Why was this moved to community anyway, thread feels like it's dying now which considering the amount of games coming out now is kind of depressing.
It will pick up in 2015 most likely.Why was this moved to community anyway, thread feels like it's dying now which considering the amount of games coming out now is kind of depressing.
It will pick up in 2015 most likely.
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Unfortunately the board rules are against keeping mega threads like this one in the front page. Although I do understand the reasons behind it, it's a shame that it looks like most people still look at the Community section as a graveyard.I hope so because the drop off vs the amount of games being released now feels massive. I was mainly wondering why this thread of all threads ended up in the Community section. Seems like one of the most relevant gaming threads of all especially since we finally can get screenshots easily with all three consoles. I can understand for specific Game OTs after they've been out for a little while but this thread in particular is constantly showing (Depending on releases of course) new stuff that can apply to every game. Imo it's one of the best threads since i joined.
Is it a GAF rule or a specific aspect of this thread required it to be moved to the Community section?
they don't want mega threads in the main board. supposedly it's for short-lived and current discussions only.
all threads like this with on-going updates, discussion and whatnot got moved to community
Unfortunately the board rules are against keeping mega threads like this one in the front page. Although I do understand the reasons behind it, it's a shame that it looks like most people still look at the Community section as a graveyard.
It did took more than a while for this thread to be moved though, that's for sure.
what am I looking at here? metal kirby facing backwards?
and the four second delay makes it hard to grab the frame you want.
I don't think there's a delay, at least if you set it so a single press takes a screenshot and a long press opens the Share menu. The notification that a screenshot has been taken may take a second or two, but as far as I can tell it takes the screenshot the instant you press the button more or less.
That should not be happening.(1080p PS4 screens have much smaller file sizes than 720p Wii U screens)
It's sharp on my TV, quality gets diluted a bit when I upload to Twitter/Facebook.What kind of AA is Dragon Age: Inquisition using? The game is 1080p on PS4, but the screenshots posted look kind of 'soft.'
.Thread rules below.
1. PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Wii U images only. Keep PC, emulator, and other shots out. Portable (3DS/Vita/etc) screenshots are to go in this thread.
2. Limit of 3 images per post. Regardless of platform, three images per post prevents thread bloat.
3. No double posting. Rule 2 is pointless if you can spam. So you can't.
4. Try to remember to include the game's name in your post's subject header. Helps people recognise the title!
5. Critique and be opinionated about games/shots, but don't threadshit. This is not the place for you to moan about how all Wii U screenshots drag the thread quality down, or how ugly all Xbox One titles are. Be fucking nice for once in your life.
You're not John Locke.
How about, "Thanks for putting in the effort to share and going through the pains to learn how to share properly."
And you didn't follow rule 5. You could have been nice. There were complaints about this thread being dead. I'm not just posting the same game over and over. Jeez.
It's sharp on my TV, quality gets diluted a bit when I upload to Twitter/Facebook.
Dragon Age Inquisition (PS4)
Some of these Far Cry 4 shots are making me do double takes thinking I'm seeing modded Skyrim.