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COMICS!!! |OT| June 2017 - AquaBDSM : Sunstone but with dolphins.


Honestly this Marvel sale is better than the one we are going to get in July. So I fully encourage you to go ham if you have been sale waiting marvel.

I got The sitting in the tree crossover for 3 dollars <3. Also picked up Kate bishop volume 1.

Can't decide if I want to go all in on All new wolverine yet. last trade stops at #16 where she gets the new costume.


Honestly this Marvel sale is better than the one we are going to get in July. So I fully encourage you to go ham if you have been sale waiting marvel.

I got The sitting in the tree crossover for 3 dollars <3. Also picked up Kate bishop volume 1.

Can't decide if I want to go all in on All new wolverine yet. last trade stops at #16 where she gets the new costume.

It's good. New arc is cool too.

I only bought all volumes of Wolverine and the X-Men. I've been buying most of Marvel for a few years now so there isn't much new stuff for me to buy.


It's good. New arc is cool too.

I only bought all volumes of Wolverine and the X-Men. I've been buying most of Marvel for a few years now so there isn't much new stuff for me to buy.

fuck Wolverine and the X-men is apart of the sale! damn you Messi.

and yea I caved on Wolverine. I am kinda weary about picking up trades of series that won't last the year, but for the price of 3 dollars or less Idc.

OMG you can own all of Wolverine and the X-men for less than 16 dollars. that is 42 issues plus some annuals.


fuck Wolverine and the X-men is apart of the sale! damn you Messi.

and yea I caved on Wolverine. I am kinda weary about picking up trades of series that won't last the year, but for the price of 3 dollars or less Idc.

OMG you can own all of Wolverine and the X-men for less than 16 dollars. that is 42 issues plus some annuals.

Wolverine has been going for a while though and has a generations issue.


Wolverine has been going for a while though and has a generations issue.

yea, but I never got the chance to read it. I know it is on MU, but I rather read it with a 2 page display. Plus it would give me some more background when reading Generations.

Edit:generation x
Christopher Priest's reaction to the fans criticism of the recent crossover

First off, this crossover was trash so I don't see the point of fans being up in arms (are they?) or Priest getting defensive (which he is). Maybe write a better story and earn the criticism.

Two very weird things stand out in this reaction:

They also seem to want the writers, or at least me, to have read a decade worth of comics before putting their favorite characters into a story. I don’t have time to read 100 comics. I don’t know any working writer who does. I can read, maybe, ten. And I will portray the character the way he or she is being portrayed now, today, currently, not what was done years or even months before.

Never go full Bendis.

Yeah, comic readers do expect general continuity and for writers to know WTF they're talking about. If this is your own intellectual property, do whatever you want with it. If you're picking up licensed characters, knowing a bit about them is kind of fucking important. Saying you don't have time to read what came before, even just months before, strikes me as pretty damn lame.

I'm no purist. I'm happy with new and different takes on characters. Comic continuity is a mess, sure. Let's not keep adding to that with ignorance or disregard to what's come before doesn't help. I don't take on a new project and enter it with willful ignorance. Wasn't Rebirth about getting back to the aspects of these characters we like?

"With all possible respect to my friend Tim Seely, my former mentor Marv Wolfman, Devin Grayson, Geoff Johns and others, I find Dick Grayson to be the most boring Wonder Bread boilerplate character ever to pull on spandex. That’s just me. Tens of thousands of fans are *rabid* Dick Grayson fans. For the life of me, I couldn’t explain why. Grayson, in his various iterations, seems, to me, the ultimate expression of what I’m being harangued about around the web: the flattened-out character whose dealt with all of his shortcomings and character flaws. I see Grayson and I wonder, “And now what?”

Not liking Grayson is fine. Going full strawman to explain your dislike is not. Grayson has plenty of flaws and shortcomings. Priest might know that if he, you know, read the comics.


*Looks at new state of the wall update for Atop the Fourth Wall* The heck is Batman: Odyssey-





Strange once took out the whole Justice League alone and almost doomed booth the DC Universe and 616 at the same time at a other opporturnity


Strange once took out the whole Justice League alone and almost doomed booth the DC Universe and 616 at the same time at a other opporturnity
Which great in new Avengers where he came in and bailed the illuminati out by slaughtering the Not Justice League
Strange once took out the whole Justice League alone and almost doomed booth the DC Universe and 616 at the same time at a other opporturnity

Sounds like a world-class fuck-up.

I thought it was you that recommended it. And Echo, who I still miss.

I miss Echo, too. When is he coming back?

No one reads the OP. I wanted lady killer in there and dark Horse was already finished and we needed another indie book so I put it there.

I just want everyone to know I pointed this out before I even made the image, but Messi didn't give a shit. I believe he also referred to all of you as "ingrates" at some point in the rant that followed. :3

So this thing seems to have been out about a MONTH now and for the love of god i cannot find ANY published review on it whatsoever?? Did anyone here read it by chance? Looks like it could be fun (or utter trash i guess).]

Huh. Is it new material or reprinted content from 19XX?

I dropped 160 on that kindle sale. Gonna sell my tpbs with the same material. Goodbye mismatched New X-men trades!

I've found myself buying far fewer trades since I went all-in on digital. I still like to own physical versions of certain things if the collected editions are in a nice enough format, but for the most part I value the space in my house more.



Strange once took out the whole Justice League alone and almost doomed booth the DC Universe and 616 at the same time at a other opporturnity


So how does Avengers vs Justice League end with Superman victorious? Strange was on the Avengers and the New Avengers...


So TIL that Batman got Batgirl pregnant while she was dating Nightwing (and then has a miscarriage after a fight gone badly) and that's why Dick Grayson doesn't appear in Batman Beyond.
Christopher Priest's reaction to the fans criticism of the recent crossover

I thought the implication was that Damian changed the timeline by stopping Wally's heart, thus a pacemaker?

And Damian is still a little shit in Teen Titans.
Christopher Priest's reaction to the fans criticism of the recent crossover

I agree with his points in general about character development, but I think they're misplaced in this case. Damian's character is all over the place nowadays, though, so I don't really resent him.

I also think that the criticisms were broadly overblown, though. Giving
Wally a pacemaker,
introducing lineup drama with the Teen Titans... that's pretty basic fare.

from what i've seen a while ago its ASBAR if someone thought ASBAR was too sane

Batman Odyssey is absolutely *bonkers* in simultaneously the best and worst way possible. You should totally read it, but I think this 6-part recap is even better than the issues themselves:




I loved moments like this in the book.

I hated almost everything else Simone did with Bane, a lot of writers did the same. They looked at him and thought of him as being nothing more than a muscle bound goon who got lucky against Batman instead of a real threat. The man is actually quite smart, understands many languages and can plan strategy rather well. It wasn't until the previous Batman trilogy that some writers wised up and understood there actually was some *gasp* depth to him. That he could be more than MUSCLED RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE.

Video games like the Arkham series even did the same. A shame.


I think it would be interesting to redo old comics with more modern coloring techniques. Less flats more shading.


Yeah its how i know about it such absolute bonkers and insane its like Neal Adams was on coke


I meant to post before but there is a top cow sale at the moment and Death Vigils trade is on sale for 9.99. Thats half off and its 8 amazing issues.
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