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Conservative Tony Abbott now PM of Australia

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Shit happens was perfectly fine.

The head bopping with that twat Mark Riley is also understandable. Give him the silent treatment rather than give him the satisfaction of an answer. It's definitely not a good look though.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Saying you voted for "change" is easier than saying "the press told me so":


Murdock is a force of evil.


If you think the media has no influence on how people vote, you dont understand... much at all...

Newspapers were designed to do just that.
Julian Assange am cry. Also i can't believe there is a party called Stop the Greens and Smokers Rights lol.

It gets worse. Both of those are front parties for the Liberal Democrats. They also control the Republican Party. Pretty much set up as a scam to harvest preferences, taking advantage of loopholes in the Electoral Act

Expect this to get more attention in the near future. Since Leyonhjelm will almost certainly get a seat in NSW as the LDP candidate there, he'll be forced to quit every other party he's a part of under Section 126 of the Electoral Act.


So wait, if a bunch of GAFfers get together and make a few hundred groups and flood the senate papers - we might get a shot at a few senate seats AND get money from the government?



It gets worse. Both of those are front parties for the Liberal Democrats. They also control the Republican Party. Pretty much set up as a scam to harvest preferences, taking advantage of loopholes in the Electoral Act

Expect this to get more attention in the near future. Since Leyonhjelm will almost certainly get a seat in NSW as the LDP candidate there, he'll be forced to quit every other party he's a part of under Section 126 of the Electoral Act.
Is there anything that can be done about that? Is there a name for what they've done? (It's not branch stacking, is it?)

Dead Man

It gets worse. Both of those are front parties for the Liberal Democrats. They also control the Republican Party. Pretty much set up as a scam to harvest preferences, taking advantage of loopholes in the Electoral Act

Expect this to get more attention in the near future. Since Leyonhjelm will almost certainly get a seat in NSW as the LDP candidate there, he'll be forced to quit every other party he's a part of under Section 126 of the Electoral Act.

Well that is pretty fucking vile.


If you think the media has no influence on how people vote, you dont understand... much at all...

Newspapers were designed to do just that.

The media have influence over all kinds of ideology. It's depressing. The uninformed soak it all in.


Julian Assange am cry. Also i can't believe there is a party called Stop the Greens and Smokers Rights lol.
Am cry? His own party's preferences helped get LDP in there because their preferences went to them before the Greens.
Cry more ausgaf, you or facebook don't represent the majority. Step out of your bubble.
I'd come to terms with not being a member of the majority by the time I was 10. I've also stated multiple times that there's a disproportionate number of the left on the internet (and I wasn't the only one)

None of the above means I have to agree with the majority. If it seems like the country is taking a step backwards then I'll say so.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
On the bright side, now my UK half doesn't have to feel embarrassed about the political situation compared to my Australian half.

On the bad side...

Is there anything that can be done about that? Is there a name for what they've done? (It's not branch stacking, is it?)
No, branch stacking is something different.

As for what can be done about it...they've done nothing illegal. Besides getting more news media to cover it so people are aware of it when it happens, the only thing that could be done to stop it is to reform the system.

So did Hanson end up getting a seat or not?
We won't know 100% for certain for a while, but odds are no. They didn't poll enough, and the Lib Dems polled too high for the preferences to flow on to them.
About that Sports Party thing in WA....if I'm reading the AEC page, they're still only around 61% of the vote counted. There's a few other minor parties below them who are trading preferences, and the picture could change quite dramatically there if they can score a few hundred extra votes between them. The margins at the bottom end of the table are small enough that another party could easily rise up to the top of the pile. It's a rather different situation to the Motoring Enthusiasts in VIC, where they were already in 5 figures on first preference votes alone.


How many times do people have to be told this? THERE IS NO ILLEGAL WAY TO SEEK ASYLUM

It was sarcasm, I swear. Don't lump me in with those idiots that actually buy the narrative of it being illegal. I'll try to better communicate my intent next time, promise. ):

Unless the spoilered scenario was your way of acknowledging my sarcasm, in which case... It made me giggle.
They used to say if you don't like the current political parties, you should start your own. This electoral cycle, a record number of parties sprung up from people doing exactly that. With the number of serious minor parties running this election, we had a chance at getting a strong house of review in the senate. But that cause wasn't helped by the media basically treated minor parties like a joke and a nuisance. That's not a problem with just the Murdoch media either. There were problems even with the ABC, whose abysmal coverage of minors is in clear violation of their own code of practice.

Rather than giving people a true accounting of what each party and candidate stood for, the media have all but treated this like a presidential election. How many people here can remember the name of the person they voted for, without looking it up? Unless you've got a high profile front-bencher, you probably don't. Even if you do, how many of you were thinking of that local member when you voted, as opposed to the party leader, or just the party in general?

In fairness, the parties themselves are responsible for this. Conscience votes are extremely rare, so the the things local members do are usually party room lobbying (/bringing home the pork). This means that its usually a bad idea to support a candidate, that you consider good, if they are from a party you consider bad, for most legislative purposes they'll follow the party line which is overall bad for you. The voting for the leader is a flow on effect from this, the Leader has a fairly powerful effect on party policy, since if they announce something the party is left with 2 choices: 1) depose the leader (not good) or 2) back the policy even if they don't really agree.
Liberals in Australia are far right?

Y'all are crazy, y'all.

Nope. Center Right as a whole. Abbot is from the right wing of the party though. They are also in a coalition with the National Party who are largely sufficiently socially conservative that they qualify as mineral resources, they are big on agrarian protectionism though (i.e money for farmers and restricting trade to reduce foreign competition).
It was sarcasm, I swear. Don't lump me in with those idiots that actually buy the narrative of it being illegal. I'll try to better communicate my intent next time, promise. ):

Unless the spoilered scenario was your way of acknowledging my sarcasm, in which case... It made me giggle.

Totally missed it! (and your but seriously start to the next sentence)
Losing my eye sight


The guy behind don'tbeafuckingidiot.com wrote another letter

So I asked a few friends and colleagues who they finally voted for, all said Liberal.

Why? Because Liberal was going to win anyway. So there's no point voting for anyone else.

This country is doomed.
So I asked a few friends and colleagues who they finally voted for, all said Liberal.

Why? Because Liberal was going to win anyway. So there's no point voting for anyone else.

This country is doomed.

*Sigh* It's strange because I've considered this exact problem in a philosophical context (how to act based on whether or no the universe is deterministic) and I reach the opposite conclusion (you should always act like you have free will because if you do , then that's good, and if you don't then it doesn't make a difference if you do). Further proof I have no natural understanding of how people think.


To keep you up to date on the Senate, ABC is looking at a wedge of:

SA Family First
WA Sports Party
VIC Motorist Party
2 PUP (1 QLD, 1 TAS I think)

And a handful of Greens.


Motorists and Sports party still most likely to be uncertain with only 60% of the vote counted

You may find The Secular Party's numbers amusing and depressing. But they're not running some kind of hardcore preferencing scam deal, so they're alright by me.
To keep you up to date on the Senate, ABC is looking at a wedge of:

SA Family First
WA Sports Party
VIC Motorist Party
2 PUP (1 QLD, 1 TAS I think)

And a handful of Greens.

Having had a look at the Motorist Party , you can basically count them as right libertarians (the motoring thing is just window dressing and justification for a wishy-washy environmental policy which boils down to "We are for it, except when we are against it"). Not a good day for the environment or corporate regulation. Social policy isn't necessarily completely boned though.

The Sports Party website says nothing really. Their preference deals are a complete mess (being the usual mess of nonsensical deals). In the scheme of things they trend slightly right-ish (National and Liberals higher than Greens or Labor). Not sure if another libertarian party or not.

Dead Man

So I asked a few friends and colleagues who they finally voted for, all said Liberal.

Why? Because Liberal was going to win anyway. So there's no point voting for anyone else.

This country is doomed.

For fucks sake. Even if it didn't matter, that is no justification for voting for a certain party. What do they do, feel better if they voted for the winning team and that's all they care about? Pathetic. You need better friends.


I'll post this one more time.


We get the leaders we deserve. Keating was the exception.

So thread, Albo or Shorten?
Albo, or I'd prefer Bowen.

A good chunk of Labor's woes are Shorten's fault. He and Abib engineered the Rudd knifing. Gillard wasn't even in on it until Shorten started it going. He's a slimy ruthless conservative pragmatist.

Actually I'd say 50% of this loss is on him.
So thread, Albo or Shorten?

If you mean for betting I'd go for Shorten precisely because he is a conservative wanker, as Dead Man said above. The Labor Party shift right in defeat far more than the Coalition shifts left (they get anchored by their Christian vote). The Labor Party can drift right more freely since the Greens will soak up anything they lose, and still be forced to ally with Labor more often than not.

Dead Man

If you mean for betting I'd go for Shorten precisely because he is a conservative wanker, as someone said above. The Labor Party shift right in defeat far more than the Coalition shifts left (they get anchored by their Christian vote). The Labor Party can drift right more freely since the Greens will soak up anything they lose, and still be forced to ally with Labor more often than not.

Heh :)
For fucks sake. Even if it didn't matter, that is no justification for voting for a certain party. What do they do, feel better if they voted for the winning team and that's all they care about? Pathetic. You need better friends.

It's the media that made them think Liberals are going to win no matter what. Most of them were actually towards labor or greens, but ended up voting Liberal.
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