Thanks! Already own Sinestro Corps War and Blackest Night so that's at least part of it done.According to Amazon reviews, the omnibi collect the following in this order:
-GL: Rebirth
-GL Corps: Recharge
-GL Vol 1: No Fear
-GL Vol. 2: Revenge of the Green Lanterns
-GL: Wanted - Hal Jordan
-GL: The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 1 *
-GL: The Sinestro Corps War Vol. 2 *
-GL: Tales of the Sinestro Corps
-GL: Rage of the Red Lanterns
-GL: Secret Origin
-GL: Agent Orange
-Blackest Night
-GL: Blackest Night (BN and GL:BN are interspersed between each other in the omnibus)
-Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps
-GL: Brightest Day
-GL: War of the Green Lanterns
-GL Vol. 1: Sinestro
-GL Vol. 2: Revenge of the Black Hand
-GL Vol. 3: The End
-GL: Larfleeze Christmas Special (Not in any collected editions)
* - Might be one single volume on CMX; used to be in two volumes but I believe they put them together at one point
Didn't we already get a Strange/Punisher crossover story in Secret Wars?![]()
Because it worked so well with Original Sin