it was. The theme of We Stand On Guard couldn't be more uninteresting to me, and yet, Vaughan has enough talent to keep me interested during the whole issue and leave me wanting for more.


You think that's gonna stop people from complaining?


Johns isn't writing them all. Tomasi is doing the Batman one apparently.

I still think this will be the end of Johns run on JL. Four years long and bookended by Darkseid atoriea.

Johns isn't writing them all. Tomasi is doing the Batman one apparently.

I still think this will be the end of Johns run on JL. Four years long and bookended by Darkseid atoriea.

That was my thought as well, especially if he's moving onto another ongoing. He's got so much stuff going on with the DCEU writing duties, TV writing duties, overseeing gaming, cartoons. Now I want to know who will take over.
Lando was really good. Soule nailed Lando's voice, I could hear definitely Billy Dee Williams but its really weird imagining Lobot talking. Loved the fact Lando was
shagging a Moff too.


CBR said:
Brevoort called "Invincible Iron Man" the book to beat, saying that "Iron Man has become the character that is most associated with Marvel. People will argue with me on that, but if you go around the world right now, when people think of Marvel they think of Iron Man.
What a load of crap.
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