Tyrant Rave
So, FCBD plans, fam?
Work :/ By the time I get off there will be no sense in going so I'm just gonna wait for the stuff I want to pop up digitally.
So, FCBD plans, fam?
So, FCBD plans, fam?
Also, my LCS is limiting two books per adult.![]()
My LCS technically isn't doing it at all save for the regulars with pull-lists that requested specific books back when the list came out.
All my local shops are doing five per person. I'm making a small road trip out of it. :3
Takane from IdolmasterTyrant, who's your avvytar?
Yeah I saw Tate's was doing five per person. I would stop by since it's on my way home from work but I saw they already had a tent set up so I know it's gonna be a zoo this weekend between that and the big Star Wars sale on Sunday. I can deal with waiting since I really only want Avengers and Divergence lolAll my local shops are doing five per person. I'm making a small road trip out of it. :3
So I'm reading through Multiversity #2, and wow there areA LOT of blatant Marvel characters in there. I'm just like "oh, there's Cyclops! And Hawkeye! Is that Captain America?" Is there a reason for this?
So I'm reading through Multiversity #2, and wow there areA LOT of blatant Marvel characters in there. I'm just like "oh, there's Cyclops!
So, FCBD plans, fam?
Pax America thoughts for Veelk:
So Pax is a pretty fascinating comic for me, conceptually and in practice it is absolutely brilliant and unlike some of the other Multiversity one shots I don't see any way it could ever work as an on going series. It's obviously a reaction to Miller and Moore and the bits of dark n gritty they introduced and popularized into modern comics. This should surprise no one really because Morrison has very publically decried those themes, it's probably his magnum opus in that regards honestly. As a comic story it's just so perfectly conceived and executed, Morrison and Quitely created a comic that can literally be read forwards and backwards to tell it's story (when reading it in reverse, the panels depicting the president's assassination through to the cover of the comic are absolutely perfect). I don't think it's even important whether or not Algorithm 8 works or not, you can pretty easily make a case that it's simply a manifestation of the President's guilt over killing his father as a child. I think it's a more interesting story if you consider that Atom knows this plan will fail, but goes through with it any way simply because that's the way it has to be. He can see their origins and he can see their endings, but he never makes a case for being able to change those beginnings or endings. The door may open both ways, but only if Atom wants to or believes it's the way things were always going to. I've been toying with the idea that nothing Atom tells the president is actually in reference to what is happening in their reality, but rather broader statements about the multiversal crisis. In the end the door did open both ways for Nix and company, and that's how they wereWith all that said, Thunderworld was my favorite issue of the lot, because it was just so pitch perfect.able to stave off the attempts of the Gentry and see the dark version of Ultraa on his throne with the empty hand.
If you're not a fan of Morrison already, I don't see this as being the book to flip the switch for you. Something smaller in scope like We3 or Joe the Barbarian might be better starting points, they're undeniably Morrison, but a bit easier to digest and dive into.
The thing I like about Grant Morrison is his compactness
But that’s me, and that’s my taste. I look at something like “Clown at Midnight”, which all its flowery, nauseating purple prose and awful awful artwork, jerking off to its overblown alliteration. “casually, the coffin crushes Charlie cheesemold’s sternum to splinters and splits…”. FUCK YOU I wanted to read a comic book.
You should try something of his divorced from superhero comics. I feel We3 gets that reaction. Though I wouldn't expect We3 or Joe the Barbarian to give you an epiphany on Morrison's superhero work. But you might like them better all the same.
I would definitely recommend Doom Patrol. To me it's all about the nature of life. You could see it differently, however.
I would say probably that if you've only been reading comics for a few years, that might take a lot of the impact of All Star away. Part of what I love about it is how it weaves in and out of what's almost a Superman history lesson, touching on aspects of the character and its mythos that have been so prevalent over the years.
I never really felt that it was preachy in any way, or that the world was 'unbelievable', though I don't really consider the effectiveness of the villains to be that barometer in this story.
The story is much less about, imo, whether or not this is a book that would allow a girl to actually hit the pavement as it is about Superman being there and what he would say to prevent it.
Abroad. I found the LCS and all their current stuff is from three months ago. So my free books will amount to reading terrible stuff on Marvel Unlimited.So, FCBD plans, fam?
Today is Ultron day
So I'm reading through Multiversity #2, and wow there areA LOT of blatant Marvel characters in there. I'm just like "oh, there's Cyclops! And Hawkeye! Is that Captain America?" Is there a reason for this?
Wait, why is IDW publishing Donald Duck?
So I'm reading through Multiversity #2, and wow there areA LOT of blatant Marvel characters in there. I'm just like "oh, there's Cyclops! And Hawkeye! Is that Captain America?" Is there a reason for this?
So, FCBD plans, fam?
Are Donald and Mickey also the Italian comic localizations, or are they new.
Are Donald and Mickey also the Italian comic localizations, or are they new.
So, FCBD plans, fam?
Tyrant, who's your avvytar?
I aint about that free comics life. But I hope everyone enjoys the day.
ANAL Avengers
Isn't she like eighteen though?Throwing it out there
Miles Morales x America Chavez
Isn't she like eighteen though?
Edit: Miles Morales x Bobby Drake.
Throwing it out there
Miles Morales x America Chavez
I would be envious of MilesThrowing it out there
Miles Morales x America Chavez
Miles x Doop
Miles Morales x Kate Bishop
New Game +
would put a damper on things.Her being gay
i was supposed to go to this big "Free Comic-Con Day" thing in Culver City with a shitload of artists/writers/etc but my friend had to cancel
straight up fuccboi shit and now everything's up in the air, like do i drive 1.5 hours by myself to a thing or do i not do that
This is actually kind of refreshing. This thread overlooks awesome books like this and Bee & Puppycat.
Maaan. That sucks.
Wait, what book is that then? I thought it was Bee & Puppycat.
I never realized that acronym.
Ordered S.H.I.E.LD. : Architects of Forever....
Assuming that it's going to be a crazy ride.
Great choice.Ordered S.H.I.E.LD. : Architects of Forever....
Assuming that it's going to be a crazy ride.
Gonna meet up with Korupt in a couple hours to wait in line at one of our LCS'. They open at 10 but we're only gonna get there like a half hour early. When I went to FCBD there last year the line moved pretty quickly to get people into the store.
Great choice.
I still consider this the official history of the Marvel Universe.
Plus, the hardcover is oversized, if that's what you ordered. That art deserves more page space.