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COMICS! |OT| July 2016. Everyone Loves A Hero, Everyone Loves You


I thought Bleach was going to next year but to my surprise it ends next week...

Wait, the hell? Ugh, even assuming that means in terms pirated copies that are a week ahead because people leak them (because I'd think Weekly Shonen Jump would mention that in their next issue section) and I thus have 2 issues to read before it ends, that means the series is ending on a damn underdone final fight. As in, that may make this the worst "finale" fight in the series, even weaker then the end of the Fullbring stuff. Like, I figured that
Aizen pulling a switch for Ichigo to land a hit
was the start of a counterattack, not the damn (possibly near) final blow. Not that Bleach has been exactly been making for a great read anyway, but that's still super disappointing.

Oh well, getting started on Deadly Class now for the first time, so that should be good at least.
The latest issue of Archie was freaking amazing, it's incredible how much quality it continues to deliver. Those last two pages pack so many details into the

Archie admitting he's a screw up

Betty blaming his clumsiness on Veronica, although we know he's always been this way

Archie once again being shitty to Betty by telling her that he likes Veronica because she knows who she is, reminding her that her trying to fit in was somehow wrong. Archie's a jerk for this.

Other great moments, Jughead stealing a fry, and poor Sayid in the background when Betty is telling Archie to "fix this"

Such a good book

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me


Yea if his origin wasn't super crazy or really good than his name is wasted. I was hoping he would be like Carnage.

Edit: Suicide Squad preview is up.


They made Waller fat again. Thanks to the movies.

Hmm...pumped for the creative team, but I don't know if a long winded conversation between Amanda Waller and the president is the best way to start a Suicide Squad run.

My complete comic related haul from NYC+DnA!GotG omnibus-my Harley t-shirt:

Nice! Some great stuff there.

I was like... I just finished batman and Robin Eternal and it was really great. Moved onto Detective rebirth and was like this us awesome and it feels like a continuation of that story. I didn't realize James Tynion IV wrote both or outlined the larger story ect. That dude is talented .

He has really impressed me. Detective is beyond solid.


Ok let me tell you how this guy took BP to an higher level than anyone else before. This is not the BP we come to know and love. This is a battered King who has lost almost everything he has cared about, and is trying to get it back.I am conflicted because I am used to BP rekting fools, and delivering chilling lines. Not BP being humbled every issue, but somehow Coates made me love this BP too

Black Panther #3

Hands down this issue right here is what made me a believer of Coates. The writing was honestly on part if not better than Vision. The symbolism, the way the words flowed like poetry, and the different goals of the people of Wakanda...like by the end of the book
when the rain started falling on the father and child...legit shook
almost teared up.

-Stelfreeze and Laura Martin did an outstanding job on the art and colors this issue. Now I know why this issue was delayed. BP art was always solid but they took it up a notch.

T'challa and
have it rough both finding themselves one in the living and the other in the

right now we have several factions trying to do what they think is best for their Home. This is how you do inner fighting. Dora Milaje wanting justice for their people, BP trying to restore his former reign, and then Tetu/zenzi wanting a revolution.

5/5 one of the most powerful Marvel issues I have ever read.

Black Panther #4


Speechless! Queen Ramonda Delivered the biggest words of wisdom ever.

T'challa saw being the king and protecting his people as a burden. He always had one foot in the door, never fully committed to Wakanda like everyone else has. He doesn't see it as an honor but as an burden. Like damn The queen made me stop reading and think for a hot minute
Had to stop right there and reflect on T'challa's journey, and realized the queen was right.

Also those last couple of pages were chilling and was basically a better version of Superman in the court room.
terrorist bombing was crazy, and you know Black Panther won't tolerate his mother being injured
Prepare for war! both sides are about to go the extreme.
Coates has delivered an amazing reading experience that has numerous layers. This is one of those books that makes you sit and think life. One of those books that make you look out for your brother and sisters. Listen I won't outright say this is better than vision because that wouldn't be fair but I can safely say it is on par with the best books in the market.

5/5 Coates has proved he can hang with the best writers. Bring on the second arc


I like how there's a group of Black Panther fans that think Coates is the devil and hate how he was portrayed in the movie.


I like how there's a group of Black Panther fans that think Coates is the devil and hate how he was portrayed in the movie.

The only thing I was't quite a fan of was his theme music with the flutes. It was a little too on the nose, otherwise he stole the show. Comic book fans will always be the hardest to please.

Coogler is actually a huge fan of Black Panther by Coates

Black Panther Director Ryan Coogler: Ta-Nehisi Coates Has ‘Absolutely’ Influenced the Movie

“Oh, I love it, man,” the filmmaker said when I asked him what he thinks of the series. “I mean, he’s my favorite writer right now in the world. Since being turned on to his work, I’m reading everything that he does. His nonfiction work, especially. But what he’s doing with Panther is just incredible. You can really see his background as a poet in some of the dialogue. And what Brian Stelfreeze is doing with the visuals in that book. And some of the questions that it’s asking. It’s just inspiring for [co-screenwriter] Joe Robert Cole and myself."

don't get me wrong, Vision is better, but I can only say that atm because BP just hit #4 while Vision is nearing the home plate.


I am really enjoying Civil War II. Cool book so far. Nice work by Bendis and Marquez so far. Even if Carol is being a petulant child.


Black Panther is maybe? the smartest book running right now. Like, the stuff it's dealing with, the way it uses its characters to talk about way bigger things, like the nature of states and nations, and where people fit in that. Power and all those things. There's a continuity with the rest of Coates' work in a way, and not only is that dope as hell, it's also maybe the smartest decision Marvel have made in the All-New All-Different Era.


Black Panther is maybe? the smartest book running right now. Like, the stuff it's dealing with, the way it uses its characters to talk about way bigger things, like the nature of states and nations, and where people fit in that. Power and all those things. There's a continuity with the rest of Coates' work in a way, and not only is that dope as hell, it's also maybe the smartest decision Marvel have made in the All-New All-Different Era.
You said better than I could.

BP does so many things and does them in such a natural way that it doesn't hinder the flow of the book.

Probably no coins, then.
I thought Nintendo ended the whole coin/reward thing
oh brother. glad I never got into that stuff.
Even though it's more complicated, you get better stuff easier.

I had a year off Nintendo stuff because I had to sell a ton of stuff last summer for an emergency car repair, including my Wii U and 3DS. I only just now got a 2DS again recently, and got some digital games with a $50 eShop card. Spending that much got me two Virtual Console games free, and I still have points left over that have me close to a third.

Then there's a different kind of coin that you get for logging into their various sites once a week and staying signed up for promo emails. With those coins, I'll be able to get that Zelda Picross game in two weeks.

You can also get coins from playing that Miitomo thing on your phone, but it's so incredibly bad that no one should ever do that.

I wish there was a rewards program for digital comics.
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