I noticed that too. Even in videos game looked more hot than in share pictures.what's up with the colors in Far Cry 4? something about the greens and the blacks on the foliage looks strange, like they're too dark or something but that's not all I don't think.
Something looks really off about the foliage in this game. e.g.:
Damn! Some of the best TLOU:R shots I've seen.
Something looks really off about the foliage in FC4. e.g.:
Is this some kind of ghosting caused by the AA?! It makes things look like they're out of an old JPEG that was compressed to hell.
xenogenesis uses a capture card, these are PNGs.Honestly its just share button compression. The game looks considerably sharper during gameplay. Also dense foilage and compression shots really dont mix well.
Hows the performance in Dragon age ?
xenogenesis uses a capture card, these are PNGs.
Something looks really off about the foliage in this game.
Is this some kind of ghosting caused by the AA?! It makes things look like they're out of an old JPEG that was compressed to hell.
Nice shots!
Yes it's the AA. In-motion it has that fuzzy effect around edges Killzone has sometimes + ghosting. It's most noticeable on things that are moving around a lot like the foliage/flags swaying in the wind. Weapon-swap trick probably adds to it but it's the only way to get the gun out of the screen when you're not in towns/safe-houses
^ There's that fuzziness I mentioned around the hand
Talion's face kills me
What's on his knuckles ? Yolo ? lol
fuck you
How do you do 1st person in DA:I?
Dat mood
Thanks, now I wonder how CoD would play using the wii remoteWii U - CoD Ghosts