I bought Grant Morrison's Wonder Woman Earth One. Finally I understand the appeal of the character. Great comic. Never read a Wonder Woman comic before, any others I should check out?
First five trades of the New 52 run.
I bought Grant Morrison's Wonder Woman Earth One. Finally I understand the appeal of the character. Great comic. Never read a Wonder Woman comic before, any others I should check out?
Holy shit. That basically answers how it got there and nobody here said that. I was confused too.
yeah, golden age superhero stuff has a reputation for not being that good but I think a lot of it is people going back to the first Batman/Superman appearances which, frankly, are not great comics. Some of the stuff like Cole's Plastic Man and early Captain Marvel hold up pretty well though (and outside of superheroes, a lot of the classic comic strips are from before the 1950's anyways)
After reading two Star Wars novels (no pictures) in the last 2 weeks, I'm realizing that I'm doing comics all wrong. I'm not really taking the time to discect the art. I'm reading the words and glancing at the art. For instance in Rebirth #1,. It was my job to examine that and I didn't. In a prose novel, it would have all been written out for me to draw my own picture in my head.when Batman finds the Comedians pin in the bat cave, I just kind of accepted it was just there. My brain didn't really question why or how it got there. It was only later by reading a thread about it, did I learn that pin flew out of the speed force when Wally appeared.
i just went with it.
I don't ask questions.
Woah nice single issuesI really, really dig Clean Room. Wonderfully drawn and written. Also pretty damn twisted as well. Trying to think that it is like, and I am having a hard time. it is pretty unique. Horror with humor is the best way to describe it, but the humor is dark.
And actually I should have added Unfollow to my list of current favorites. Awesome premise and brilliantly executed. Also Sherrif Of Babylon. Between those two and Jacked, Vertigo is really killing it right now.
It was already pointed out that I do, but I think this should also answer the question!
I thought these were great since they are tributes to great movies. In particular Fargo, Dog Day Afternoon and Snatch. Also it is hard to see it but the red cover on the top left is a variant cover for some comic book store called Larry's Comics. I HAD to have that one.
I go slightly crazy with the Black Mask variant covers. Especially We Can Never Go Home. I also grew up listening to Hardcore/Punk music, as did the writer for it, so all the variant covers for WCNGH are punk rock related. Like they were made for me specifically. I have 11 total just for issue #1. It is bad. LOL Here are 4 of my favorites...
Also I forgot to mention another current favorite. BEK by Aftershock comics. or Black Eyed Kids. It is only 2 issues in but I really am digging it so far.
Another favorite title that was only a 4 issue was Last Sons Of America by BOOM! Great little series there, loved the art style, and more of a politically based premise, but awesome.
Finally I am so upset I forgot this one, Tokyo Ghost is easily one of my current favorite titles as well.
As I said, I am kind of all over the place, but I like it like that. My tastes are eclectic and more towards the "indy" type comics, if you can even call them that.
Will the June OT be about Rebirth, Cap or Overwatch? Oh right Civil War 2 is there too.
The Manhattan project for June ot is the best
4 Kids is pretty artsy I suppose as it has a decent amount of conversation that is "witty," but We Can Never Go Home is a pretty straight approach to newfound powers stories. I think that is why it is one of the more popular Black Mask titles tbh, as it is the least artsy out of all of them. It is easily one of my favorite titles of last year.4 Kids walk into a bank and We can never go home seem kinda artsy. I think both would be better if Harley Quinn were involved.
side note: If these have a cmx sale i'll probably buy them.
Nice. Literally one of the only ones I do not have!!! Jealous!!the WCNGH variants are dope. I have this one:
apparently it was a ECCC variant. Rosenberg told me that like no one bought it there but sold out quickly when they brought them to Wondercon in SoCal, which makes a lot of sense to me
NICE!! I Do not have that one either. I have the LCSD one, NEC one, Hypno Comics one, and Jesse James one. 2 (or 3) of the 4 are hardcovers which are nice. Since that one you have was from the UK was always pretty pricey to pick up. I see one one eBay now, also signed, going for $99. Way out of my price range.Do you have the London Calling variant for the WCNGH trade? My wife snagged m3 a signed copy for Christmas this past year.
The Manhattan project for June ot is the best
NICE!! I Do not have that one either. I have the LCSD one, NEC one, Hypno Comics one, and Jesse James one. 2 (or 3) of the 4 are hardcovers which are nice. Since that one you have was from the UK was always pretty pricey to pick up. I see one one eBay now, also signed, going for $99. Way out of my price range.
Cmx sales are like steam sales where O get all the interesting medium changing books for cheap, and then pay full price for DC, be marvel and Star Wars.
Makes me feel bad.
Greg Ruckas pre N52 Wonder Woman run. Available on CMX. Also DC is reprinting the trades.I bought Grant Morrison's Wonder Woman Earth One. Finally I understand the appeal of the character. Great comic. Never read a Wonder Woman comic before, any others I should check out?
So my Vision page came today. It is in perfect condition and is very beautiful.
Yay <3 Ms Vision
Gorgeous page.
Did you check the Funko thread?
So my Vision page came today. It is in perfect condition and is very beautiful.
Yay <3 Ms Vision
Wow, that's one great page.So my Vision page came today. It is in perfect condition and is very beautiful.
Yay <3 Ms Vision
Ooooo I love it! :O
I could never hang that one on the wall, though, it would just make me sad all the time. I feel so bad for the Visions![]()
That's why you subscribe to MU so you can say " at least i'm spending money on the good books"
So my Vision page came today. It is in perfect condition and is very beautiful.
Yay <3 Ms Vision
Saw that on Twitter, thought it might be yours. Beautiful page. Love Virginia, don't want bad things to happen to her.I'm not hopeful.
Unfollow sounds like And There There Were None on a global scale.
Unfollow sounds like And There There Were None on a global scale.
Saw that on Twitter, thought it might be yours. Beautiful page. Love Virginia, don't want bad things to happen to her.I'm not hopeful.
Speculation time!! How will The Vision end??
My guess:
Vision realizes his "family experiment" was flawed from the start and is forced to kill his entire Vision family
Twas my tweet
Not really. It's not bad but it's nothing specialIs McDuffys Fantastic Four worth it?
Will the June OT be about Rebirth, Cap or Overwatch? Oh right Civil War 2 is there too.
Aye. Will buy more likely then Waids Books.Not really. It's not bad but it's nothing special
That's sort of my guess, but I thinkthat one of the kids gets away, probably Viv. Hopefully the dog, too.
I was only a little bit jealous that yours got the CIA officially approved retweet. Just a little bit, I swear.
Niiiice. Can't wait for this.