I got the Sega Genesis, SNES, Sega CD, Playstation 1, N64, and Dreamcast near launch or at least in the same year. I got a 3DO when it got its first big price cut. Although I never owned some of those consoles at the same time as I would usually sell off my old console to help buy a new console. I did have the SNES, Genesis + Sega CD at the same time (had to rebuy a genesis since I sold my old one to get a SNES). I held on to my SNES early in the Playstation 1‘s life. Oh how I wish I held on to my nes, snes and genesis (and the games I owned which wasn’t a lot since I rented most games). Should have at least too advantage of people dumping their 8 and 16-bit stuff in the late 90s.
edit: had to buy a bundle from eb games (gamestop in Canada) with an extra controller and Demon’s Souls to get a standard PS5 here so I paid a lot more than I wanted to (I just wanted a digital edition PS5).