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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You

One of my all time favorite comics. I love it to death. Though it helps that I've never disliked anything by Whedon that I've ingested.

Goddamn it now I might have to re-read the run. You bastard

It's funny, because from Morrison's New X-Men, up through at least Way's Astonishing run, there aren't a lot of roster changes. They drop/add one or two members every run, but otherwise they stay pretty close to the same. I mean;

Morrison's New X-Men:
Emma Frost
Jean Grey

Whedon's Astonishing X-Men
Emma Frost
-Jean Grey
+Kitty Pryde

Ellis' Astonishing X-Men
Emma Frost
-Kitty Pryde

Way's Astonishing X-Men
Emma Frost

Like I said, up until that point, there aren't too many changes in the teams.

Literally the best thing Whedon has ever written across all media, all shows and movies included.

Absolute perfection.
to be fair, so is civil war 1

no, but work is really slow right now cuz the manager aint even come in she so tired from July 4th, so we just fucking around talking about Kevin Durant, Hillary Clinton, and browsing NeoGAF


I mean, like, not in so many words? But he's all about the strongman politics, the belittling of political opponents, ruthless capitalism, and white nationalism, so it's like... if "Trump's politics" and "Facism" were represented in a venn diagram, it's be like 90% overlap, broadly speaking.
I have more the feeling that he is a racist and authorian, which doenst necessary mean that he is a facist, who really wants to install a dictatorship (I am sure he would not even be smart enough to accomplish this).
The only times I really thought that he really went into these areas was when he befrinded himself with these Ku Klux Klan people and even there I am not sure if this is just to get the votes of southstate hillbillys.
Not that it would make it better.


That logo bothers me, will probably read it on MU since i haven't even started Waid's Avengers on there yet. I have no confidence in these books.
my pet theory is that Waid took on the Avengers job knowing full well he could reteam with Ramos for the Marvel version of Impulse a year later.


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I asked Jeremy Haun on Twitter about the art on The Beauty. He says going forward he will be rotating artists and he will pop in and do an issue here and there where time permits. His next issue is #12. He will continue co-writing the book. He also told me he is working on a new creator owned book that he will be announcing soon.

Just now saw this. Sub cancelled.

When you are as picky about art as I am there is nothing more annoying than rotating artists. It's like playing Russian roulette with one empty chamber.

Went ahead and stopped my Pretty Deadly and Rat Queens subs too.
Man, that first cover makes it look like they're all floating.

Probably not picking it up.

Ramos seems to hate shadows so his perspective is so wonky. Peep that ASM #688 where it looks like a cardboard cutout of Black Cat is laying on top of DD/Spidey instead of standing over them all Girl Power like


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
my pet theory is that Waid took on the Avengers job knowing full well he could reteam with Ramos for the Marvel version of Impulse a year later.


Did that dude do work on Phalanx Covenant back in the day? That is the first thing that pops into my head when looking at that cover.
I really hope the relaunched/follow-ups to the solo books look/sound better because thus far with 2 of the team books showed my only thought is "Oh neat, one of Ewings books got a second chance".


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
oh shit Vision's kid? thats awesome

edit: Ramos? noooooooooo what about my Extraordinary? ;_;
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