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COMICS! |OT| May 2016. Let's Do It. Let's Fall in Love.

It is definitely a quality book among quality books if that makes sense.

Also If I ever had to recommend a new ongoing series for a monthly book club it would be Paper girls. There is enough stuff to talk about per issue with a wtf moment after each issue.
I just saw it's from the same writer as Saga and Y, so it's a no-brainer.

I'll post some impressions later
havin read some of ex machina and y the last man. I can whole heartily say Paper girls is his biggest "wtf this is crazy" book.
I know nothing about it besides that basic premise, the writer, and the praise here, which is probably the most blind I've gone into any series. But it's Image, Vaughan, and I saw a mention of "Cronenberg horror" in another thread, so that's all I need to know
X-Men Apocalypse was incredibly disappointing. Not sure if there's much more to say on that.

Makes me want to read X-Men comics, but then again I always want to read X-Men comics.

OMG http://www.entertainmentearth.com/p...isplay&utm_campaign=Lower Funnel#.V0eyMfT3anM

I wish they had a version of her head with the hood on.


I didn't like Empowered. I only read the first volume though

Felt like a metacommentary for a type of comic book storytelling that barely exists anymore

I feel like I need to read ten or so more issues before I recommend Paper Girls to people. Book is so crazy.
I could never get into Empowered either. The humor just didn't do it for me.
I just found out Kid Apoc and Idie are in the new All-New X-Men. Is it good? I really liked them from Wolverine and the X-Men.

It's not very good and Idie is probably the worst character.

Kid Apoc was barely in it up to this Apocalypse Wars crossover, now of course the focus is on him. The one issue for this book so far was pretty good, though.

Like Extraordinary and Uncanny, it's getting better. Idie and Evan are definitely the two best parts of that book. By a lot.

Well well well

I see we have a difference of opinion BK, what are we going to do about that



Just read DC Rebirth. First page I immediately went "This seems familiar..."

Have such mixed feelings about where it wound up.
But so happy that Wally is back.
I really liked the book though.

Also felt to me like DC's admission of "Yeah we really screwed up with New 52."
It's not very good and Idie is probably the worst character.

Kid Apoc was barely in it up to this Apocalypse Wars crossover, now of course the focus is on him. The one issue for this book so far was pretty good, though.

Well well well

I see we have a difference of opinion BK, what are we going to do about that

Hank and Bobby are boring. Scott is okay (which saddens me greatly), and Warren and Laura have been relegated to their relationship. "We're fighting!" is the extent of both of their characters right now. I like Idie because I really like the scene with her in the cathedral, and I've liked Evan since Uncanny X-Force. It's hard not to like him. Again, it's getting better, and I'm looking forward to the Apoc stuff (never thought I'd say those words), but otherwise it's an okay book. Not as boring as Uncanny, but definitely not as enjoyable as Extraordinary. I still enjoy All-New, but not as much as I want to.
Hank and Bobby are boring. Scott is okay (which saddens me greatly), and Warren and Laura have been relegated to their relationship. "We're fighting!" is the extent of both of their characters right now. I like Idie because I really like the scene with her in the cathedral, and I've liked Evan since Uncanny X-Force. It's hard not to like him. Again, it's getting better, and I'm looking forward to the Apoc stuff (never thought I'd say those words), but otherwise it's an okay book. Not as boring as Uncanny, but definitely not as enjoyable as Extraordinary. I still enjoy All-New, but not as much as I want to.

I do agree that the X-books are generally getting better. The Apoc Wars books have been good so far even if it's been a really weird crossover (as in...it's not really a crossover at all so far).

It saddens me greatly that the O5 have been reduced to this. I loved Bendis' ANXM, I think the Trial of Jean Grey is one of my favorite crossovers ever. But like you said, Hank and Bobby are really bad, Scott is meh and Warren/Laura have been obnoxious from the word go. Jean is on Extraordinary so it's not really fair to include her in a critique of this book, but even still she's just sort of...there.

I think our difference of opinion is going to boil down to that church scene, which I found clichéd and totally out of place given what was happening with the rest of the team right then. I haven't been able to warm up to Idie at all since that happened.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I need to know why someone posted "Storm" followed by obama.gif tho.

Purely for science of course.
DC Universe Rebirth #1
I enjoyed this a lot. Tons of nostalgia and really cool set-up for things to come. Sadly, that's all it is. It had hype moments, and tear-jerking moments, and really cool "Oh shit what are they gonna do now!?" moments. And of course, I
loved how they used Wally. It was amazing, and incredibly emotional. I loved all that. And the Watchmen stuff gets me excited. I don't think it's stupid or offensive like a lot of people do.
I'm excited to see what they're going to do with that. At the end of the day, I'm excited for Rebirth more than I think I've ever been excited for comics in a long time.

Although, are all the Rebirth one shots part of this "event"? Or is all the set-up for specific books?
I do agree that the X-books are generally getting better. The Apoc Wars books have been good so far even if it's been a really weird crossover (as in...it's not really a crossover at all so far).

It saddens me greatly that the O5 have been reduced to this. I loved Bendis' ANXM, I think the Trial of Jean Grey is one of my favorite crossovers ever. But like you said, Hank and Bobby are really bad, Scott is meh and Warren/Laura have been obnoxious from the word go. Jean is on Extraordinary so it's not really fair to include her in a critique of this book, but even still she's just sort of...there.

I think our difference of opinion is going to boil down to that church scene, which I found clichéd and totally out of place given what was happening with the rest of the team right then. I haven't been able to warm up to Idie at all since that happened.
God I love the idea of the O5 coming to the present having to deal with their future selves. I love the idea of sort of rebooting a silver-age book, in a way. Like, I would love to see some more comic "reboots," or rather, retellings. Books with older teams written with more modern storylines. It's why I like the O5 so much, but they are so. Fucking. Boring. Seriously. And Jean can go straight to hell. Seriously. Kick her the fuck off of Extraordinary and replace her with Emma Frost.
DC Universe Rebirth #1
I enjoyed this a lot. Tons of nostalgia and really cool set-up for things to come. Sadly, that's all it is. It had hype moments, and tear-jerking moments, and really cool "Oh shit what are they gonna do now!?" moments. And of course, I
loved how they used Wally. It was amazing, and incredibly emotional. I loved all that. And the Watchmen stuff gets me excited. I don't think it's stupid or offensive like a lot of people do.
I'm excited to see what they're going to do with that. At the end of the day, I'm excited for Rebirth more than I think I've ever been excited for comics in a long time.

Although, are all the Rebirth one shots part of this "event"? Or is all the set-up for specific books?

Rebirth oneshots seem more like introductions or setups for specific titles, going off the solicits.

I do agree that not much actually happens in the book, though. It's more of a piece about previous stuff and of course throwing out a big honking hint on something that'll happen in the future than it is about having events progress in its pages. In that way, Rebirth doesn't seem much like an event at all.
Rebirth oneshots seem more like introductions or setups for specific titles, going off the solicits.

I do agree that not much actually happens in the book, though. It's more of a piece about previous stuff and of course throwing out a big honking hint on something that'll happen in the future than it is about having events progress in its pages. In that way, Rebirth doesn't seem much like an event at all.
It's really not. It's pretty much all just set up, with no legitimate pay off. I mean, the only payoff there is to feel is the knowledge that
Dr. Manhattan is behind shit and the Watchmen universe is now involved and major shit is going down, but that only works as payoff if you're familiar with Watchmen.
It's entire premise is using nostalgia to set up future plotlines, and that set up only provides payoff if you have attachment to the past. Luckily I do, so it works for me.

That all said and done, I would like to at least read the books that have the most obvious ties to the plot of this "event." I honestly wish there was an actual event. Maybe there's one planned down the road?


Rebirth felt like a status update and a need for some introspection. It wasn't a big event with major changes or revisions, and it didn't need to be. I felt like it accomplished its goal really well.


Neo Member
Thank you all for your recommendations. I'll start out by checking out Morrison's Batman first.

I also apologize if I offended anybody for calling DC's art generic, I didn't mean to attack anybody specific brand. It's just that as someone who grew up reading European comics (Tintin, Asterix & Obelix, Mortadelo y Filemon...) I find cape books (both DC and Marvel) rather lacking in "style" and "story" which may also be due to the fact I haven't read that many different cape books to begin with. I also understand that creators are limited to the story and legacy of the characters which is also why I tend to read Image stuff where creators have the complete liberty to do whatever they want without editorial mandates and fan feedback hurting the creative team's story.
And now for my rambling review of Rebirth! Including Darkseid War and Supes 52. Since some were claiming JL 50 --> Supes 52 --> Rebirth was the best way to experience this, I thought I'd include my thoughts on those as well.

Darkseid War was really fun at first. The Justice League lineup has improved considerably since I last read the book, even though I did miss Aquaman. Power Ring is a decent character, Hal is less obnoxious and Shazam brings some much-needed lightness and levity to the team. I wish Johns could have wrung a real laugh or two out of his dialogue but he's never been great at writing humorous dialogue. Is there another character that has benefited from the N52 as much as Shazam, though? His origin was the best part of early JL and he's just a fun character now with cool powers. I was never a fan before but I can't wait to see what they do with him next. I'm bummed he isn't getting a solo book in Rebirth, and I'm hoping he gets one with a good team sometime this year.

Early Darkseid War issues were just full of weird, cool shit, like
Batman taking over the Mobius Chair,
Superman getting soaked in Apokolips radiation,
Anti-Monitor BODYING Darkseid,
but the whole thing is oddly paced - was it all just one big battle for 12 issues? At times it felt like it was just one big battle for 12 issues - and the further in I got the less I was enjoying it. Grail wasn't a great character - her dialogue was often laughably bad - and Myrina Black was even worse. The more I learned about them the less I wished I knew. I hope we never see them again, but I'm sure that won't be the case.
Well, one of them, anyway. Good riddance Myrina Black.
Johns writes a great Mr. Miracle though, every page he was on was elevated by his presence. I wish he'd been in it more.

I wish we'd seen more of Flash, too, he's barely in it because his transformation is more dramatic than anyone else in the League. Weird choice given that he's the central character of Rebirth, along with
Wally West.

The climax is insane in a not-so-good, lolcomics way, and features some truly terrible panels, like a couple of everyone focusing their laser beams on the big bad, which serve no purpose and aren't exciting. I hate panels like that. All of the stuff with the
evil Darkseid baby/power vacuum
fell completely flat to me, it was all very "well here is an underexplained, convenient plot device which will do absolutely everything we need to wrap this story up." I did like the birth of the
new Green Lantern, her sacrifice was one of the best parts of the book and that it made her worthy of wearing a "true" ring
was a fist-pump moment. I also really enjoyed the setups for some of the Rebirth books. I was not planning to pick up Action Comics but I am totally on board for that one now, Lex was great in this event and where he ends up here is perfect. Not sure about the Wondy stuff but it's Rucka so I'll be reading that, too. And the
twist for Batman was handled MUCH better here than it was in Rebirth (more on that in a bit). The last couple of pages were an effective cliffhanger and had me eager for Rebirth.

Overall I'd give Darkseid War a B, but as setup for DC's next era it's an A-. The pieces are in very interesting places by the end of the story.

Then I went on to Superman 52. Now, in fairness, I didn't read the whole crossover, but it's not like it was hard to figure out everything that was going on. It was a very basic story and didn't seem to be deserving of being Superman's last. I liked seeing some of the other heroes featured in the story, especially
Supergirl who I thought had one of the best N52 launches (wtf is up with the lack of knees on her costume though? What is that about? Weird design).
Batman and Wonder Woman crashing the party was a great page, too.
I also liked the interaction with
pre52 Superman who I hope keeps the beard, it's a good look.
Anyway after all that happened the way they finished off the villain felt rather bland and rushed....all so we could get three full pages of
Superman saying his farewells.
Despite all that space, or perhaps because of it, it felt hammy as fuck.

I'm gonna say D+. The story wasn't as good as the original Death of Superman which was itself pretty bad. I was pretty psyched to read the Rebirth volume of Superman but I might actually pass on it now since this is the creative team. I dunno. Maybe I'll give it one issue.

So, Rebirth.

This book uses an interesting storytelling device -
Wally West traveling through the N52 looking for someone who can help him
- that can't quite sustain itself for its full length. You can tell Johns is aware of this, because
flat-out drops out of the book for pages at a time even as he remains our narrator and central protagonist. It feels like Johns is giving up on this device at these times, which makes for a few sections that are a bit of a slog to get through. The long asides with
the Atom's assistant,
the Blue Beetles
Aquaman and Mera
feel out of place even though it was fun to see these characters, especially since none of these characters featured in Darkseid War at all which really does feel like it leads into Rebirth pretty directly. I just don't think they contribute anything to the story by being there; these scenes are in service to the event rather than the narrative and thus the latter is weakened by their presence.

Where the book really falls flat is in a couple of hair-pulling inconsistencies and poor decisions. in both art and writing. There are three really big ones...
We are just sort of told that the death of Darkseid is the reason Wally is able to reach through the speedforce into the N52 but this is never adequately explained or addressed. It's just convenient for Johns.
Putting a bunch of different artists' portrayals of the Joker on the batcomputer was a laughably awful decision, it doesn't make any sense and just makes Batman look like not only the worst detective ever but an actual idiot who might literally have been blind all along. If these are different Jokers, different people...how the fuck did he not see it?? Makes no sense at all, should have stuck with the Justice League portrayal of this revelation
3) I read that reading JL 50, then Superman 52 and then Rebirth was the optimal reading experience for maximum impact, but I'd tell anyone to drop Superman 52 from the mix. If you read JL 50 you already know
he's dying,
Superman 52 was not a good book by any means, and to make matters worse
the event of Superman's passing is treated with terrible inconsistency between Supes 52 and Rebirth. In Rebirth, there is a big question mark about Superman's "disappearance" in news headlines and seemingly even among some League members. But at the end of Superman 52, several heroes are present for Superman's death along with Lois and Lana, and the final pages show the world reacting to the headline "Superman Dead!" as well as Lois starting a lengthy obituary. While it's true that Rebirth does sort of catch up to the same place Supes 52 ended eventually, it's really sloppy and disjointed, it always amazes me when stuff like this gets by editorial.
4) I also thought it was kinda uninspired to lift
Flash's visitation to the Batcave straight out of BvS
but this is relatively minor compared to my three big problems, just took me out of the story for a minute. I mean it is almost EXACTLY the same scene with different dialogue (and a better costume).

Now, there are three things that I loved in this book, in between all the sloppy storytelling and the device -
- that can't quite bear the weight it is expected to support, there are still these three things that are all god damn great:
Wally is great. His characterization and narration both act as an excoriating, earth-scorching rebuke of the N52 and grim and gritty comics in general. Like...holy shit it's unbelievable at a couple points just how directly he addresses the audience and basically says "yeahhhh we fucked up pretty bad here."
This is exactly what we needed to make a clean break with the past several years and it has made me hyped as fuck for what comes next.
The reunion of Barry and Wally works so well and is so beautifully written that I was getting a little dusty and I don't have much attachment at all to either of these characters. It was so cathartic and emotional and hnnnng! I am speechless. I wish I could just post all the pages but I don't want to wreck it for anybody, it's too good and it is a great payoff for some of the earlier wishy-washy scenes of Wally trying to get somebody, anybody to remember him and failing over and over. Like there is a moment in this scene where I really thought Wally was going to die! And then Barry comes through and just wow the feels. Wow. Loved it. LOVED it.
Springing right out of that back into the Batcave, I thought the introduction of the Watchmen universe was actually handled really well. I had read the spoilers about Dr. Manhattan, they have been as unavoidable as the Cap stuff has been today, so for me the only two surprises were that, one, Dr. Manhattan doesn't technically appear in the book at all, and, two, that it would actually be this effective. I actually got chills from Wally's narration as Batman moved through the Batcave and found the Comedian's pin. And the cutaway from there to the moon was aces.
The last two major scenes of the book worked really well for me.

I'm gonna say B-. A beautiful mess. There's a lot here that doesn't work but what does work works so damn well it's hard to be too harsh with it. Unlike JL 50, though, Rebirth didn't really sell me on anything. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't dissuaded me from trying books I was already planning to check out, like
Blue Beetle
but the scenes featuring those characters didn't do anything for me at all, they were just so forced. When this book was firing on all cylinders though, man, it had an electricity to it I have rarely experienced in cape comics. Those last two scenes? Damn. They sang.
Buddy series with Illyana Rasputin and Wanda Maximoff. Call it "The Sorceress Supremes." Could add a third with Nico Moreau and a fourth with that one chick from Illuminati who was impersonating Enchantress.

Book it Mahvel. Where's my paycheck at.
It could happen. Kotobukiya has been known to do convention variants for things like SDCC.

I love hoodie Rogue so much. I also dug Xtreme Rogue.



I up and done yolo-ed
Ordered from IST-
Gotham Central Vol. 3-4 (New Printing)
Grant Morrison's Batman (& Son, RIP, Final Crisis)
Captain America Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection (Bru's Cap issues 1-14)

All for USD 66


Widowmaker is my bae just had a really fun game playing as her. God this game is great.

Finished the first arc of JSA then read the tomorrow woman issue and now superman is blue? Feel like I've missed something here lol least he got a haircut.


Ok so Satellite Sam is on sale and that book was pretty awesome and totally underrated. I love anything pulpy that takes place in 50s Hollywood. Chaykin's art is an acquired taste but I thought that when all is said and done it was a pretty amazing time. It's definitely worth the $15.
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