Oh, snap.
Was not impressed by his Fantastic Four, have not read any of his other stuff.
that's cuz you have no soul

Oh, snap.
Was not impressed by his Fantastic Four, have not read any of his other stuff.
Agents of Shield season 3 opener is a bit dull.
Watch Scream Queens instead.
Watch Scream Queens instead.
I need to get around to it on-demand. I'm starting to try/watch too many shows....
Heroes Reborn was probably a mistake.
Should I get Cyborg or Wonder Woman for Lego Dimensions? Aquaman would have been my choice but he and most of the DC characters don't come out till next year.
Just read the first issue of Planetary in my new omnibus. What a cool comic.
I read the complete series a couple of months ago. Warren Ellis is truly a brilliant writer. There were so many layers to every issue. I'm going to read it again on my next break, see what new meaning it takes on knowing the end point.
Morrison's Arkham Asylum is definitely an interesting comic.
Suddenly, aggressively sexual, the Joker swings his arm down to squeeze Batman's buttocks. Batman jumps as though bitten by a poisonous snake. He is profoundly shocked. (The Joker's effeminate actions are thus seen to be quite deliberate. He knows exactly how to rattle Batman, who, as I've mentioned, has serious problems in the whole area of normal human relationships. This one act has expertly broken right through all of Batman's carefully constructed defenses. The Joker has not only invaded Batman's precious personal space but he has done so in an overt and threateningly sexual manner. He has precisely discerned how to make Batman most uncomfortable, most intimidated. As a result, Batman is temporarily losing all his dignity.)
Batman turns, pointing. His face is distorted by undiluted rage, hatred and shock.
Is it normal to feel a little lost this early in? Because I do a little.
Wonder Woman doesn't have super strength? LolCyborg - he has lasers and super strength, letting you unlock access to more collectibles, etc.
Very lovely comic I like to revisit it every now and then, if you have the special edition, I'd recommend reading over the script:
Is it normal to feel a little lost this early in? Because I do a little.
Wonder Woman doesn't have super strength? Lol
Of Remender's current Image titles -- bearing in mind that I haven't read Tokyo Ghost yet -- Low is far and away my favorite.Low #1
In some strange way, I regretted this before I even started it. Knowing nothing, I could just tell this was going to be one of those heavy-ass Remender books, and lo and behold. Anyway, it's pretty good. Nice setup. Fantastic art. Tons and tons of exposition. But I'm in it. Let's see how it goes.
Of Remender's current Image titles -- bearing in mind that I haven't read Tokyo Ghost yet -- Low is far and away my favorite.
Of Remender's current Image titles -- bearing in mind that I haven't read Tokyo Ghost yet -- Low is far and away my favorite.
I'm eyeing up some omnibuses in my cart. Are any of these avoid like the plague?
Am I playing a character? Are we all playing characters? Just blank stands to dress up and give a name to and push out on the stage? Simply to play a part?![]()
Ily so much right now.
Just some food for thought for a couple of folks; I have noticed a tonal shift of ComicGAF from being a unique crowd of individuals who enjoy comics, to a place that is incredibly insular and full of people who are more concerned with playing a character and being loud without saying much of anything of value. We've lost quite a few people with good reason, and even I've been turned off to posting in this thread because I get some weird ass vibes. Please be ComicGAF again and not the CBR message boards.
I'm not a WW expert, but I've at least heard of the rest of those. Never heard of Genocide.http://www.comicbookresources.com/article/myth-makers-wonder-womans-greatest-villains
Really, CBR? Genocide? Not Silver Swan, or Baroness von Gunther, or Heracles, or even Max Lord? GENOCIDE?
Well shitYou should invite Busiek to your thread.
All New X-Factor #19 and X-Force #14: both great issues of what I think are two of the most underrated (and different) series recently.
There's a really cool (and sad) bit in ANXF with Danger who, after saving the day in a battle against some sort of soul eating goddess, Polaris says "thank god you're on the team, you must feel pretty good about yourself" to which Danger replies "why would I feel good? I have no soul, I am a thing, I am no different from the bed you are laying in or the bottle you are urinating into" (they're in a hospital), which leaves snarky Polaris with no reply.
And X-Force just continues to be pure insanity. I get that some might get angry at what it dies for Fantomex and Cable's characters but I love it.
I'm eyeing up some omnibuses in my cart. Are any of these avoid like the plague?
Well, Im sure you have your taste but unless you have strong nostalgia for those X-Men storylines (AoA, Onslaught, Fatal Attractions), there are better X-men omnis or OHCs for you to get IMO.
Astonishing X-Men by Whedon and Cassaday
Grant Morrison's New X-Men
I kind of want to read AoA purely based on Remender's UXF, but honestly, I don't want to dive into that massive event. I never liked Apoc until Remender did something cool with that lore.
it's bad!
I loved it. One of the best things the X books did in the 90s. Keep in mind it's pure 90s but the event really recharged my love of the books at the time. Joe mad was crushing it back then tooI'll bet it super is. I was talking to the owner of my LCS the other day, and he was saying how AoA was the point at which he bailed out of X Comics for a while. He just didn't like any of it.
eric canete too good
How cheap is cheap?I can sell you a sealed copy of this for cheap.
Well, Im sure you have your taste but unless you have strong nostalgia for those X-Men storylines (AoA, Onslaught, Fatal Attractions), there are better X-men omnis or OHCs for you to get IMO.
Remender's run on Uncanny X-Force which has elements of its story continue on to Uncanny Avengers is superb
Astonishing X-Men by Whedon and Cassaday
Grant Morrison's New X-Men
there are probably some others Im forgetting. Frank Miller Wolverine probably has an omni
Infinity is really great but its just an elevated section of Hickman's massive Avengers storyline. They've come out with OHCs but I'd wait longer to see how the inevitable omnis are collected as you might want to see if the omnis and infinity OHC overlap
Also, highly recommend X-Statix
eric canete too good
Looked at what's coming out tomorrow and it looks like it's just Justice League and Grayson Annual for me
I loved it. One of the best things the X books did in the 90s. Keep in mind it's pure 90s but the event really recharged my love of the books at the time. Joe mad was crushing it back then too
SHIELD # 2 - Simmons and Ms.Marvel centered issue with Simmons undercover at Kamala's school which gets attacked. Cute but that's about it. If all the issues are just stand alone stories I'll lose interest fast.
They aren't standalone. That's the only standalone one, I think. The rest tie into a bigger overall arc.
Looked at what's coming out tomorrow and it looks like it's just Justice League and Grayson Annual for me
Guardians 3000 #4 - Sandoval's art is still the selling point for me, I don't really care about any of the characters or what's happening really :/ The fact that so far it's all super confusing with time travel and alternate time lines doesn't help. Would drop it in a heartbeat if not for Sandoval's art. Sorry Drayco![]()
Well there you go.
Dat X-Force tho. So underrated, everyone just plugs Uncanny every time someone asks about X-Force. I know the bad Storm/Pug/Spiral/Psylocke run after Uncanny didn't help, but still, nobody talks about this when I would actually probably put it above Uncanny tbh. Then again I don't think Uncanny was as good as everyone says, the highs were high but the lows were very low, it was very inconsistent