Launch the game and get a black screen, flickers, then back to desktop (game process still running though).
Steam downloading 74MB patch. Hopefully will make the damn game playable.
Think it's the ToW commander problem patch.
I honestly assume that the 60 dollar price tag is taking into account the fact that the game is perpetually 25% off at places like GMG.I guess me being broke actually helped me out this time. Maybe all the quirks will be ironed out by the time it's on sale because the gameplay itself is still quite fantastic.
Sad to see another PC game go to $59.99 though, especially another one with a bunch of launch issues.
I honestly assume that the 60 dollar price tag is taking into account the fact that the game is perpetually 25% off at places like GMG.
the game is pretty.
I enjoy the game much more than Vcoh.
As someone who hasn't played CoH in ages, what makes CoH2 inferior?
Gameplay wise, nothing that I can see.
It just doesn't run as well as a 7 year old game does, which seems to be upsetting some folks.
"It's visually impressive, yet manages to run at a smooth frame rate"
Runs silky smooth for me, maxed out. Might be a specific compatibility issue?
Using the exact same engine, looking exactly the same.
Exactly the same?
Sethos, come on man, I know you're smarter then that. Get a grip.
Please do indulge, as you seem to know a lot about the subject. While the engine may have seen some work, wonder why the game looks exactly like vCoH, a 7 year old game. I see they added snow ... Yes, I can really see why that warrants a game destroying some of the fastest computers available.
The poly count on the models is much much higher, the texture resolution on everything is much higher, the particle system is more complex, there's weather. Of course you already know all this, but are getting on the internet hyperbole bandwagon for some reason.
You're better then that. Stop it.
Can't believe this game performs so bad. I'm basically running everything on medium at 1080 with SLI 680's OC'd and a 3930k at 4.6Ghz.
Been tinkering around with Inspector for SLI and got a slight improvement. I'll keep looking to see what the best values I get.
Was running at these.
Inspector settings.
- Min - 38
- Max - 101
- Average - 63
- Min - 50
- Max - 117
- Average - 73
This is just painful
i7 3930k @ 4.5
2 x Titans OCd
16GB Ram
Everything maxed except AA ( Low ).
This is just painful
i7 3930k @ 4.5
2 x Titans OCd
16GB Ram
Everything maxed except AA ( Low ).
But apparently I'm on the hyperbole bandwagon, because those numbers are amazing.
So is there any real chance of massive framerate gains in the near future? It just seems bizarre how poorly it runs at times, a GTX670 should be getting more than 15 FPS when looking at a fire :/
Played the open beta with 7970 and it ran fine. Maybe it is the video memory thrashing on 2gb cards? My GPU-z shows 2.2-2.5gb of used ram when running 1920x1200 and all settings maxxxed besides AA(low) and game resolution (100%).
The ingame benchmark gave me 45fps average.
Playing MP and Skirmish, no bad slowdowns noted.
Nvidia and AMD to my knowledge haven't yet released any optimized drivers around it. Heck right now Nvidia don't even recommend SLI for the game yet alone have a profile for it. I saw a reduction in performance running my two 580GTXs in SLI.
Yep, from evga forums:
We disabled SLI support for Company of Heroes 2. The game requires changes to be multi-GPU friendly. We will revisit this game if changes are made.
Yep, from evga forums:
We disabled SLI support for Company of Heroes 2. The game requires changes to be multi-GPU friendly. We will revisit this game if changes are made.
"Yes, there is snow. Snow is apparently the fundamental gameplay fact of the Eastern Front. The snow doesn’t always happen. It only happens on certain maps. On those maps, your guys will take damage if you don’t put them in houses or near fires. You know the micromanagement you save by not having to actively capture flags? So much for that. Sometimes the snow slows down your dudes unless you manually path them along a road. Sometimes there’s a blizzard and you can’t see very far. Sometimes a tank falls through the ice on a frozen river. There’s a reason most micromanagement intensive RTSs like Company of Heroes don’t bother with variable weather. It’s the same reason Command & Conquer stopped having random lightning strikes destroying your units."
Sure, snow doesn't always happen. Snow falls only on winter maps. Go figure. Northern hemisphere seasonality and history aside, the design decision signals that when fighting in winter you should expect snow. Sometimes you might take your chances, and choose to strike hard and fast, hoping to chase your opponent out of territory before a blizzard arrives. You can snuff as many fire pits as possible to ensure he falls back when the storm hits. Sometimes you plan for the blizzard phase with a slow start, and hope to capitalize on your unprepared opponent. Suddenly halftracks, underutilized in COH, have their place, carting flamethrower crews around to burn Germans out of their winter garrisons. Point is, the mechanic encourages us to make meaningful choices that strawman arguments won't acknowledge.
Same for "Sometimes a tank falls through the ice on a frozen river." Sure, sometimes you choose to accept the risk of crossing a frozen river's cracked ice with a 60-ton tank in a blizzard blitzkrieg, and sometimes you choose to target the same ice with artillery (or preemptively set explosive charges) to deliberately drop that tank, but that's far from "tanks sometimes fall through ice," no matter how determined you are to use the language of randomness when dismissing it as irrelevant.
And is the revision to capture point area actually about reducing micro? Don't you need to direct a unit to the area whether the destination is the flagpole itself or the area around it? And how does this new rule set not encourage competent players to micro even more -- laying mines, seeking strong cover, patching up halftracks, placing mgs, etc -- as they cap?
And since the storm predictably puts emphasis on all-weather units, isn't it freeing up player RAM to focus on effective units during that period while the rest sit inside, around fires, or retreat? We all know reviews are unavoidably subjective and anything else is dishonesty. While I appreciate the winter map mechanics, I'd personally prefer fewer storms per match. But there's a big difference between dressing up the fact that you aren't having fun, and examining and explaining why.
Runs silky smooth for me, maxed out. Might be a specific compatibility issue?
Maxed out? Post a picture of the benchmark please.
This is just painful
i7 3930k @ 4.5
2 x Titans OCd
16GB Ram
Everything maxed except AA ( Low ).
But apparently I'm on the hyperbole bandwagon, because those numbers are amazing.
For the sake of reference/comparison:
i5 2500K @ 4.2
GTX 570
8GB Ram
All settings at max except for AA = low.