Brian Fellows
Pete Carroll Owns Me

You might like Tone, which is the Titan everyone is using. She has good long range shots and fire rockets.
Watching Supergirl and I just realized, where's J'onn in Rebirth?
I like Seven To Eternity so far. I enjoy the world that Remender and Opena are building.
J'onn is Orlando's favorite JL character.I am 99% sure that during the early JLA buzz a few weeks back Orlando was talking about Martian Manhunter in an interview and that he wanted to write him. Gave me the impression it was in his plans.
Haha this twitter chain is too good. Some people
Finally time to buy the rest of Locke and Key with this sale
Kieron Gillen now has a newsletter. Subscribe here. 99% chance of terrible puns that make you want to kill him, I'd say.
I got up through book 3, so only 3 more to go.Yay. Reading his latest novel right now, and while I want him to get right to work writing the next novel haha, I also really wish he wrote more comics. Imo one of the best and he'd easily be a personal top 3 writer if only he actually wrote more of em. Locke and Key is a masterpiece.
Where had you got up to previously?
I got up through book 3, so only 3 more to go.
I bought his latest book, but haven't got around to reading. Any good?
This week!! New Terry Moore book! Two new Avengers lineups, maybe one will be good! Southern Bastards is back! Odinson!! New Animosity! PURPLE GUN MAN! Yes yes yes yes yes
AAAAAHHHHHHHH I totally forgot to add Motor Girl to my list. I only ever skim the indy release list for Giant Days.
When you guys read comics, are you usually watching nba games, wrestling, or listening to people cover Taylor Swift songs? I think you should try it.
Hey Donnie you're welcome for doubling your Twitter follower count.![]()
I prefer to read my comics in silence, submerged in a vat of boiling mud
I prefer to read my comics in silence, submerged in a vat of boiling mud
Haha oh no you found me. I just set it up recently, mostly to like and retweet things and ask the odd question to people. Cheers though man.
Hillbilly #3: So.
Please excuse the purple prose but
Reading Hillbilly is like sitting around a campfire listening to a master storyteller spin tall tales. I can feel the closeness of the woods and hear the crackling fire. That sense of dread, the primal fear of the unknowable dark in those woods. It's an incredibly evocative work of art. Folks, Powell is killing it on this book. Just absolutely killing it. You owe it to yourselves to try it. You could pick up any issue really and you will immediately fall into this world. I'd recommend it to anyone.
Yeah I saw your replies to Donny Cates. If you use the words Image Comics in a tweet chances are I'm going to see it lol. I get bored and search that a lot.
AAAAAHHHHHHHH I totally forgot to add Motor Girl to my list. I only ever skim the indy release list for Giant Days.
This is how Terry Moore books fail.
Disaster averted, then. Huh? Otherwise I may have had to make TWO comixology transactions this week.
Nah. It'll fail regardless.
Nah. It'll fail regardless.
Even failing Moore books tend to go on for awhile though, so it's cool. I feel like he has to know the downsides of publishing the way he does. I'm sure Image would gladly take him if that's what he wanted.