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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You

Messi with dat inside info.

Okay, on to Hellboy LE Vol.5

I think I'll start picking up BPRD soon. Are the two 400+ page Plague of Frogs TPBs the only two books I need for that arc? And have they started releasing the condensed Hell on Earth books yet?


Messi with dat inside info.

Okay, on to Hellboy LE Vol.5

I think I'll start picking up BPRD soon. Are the two 400+ page Plague of Frogs TPBs the only two books I need for that arc? And have they started releasing the condensed Hell on Earth books yet?

its 4, and no
Messi with dat inside info.

Okay, on to Hellboy LE Vol.5

I think I'll start picking up BPRD soon. Are the two 400+ page Plague of Frogs TPBs the only two books I need for that arc? And have they started releasing the condensed Hell on Earth books yet?

There are five large collected volumes (Plague of Frogs v1 through v4 and 1946-1948).

Hell on Earth has not yet been collected in that format.


Finished X-men Legacy (well, the Legion run), and huh. Really enjoyed it, but I can't help but wonder...
wouldn't this break the hell out of the timeline? Like, I'm sure there's plenty of things that screw with continuity out there, and if nothing else the whole shifting timeline thing does make a mess if you think too hard about it. But I'd have to imagine Legion just straight up going "nope, I never existed" would cause incredibly massive holes in the timeline, even if I'm not too familiar with where he's appeared up until this point. (I would have issues with the fact that him poofing out of existence would undo his good deeds from the run, but it's not too hard to figure that Blindfold could use the knowledge she has to deal with that mess)

But that aside, it was really fun. (Oh, and the stuff with
also feels kind of out of sink with his other comic appearances from around that time, but eh).
It's odd that the two season finales are both pretty awful, for pretty much the same exact reason.

Also, those flips are absolutely disgusting.
I mean I watched until "Return of Zoom" and then I stopped ten minutes into the episode and didn't go back. I watched S2 thinking they'd fix my problems with the show, but they didn't and I got sick of it.
Decided to start in on the Abnett & Lanning GotG omnibus. I love how wacky and zany it is and yet they manage to have it makes sense


semen stains the mountaintops
I've heard good things about it. Never got around to reading that one myself.

These two images sold me on the series.


After seeing that, I knew I had to get it.
yes it is . First time reading it and man is it good.
One of my all time favorite comics. I love it to death. Though it helps that I've never disliked anything by Whedon that I've ingested.
Goddamn it now I might have to re-read the run. You bastard
That was one of the better X-Men books from before Marvel became obsessed with retooling their lineup every year.
It's funny, because from Morrison's New X-Men, up through at least Way's Astonishing run, there aren't a lot of roster changes. They drop/add one or two members every run, but otherwise they stay pretty close to the same. I mean;

Morrison's New X-Men:
Emma Frost
Jean Grey

Whedon's Astonishing X-Men
Emma Frost
-Jean Grey
+Kitty Pryde

Ellis' Astonishing X-Men
Emma Frost
-Kitty Pryde

Way's Astonishing X-Men
Emma Frost

Like I said, up until that point, there aren't too many changes in the teams.


How did Emma even get on the team? I think that happened while I was away from comics.

Emma wanted to beat prof.x at his own game but was a terrible teacher. She admitted defeat to Prof.X went on a lil journey, and then decided to join the x-men in New X-men by Morrison.


One of my all time favorite comics. I love it to death. Though it helps that I've never disliked anything by Whedon that I've ingested.

Goddamn it now I might have to re-read the run. You bastard

It's funny, because from Morrison's New X-Men, up through at least Way's Astonishing run, there aren't a lot of roster changes. They drop/add one or two members every run, but otherwise they stay pretty close to the same. I mean;

Morrison's New X-Men:
Emma Frost
Jean Grey

Whedon's Astonishing X-Men
Emma Frost
-Jean Grey
+Kitty Pryde

Ellis' Astonishing X-Men
Emma Frost
-Kitty Pryde

Way's Astonishing X-Men
Emma Frost

Like I said, up until that point, there aren't too many changes in the teams.
Astonishing has some great dialog and heavy debates. Logan's running gag with beer, and the teachers always fighting among students are great.

Cyclops is a beast
Cyke is the best. Fuck the movies and cartoons.
Astonishing was a classic. At least the Whedon run. It got a bit wacky after he left.

Ellis' run was a lot of fun, if really weird. The Ghost Boxes was fun alternate reality shenanigans and Exogenetic had a lot of weird creature carnage and a fairly interesting and unique villain. Good dialogue and action.

Way's run is garbage.
Cyke is the best. Fuck the movies and cartoons.

Ellis' run was a lot of fun, if really weird. The Ghost Boxes was fun alternate reality shenanigans and Exogenesis had a lot of weird creature carnage and a fairly interesting and unique villain. Good dialogue and action.

Way's run is garbage.

I wasn't even talking about Ghost Boxes specifically. More Xenogenesis (which was also Ellis, I believe). Kaare Andrews anatomy was just bonkers in that story. I think it was a mini, too, as it had its own numbering.
I liked the Ellis stuff, but it was certainly a different tone from the Whedon/Cassaday era, and it was even more perpetually late. And without the hype, and without it affecting most of the books, a lot of people felt it was irrelevant.

I liked Astonishing Spider-Man/Wolverine by Jason Aaron/Adam Kubert, but none of the other Astonishing titles measured up to much. Shame, as you think "top tier creators doing accessible stories with big characters" was a thing that could had more success. DC had a similar thing with All-Star branding. All-Batman and Robin had a killer creative team in Frank Miller and Jim Lee, and we saw how that turned out, on top of being crazy late. All-Star Superman was late too, but its the best Superman story. All-Star Wonder Woman just straight up never fucking happen, thanks Adam Hughes.
Well, on that front alone, this new Betty and Veronica series has gotten further than ASWW ever did.

I like to pretend Wonder Woman: Earth One is ASWW.

Re-read The Dark Knight Returns. You know what? Better than I remember.

I always forget how weird it is. Everybody remembers the cool stuff, the dystopian setting, old badass Batman, "This is an Operating table, and I'm the surgeon", Batman vs Joker one last time, Batman with a gun, Batman vs Superman, etc. They dont remember Ronald Reagan eating jelly beans and talking to Superman like he's some little dog. Or Batman dressing up like a hobo lady to get the drop on a NeoNazi chick with switza over her breasts. Or Superman getting his power drained and there's a totally sincere bizarre scene of him getting his powers back. It's so strange, and its confidence is backed by its incredible comic craftsmanship.

Batman dressed like a fat old lady is the hero we deserve. I admire how out-there TDKR got. There was a time when Frank Miller's overindulgence was actually a good thing.
It's also a more optimistic comic than I or history seems to remember it. Bruce Wayne as Batman is just having fun, feeling alive again as he embarks on this grand suicide mission until the end, which is suddenly life affirming.

A weird thing I can't wrap my head around was this infamous scene.

Throughout the entire comic Batman is still very much "I don't kill". He says it over and over, the talking heads say he doesn't kill anyone, and in the climax of the Joker fight he still can't bring himself to kill The Joker. So what happened here? Did he shoot the wall attempting to intimidate the mutant? There's seems to be a blood splatter. Was it a shoulder wound? Maybe. Miller is usually really good at communicating visually throughout the comic that I can almost believe that this is meant to be ambiguous.


I liked the Ellis stuff, but it was certainly a different tone from the Whedon/Cassaday era, and it was even more perpetually late. And without the hype, and without it affecting most of the books, a lot of people felt it was irrelevant.

I liked Astonishing Spider-Man/Wolverine by Jason Aaron/Adam Kubert, but none of the other Astonishing titles measured up to much. Shame, as you think "top tier creators doing accessible stories with big characters" was a thing that could had more success. DC had a similar thing with All-Star branding. All-Batman and Robin had a killer creative team in Frank Miller and Jim Lee, and we saw how that turned out, on top of being crazy late. All-Star Superman was late too, but its the best Superman story. All-Star Wonder Woman just straight up never fucking happen, thanks Adam Hughes.

I still like All Star Batman, it's Frank Miller being paid what was probably an ungodly amount of money to do Frank Miller Batman and he turns in what basically amounts to a farce that ends up being meticulously drawn by Jim Lee in what's probably gonna end up being the best work of his career. The projects that were supposed to come after Batman and Robin though -- ASWW's probably one of those things that works better in our heads than in real life and after that we got... Geoff Johns Batgirl lol

That said All-Star Section Eight fuckin amazing
People constantly say that is a shoulder wound but I think it's meant to be ambiguous. Personally I think the Batman no-kill rule should be a bit flexible. I don't wrack my head over the logic or anything lol but it just seems so antiquated considering the city he is in and the shit he has to deal with.

Also Bruce was a real shit in that. Alfred has a heart attack at Bruce's grave thinking he's dead, while the dude is under his very feet just chilling with his bros lol. Christian Bale was a kinder Wayne.
I wasn't even talking about Ghost Boxes specifically. More Xenogenesis (which was also Ellis, I believe). Kaare Andrews anatomy was just bonkers in that story. I think it was a mini, too, as it had its own numbering.
I haven't read Xenogenesis yet, but I've seen the art and it looks fucking terrible. Astonishing art takes a dip after Cassaday.
I liked the Ellis stuff, but it was certainly a different tone from the Whedon/Cassaday era, and it was even more perpetually late. And without the hype, and without it affecting most of the books, a lot of people felt it was irrelevant.

I liked Astonishing Spider-Man/Wolverine by Jason Aaron/Adam Kubert, but none of the other Astonishing titles measured up to much. Shame, as you think "top tier creators doing accessible stories with big characters" was a thing that could had more success. DC had a similar thing with All-Star branding. All-Batman and Robin had a killer creative team in Frank Miller and Jim Lee, and we saw how that turned out, on top of being crazy late. All-Star Superman was late too, but its the best Superman story. All-Star Wonder Woman just straight up never fucking happen, thanks Adam Hughes.
That book is amazing and godlike.
I always forget how weird it is. Everybody remembers the cool stuff, the dystopian setting, old badass Batman, "This is an Operating table, and I'm the surgeon", Batman vs Joker one last time, Batman with a gun, Batman vs Superman, etc. They dont remember Ronald Reagan eating jelly beans and talking to Superman like he's some little dog. Or Batman dressing up like a hobo lady to get the drop on a NeoNazi chick with switza over her breasts. Or Superman getting his power drained and there's a totally sincere bizarre scene of him getting his powers back. It's so strange, and its confidence is backed by its incredible comic craftsmanship.

Superman getting his powers back via killing sunflowers in a field always made me feel like Frank really didn't like Superman.
Slice n Dice!

He ain't no shiv!


Elektra by Peter Milligan worth it? I will buy it for the art from Deodato alone, but is the story good?

Bendis New Avengers getting the Ultimate Collection treatement with three Completes in three months. Never saw them releasing that stuff so fast.

Secret Empire finally getting a reprint.

Avengers: Iniative Complete coming

New Mutants Epic

Excalibur Epic (In Line with the Captain Britain TV show?)

Lot of cool leaks already.
I always thought it was a shoulder wound. There was no head shot, commissioner yodel never mentioned he killed anyone, and he goes to so many extremes NOT to kill anybody, to the point he fires rubber bullets at an army of Mutants and cant even kill the Joker when he nothing left to lose and he just murdered a whole crowd of people.

Superman getting his powers back via killing sunflowers in a field always made me feel like Frank really didn't like Superman.

He stated as much going back to the '86 Comic Journal interview about the Dark Knight Returns. He looks at Superman the way Lex Luthor does, in that "I can fly, and you can't!", all-powerful, all-knowing, better than everybody God that he can't wait to take down a few notches.

I seriously think The Dark Knight Returns is the pivot point in Batman becoming DC's most popular character over Superman. Its only after DKR does Batman two ongoings start outselling Superman's ongoings. Its only after that Tim Burton's Batman and the ensuring Batmania that swept 1989 happen. Its only after that they felt the need to kill Superman off in a bid to make him seem relevant. It was that book that said Batman is cool, and Superman is a big lame guy


Elektra by Peter Milligan worth it?

As a fan of both Peter Milligan and Elektra...HELL NO
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