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COMICS! |OT| June 2013. Nothing can stop the Juggernaut! ...except E3 BREAKING NEWS.

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Matt Kindt's Martian Manhunter focused JLA backups have been just stellar. He just gets MMH. To have him writing the main book for five issues while still focusing on MMH is probably the smartest move DC has made in a long time. I think he's proven his calibre.

As I said in the May thread, you can thank me and my one man Twitter campaign. I will gladly take full credit for this fantastic development.


I'll say this : DC might be in all kinds of doldrums, but Geoff Johns can still fucking sell me on an event. This sounds all kinds of fucking crazy in the best fucking way.
Since you've worked your magic once, how about getting us Booster Gold, Shazam and a new Legion book?

Hoping for Booster Gold and Shazam to eventuate in September solicitations next Monday.

I'll say this : DC might be in all kinds of doldrums, but Geoff Johns can still fucking sell me on an event. This sounds all kinds of fucking crazy in the best fucking way.

I couldn't agree more. I think part of that is because Geoff Johns was my gateway to comics. I have a special fondness for his work so to speak. The fact that the heroes have all but being taken out of the game and this is the villains' big win, is all kinds of crazy as you say. I'm guessing since this spins out of Trinity War, that
whatever is Pandora's box messes with the heroes on a major scale.


If you do end up reading his short run on Frankenstein, I've love to hear what you think.

I think that's what I'll read first: I LOVED how Morrison wrote the character in Seven Soldiers, heck his issues are prob. my most read of that story XD.

Frankenstein should've been in Injustice =/
So, Trinity War ended up being reduced to a prologue to the actual big crossover event. Not surprised, but I didn't think the event would come immediately after TW.
I could actually see Booster spinning out of the Forever Evil: ARGUS mini. Let's not forget that future Booster from the JLI annual wore an ARGUS jacket...

That much is true. Maybe each of the Forever Evil mini-series will become an on-going on conclusion. So ARGUS becomes Booster Gold, Arkham War becomes another Batman related on-going, as with Rogues but for Flash.


Since you've worked your magic once, how about getting us Booster Gold, Shazam and a new Legion book?

Hahaha, I hear "work your twitter magic" so much from a friend of mine after starting a conversation between Johns and Simone about if Aquaman could control King Shark. Sadly it remained unresolved.

As an aside, I will say comic creators are super friendly on twitter. I've conversed with quite a few of them on multiple occasions.
Hahaha, I hear "work your twitter magic" so much from a friend of mine after starting a conversation between Johns and Simone about if Aquaman could control King Shark. Sadly it remained unresolved.

As an aside, I will say comic creators are super friendly on twitter. I've conversed with quite a few of them on multiple occasions.

Charles Soule is one of the friendliest writers I've encountered on Twitter. He nearly always responds to my tweets on a conversational level.







First time listing in a GAF Comic thread!

Batman and Robin Volume 2: Pearl HC
Detective Comics #21 Combo Pack
Earth Two #13
Swamp Thing #21

Locke & Key: Omega #5

Age of Ultron #9
All New X-Men #12
Avengers #13
Iron Man #11
Superior Spider-Man #11

Was Animal Man pushed back this month? I just realised it's not on release lists for this week.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I just thought about it--this Forever Evil event sounds kind of like Salvation Run, where all the villains were just transported to some other planet and tried to survive.

Also, has Plasticman showed up in the New52? 'Cause if not, somebody should grab him and take him to weird places.
I just thought about it--this Forever Evil event sounds kind of like Salvation Run, where all the villains were just transported to some other planet and tried to survive.

I remember that. That was fun. So was Villains United.

Infinite Crisis, man. Everything about that book, the lead up, the execution. Perfection.


Joker's cover is awesome

How can Joker have his face when his daughter Jokerette or whatever they're calling her has his face?

Also, Batman tied up again. I expect to see him tied up on Wonder Woman's cover too.


Because reasons.


Pizza Dog
Oh yeah, I forgot it was list day. Great week for me, bad week for my wallet:

Abe Sapien Dark & Terrible #3
All-New X-Men #12
Astro City #1
Avengers #13
Avengers Arena #10
East of West #3
Iron Man #11
Superior Spider-Man #11
Ten Grand #2

Most anticipated of the week for me are Arena, Ten Grand, SSM and new Astro City.


How can Joker have his face when his daughter Jokerette or whatever they're calling her has his face?

Also, Batman tied up again. I expect to see him tied up on Wonder Woman's cover too.


Because reasons.

Keep shipping that and fighting the good fight Spike.
From Newsarama:

The tie-in books, again launching in October, will be three five-issue mini-series, though Forever Evil will also reach into several DC Comics ongoing series with tie-in issues in Teen Titans, Suicide Squad, and more.

Given Dan Didio and Jim Lee stated there were 52 books part of the Villains month, it sounds as though there will indeed be seven new books and the mini-series are not counting towards that total.


Anyways, LISTS rule everything around me:
-Astro City #1
-Detective Comics #21
-Dial H #13
-Earth 2 #13
-Green Arrow #21
-Green Lantern #21
-Swamp Thing #21
-East of West #3
-Age of Ultron #9
-All New X-Men #12
-Avengers #13
-Cable and X-Force #9
-Iron Man #11
-X-Factor #257
-Archer and Armstrong #10
Anyways, LISTS rule everything around me:

-Astro City #1
-Detective Comics #21
-Dial H #13 - Trade waiting this title has been difficult.
-Earth 2 #13
-Green Arrow #21 - This one too.
-Green Lantern #21
-Swamp Thing #21 - I loved Snyder's run on Swamp Thing despite some pacing problems, especially towards the end, but Soule has just knocked it out of the park. I was ready to drop this with Snyder's last issue but boy am I glad I stuck around.
-East of West #3
-Age of Ultron #9
-All New X-Men #12
-Avengers #13
-Cable and X-Force #9
-Iron Man #11
-X-Factor #257
-Archer and Armstrong #10

I hope you can offer impressions on Green Lantern #21. I'm still undecided as to whether I want to do floppy, trade or digital. First impressions count. Otherwise, how has Green Arrow been? I'm a fan of the creative team and I love the direction the series has taken.
Quick question about selling a signed comic, from someone that knows nothing about this stuff:

I got the "free" issue of Walking Dead #1 at Wizard World Philly over the weekend, and got it signed by the cover artist Julian Tedesco. I'm seeing people selling these (with the same signature) on Ebay for $20+. There are others being sold (for a lot more) graded as CGC "Signature Series," which I think require a CGC rep to be present during the actual signing.

Can I now get the comic graded, after it was signed (without the presence of a CGC rep)? Or will they dock a ton of points for the unverified signature?

Do these con variants end up appreciating in value generally, or should I not expect it to go up?

If its $20-$30 now I'll just hang onto it, but if that value might end up going down I'll sell it.

I knew it probably had some value when girls were standing by the entrance giving people $5 for their comics on the spot. My friends sold theirs and thought I was stupid for not taking the beer money.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
What is the current status of this book?

When it first launched, the first, like, 20 issues or so were some of my favorite shit ever. Writing was so good and the continuity was so tight and the art was great. It really seemed like this universe had been there so long and we were just peeking in now. (note: It seems that effect is SUPER hard to do)

Is it still up to that standard or has it slipped?

Seems like you lost it at Local Heroes and so on, which keeps the standard pretty well. The stories are good, IMO. (I'm not very compelled by the Dark Ages arc in comparasion of stories like Tarnished Angel and Confession, but Shining Stars and Local Heroes are great reads.) Here's a list of the collected volumes if you want to get on par with the series along with the new on-going volume (which, like most Astro City stories, will serve as self-contained arcs and a good jumping point for new readers)

Astro City: Life in the Big City (ISBN 1-56389-551-X, collects Astro City Vol. 1 #1-6)
Astro City: Family Album (ISBN 1-56389-552-8, collects Astro City Vol. 2 #1-3, 10-13)
Astro City: Confession (ISBN 1-56389-550-1, collects Astro City Vol. 2 #1/2, 4-9)
Astro City: Tarnished Angel (ISBN 1-56389-663-X, collects Astro City Vol. 2 #14-20)
Astro City: Local Heroes (ISBN 1401202845, collects Astro City Vol. 2 #21-22, Astro City: Local Heroes #1-5, Astro City Special: Supersonic, "Since the Fire")
Astro City: The Dark Age Book One: Brothers and Other Strangers (ISBN 9781401220778, collects Astro City: The Dark Age Vol. 1 #1-4, Vol. 2 #1-4)
Astro City: The Dark Age Book Two: Brothers in Arms (ISBN 1401228437, collects Astro City: The Dark Age Vol. 3 #1-4, Vol. 4 #1-4)
Astro City: Shining Stars (ISBN 978-1401229849, collects Astro City: Samaritan Special, Astro City: Astra #1-2, Astro City: Silver Agent #1-2 and Astro City: Beautie #1.)


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Geez, I wasn't expecting Villain's Month to turn into a seven month event involving four dedicated books.


I might switch to digital with DC instead of pre-ordering their books from dcbs.

I'll still get Aquaman, Batman combo pack, Green Lantern combo maybe, Superman Unchained combo for six issues, and Wonder Woman. Everything else will be a wait and see basis starting with Trinity War which i didn't pre-order since JLD jumped to 3.99. It kind of sucks though since trade-waiting DC is almost not an option due to how long it takes for books to come out, by that time i don't care anymore.


Seems like you lost it at Local Heroes and so on, which keeps the standard pretty well. The stories are good, IMO. (I'm not very compelled by the Dark Ages arc in comparasion of stories like Tarnished Angel and Confession, but Shining Stars and Local Heroes are great reads.) Here's a list of the collected volumes if you want to get on par with the series along with the new on-going volume (which, like most Astro City stories, will serve as self-contained arcs and a good jumping point for new readers)


Busiek still writes everything?


Quick question about selling a signed comic, from someone that knows nothing about this stuff:

I got the "free" issue of Walking Dead #1 at Wizard World Philly over the weekend, and got it signed by the cover artist Julian Tedesco. I'm seeing people selling these (with the same signature) on Ebay for $20+. There are others being sold (for a lot more) graded as CGC "Signature Series," which I think require a CGC rep to be present during the actual signing.

Can I now get the comic graded, after it was signed (without the presence of a CGC rep)? Or will they dock a ton of points for the unverified signature?

Do these con variants end up appreciating in value generally, or should I not expect it to go up?

If its $20-$30 now I'll just hang onto it, but if that value might end up going down I'll sell it.

I knew it probably had some value when girls were standing by the entrance giving people $5 for their comics on the spot. My friends sold theirs and thought I was stupid for not taking the beer money.

You will only get a Green "Qualified" Label instead of a Yellow Signature Series label since CGC did not witness the signing. Those are in much lower demand and bring lower prices, so it may not be worth the slabbing fees involved.


Justice League #20: Twenty issues into Johns' Justice League and it's an unremarkable book, especially now that it's setting up a JLoA vs Justice League dynamic, seemingly for preemptive reasons for book logic, but we know Trinity War is coming so they have to fight. At the end of this issue there is no "to be continued", but a message to read issue #5 of JLoA to see who they select to combat Firestorm.

Who cares? I have one issue left before i stopped pre-ordering through dcbs, Trinity War better get amazing reviews/gaf love or this could be the end of me following DC for a bit.


So on DC's website they have a preview for Earth 2 and Hawkgirl has apparently magically switched from being Kendra Saunders to Shiera Saunders. What?


East of West #3

I don't really have any idea what's going on yet, but this is going to be an amazing series.


Astro City #1
East of West #3
Superior Spidey #11

Going to give Astro City a try based on all the love in here, DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME GAF. Dropped Invincible Universe. Realized I really only care about the main book, I find a lot of those tertiary characters to be pretty boring.

Abe Sapien Dark & Terrible #3
Age of Ultron #9
All-New X-Men #12
Astro City #1
Avengers #13
Avengers Arena #10
East of West #3
Empowered Special #4 (MR) Animal Style
Locke & Key: Omega #5 (of 7)
Superior Spider-Man #11
Supermag (!!!!!!!)
Winter Soldier #19
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