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Conservative Tony Abbott now PM of Australia

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The opinion polls and biased news coverage caused this.

tbh this is the truth.

All day all i heard on tv was how liberal had this in the bag, bla bla bla.

Im sure a lot of people voted for liberal just because they thought everyone else was voting for them.


See, it's the bolded point that moves our possible refugee policy from disgusting and embarrassing to a pretty fucking scary infringement on the rights of a democratic society.

If they want rights, they shouldn't come here illegally.

Seriously though, I agree. Those aspects are frightening and I didn't see them discussed anywhere near enough. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the population didn't even know about the Coalition's policy on asylum seekers besides boats = stopped.

EVERY SINGLE TIME I hear about the prime minister of Australia this is all I can ever think about. In all seriousness though I've been following this and it's pretty sad really. Hopefully things don't go all pear-shaped. :(


All of it. It's full of "wah, wah it's the media". Not that the Liberals are great, but Labor lost for a reason and the OP is just in full denial mode. It's like crying over spilt milk.
All I see here is bitching about the OP's tone. Can you point where he's wrong on the substance on any of the arguments he made?


So is tomorrow "Day 1" as according to Tony Abbott's pledge "to stop the boats from Day 1?" Or has he already instituted the media blackout on boat arrivals? Out of sight, out of mind...

If I so much as see one boat while I'm sitting, stuck on the M4 tomorrow, I'll be demanding his head!


All of it. It's full of "wah, wah it's the media". Not that the Liberals are great, but Labor lost for a reason and the OP is just in full denial mode. It's like crying over spilt milk.

Everyone (including the OP) knows why Labor lost; Infighting.
Now Aussies, too, may know the sweet, sweet taste of austerity. Congrats, you poor bastards.

Likely only the poor and public servants (who will be cut to the bone). The LNP under Howard discovered that bribing the middle class and rich is a good use for money. Their "paid parental leave scheme" which is payment based on how much you were making when working is a pretty good indication they aren't intending to stop that. They won't start running genuine austerity on those groups unless we do go into a recession (and even then I'm somewhat hopeful that saner minds will prevail and they'll go the stimulus route instead).


All according to plan.

Seriously though, my condolences for those affected. So, uh, all of you guys. Unless the outcome is to your liking, in which case I dunno.

As a German I am happy to see that austerity has spread even down under. Au... Auster. ..ize with us, brothers and sisters. Only if we strangle everything worth living for will we truly be free. Every cut is progress. Repeat after me. Every cut is progress.


Likely only the poor and public servants (who will be cut to the bone). The LNP under Howard discovered that bribing the middle class and rich is a good use for money. Their "paid parental leave scheme" which is payment based on how much you were making when working is a pretty good indication they aren't intending to stop that. They won't start running genuine austerity on those groups unless we do go into a recession (and even then I'm somewhat hopeful that saner minds will prevail and they'll go the stimulus route instead).

I forget what's the 'efficiency dividend' up to now?
They used to say if you don't like the current political parties, you should start your own. This electoral cycle, a record number of parties sprung up from people doing exactly that. With the number of serious minor parties running this election, we had a chance at getting a strong house of review in the senate. But that cause wasn't helped by the media basically treated minor parties like a joke and a nuisance. That's not a problem with just the Murdoch media either. There were problems even with the ABC, whose abysmal coverage of minors is in clear violation of their own code of practice.

Rather than giving people a true accounting of what each party and candidate stood for, the media have all but treated this like a presidential election. How many people here can remember the name of the person they voted for, without looking it up? Unless you've got a high profile front-bencher, you probably don't. Even if you do, how many of you were thinking of that local member when you voted, as opposed to the party leader, or just the party in general?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
They used to say if you don't like the current political parties, you should start your own. This electoral cycle, a record number of parties sprung up from people doing exactly that. With the number of serious minor parties running this election, we had a chance at getting a strong house of review in the senate. But that cause wasn't helped by the media basically treated minor parties like a joke and a nuisance. That's not a problem with just the Murdoch media either. There were problems even with the ABC, whose abysmal coverage of minors is in clear violation of their own code of practice.

This is what its like to live in the US


At what point do people stop buying austerity as a viable economic model? Left wing politicians really need to rebrand their message when talking about these cuts.

Also, my phone just autocorrected austerity for Austero.


It seems like I've heard nothing but cries that Rudd was terrible for the past few years, and now that he's gone, he's not so terrible anymore by comparison to what's coming? Is that the gist of it?


Remember when the Daily Show did a piece on the election a couple weeks ago saying it worked better because it got people like Sarah Palin out of the race?


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Cuts to public works!

Cuts to the National Broadband Network!

Money for millionaires to have kids!

Money to buy boats from people smugglers!

Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Emissions trading is one of the weirdest policies in existence.
Labor deserved to lose. As Bob Hawke himself stated in conclusion last night:

If you can't govern yourselves, you can't govern the country.

Even if you think Labor did a great job, most of those people who did that job have now resigned. If you believe Wayne Swan did an amazing job leading Australia through the GFC? Well that is probably fair enough, but he resigned from the job rather than working with Rudd, the man many people are somehow upset wasn't elected.

There is only one thing to blame here. It isn't the media, or the boats or the opposition. The only thing to blame is the Labor party itself.


Dear Australia

As a citizen of the UK I say this. What were you thinking? Haven't you see whats happened to us with our collection of conservative shit bags and spineless liberal tossers currently in power? Why did you elect a group of people that Rupert Murdoch supports? That should have been a red light from the start. We in UK made a big mistake and one would hope that other countries could look at ours and not make the same mistake. Sadly it seems you have voted into power a bigger spazmo than even we did (and that's saying something). Prepare yourselves for the horror show.
At least you only have to endure it for three years though.

Your friend

Perhaps you didn't see my post:

The party was voted in BECAUSE Murdoch supports them, although I doubt many of the voters bothered to look for the correlation.
The party was voted in BECAUSE Murdoch supports them, although I doubt many of the voters bothered to look for the correlation.

You need to consider the actual results of the election.

There was a small swing towards the Liberal party across the nation. Areas that were much maligned such as Western Sydney that were falling for the boats/Murdoch/papers attack and voting Liberal? They actually voted towards Labor.
The Liberals picked up most of their votes from Tasmania, which can be traced to a poor Labor/Greens state government causing all sorts of problems.
They also picked up a lot of votes in Victoria, which could be traced to a readjustment from a poor result driven by Gillard being a local PM last election and now being dumped.
Other than that, there was a huge loss of greens and Labor support to the Clive Palmer Party of all things. I don't think you are suggesting that Murdoch supported him to that position are you?

I believe the papers pander to certain themes and topics simply because the people who actually buy them want to read that type of stuff. Even if the papers ran no political stories at all, those votes would not be changed. All the Labor party had to do was stay strong or keep their internal shit behind closed doors. They didn't, they took the punt that they could air it all out in public and still win because Abbott was not electable. It was the wrong move.


I laugh in the face of any deluded right wing cunt who thinks Abbott will enact Marriage equality. The libs are not the party of social progress, they are the party of social regress.
Everywhere. They just don't calling people vile scum for not voting the way they wanted and posting 9 million things on FB. Labor supporters this year have been nothing short of disgusting the way they've acted.

100% agree, Labor dug themselves into this mess with their leadership changes. Nobody wants to hear about that.


I'm eagerly looking forward to how the Boat Policy goes over in the UN. We're pretty blatantly dancing all over our Human Rights agreements: we're refusing refuge to genuine refugees, we're denying legal aid, and we're going to be censoring the media to pretend the previous two never happened. It's the kind of trifecta of awful you expect out of some kind of fascist dystopia. Oh and for bonus points we're also cutting back on our foreign aid.

But lol guess who heads the security council this month?

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Is Obama the most rightward, or is Harper and Abbott more so?

I'm just curious because it seems that over the past 5 years, America has started heading towards the left, while everyone else has been heading to the right.

There is no answer to that really. Left-Right are so wishy washy anyway. Also you are comparing leaders in Parliamentary systems with a President, so there isn't really a way to say it.

Obama is the most right-wing, though him and Cameron are both considerate towards socially liberal ideas. Abbott is difficult to judge because he hasn't actually been in power.


There is no answer to that really. Left-Right are so wishy washy anyway. Also you are comparing leaders in Parliamentary systems with a President, so there isn't really a way to say it.

Obama is the most right-wing, though him and Cameron are both considerate towards socially liberal ideas. Abbott is difficult to judge because he hasn't actually been in power.

We'll start seeing the Real Abbott soon enough. All we've seen so far is the populist bullshit -- like Australia cutting 4.5 billion foreign aid. FUCK YOU, I GOT MINE!!!
Behold, our new PM!

He'll probably be doing this a lot but this time in front of the whole world, good times ahead...


The 7 network and the journalist that "confronted" him about this are not exactly known for their high standards with broadcasting as well as fair and balanced reporting. There was more to the "shit happens" video, but we conveniently only saw the part that made Abbott look like a goose.

The head wobble was Tony showing restraint in not knocking Mark Riley's head off with an uppercut.


The 7 network and the journalist that "confronted" him about this are not exactly known for their high standards with broadcasting as well as fair and balanced reporting. There was more to the "shit happens" video, but we conveniently only saw the part that made Abbott look like a goose.

The head wobble was Tony showing restraint in not knocking Mark Riley's head off with an uppercut.
Let's watch the whole thing then.
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