A large number of people back home (new Orleans) are born and raised Catholic. Until recently most neighborhoods had 2 or 3 catholic churches and a lot of those were attached to schools (usually run by local orders of nuns). While, there are a large number of protestant churches in the area, there is still quite a large population of practicing Catholics. Thought in the last 15 years or so many of the traditional Roman Catholic churches have shifted to services more like "traditional" Southern Baptists, while maintaining their sacraments. Likewise wise many protestant have practices that are usually associated with the Catholic churches.
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I feel for what his family & friends are going through. However, if this is a medical issue related to his alleged substance abuse....he knows the risks. He grew up in the same schools and neighborhoods me, my friends and family did and those choices were his own not a product of his environment. DJ Screw, Pimp C and Big Moe should have been wake up calls.