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Company of Heroes 2 |OT| The Motherland is Calling - [Western Front Armies out now]


I'm getting "500 Internal Server Error" when trying to reach the official forums.

Anyone with this problem?

Same here but they have had issues with them for ages, coh2.org is probably a better place to post about the game since the devs also hang out there as well.


Thanks all. I think Sethos said it best...I do keep forgetting about mines. Too used to playing as Americans in CoH with AT Infantry capabilities. I miss my Rangers.


@Sethos, you added the correct me. (tthere are more me's?)

Yea, really sucks the russians don't have any capable AT-infantry except the AT-grenade upgrade, it is historical correct though. Best option is denial of fuel.


Guards have PTRS, they do very good damage against light vehicles but not so much vs medium and heavy. The DP upgrade allows them to button vehicles though which is useful to drop at grenades and get off more shots from your AT guns and SU-85s.


Same here but they have had issues with them for ages, coh2.org is probably a better place to post about the game since the devs also hang out there as well.

As always, expect both to be populated almost entirely of strictly Axis players who are convinced that everything about the opposing army is OP all the time.


Oh yea, did finally play as the Germans for a round last night. Romping around the battlefield with a pack of Tigers is excellent stress relief.


No doubt, axis is popular for some reason.

Mainly because they are easier to play. Their tanks are great and the overall tactic is pretty straight forward. They just fail to realize how powerful the Soviet can be when played correctly and how versatile they are but the Soviet are harder to master.


They just fail to realize how powerful the Soviet can be when played correctly and how versatile they are...

Go on...

(Yes, shamelessly begging for tips, I'm okay with that...) Think I'm missing some of the finer points of Russian Doctorine.
Mainly because they are easier to play. Their tanks are great and the overall tactic is pretty straight forward. They just fail to realize how powerful the Soviet can be when played correctly and how versatile they are but the Soviet are harder to master.

I don't believe such wild statements.

I do believe I will need tips and examples...you know...in order to believe you.


Go on...

(Yes, shamelessly begging for tips, I'm okay with that...) Think I'm missing some of the finer points of Russian Doctorine.

Their versatility come from early game choice versus infantry and support weapons, unlike the Germans that need to upgrade battle phases. Same with late(r)-game you can either build Mechanized Armor Kampaneya or Tankoviy Battalion Command which which each provide a very different style of play with lighter vehicles like the T-70 that is extremely powerful if handled correctly or you could go heavy armour which again, provides a completely different aspect to your tactics.

You have a ton of indirect fire that can provide cover, if you like. Some of this can even be direct fire weapons ( Su-76 ) means they have a versatile use. Their ZiS guns are also able to do artillery. They have powerful early AT infantry that is extremely agile on the map.

That's the jist of it. The Germans are more static in the sense that you can't really choose what you want to focus on due to battle phases. A lot of their armour and support weapons aren't super effective or lack the various attack options of the Soviet.

The Germans just have very powerful units to compensate for their lack of versatility and choice. Which makes them easier to play and when you reach mid to end-game you can break a lot of Soviet due to not being very good at taking out the heavier tanks. So the natural end-point for Germans are armour, armour and armour - That is their main objective because that is what they excel at. The Russians allow for far greater choice and can overwhelm even heavy tanks with a myriad of different AT weapons that also excel at other stuff.
I finally watched that incredible game posted all over the place a few pages ago. I would really recommend it if you aren't doing well with Russians - it's given me a lot of ideas of how to play them (don't mind the Russian losing in the end, that's due to his mid-game apathy; his opening is brilliant before he inexplicably allows the German space to rebuild). I need to definitely take advantage of all the Russian options for indirect fire more, which was used a lot in that game for effective point control.
CoH 1 to me always had this back and forth feeling at least in high level play, where you look for advantages in micro. I loved microing my unites to block axis players from taking buildings with mg teams and forcing enemies in to your mines. Maps like Angoville was great in terms of how brave you wanted to be. If you were axis you could basically go camp Allied starting area with a mg team but the rest of the map was open to capture. While Allied could be greedy and go for the high fuel side and go for fast BAR infantry.

During the beta, i felt they had compressed the mid game and put a lot more vehicles in to the early game. I had not played alot of 1 vs 1 maps i was worried the size of the maps would cause the early tension to be lessened.
CoH 1 to me always had this back and forth feeling at least in high level play, where you look for advantages in micro. I loved microing my unites to block axis players from taking buildings with mg teams and forcing enemies in to your mines. Maps like Angoville was great in terms of how brave you wanted to be. If you were axis you could basically go camp Allied starting area with a mg team but the rest of the map was open to capture. While Allied could be greedy and go for the high fuel side and go for fast BAR infantry.

During the beta, i felt they had compressed the mid game and put a lot more vehicles in to the early game. I had not played alot of 1 vs 1 maps i was worried the size of the maps would cause the early tension to be lessened.
Yeah, that hasn't changed in CoH2. Watch that match everyone was posting, if you're not convinced:
Absolutely ridiculous tourney match from yesterday.

Stick around til the end, it gets nutty.


Neo Member
Most of the higher level tourney matches are examples of Soviet dominance, because they're the race that's way ahead right now, so if you want Russian tips they are worth watching. The Frontline Network has a few uploaded so far and will be adding their others later - until then you can check out the videos section of their twitch page and watch the whole broadcast from the finals of the tournament. I also have some matches from the tournament on my YouTube channel but I won't link that out of modesty.

You can also download lots of the replays directly from here if you don't want to watch them with commentary (instructions for watching replays if you've never done it in CoH 2 before) although the semifinals and finals aren't there.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
OK, I bit the bullet and bought it. Performance isn't great but it's playable. Goddamn I'm out of practice though. Is there any kind of GAF community for it?


OK, I bit the bullet and bought it. Performance isn't great but it's playable. Goddamn I'm out of practice though. Is there any kind of GAF community for it?

Not really, I'd head over to CoH2.org. The NeoGAF community for this game exists but its small. It also includes folks like me, who are mostly playing single player. I've not played online once, I'm too awful against the AI to feel confident in heading online.

Also don't worry about being awful, I've been playing vCoH for months and I didn't transition very well to this.


thanks for the laugh
Most of the higher level tourney matches are examples of Soviet dominance, because they're the race that's way ahead right now, so if you want Russian tips they are worth watching. The Frontline Network has a few uploaded so far and will be adding their others later - until then you can check out the videos section of their twitch page and watch the whole broadcast from the finals of the tournament. I also have some matches from the tournament on my YouTube channel but I won't link that out of modesty.

You can also download lots of the replays directly from here if you don't want to watch them with commentary (instructions for watching replays if you've never done it in CoH 2 before) although the semifinals and finals aren't there.

oh wow, i thought i recognised your name. i spent too many nights in my final year at uni falling asleep to the sound of your voice and having nightmares about pio spam, invincible pumas and T2 terror strats.


Despite not being as mindblowing as the original (which is only natural!), I'm enjoying the living hell out of the single-player!


This game is great, I love theater of war (particularly the co-op missions), I love the single, so far it feels better than the original's campaign (only two missions in, I thought the first CoH mission was baaaaahd). Excited to see if this game has any missions that rival the intensity of Mortain in the original. Finally getting decent in multi and finding commanders I like for the soviets, not huge on any german commanders yet. The soviets seem to require more skill to play as decently but both play super fun in my book.

My main complaints are performance (hopefully resolved soon), the soviets are definitely OP and the Ostheer have that Stuka run that's OP, flame thrower not being nerfed on retreating units, DLC commanders, there seems to be a delay in units retreating and a tiger tank got stuck behind rows of allied tanks, seems to still be a bit of gunk in the pathfinding.

I want more ToW missions, I hope they finish that in a expansion though rather than DLC.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
It seems a LOT faster than CoH1. Not sure I like that, I find it difficult to keep pace with.

there seems to be a delay in units retreating and a tiger tank got stuck behind rows of allied tanks, seems to still be a bit of gunk in the pathfinding.

...some things are still the same.


It seems a LOT faster than CoH1. Not sure I like that, I find it difficult to keep pace with.

...some things are still the same.

I'm not sure I consider it much faster than vCoH, matches seem to be about as long as vCoH for me if it's a lopsided victory and seem to take just as long if they are hotly contested. You get vehicles sooner so maybe it feels faster? If felt faster to me in the beta but now I'm 100% used to it.

I mis-remembered, it was my Panzer stuck behind teammates tanks (it got caught between them and just started turning left/right over and over again until I micro'd it around them):

One thing I can say for sure is that unit responsiveness feels way more sluggish than CoH, and even in CoH it was a problem.

Basically if I don't already have the right unit selected and see the BEGINNING of the throw animation, there is no way I'm dodging a grenade.

[Edit] Conscripts are an exception because their wind up animation is hilarious.


One thing I can say for sure is that unit responsiveness feels way more sluggish than CoH, and even in CoH it was a problem.

Basically if I don't already have the right unit selected and see the BEGINNING of the throw animation, there is no way I'm dodging a grenade.

[Edit] Conscripts are an exception because their wind up animation is hilarious.

Your squad typically alerts you to a grenade being thrown in my experience, I've been able to dodge them with great success due to this. Also I think vehicles feel way snappier but infantry units are maybe a bit slower, I've really only noticed it during retreats, it seems units hesitate before bailing.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I'm not sure I consider it much faster than vCoH, matches seem to be about as long as vCoH for me if it's a lopsided victory and seem to take just as long if they are hotly contested. You get vehicles sooner so maybe it feels faster? If felt faster to me in the beta but now I'm 100% used to it.

I mis-remembered, it was my Panzer stuck behind teammates tanks (it got caught between them and just started turning left/right over and over again until I micro'd it around them):

Maybe I'll reinstall vCoD and give it ago. I seem to have a lot more units a lot more quickly in this though.


Maybe I'll reinstall vCoD and give it ago. I seem to have a lot more units a lot more quickly in this though.

It definitely seems like units come faster if that's what you meant, I didn't really pay attention to that, I mean game lengths are the same for me. As in a lop sided victory might take 10-20 minutes and contested one nearly an hour, rarely more. That's what I thought you were referring to.

I've had CoH for 2 years but when I first tried it I thought it felt like a Blizzard RTS (which I hate, before CoH/DoW I only liked Total War) so I immediately uninstalled. Then a friend said I should give it a better shot after he fell in love with it via the THQ Bundle (he was a TW-only guy too), so I did and I found it was fantastic. Anyways, that was less than 8 months ago that I started getting into vCoH, so my memories of vCoH are pretty fresh (and I still play it every friday on my gaming night). I'd really suggest playing single/ToW/skirmishes against easy AI until you are comfortable with the changes. A lot of them are for the better, a couple are for the worse but most of those are being worked on.

It took me a bit of time to ease my way in & there's still some things I'm upset about but I honestly feel the framework is superior to vCoH's.




BioWare Austin
God I've put in more than 160hours in the game (I've pretty much stopped playing Germans and play purely Soviets now). Supply trucks can definitely start to become a bit OP though, I lost a couple of T34s hunting for them behind enemy lines. Ugh, those trucks should really cost at least 10-30 fuel to build. Even with control of both fuel points, we were pushed back in game due to panthers, tigers, and pz4s.


Well, it doesn't work for the performance test - At least not for me. Don't have enough data to do direct comparison in any particular maps.

Not surprising as it doesn't record a replay. In some quick tests using static scenes I'm not seeing any change on my system, but I suppose it might be beneficial on systems with fewer cores.


So I just started CoH2 up today after not playing for a week or so and Steam did the installing thing as if I'd never played it before, each of the seven steps seemed to be DirectX related.

I didn't think anything of it until I loaded my campaign save (the one where you have to hunt the Panzer) and suddenly my FPS is stupidly low and it's stuttering all over the place. My settings were no different to before and I can assure you it wasn't this bad before this weird installation thing.

Did they patch the game recently?


Unlimited Capacity
I love that my friends got into DOTA 2 just as this came out. I haven't even had a chance to play retail version yet :-/
Ugh, all 3 of my gaming groups have stopped playing this game over the bullshit balance. They're all German players and 2 of the groups were top tier CoH1 players.

I have so much fun playing mid-level soviet players, or high-level soviet players that don't abuse - but when you're playing against people who know how to use the imbalanced soviet combinations and who have the will to use them - it's worthless.

I don't pretend to be an expert in balance, but I can tell you this. In CoH 1:

If the American HQ produced riflemen, the game would be screwed.
If the American sniper got a free buddy, the game would be screwed.
If the American halftrack came out in T1 from the same building as a sniper, came with a much strong main gun, was faster than retreating units, and allowed units to fire out of it, the game would be screwed.
If the American sticky nades had double range at vet 0, the game would be screwed.

If any one of those things were added to CoH1, balance would by abysmal. Instead they created the soviets, and gave them all 4.


Not surprising as it doesn't record a replay.

Yeah, kinda came to that conclusion myself but even the performance test section might do something that has to do with read / write, plus if the game runs shit and the performance test runs shit you'd think any performance fix would effect them both, if it's the same thing dragging them down.
I was a fan of the original COH but never got around to playing the expansion packs, is this game worth playing atm or should I wait?


Yeah, kinda came to that conclusion myself but even the performance test section might do something that has to do with read / write, plus if the game runs shit and the performance test runs shit you'd think any performance fix would effect them both, if it's the same thing dragging them down.

I tried it out in SP and Skirmish using saves and saw no change whatsoever, unfortunately.
It supports multiple local players, but I do not know about multiple controllers. Try the free weekend version and find out :)

it supports multiple controllers, I've done it before and it also has Shogun from Shogun 2 if you like strategy characters in your kart racers :p Great game, enjoy.

Thanks for the replies - I'll def check it out. Noticed it has a Footie Manager character too...how dorky but awesome, haha.

I was a fan of the original COH but never got around to playing the expansion packs, is this game worth playing atm or should I wait?

Yeah, there's nothing to really wait for if a CoH sequel is something you want to play. Balance (which realistically isn't an issue for all but higher level play) and performance will get better, yeah, but neither are in a sordid state at the moment.

Anyone else really appreciate the music in this? I turned music off in vCoH pretty early on, but I think it really adds something to CoH2. It always seem to kick in at the right time and fit the mood of the moment; there's nothing quite like hearing some rich Soviet choral silk flowing out of my speakers when leading a T-70 charge into enemy territory. Then again, having that material to work with probably has something to do with it too - that Russian choral style stuff just sounds powerful in general.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Who in sweet hell thought it was a good idea to give Soviet HW teams six squad members? They deserve to be fired.

[edit] Oh, conscripts can mow down my Panzergrenadiers with their molotovs without giving me time to dodge. How about my command cars can take down your T-34s, for balance?

[edit2] I forgot how fun endgame tank battles are in CoH. <3<3 Panzerschreck <3<3
Balance (which realistically isn't an issue for all but higher level play) and performance will get better, yeah, but neither are in a sordid state at the moment.

We just had a tournament in which the soviets won every single game, and then when the players switched sides, the soviets again won every single game.

I think at this point we can stop pretending that the game doesn't have serious balance problems.

The only questions at this point are:

1. Why didn't they get addressed in Beta when many Beta participants are saying these concerns existed even in Beta?
2. How long will it take Relic to fix the issue, when Relic typically has a history of allowing major imbalances (and outright exploits) to exist for 6-12 months before fixing them.
3. How many things will Relic critically break in the process of implement a fix (recall: pak stack and 1-second infantry off-map) which will then take another 6-12 months to fix?


We just had a tournament in which the soviets won every single game, and then when the players switched sides, the soviets again won every single game.

I think at this point we can stop pretending that the game doesn't have serious balance problems.

The only questions at this point are:

1. Why didn't they get addressed in Beta when many Beta participants are saying these concerns existed even in Beta?
2. How long will it take Relic to fix the issue, when Relic typically has a history of allowing major imbalances (and outright exploits) to exist for 6-12 months before fixing them.
3. How many things will Relic critically break in the process of implement a fix (recall: pak stack and 1-second infantry off-map) which will then take another 6-12 months to fix?

The balance issues don't really show in the stats from the beta, 51% of matches were won by Ostheer. I agree balance issues exist but Relic should take their time with changes, I don't want too many too fast, I'd prefer they get it as close to perfect as they can with the first patch.

Who in sweet hell thought it was a good idea to give Soviet HW teams six squad members? They deserve to be fired.

[edit] Oh, conscripts can mow down my Panzergrenadiers with their molotovs without giving me time to dodge. How about my command cars can take down your T-34s, for balance?

[edit2] I forgot how fun endgame tank battles are in CoH. <3<3 Panzerschreck <3<3

Supposedly the lack of time to dodge is a lag issue, I started seeing this complaint and being kind of perturbed because I have no issues dodging the molotovs. Some are saying its a lag issue and lag made sense to me because I mostly play local AI skirmishes so I'm not getting any lag and I'm able to dodge grenades/molotovs as such.


but the Ostheer were very OP in the beta...a flame halftrack was almost an instant win..you just need to camp the ammo pt long enough for it and set up some mg bunker along the way.

I think right now, there is better game play balance...soviet is strong if you are good in micro and aggressively harassing, but that is not an easy skill to pick up so it balances out.
2. How long will it take Relic to fix the issue, when Relic typically has a history of allowing major imbalances (and outright exploits) to exist for 6-12 months before fixing them.
3. How many things will Relic critically break in the process of implement a fix (recall: pak stack and 1-second infantry off-map) which will then take another 6-12 months to fix?

Would you agree that the patching / updating has been pretty good so far? Maybe more community interaction / balance reasoning would be appreciated, but I think there's been a steady stream of updates regarding the balance.

As for breaking the game, it's certainly not something anyone tries to do :) Don't jinx it!


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Supposedly the lack of time to dodge is a lag issue, I started seeing this complaint and being kind of perturbed because I have no issues dodging the molotovs. Some are saying its a lag issue and lag made sense to me because I mostly play local AI skirmishes so I'm not getting any lag and I'm able to dodge grenades/molotovs as such.

I can dodge them as long as I catch them in time. The no-countdown to explosion though means that if I don't catch the windup and am too distracted I just hammer T. I've lost three Panzergrenadiers to a single molotov though, which seems a bit excessive for an anti-infantry grenade with no countdown.
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