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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You

He stated as much going back to the '86 Comic Journal interview about the Dark Knight Returns. He looks at Superman the way Lex Luthor does, in that "I can fly, and you can't!", all-powerful, all-knowing, better than everybody God that he can't wait to take down a few notches.

I seriously think The Dark Knight Returns is the pivot point in Batman becoming DC's most popular character over Superman. Its only after DKR does Batman two ongoings start outselling Superman's ongoings. Its only after that Tim Burton's Batman and the ensuring Batmania that swept 1989 happen. Its only after that they felt the need to kill Superman off in a bid to make him seem relevant. It was that book that said Batman is cool, and Superman is a big lame guy

I didn't know he ever straight up said, but it was easily inferred through his writing. I always thought the idea that Supes could steal solar energy from things like plants in order to restore his own reserves, but he didn't use it because it kills things. Like waterbenders in Avatar The Last Airbender. Then again, it wouldn't make sense with Superman's power set.


To this day, one of the funniest things about Batman is how they didn't make Cesar Romero shave his mustache for the Joker.
I always thought it was a shoulder wound. There was no head shot, commissioner yodel never mentioned he killed anyone, and he goes to so many extremes NOT to kill anybody, to the point he fires rubber bullets at an army of Mutants and cant even kill the Joker when he nothing left to lose and he just murdered a whole crowd of people.

He stated as much going back to the '86 Comic Journal interview about the Dark Knight Returns. He looks at Superman the way Lex Luthor does, in that "I can fly, and you can't!", all-powerful, all-knowing, better than everybody God that he can't wait to take down a few notches.

I seriously think The Dark Knight Returns is the pivot point in Batman becoming DC's most popular character over Superman. Its only after DKR does Batman two ongoings start outselling Superman's ongoings. Its only after that Tim Burton's Batman and the ensuring Batmania that swept 1989 happen. Its only after that they felt the need to kill Superman off in a bid to make him seem relevant. It was that book that said Batman is cool, and Superman is a big lame guy


As a fan of both Peter Milligan and Elektra...HELL NO

Yeah Superman's image has taken a beating in the last 30 years. I know before I had started reading comics that Batman was my favorite DC hero, but now I'd put him below Flash, Superman and Shazam. I'm just glad that Flash is getting recognition now and hopefully the DCEU movies make more characters popular.

It's funny people base their opinion of Superman on that, considering how many times Bats has been a dick throughout the dc universe, in comparison to Superman. Even in the TDKR, Clark wasn't happy that he had to fight Bruce, it's implied that he went along with Batman's plan.


Whatever about Hickman's writing and world building in East of West. The real stars of the book are Nick Dragotta and Frank Martin. Their art is fucking incredible.
Whatever about Hickman's writing and world building in East of West. The real stars of the book are Nick Dragotta and Frank Martin. Their art is fucking incredible.

The art is more likely to get people's attention early on, no? I mean, it's a hard book to understand at first but it's pretty rewarding when you do. I'll say Dragotta's art in EoW grabs me more than a lot of his other work does.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
No Mercy #9 - This is one of those titles that really feels like it should have been a mini-series. This issue was an ok character flashback. It was basically a non-funny version of the episode of South Park where Butters got sent away to christian camp because he was bi-curious.


paper girls as best new series? lol please.

Mike Del Mundo, ELEKTRA, Marvel Comics for best cover artist please

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me

____ Jordie Bellaire, INJECTION, Image Comics


____ PAPER GIRLS, Image Comics


____ Tom King, THE VISION, Marvel Comics


____ Chip Zdarsky, HOWARD THE DUCK, Marvel Comics


____ Fiona Staples, SAGA, Image Comics


____ SAGA, Image Comics


____ Brian K. Vaughan, SAGA, Image Comics


____ Fiona Staples, SAGA, Image Comics

paper girls as best new series? lol please.

If they were only going to nominate one Image book it really should have been Monstress. But it seems like BKV and his books are the lazy choice for Image titles.


PoliticalComicGAF, was this thing a couple of weeks ago meant seriously, when everyone claimed that Trump promotes facism? I mean, you americans have a strange idea what socialism is, so I wasnt sure.


PoliticalComicGAF, was this thing a couple of weeks ago meant seriously, when everyone claimed that Trump promotes facism? I mean, you americans have a strange idea what socialism is, so I wasnt sure.

People get uncomfortable when they hear strength in a presidential candidate and throw out all these ism terms.
The worst part about Civil War II is that I agree with Slayven on Captain Marvel now.

Also, fuck Tony. This event is managing to focus on all the worst characters.
PoliticalComicGAF, was this thing a couple of weeks ago meant seriously, when everyone claimed that Trump promotes facism? I mean, you americans have a strange idea what socialism is, so I wasnt sure.

I mean, like, not in so many words? But he's all about the strongman politics, the belittling of political opponents, ruthless capitalism, and white nationalism, so it's like... if "Trump's politics" and "Facism" were represented in a venn diagram, it's be like 90% overlap, broadly speaking.
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