Going back to Hearthstone after a weekend of Mad Max was a mistake. How is it that a card game is more stressful than a post-apocalyptic wasteland? I think I have the worst ladder anxiety in the world. I get that you'll win a certain amount of games on luck, likewise you'll lose as many, but when you grind out a close win it's the best feeling. Gots to keep climbing for those gold cards though. Plus, I got a gold Argent Lance and another Bolf in today's pack, so I now have Nexus-Champion Saraad.
I want to read comics but I'm way too hyper right now. I did read a bunch of stuff earlier, like the last three issues of Doctor Who: Four Doctors (really good, the look into the bad timelines was pretty chilling, plus the antagonist was a complete surprise), a random Predator trade I got in the library called Prey to the Heavens (horrific art and horrendous cast of characters, complete waste of time) and the Gotham Academy trade from the Batman Day sale (really, really good stuff, wasn't keen on the art but it has grown on me).
Hearthstone is just non-stop annoyance.....that i keep putting up with. And no gold legendaries!
edit: First minor gripe in mad max is i'm awful at driving once again, like in Arkham Knight, i don't like how the car controls.