How is dark horses Empowered? Seen a deluxe copy in the store and was kind of curious.
It's a superhero satire with heavy bondage overtones [seeing as you like Sunstone, it should be right up your alley

]. Once you accept that, it's friggin' hilarious. I still need to grab the second deluxe edition.
Awesome. I will give that a go then. Heavy bondage overtones you say

. Speaking of Sunstone, I want more pages. Its seems like those folks are swamped with work. Its been like a month and a half with no real updates

Another thing I am curious about. I want to read an X-Men book, would I be lost if I started with this new one this month?
EMPOWERED is my favorite non-monthly book, by a large margin. You should definitely read it and, if you can, start by reading the first Deluxe Edition which collects the first three volumes. The creator Adam Warren didn't have faith that Emp could take off the way that it did, so the first volume is very episodic and somewhat haphazard as a result; later volumes flesh out the stories and expand on the characters, but you only get a real sense of that by reading the first three together. The series is
very bondage heavy, as that is the character's real-life origin; as Adam tells it, he was at a low point in his career and always getting commissioned to do bondage-themed artwork at cons, and so created an original superheroine who's constantly getting humiliated and tied up, and channeled all of his thoughts and anxieties about the perceived failures of his professional life into the character's personality. The story is unabashedly cheesecake-y but also endearing, heartwarming, full of action and comedy, memorable characters who are instantly likeable and have a surprising amount of depth... and, EMPOWERED features some of the best couples relationships in comics bar none. Adam's style of writing dialogue
can be a bit off-putting for some people (even me, sometimes), but it's unique and adds to the book's quirky charm.
Plus, Emp is totally adorkable. You just want to hug her and tell her she's awesome.
Volume Eight is out next month! :O