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COMICS! |OT| November 2013. Truly, tofurkey is the offspring of some Black Science.

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Batman/Superman #5
Detective Comics #5
Forever Evil #3
Phantom Stranger #13
Superman Unchained #4
and maybe
Iron Man #18
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe this month too. Hype.

Pretty excited for that after seeing the preview cover for #3..


Awww yeah.

Why is Cap a dog?
What about List?

Looks to be a good week.


Action Comics #25
Batman Black And White #3
Batman Superman #5
Detective Comics #25
Earth 2 #17
Forever Evil #3
Green Lantern #25
Superman Unchained #4
Swamp Thing #25
Trinity Of Sin The Phantom Stranger #13

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Looks like What-IF or alternate characters. I see werewolf Cap, a vampire wolverine, a phoenix powered Kraven the Hunter (??), and a punisher venom. Can't tell what's up with Doom and Carnage though.

Possibly the Monster-verse from Remenders fun Secret Avengers run. Although that had Franken-Castle and not Venom-Punisher:


I've been re-reading this lately. What an utterly fantastic book. To anyone who hasn't checked out Joshua Dysart and Alberto Ponticelli's 4 volume run on the Unknown soldier, please please run out and buy it. The book can quite honestly be an emotionally crippling experience at times, the sadness which you might feel when you really how little of it is fiction. The book deals with an american raised doctor of Ugandan descent who returns to his place of birth help treat the decimated population in the face of the war between the government and the LRA (Joseph Kony). In the face of some of the horrors he see's, a split personality emerges, which kicks off a story that is really really compelling. From the mystery of who the unknown soldier really is, the things he is forced to witness and to do to fight the LRA, it is all backboned by the true horrors, the real situations people are faced with. I'm really not doing this any justice but the series is only 4 volumes long and utterly fantastic, even in the face of being cut short during its run. The trades are also of magnificent quality, with just the nicest paper (seems silly compared to what I've just been saying but it's true).

I requested the first two volumes of this from the library because of your write up here, looking forward to checking it out.
I requested the first two volumes of this from the library because of your write up here, looking forward to checking it out.

Oh wow, that's really great to hear man! I'd love to know what you think once you've read them. The first two volumes are nice and thick too, so you'll have plenty to bite into. It really is incredible, and far ahead of itself. If Dysart had come along with it now and had it published at say Image, I'd think he'd have got a much longer run than he did, and probably a lot more eyes on it. As it is, it finished up in 2011 and still manages to be (sadly) very relevant in the issues it explores, and a fantastic story to boot.

EDIT: And on pretty much the furthest note you can get from Unknown Soldier, I really think DC might get me to buy a few superman books next year, somehow. I was already up for Unchained just because of the Snyder. Then I was thinking about Batman Superman and was tempted, for the Jae Lee art. But I've just read a preview for Pak's Action Comics and um, I really kind of dug it ha. I like Young Superman, I don't know why Action comics can't just be young superman all the time, he has a good attitude haha. Preview is here. The art is phenomenal.


So all that talk about Supergirl a few pages back made me look into some of the earlier trades. I didn't realize how many different writers the series went through O_O Did any of you enjoy any of the arcs after Loeb's short run?

Is the New 52 series worth picking up?
So all that talk about Supergirl a few pages back made me look into some of the earlier trades. I didn't realize how many different writers the series went through O_O Did any of you enjoy any of the arcs after Loeb's short run?

Is the New 52 series worth picking up?

My opinion: Despite the number of writers the series is actually pretty decent. It has some good runs and doesn't suffer the same problems that Superboy has, for example, feels like it still has a coherent theme.

Go in knowing it's going to basically be about an angst teenage girl being angsty and wanting to be left alone but constantly being messed with.


Oh wow, that's really great to hear man! I'd love to know what you think once you've read them. The first two volumes are nice and thick too, so you'll have plenty to bite into. It really is incredible, and far ahead of itself. If Dysart had come along with it now and had it published at say Image, I'd think he'd have got a much longer run than he did, and probably a lot more eyes on it. As it is, it finished up in 2011 and still manages to be (sadly) very relevant in the issues it explores, and a fantastic story to boot.

Once they come in and I read through them I'll post my impressions in here. Based on what you've said and what I've read about it, it sounds like something that's right up my alley. I'm disappointed I missed it when it was coming out.

Unrelated, I got the Batman: The Black Casebook tpb (that I mentioned in last month's thread) over the weekend. I'll probably get to it this week and post impressions after. For those who missed my earlier post about it, it's a Batman collection curated by Grant Morrison of stories from the 50s and 60s that inspired and informed his run on the character. It was released in 2009, a few months after RIP came out in hardcover.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I forgot how great Frankencastle was. So much fucking fun, and before I read it, I expected to hate it. Great stuff.
So all that talk about Supergirl a few pages back made me look into some of the earlier trades. I didn't realize how many different writers the series went through O_O Did any of you enjoy any of the arcs after Loeb's short run?

Is the New 52 series worth picking up?

It was pretty on and off shit until #34 when Sterling Gates took over. I liked it until the end from there. I loved when she started teaming up with Damian or Stephanie. The Amanda Connor issue was awesome though.Some of before that was ok. but I think midteens to mid 20ish maybe? I hated myself...lol

The Peter David run with the other Supergirl before is my favorite though.

New 52 Supergirl is ok except when it got to H'el on Earth. Its good again after that. Sometimes it feels really close to being better..like I wish they did more with her and Banshee. The Power girl issues were good.

also I'm ready for some Batgirl teamups
or a Nightwing Batgirl book ..


Sweet, thanks guys! I'll try to locate as many of the trades as I can. FYI, Barnes and Nobles is having a buy 2 get 1 free on most Marvel/DC books.


Pizza Dog
New 52 Supergirl is ok except when it got to H'el on Earth. Its good again after that. Sometimes it feels really close to being better..like I wish they did more with her and Banshee. The Power girl issues were good.

I never read any Super-family comics before New 52 Supergirl, continued to not read any of them during reading that either so when that H'el on Earth thing came up it threw me for a loop. Didn't really like where the story went but I enjoyed it up until that point, although I've sort of dropped off reading it again. Maybe will go back and pick up the issues I've missed if it's still alright.
Only Amazing X-Men #1 for me this week. It better be fucking awesome because I will be depressed and grumpy as fuck if it's disappointing and I have nothing else to read.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Only Amazing X-Men #1 for me this week. It better be fucking awesome because I will be depressed and grumpy as fuck if it's disappointing and I have nothing else to read.

Jason Aaron writes X-books like its nobody's business, but he keeps getting wrapped up in dumb and shitty X-events. That's why I dropped Wolverine and the X-men, which I loved.
I never read any Super-family comics before New 52 Supergirl, continued to not read any of them during reading that either so when that H'el on Earth thing came up it threw me for a loop. Didn't really like where the story went but I enjoyed it up until that point, although I've sort of dropped off reading it again. Maybe will go back and pick up the issues I've missed if it's still alright.

yea me either, I don't think I understood most of it

Grindhouse Doors Open at Midnight #2 (Dark Horse)
Trillium #4 (DC/Vertigo)
Transformers More Than Meets The Eye 100 Penny Press #1 (IDW)
Drumheller #1 (Image)
East of West #7 (Image)
Army of Darkness vs Hack/Slash #3 (Dynamite)
Legends of Red Sonja #1 (Dynamite)
Mr Toast Comics #6 Little Lost Ghost (DKE inc)

And breaking my moratorium on buying trades and OGNs, I think I will pick up Hellboy: The Midnight Circus. I've decided that it is not an OGN because it's just too damn short. It's a floppy that doesn't flop, is what it it. One that looks to be a fun window into the Hellboy world.
And, yes, that silver-tongued devil doniewhalberg talked me into buying it. Or, well, inspired me to search out a preview, which in turn sold me with it's gorg art.
Preview of Hellboy: The Midnight Circus.

For all you fans of Supergirl here's a terrible Supergirl T-Shirt.

Kinda dig the pink Supergirl keychain, though.


Age of Ultron #7 went up on MDCU today, possibly the worst issue so far in that nothing happens. Bendis uses the same tired cliche of " misunderstanding fight" to take up the whole issue. I was enjoying AoU a bit so far but that's done now.
And breaking my moratorium on buying trades and OGNs, I think I will pick up Hellboy: The Midnight Circus. I've decided that it is not an OGN because it's just too damn short. It's a floppy that doesn't flop, is what it it. One that looks to be a fun window into the Hellboy world.
And, yes, that silver-tongued devil doniewhalberg talked me into buying it. Or, well, inspired me to search out a preview, which in turn sold me with it's gorg art.
Preview of Hellboy: The Midnight Circus.

Haha, I AM BREAKING EVERYONE DOWN. For my next trick, watch as one turns into many. I'm glad you're checking it out, Fegredo is absolutely incredible. I love Mike, but when Fegredo came on to do the epic trilogy, I actually think he kind of does a better hellboy than mike does. The two of them together, it's just something else, and of course the great thing is these little OGNs act as a really easy way to peer into Hellboy's world and see if you like what's going on.
List Without Pity:

Amazing X-Men #1
Captain America #13
Captain Marvel #17
Cataclysm: The Ultimates' Last Stand #1 of 5
Iron Man #18
Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe #1 of 4
Marvel Knights Spider-Man #2 of 5

Action Comics #25
Batman/Superman #5
Forever Evil #3 of 7
Green Arrow #25
Superman Unchained #4

Army of Darkness vs. Hack/Slash #3 of 6 (Dynamite)
Legends of Red Sonja #1 of 5 (Dynamite)
The Shadow Now #2 of 6 (Dynamite)
Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time #10 of 12 (IDW)
Transformers: Dark Cybertron #1 (IDW)
Quantum and Woody Volume 1: The World's Worst Super-Hero Team TPB (Valiant)


*Raises hand*

I recommend it, it was quite fun.

I saw it on Saturday, it was good! I enjoyed it even more than the first, which I really liked. I loved how much of it was set in England, and it was cool seeing more of the nine realms and secondary characters. Did you stay for the post-credits teaser?


I made this for a friend, his birthday is coming up so I'll have it printed poster or tabloid size.

EDIT: holy, tweeted this to Fiona Staples and she messaged back saying she liked it! DAY MADE



I've moved into my new flat proper and all my books are in the same place for the first time in a while.
So what am I missing?
I've still got a lot of Invincible to get through, and I'm probably not up to date with The Walking Dead (although I don't really feel the need to continue, there is a definite cycle with the series that makes it predictable).
There are gaps in Grant Morrison's Batman run (which I think they really messed up with all the title switching, I didn't really have a clue what was going on in the 3rd Batman and Robin book with the villain, I guess I need to read The Black Glove?)

I'm mostly interested in super hero runs that are already done so don't go on forever, like New X-Men / Astonishing X-Men
That's a pretty sweet poster, SystemBug!

So I'm all alone reading Wild Blue Yonder, huh? Seriously.This is a serious question. None of y'all are reading freaking Wild Blue Yonder?

It's about, ok, these people in the future, right, and the earth has become too polluted to live on with any kind of quality of life. So the lucky few live on, like, big freighter planes. And different factions battle each other in the sky. Sky battles! And certain dudes are "guns" and they have, like, rockets and they fly through the air taking people out, oh man, it's so good. And it's also about a family and stuff and there is this spy but you kind of wonder if he's gonna be swayed to the other side. It's just so fun yet serious and different from anything else I'm reading. I encourage you folks to give it a look!


What do people think of Marvel's apparent push to make "inhumans" the new "mutants"? Something about that just doesn't sit with me, although maybe the same genetic element will still be there.


So I'm all alone reading Wild Blue Yonder, huh? Seriously.This is a serious question. None of y'all are reading freaking Wild Blue Yonder?

It's about, ok, these people in the future, right, and the earth has become too polluted to live on with any kind of quality of life. So the lucky few live on, like, big freighter planes. And different factions battle each other in the sky. Sky battles! And certain dudes are "guns" and they have, like, rockets and they fly through the air taking people out, oh man, it's so good. And it's also about a family and stuff and there is this spy but you kind of wonder if he's gonna be swayed to the other side. It's just so fun yet serious and different from anything else I'm reading. I encourage you folks to give it a look!

I actually tweeted about this last Wednesday, I saw #3 when I was at my LCS but no one seemed to have much information about it. Glad to hear you think it's good though, I'll look into it this week.

A little off topic, but do any of you think Smallville will be released in blu ray form for the complete series set?


At the risk of sounding uniformed, why are we excited about Black Science? Sell me on it :p
Remender writing the spiritual successor to Fear Agent with Scalera on art.



Remender writing the spiritual successor to Fear Agent with Scalera on art.


I should have pointed out that for most comics I didn't start until say the new 52. So these words mean very little to me. But I am trying :p


I should have pointed out that for most comics I didn't start until say the new 52. So these words mean very little to me. But I am trying :p

You should probably check out Fear Agent, i only got one trade in so far but it's very enjoyable sci-fi shenanigans with great art.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
What do people think of Marvel's apparent push to make "inhumans" the new "mutants"? Something about that just doesn't sit with me, although maybe the same genetic element will still be there.

I'm all for the inhumans moving to the forefront and getting the attention that I believe they deserve. Mutants have been on the brink of extinction for awhile, so unless they bred like rabbits the past few years, it's hard to think of a plot device that doesn't involve time-traveling to replenish the mutant numbers.

Plus, I'm always for more Black Bolt and Lockjaw storylines. I'm searching for Pet Avengers trades to buy for myself and my gf.


Mutants have been on the brink of extinction for awhile, so unless they bred like rabbits the past few years, it's hard to think of a plot device that doesn't involve time-traveling to replenish the mutant numbers.

I think as of the start of Uncanny X-Men (maybe earlier?) new mutants have started popping up all over the place. That has been the plot of that book for the most part.

I don't know anything about inhumans. Is there an inhumans book? Are they aliens?
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