I have no idea whats happening, PS: NO WAY can Jason Sudekis get with Oliva Wilde.
Three scenarios here:
1. His camp leaks news to TMZ. TMZ publishes it. Camp denies it. TMZ looks bad. Free publicity. Album drops in a week. $$$$.
2. TMZ has a solid source and he really is on life support. Camp waiting for mom/family to arrive so in the meantime denying rumors.
3. TMZ done fucked up.
What would Wayne's friends do?
Now you out here all by yourself
Ask Steve Jobs' wealth don't buy health
TMZ has good sources with this kind of stuff. Even if I don't like his music, this is still a sad day if it's true.My guess is that they dont want it to get out.
I would take TMZ's side over the conflicting reports as shitty as that is. TMZ would of found out by now if its not true and if it they didn't have 100% evidence they would of updated it with conflicting reports by now.
Drink some sizzurp in his honor and follow him
Maybe?Depends on if my friend's death was spread over twitter before I could inform his six kids and mothers about his looming death.
Fuck 'em in the ass while he beat up the pussy.
Fuck 'em in the ass while he beat up the pussy.
This looks like a job for....
I have no idea whats happening, PS: NO WAY can Jason Sudekis get with Oliva Wilde.
I have no idea whats happening, PS: NO WAY can Jason Sudekis get with Oliva Wilde.
The TMZ article says he was taken to hospital a few days ago but his condition wasn't something to cause great concern. It's possible that his friends are just reiterating his status as they last knew, from a few days ago, and last knew him to be watching the game. Perhaps his status had deteriorated some point after that and they simply don't know? None of their tweets dismissed that he was ever ill, but rather that he was in a coma.
It's also possible that this scare happened earlier and then recovered before TMZ got word of that. What doesn't make sense to me, however, is friends and family knowingly lying about his condition. If anything they'd probably be silent about it
Drake ft EminemI'm already envisioning the Drake memorial track, shit will break Twitter.
The TMZ article says he was taken to hospital a few days ago but his condition wasn't something to cause great concern. It's possible that his friends are just reiterating his status as they last knew, from a few days ago, and last knew him to be watching the game. Perhaps his status had deteriorated some point after that and they simply don't know? None of their tweets dismissed that he was ever ill, but rather that he was in a coma.
It's also possible that this scare happened earlier and then recovered before TMZ got word of that. What doesn't make sense to me, however, is friends and family knowingly lying about his condition. If anything they'd probably be silent about it
Damn, TMZ servers are getting rammed.
Did Drake provide the Sprite?
I'm already envisioning the Drake memorial track, shit will break Twitter.
"Aren't you sad, Drake?" Nicki Minaj asks. Drake, his thousand yard stare fixated on the space between her cleavage, looks up to meet Nicki's gaze.
Yup, noticed that too.I'm not having trouble loading up TMZ at all.
They just removed the bit about him being read his last rites.
Yup, noticed that too.
the biggest surprise here is how many people think sizzurp is a new occurrence.
Still kept the part about his Mother flying in.
That is the important part.