Okay, so with Rebirth, quick question actually:What were the specific implications of the Comedian's pin being there, exactly? Didn't read Flashpoint ever (and to be fair it's been a hell of a long time since I read Watchmen), so maybe that's why I'm missing something. Like, it works as an "oh damn!" moment for the audience, but what exactly does the pin being in the batcave actually end up meaning? Like, I feel like I get Dr. Manhattan's role here, but in thinking on that one a little deeper I feel like I don't 100% "get it", outside of the obvious of using the most iconic image to signal to readers that "this is Watchmen, in case you missed it".
Spider-Man is so good, but man what a dick move by Ganke in the latest issue
Okay, so with Rebirth, quick question actually:What were the specific implications of the Comedian's pin being there, exactly? Didn't read Flashpoint ever (and to be fair it's been a hell of a long time since I read Watchmen), so maybe that's why I'm missing something. Like, it works as an "oh damn!" moment for the audience, but what exactly does the pin being in the batcave actually end up meaning? Like, I feel like I get Dr. Manhattan's role here, but in thinking on that one a little deeper I feel like I don't 100% "get it", outside of the obvious of using the most iconic image to signal to readers that "this is Watchmen, in case you missed it".
Are you talking about Amazing or Spider-Miles? I only read the Miles stuff, should I be reading the Amazing series too? (I stopped after Superior)
That was a Miles reference, Ganke did a dumb thing in S-M 4. Like, made me reconsider if I ever actually liked him dumb.
This I got from the interviews and not just from the book.
It looks like Dr. Manhattan created the DC Universe and has also been experimenting (without either malice or good intent - because that's what he is) with various events/characters. This lead to forgotten legacies and characters not acting like themselves and other characters being sidelined. This is the meta-commentary/explanation of the New 52 and a way to explain other happenings that fans have disliked or considered mistakes since Flashpoint. Rebirth is the experimentees realising that and fighting back. That's how I interpret Johns' statement that Dr. Manhattan is not a villain but an antagonist.
Thank you!!Hey DirtyLarry! Welcome
Always like new voices with new tastes. I'm also one that struggled with comic storage after a decade or two of comics. Have gone almost all digital now with the occasional trades
Favorite ongoing Is either Saga or Low
Try not to read any comics on your way to the parking lot!
Damn. I do not really venture into Off Topic that much so keep forgetting this thread exists. Not sure where I can even begin.
Here is my modest physical collection. Not all of my collection is in that. The smaller indy stuff and indy variant covers are not in it as they are for some reason not in the database or take months to get in.
Black Mask is my favorite studio right now. I like all of the stuff they have recently put out. Their first titles are meh but all the new stuff they do is great to me. Space Riders, We Can Never Go Home, Transference, Young Terrorists. All on the top of my list right now.
Image a very close second.
Also like some Dark Horse Titles, BOOM, list goes on.
Only really read Marvel (although I did pick up DC Rebirth for some reason and just read it last night, had zero clue what was going on but was into it) and I only just started getting back to Marvel. They are who I grew up on but I took a hiatus from comics for almost 15 years there. Hiatus started when I went to college, which should have been the time I was reading them most, but for some reason I just stopped. Money probably the biggest reason and digitial did not exist yet.
I have a serious problem with collecting right now. I am 41, have a good job, so I pick up way more comics than I should. Storage is a big problem right now (not kidding), as I refuse to put them in my basement for various reasons. Biggest one being I lost half my childhood collection in Hurricane Sandy in NJ as they were in my parents basement and it got flooded. That sucked. I had some definite classics in there.
My current favorite titles in no particular order are
Clean Room
Harrows County
Citizen Jack
Black Science
Sex Criminals
Second Sight
I just have a pretty varied taste which does not help things.
My digital collection is over 16 times the size of my physical.
So just thought I would pop in and say hello to my fellow comic readers.
Comics are for sure my crack. I read about 75-100 titles a month across all studios. I currently use an online subscription service where they deliver my comics at the end of the month. My average haul each month is 95 comics. It really is a problem and I am trying to cut that down dramatically.
Also slowly working on my own, which I am sure so many others are as well. I hope one day you will all get to check out Official Artificial.
Enjoy fellow readers.
If you have not done so yet check out 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank. My favorite first premiere title in quite some time.
Read the end of his postBut DirtyLarry, did you read 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank?
Welcome! Nice avatar, Messi will be happyWould be fun to see gaf react to this list of the top 100 X-Men according to Comics Alliance. The things I'd do if I had new thread posting privilege already...
Oh, and hi! First post in the community thread. I'll make a better introduction later when I have time.
Interesting, so you're suggesting that that DC have. Ballsy move if so, but I think I appreciate the seperation that it creates between the DC universe andtaken Dr. Manhattan's "I think I'll create some [life]" comment (Image link) at the end of Watchmen and retroactively used it as the creation story for the whole DC Universe.Watchmen's
Interesting, so you're suggesting that that DC have. Ballsy move if so, but I think I appreciate the seperation that it creates between the DC universe andtaken Dr. Manhattan's "I think I'll create some [life]" comment (Image link) at the end of Watchmen and retroactively used it as the creation story for the whole DC Universe.Watchmen's
More Rebirth spoilers.
I don't know how much of a separation it is. If Mr. Oz == Ozymandias, it would imply that DC are going for something more substantial. Is Ozymandias looking for the answer to "Did I do the right thing" inside Manhattan's universe?
Would be fun to see gaf react to this list of the top 100 X-Men according to Comics Alliance. The things I'd do if I had new thread posting privilege already...
Oh, and hi! First post in the community thread. I'll make a better introduction later when I have time.
I did read Deadpool #2 on MU, the current series, seems pretty good even though i'm not familiar with his team.
Slapstick is the only I really knew going in. His mini-series was a CLASSIC!
I really, really dig Clean Room. Wonderfully drawn and written. Also pretty damn twisted as well. Trying to think that it is like, and I am having a hard time. it is pretty unique. Horror with humor is the best way to describe it, but the humor is dark.Welcome DirtyLarry, you've got great taste in books, I'm all aboard the Black Mask train, can't wait for Young Terrorists #2.
How's Clean Room? I've heard good things... Thinking about picking that and Unfollow up.
It was already pointed out that I do, but I think this should also answer the question!But DirtyLarry, did you read 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank?
More Rebirth spoilers.
I don't know how much of a separation it is. If Mr. Oz == Ozymandias, it would imply that DC are going for something more substantial. Is Ozymandias looking for the answer to "Did I do the right thing" inside Manhattan's universe?
I think that's a red herring myself. Or at least Mr Oz will be a manifestation of Dr Manhattan rather than the literal Ozymandias. It doesn't make much sense if Dr Manhattan created the universe and then went and brought his mates over.
So I'm wondering ifDid that create some sort of rift?Veidt summoning the octopus monster somehow plays into all this?
Finished with Plastic Man archives v2 and this just keeps getting better. Great comics and I don't have to include a "for its time" caveat. Plastic Man in hollywood was hilarious. The comic is here if you are ok with non-restored scans. Just 15 pages.
Slapstick is craaaaazy
His Initiative appearances, wow
Yeah he was like a crazy over the top Looney Toons character when he started.
I did read Deadpool #2 on MU, the current series, seems pretty good even though i'm not familiar with his team.
So, The Omega Men #12 was... astonishing. That's how you end a damn series. It just... perfectly encapsulated, reframed, and crystalized all the themes the book had been playing with the whole time. And it did so with STYLE. With elegance. And with a literal reframing as well as a metaphorical one.
Incredible. You guys all need to read this.
So, The Omega Men #12 was... astonishing. That's how you end a damn series. It just... perfectly encapsulated, reframed, and crystalized all the themes the book had been playing with the whole time. And it did so with STYLE. With elegance. And with a literal reframing as well as a metaphorical one.
Incredible. You guys all need to read this.
Finished with Plastic Man archives v2 and this just keeps getting better. Great comics and I don't have to include a "for its time" caveat. Plastic Man in hollywood was hilarious. The comic is here if you are ok with non-restored scans. Just 15 pages.
I really, really dig Clean Room. Wonderfully drawn and written. Also pretty damn twisted as well. Trying to think that it is like, and I am having a hard time. it is pretty unique. Horror with humor is the best way to describe it, but the humor is dark.
And actually I should have added Unfollow to my list of current favorites. Awesome premise and brilliantly executed. Also Sherrif Of Babylon. Between those two and Jacked, Vertigo is really killing it right now.
It was already pointed out that I do, but I think this should also answer the question!
I thought these were great since they are tributes to great movies. In particular Fargo, Dog Day Afternoon and Snatch. Also it is hard to see it but the red cover on the top left is a variant cover for some comic book store called Larry's Comics. I HAD to have that one.
I go slightly crazy with the Black Mask variant covers. Especially We Can Never Go Home. I also grew up listening to Hardcore/Punk music, as did the writer for it, so all the variant covers for WCNGH are punk rock related. Like they were made for me specifically. I have 11 total just for issue #1. It is bad. LOL Here are 4 of my favorites...
Also I forgot to mention another current favorite. BEK by Aftershock comics. or Black Eyed Kids. It is only 2 issues in but I really am digging it so far.
Another favorite title that was only a 4 issue was Last Sons Of America by BOOM! Great little series there, loved the art style, and more of a politically based premise, but awesome.
Finally I am so upset I forgot this one, Tokyo Ghost is easily one of my current favorite titles as well.
As I said, I am kind of all over the place, but I like it like that. My tastes are eclectic and more towards the "indy" type comics, if you can even call them that.