The Neo-Geo console was for rich kids, the master race of consoles.
A comparison I’ve used before but the first commercial radios would cost over $1000 today.
Xmas 1995 when PlayStation was released in the UK at £299.99 - inflation adjusted that's £600! (PS5 on release was £449).
Makes you think abit, I wonder how many Gaffers were around in the 90s and lucky enough to have it on release or near to it?
Yep, it's why I grew up PC only.
Magician Lord I still play time to time and am impressed in its music plus visuals even to this day.
Truly, Neo Geo console $649 in 1990... inflation adjusted $1,560 ! The game carts were $300-$400 each in todays money too.
£299 is £299
Xmas 1995 when PlayStation was released in the UK at £299.99 - inflation adjusted that's £600! (PS5 on release was £449).
Makes you think abit, I wonder how many Gaffers were around in the 90s and lucky enough to have it on release or near to it?
I was lucky enough to get my snes on launch, that was so magical!
Xmas 1995 when PlayStation was released in the UK at £299.99 - inflation adjusted that's £600! (PS5 on release was £449).
Makes you think abit, I wonder how many Gaffers were around in the 90s and lucky enough to have it on release or near to it?
Now instead if paying a lot of money for games and playing them to death people pay little for games and never even play them. We've gone from expensive but well used to donating to corporations.
with currency exchange, N64 games were $99.99 in Canada. Give or take $10. Ya, some games broke $100+Ill never forget n64 games being like $75. The price literally changed from store to store
I also had a Packard Bell. I wore out Kings Quest 4 on that thing.We had a Win95 Packard Bell, it was only 100mhz with a 1GB HDD if I remember it correctly.
After a few hours? It took me months, or even years to beat some of my (Sega Master System) games.Games were expensive too and after a few hours you sat there with a finished game, which often was crap, wondering what you spent $50-60 on.
Oh, sure. It could. But take a game like Back to the Future III for the Mega Drive. The gameplay is what, 1,5-2 hours or so? I remember some games being very short. But it didn't matter that much because I played them over and over again, not having money to buy more than a few games.After a few hours? It took me months, or even years to beat some of my (Sega Master System) games.
My bro and I definitely rented back in the day. The only reason we played games like FF3 and Chrono Trigger was thanks to seven day rentals.Game rentals was the big thing, your money would go a lot longer. It was pretty blissful making it to Friday night, heading to the video store, and grabbing a game or two for probably about $10 that would just be yours until Sunday. Again, you might really enjoy something and wind up renting it a few times, but at that point it would make more sense to just buy it.
Only if you believe the official numbers. $2400 back then is probably closer to $6000 today.Apple have always been at the pricey end of the scale but $2400 in '96 is $4800 today (it even says monitor sold separately, jipped!). I guess you can just about spend that on a truly top of the line gaming desktop but still...
Yep. I don't even recall specifically asking for certain games, but I remember holiday 90 getting Zelda II from my parents and Blades of Steel from my late Aunt. Any games I purchased back then were from hustles( taking out the trash daily for a local mom and pop cafe, cutting neighbour's grass etc) or holding onto my allowance at $2 a week. Imagine saving up for months and blowing it on a copy of Total Recall NES lol... even with the odd shitty game selection, every game you either bought as a kid or got as gifts felt special. Now as an adult I've got 100s of physical and digital games that feel completely disposable.NES & SNES era most the games in our collection were Christmas or birthday gifts.
I only saw one in the wild as a kid.The NES-SNES eras were much worse, and games were like luxury products.
The Neo-Geo console was for rich kids, the master race of consoles.
If I'm not mistaken I remember paying around 700$ for my 3DO back then.Imagine if the Saturn and 3DO weren't as high priced as they were..
I can't believe this came out in 1990. What else looked comparable to this back then?Magician Lord I still play time to time and am impressed in its music plus visuals even to this day.