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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project


Civil War 2 is already off to a BENDIS start!

Leaks were real.

Is anyone gonna do a OT for it or is this piece of shit not worthy of it?
Civil War 2 is already off to a BENDIS start!

Leaks were real.

Is anyone gonna do a OT for it or is this piece of shit not worthy of it?

Here we go!! He we go!!!!

The beacons are lit! The armies of Bendis Hate swarm amongst the armies of Marvel Event Hate and....what's this I hear? Can Clan Comics Are Too Expensive be far behind?




So IDW just announced a mega-Hasbro crossover series, Revolution



I... really don't see any way in which the existing GI Joe and Transformers books can be reconciled, continuity wise.

EDIT: To be honest, the more I think about it the more stupid this gets. The events of All Hail Megatron are pretty incompatible with trying to tell any human based stories in that universe outside of hard sci-fi.
First of all, the art was fantastic. But more importantly, it returned to the roots of what made Green Arrow such a unique character in the first place - it focuses hugely on how he's a left-wing liberal trying to make the streets safer for the more impoverished community. Add in some great dialogue and interactions with Black Canary, and it's really just a fantastic read that captures the spirit of GA much more than anyone has for the past decade.

More importantly, is this the ElNarez book of the week?


People kinda lukewarm on Batman Rebirth? I dunno, I genuinely thought it was a good introductory tale for someone like myself who is a new fan of King's and a moderate Batman fan. Easily digestible, didn't focus a whole lot on any giant storyline, just great art and something that'll ease us into post-Nu52 bats.

Calling bullshit on one thing though:

dude is doing pull ups on metal in "135 degree weather"? His hands would have been absolutely scalding. Last I checked he wasn't Targaryen born.


that final page of Casanova,
"Come on Luther"
was pure fucking magic, and you should really find it in you to read Casanova in order to get it


What do I need to read before I get Batman Rebirth?

I've heard a lot about some of the revelations it'll have so I'm tempted to pick this up today.


People kinda lukewarm on Batman Rebirth? I dunno, I genuinely thought it was a good introductory tale for someone like myself who is a new fan of King's and a moderate Batman fan. Easily digestible, didn't focus a whole lot on any giant storyline, just great art and something that'll ease us into post-Nu52 bats.

Calling bullshit on one thing though:

dude is doing pull ups on metal in "135 degree weather"? His hands would have been absolutely scalding. Last I checked he wasn't Targaryen born.

My biggest complaint was that it didn't feel like a Tom King book at all, if his name wasn't on the book I would have just assumed it was another Snyder issue. It wasn't bad, but was definitely my least favorite of the four Rebirth issues.


My biggest complaint was that it didn't feel like a Tom King book at all, if his name wasn't on the book I would have just assumed it was another Snyder issue. It wasn't bad, but was definitely my least favorite of the four Rebirth issues.

Can't wait for Green Arrow though! I'll try to read it on my lunch.
Batman Rebirth definitely felt like another Snyder one-off story. Presumably once we get to the actual meat and potatoes King will make himself better felt.

Superman Rebirth wasn't really "hype," but still quite enjoyable. There's a sense of reflection through the book, which made it a very mellow but quite interesting read.


Batman Rebirth was lame outside of the art. Kinda just left me feeling meh. King is gonna have to work hard to make me like Duke.
Batman being lukewarm makes me think they really shouldnt have had King and Snyder co-write. Maybe it still wouldn't have been much with King alone but at least it may feel more different and like a start of something if King could do it alone. I guess Snyder doing All-Star in continuity means he needs some stake in the start as well though? Eh...


Please keep the Batman Rebirth hype going, can't wait to get my dcbs shipment later this week to see what all the excitement here is about.


The reaction to Batman Rebirth is way different here than from everywhere else. They're praising the shit out of it.


It's a good sign that we had four Rebirth books out today and all of them were at the very least a good read. some quick takes:

Green Lanterns was probably the most 'by the numbers' of the books, though that's in part because it feels like it's taking the most literal Rebirth interpretation. I'd largely skipped over the N52 GL stories and this book almost feels like I didn't miss much of anything and it kind of picks up where we left off 5 years ago. I like the Simon and Jessica dynamic though, and both get a little more (much needed) character building.

Batman is similar, but I give it a few more bonus points because there are hints of King's fingerprints on the story.
The retooled Calendar Man definitely is an interesting take on the character, with a touch of creepiness that I'm hoping King will dabble in with his run. Plus I like what he's already starting to do with the regular players here and the touches he brings to the table; Duke's dynamic with Batman, Bruce's back and forth with Lucius, stuff like Bruce's "yeah I'm crazy" line makes him feel oddly more grounded, etc. Plus I'm sorry but tesla bat ears is just fucking aces.

Superman is kind of the outlier from this first batch. Honestly it's kind of the most interesting for me, though primarily for story reasons. Superman's Rebirth approach is a little different than the others in this group;
actually getting rid of the New 52 version in this way is interesting, and leaving behind people who remember him as Superman makes it more so. It's a very different angle that I'm guessing (maybe?) will play out over the course of Rebirth's overarching story, but Tomasi's already touching on some of the aspects of it here with Lana. Have to say too that his 'classic' Superman really feels the part the way he was written; the Doomsday retell helps, sure, but even then Tomasi has given him a kind of aura and presence in his writing that brings out the sense that yeah, this is him. This is Superman.

bonus points for the 'nobody stays dead in comics' meta commentary.

Green Arrow is probably the stand out, though in fairness that's probably because I'm not as familiar with Percy and so that he was able to stick the landing so well really catches my eye. Schmidt's art was also great and the combo was just a perfect tone for the book. GA seems like the perfect example of how well Rebirth can work,
as it did a lot of the things you'd expect this type of relaunch to do all at once. A fresh spin on the character with some modern vibes, sure, but also a return to what was one of the 'core' traits of the character for so long by bringing Ollie back to his more outspoken politics roots. Toss in some great 'new' versions of big character moments and nods like Ollie+Dinah and it's just a great mix. I'm planning on sticking with GA which honestly I was not expecting.

also, I advise investing heavily in Lexcoin.


I don't want to say that messing around with the Transformers and Joe books for a misconcieved crossover is going down badly on Twitter, but the IDW staff seem to be looking at Nick Spencer with a sense of envy for his easy life.


The reaction to Batman Rebirth is way different here than from everywhere else. They're praising the shit out of it.

It's nice to have a counter balance. A lot of the people here are hardcore DC fans. "I'm a product of the 80s and have been reading DC my whole life" DC fans. They know their shit and know that it's lacking something that they're looking for. On the flip side, I'm kinda new/returning to DC and I loved it. Their criticism is 100% valid though.

Walking Dead though...FUCKING HYPE.

Brian Fellows
we were right.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I don't want to say that messing around with the Transformers and Joe books for a misconcieved crossover is going down badly on Twitter, but the IDW staff seem to be looking at Nick Spencer with a sense of envy for his easy life.

Never realized IDW books were that popular. I only read MTMTE and TMNT

It's nice to have a counter balance. A lot of the people here are hardcore DC fans. "I'm a product of the 80s and have been reading DC my whole life" DC fans. They know their shit and know that it's lacking something that they're looking for. On the flip side, I'm kinda new/returning to DC and I loved it. Their criticism is 100% valid though.

Walking Dead though...FUCKING HYPE.

Brian Fellows
we were right.

Yeah, that was obvious for TWD imo


I don't want to say that messing around with the Transformers and Joe books for a misconcieved crossover is going down badly on Twitter, but the IDW staff seem to be looking at Nick Spencer with a sense of envy for his easy life.

Spencer, Bendis, DC, IDW

Is anyone not pissed at comics right now?
Rebirth review time!

Batman - ★★ - Don't quit your day job at the Agency yet, Mr. King. This book was the antithesis of his run on Vision. Boring. Safe. Dull. Maybe he felt hamstrung by Snyder? 21 page of nothing. The story structure and pacing are terrible. Creative writing 101 stuff. Art was stellar.

Green Arrow - ★★★★★ - The crown jewel in the bunch. Fantastic art, great writing of the characters, and sets up the series in such a wonderful place. There's really nothing negative to say. A perfect jumping on point. I'm 100% on the social justice warrior bandwagon.

Green Lantern - ★★★ - I bit on the $3 price tag, and it's not all that bad. I like the basic premise, but admittedly know very little of the Lantern universe. The art was laughable on a few panels (the Lantern "smiles" on the Justice League centerfold...ouch), but decent enough elsewhere. Uneven, is how I'd characterize it. I'm guessing it's a bad sign that I literally laughed out loud at the big bad guy reveal. So dumb looking.

Superman - ★★ - I'm not a fan of Superman comics and probably never will be, so take this with a big grain of salt. As a jumping on point, this is terrible. Rebirth is not a "reboot" blah, blah, blah. But these stories are being marketed towards relapsed DC fans and new readers. There's very little catering to that demographic here. I wouldn't recommend this book unless you know WTF has been going down with Supes and the Justice League.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Just finished Superman Rebirth - Meh. Not even sure if I'll bother with any of the Superman books tbh, the story was muddled to fuck in N52.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Question about Civil War II #1 dont read if you havent read it (unless like me you dont care about spoilers)

I read that they kill off a couple of characters, is She Hulk one of them as rumoured? ;_;


Question about Civil War II #1 dont read if you havent read it (unless like me you dont care about spoilers)

I read that they kill off a couple of characters, is She Hulk one of them as rumoured? ;_;

Yes because Bendis but could be swerve


The reaction to Batman Rebirth is way different here than from everywhere else. They're praising the shit out of it.

Apart from the art I didn't really think it was up to much. Duke is dull,
his new suit makes him look like a power ranger
and the Calendar Man stuff is some X-Files monster of the week swerve.

Is there going to be a new Batman and Robin book? I'd like some Bruce and Damien shenanigans. Super sons looks like it's going to be fun.
A-Force was solid. The plot is still a little weak - the villain is borrrrring - but the characters are all terrific, everyone has a unique voice and the banter is top-tier. Dazzler-Thor is fun, I hope she sticks around.

All-New Wolverine stays winning. FIN FANG FOOM
Just finished Superman Rebirth - Meh. Not even sure if I'll bother with any of the Superman books tbh, the story was muddled to fuck in N52.

Bingo. Abysmal "jumping on" point. Should have just made it the next Justice League or Superman book, instead of print it under the Rebirth header. There's nothing here for new or relapsed readers.
I don't want to say that messing around with the Transformers and Joe books for a misconcieved crossover is going down badly on Twitter, but the IDW staff seem to be looking at Nick Spencer with a sense of envy for his easy life.

Not only is it going to be tough on them, it's probably also going to suck, if any of the previous Transformers crossovers are any indication.


Action Man is getting his own book? Holy childhood memories Batman. Might give it a look just to satisfy my curiosity.


Unconfirmed Member
Agree that Batman Rebirth was a little paint by numbers, fine enough one-shot, but doesn't really do anything to establish where the bat-books are going to be going forward.

Superman Rebirth was the same but without the benefit of the great Janin art to distract me.

I picked up Civil War II against my better judgement, but was pleasantly surprised. Marquez is Capital A-mazing as always, and it wasn't so Bendisy. At this point it looks like it will run into the same issue as the last one where the sides only look at the argument in complete extremes and ignore all subtlety, but hopefully I'm wrong.

Also, despite being amazing, it looks like Marquez may only be able to draw one black person. Seriously, check out his Sam, Rhodey and Miles. The only difference is the clothes.


Action Man is getting his own book? Holy childhood memories Batman. Might give it a look just to satisfy my curiosity.

It's going to struggle to maintain the same atmosphere when it's set in a world where (spoilers for All Hail Megatron)
every world capital was destroyed and more than a billion people killed a few years ago.

I'd be able to ignore the shitty crossover, but they're renumbering MTMTE for this at the very least and that just seems like a horrible idea.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Not that interested in the premise from Green Lantern Rebirth, but will continue reading for
Atrocitus and Dex Starr

It's going to struggle to maintain the same atmosphere when it's set in a world where (spoilers for All Hail Megatron)
every world capital was destroyed and more than a billion people killed a few years ago.

I'd be able to ignore the shitty crossover, but they're renumbering MTMTE for this at the very least and that just seems like a horrible idea.

ugh, they are? That's going to be confusing for me, as I'm catching up


Not that interested in the premise from Green Lantern Rebirth, but will continue reading for
Atrocitus and Dex Starr

ugh, they are? That's going to be confusing for me, as I'm catching up

Sounds like it. They're being very ambiguous in a way you're generally not if you're hoping to calm people down.
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