Too dark? Do you read by candlelight?
I like natural light when reading comics.
Too dark? Do you read by candlelight?
Read under a street light.Hmm wanted to get around to reading more Saga, but it's too dark to read my trades. What to do...
I also don't own a decent lamp. We've had this conversation guysssss
:lol. This got meOpen the fridge door and eat while you read.
Perfect lighting on my iPad.
Hmm wanted to get around to reading more Saga, but it's too dark to read my trades. What to do...
Oh hey, Rumble #1 wasn't free last time I checked ~2 weeks ago. Gonna see what the fuss is about.
EDIT: lol what the fuck is going on
What's going on is you just found a reason to spend money on something, son.
I remember when Carrie Kelly was going to be utilized in the Nu52....
Well shit we gettin in there. Forgot that was coming out. I don't much follow gaming news anymore.I almost forgot about Talos Principle. I've also got Transformers Devestation from Platinum Games coming out next week.
It wasn't that bad. I felt that it was really good mechanically, especially for a game clearly made on a tight budget. It felt really good, and wasn't buggy (as far as I know). Problem is that the rest of the game clearly showed the budgetary restrictions.Legend of Korra was a disappointment, though. Luckily Transformers is being done by the better team over there. Korra was a total B-team effort.
I remember when Carrie Kelly was going to be utilized in the Nu52....
I remember when Carrie Kelly was going to be utilized in the Nu52....
Tonight's workplace diversion: into the future for a few issues of Mystery Science Justice League 3k1.
It wasn't that bad. I felt that it was really good mechanically, especially for a game clearly made on a tight budget. It felt really good, and wasn't buggy (as far as I know). Problem is that the rest of the game clearly showed the budgetary restrictions.
When does the 3k1 lady book start?
It wasn't great, either. I think the controls and the limited scope of the game hurt it. But Korra was made by what is essentially Platinum's b-team. Transformers is not.
Pretty sure Platinum has more than an A and B team. They make a lot of games.
Really? What have they done recently besides Korra, the Bayonetta games, and that online multiplayer combat game that bombed?
Scalebound and Transformers were/are being developed simultaneously.
W101, Bayonetta 2, and Korra were done the same way.
Okay, yeah, I forgot about Scalebound.
Don't forget Star Fox! that's still a thing I think.
Forgot about Nier 2.
huh so did I
still hugely surprised it's getting a sequel by Platinum no less
Hm.Asked how he feels about a Wonder Woman/Batman romance, he [Scott Snyder] said hed feel very good about that, and considered it. He knows that he avoids romance so deeply in Batman, probably because you know its not going to end well. Usually with death or turning into a villain. Hes trying to avoid those tropes as far as he can currently. Creating a real romance would take time in the Batman mythology. He could definitely see it, though, and especially is enthusiastic because Lynda Carter was his first crush.
I keep thinking I should play the first, but I know it'll likely never happen. It's still one of GAF's favorite black sheep games.
Don't forget Star Fox! that's still a thing I think.
These DK3 variant covers. <3
Halo 5 runs at 60fps with no dips
legit could care less about a shooter without upgradable powers and stats tbph
sorry halo
your day is done
More like Halo's day is just beginning. I'll take an arena shooter over a class-based shooter any day.
legit could care less about a shooter without upgradable powers and stats tbph
sorry halo
your day is done
I don't think anybody gives a shit about Destiny lore. Even Bungie had the foresight to have everything on cards you earn for a website outside the game. It's all about dat loot.
CapitalismI would not be shocked. You reek of selling out. Sorry m8.
I don't really care about either these days but at least you can say Halo had a soul. I cared for the characters and I was invested in that world. I couldn't give a shit about Destiny's lore - if any exists. It was fun to play for a while though.