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Console Joypads on PC... anyone tried?

lately i have been finding the mouse and keyboard control a real pain, i would like to use the super-sensitive dual analogue sticks of the xbox and PS2 controllers.

heathen you scream? sub-human beast you extoll?

the use of the console controller means i could lay spread-eagled on my couch and enjoy my gaming horizontally.

has anyone used the connectors available to use current console controllers on contempory computers?

ah... aliteration

and if so!
can you map the mouse x and y movement to an analogue stick, Ergo adjusting mouse/'stick' sensitivity?

mapping "wasd" to other stick, if 'walking' forward for a long time does the pc flip out because of the 'button' being 'pressed' for too long a time?


Knows the Score
If you have a spare Xbox cable and an extra USB adaptor, you can hack together a cable to use any Xbox controller on you PC. The drivers aren't hard to find.
i am well aware of the accuracy problem with mapping a stick to the mouse, but im not going to be playing CS online. i just want to know if i can do it?

i have an xbox to PC adaptor now, and i want to be able to play DOOM3 on my tv, lying on the couch and without having to wait for the xbox release.
Yes, you can do it. If the game doesn't confugre the pad properly in DirectX than you can fudge things to your preference with Joy2key.

I can play from a couch with my trackball and N52
mouse? no... I don't think so, but you'll be pressed to find a current game that won't configure the sticks correctly by itself.

J2K is really a kind of backup when you can't otherwise use the left analog and d-pad at the same time or for different things.
I've tried like hell to get that joy2key working with a dual shock and while its cool for simple stuff, I can't get it to work like Halo. You know, mouse look/aim on the right analog stick and movement on the left stick. I'm only able to get the mouselook on the left.. I wanted to play jDoom like Halo:(
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