None of us is bringing actual data to this though. Just examples. Can't really claim to have come to any data driven conclusions here.
And actually, such an analysis would be great toward making the case that "hey, idiots! Your strategy of banking on white leads is not viable anymore!" Anyone know if such a study exists?
Yes, but there is lots of data showing
Hispanics are the fastest-growing ethnic group in the United States, and their passion for movies is unsurpassed. The group bought 25 percent of the tickets sold in 2013 though they comprise just 17 percent of the population, according to the Motion Picture Association of America’s year-end study.
Hollywood executives sometimes argue privately that movies starring minorities or that confront racial issues are a tougher sell in foreign markets, where they see the biggest growth for their industry. But “12 Years a Slave,” for instance, was a hit overseas with 70 percent of sales in foreign countries, according to Box Office Mojo.
Black moviegoers are also a huge market, accounting for 195 million visits to movie theaters in 2011, a report from BET Networks said. African Americans also make an average 13.4 visits a year to the movies, compared to 11 times for the general market.
And yet minorities — particularly Latinos — are the fastest growing movie audience and make up 44 percent of the nation’s most avid theatergoers, according to the Motion Picture Association of America. [2014]
(In the United States, Asian moviegoers had one of the highest per capita attendance rates of any ethic group, attending 4.9 movies each