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Could Nintendo Expand Into PC Gaming?

So why haven't Sony and Microsoft done this as well if it's such an easy to to "rake in millions"?

Sony and Microsoft pale in comparison compared to Nintendo when it comes to first party software selection and their platforms also actually get third party support so they're bringing in some serious licensing fees. They have an incentive to ensure people continue buying their proprietary boxes so they need to keep some exclusives.

I don't know what the purpose of Nintendo's hardware is. There is no third party support so I don't see how the licensing fees they get from third parties by being a hardware maker exceeds the expanded profits Nintendo would make on their games if they released their software on all platforms and exponentially increased the number of units sold since they were no longer locked into their hardware with tiny market share.

Nintendo has a massive back catalog of software that could be monetized on other platforms but it isn't being utilized. It's just being left to rot. Sony and Microsoft have nothing compared to Nintendo.


So why haven't Sony and Microsoft done this as well if it's such an easy to to "rake in millions"?

If you had a choice of playing Killzone Shadowfall at 30fps and 1080p or 60fps and 1440p, what would you choose?

MS/Sony/Nintendo NEED exclusives on their systems otherwise what's the point?

Now they could always port older games that don't sell anymore, but they won't because they need their manpower cranking up newer titles for their system. It's like an arms race, you can't slow it down for other projects.

There should be devs that specialize on just porting between systems like there's devs who just do translating.
You'd be surprised how many hardcore PC gamers are also Nintendo fans, however I think expecting contemporary Nintendo games on the platform is absurd.

Virtual console on mobile and social platforms though I could see (still extremely unlikely), Hell Imagine the $$$ of a Pokemon red/blue port with "sets" of 5-6 Pokemon being sold for 2 bucks a pop and basic network functionality.


So why haven't Sony and Microsoft done this as well if it's such an easy to to "rake in millions"?

I have often wondered why MS haven't released an XBOX operating system for PC myself, I'm guessing it was due to a difference in architecture, but that doesn't apply with XO games so much.

Giving consumers the option could pay off, not everyone is willing to build a custom PC.

Edit:- I am talking about an OS which isn't free.


They should, from a business POV it's a no brainer. However a certain mindset exists within Nintendo that pretty much shuns all non Ninty made hardware, so it'll likely never occur until a new management team takes over or if WiiU bombs harder than it is at present.

syko de4d

I would buy every Nintendo game on Steam.

Nintendo´s power are the games but the hardware and online system are the weak points, on PC you get the hardware and Steam helps with the online System.
I bet valve would love to make a deal with Nintendo for Nintendo games on Steam, while Ninteno gets more than the normal 70% cut from each sale. Nintendo could sell a Nintendo branded Steambox xD

Imagine what Valve + Nintendo could do with Mario Kart or Smash Bros.


I would buy every Nintendo game on Steam.

Nintendo´s power are the games but the hardware and online system are the weak points, on PC you get the hardware and Steam helps with the online System.
I bet valve would love to make a deal with Nintendo for Nintendo games on Steam, while Ninteno gets more than the normal 70% cut from each sale. Nintendo could sell a Nintendo branded Steambox xD

Imagine what Valve + Nintendo could do with Mario Kart or Smash Bros.

Yea I have thought for a long time that steam + Nintendo would make a brilliant pairing I was hoping for a while there that could have been what WiiU was going to be.


Nintendo has no idea what they're doing so this will never happen.

Nintendo would rather PC gamers continue pirating and emulating all of their games and not giving them any money rather than swallow their pride and release native versions of them on Steam and rake in millions of dollars in additional revenue.

Oh yeah, that'll stop piracy and emulation dead in its tracks. The money will just flow right in.


You'd be surprised how many hardcore PC gamers are also Nintendo fans, however I think expecting contemporary Nintendo games on the platform is absurd..

So then buy their console! You'll have access to their games, comfy couch gaming , and the controller you're all salivating over!

Why is the group that spends $$$ on graphics cards and mother boards so cheap over buying a gaming system?


I haven't had any kind of malware infection on any of my Windows or Linux boxes in years. The supposed improved security of a "micro-os" don't sound worth the significant performance tradeoffs and complete lack of openness and customizability of the OS.


So then buy their console! You'll have access to their games, comfy couch gaming , and the controller you're all salivating over!

Or if you don't' think the console offers value for money then don't.

Why is the group that spends $$$ on graphics cards and mother boards so cheap over buying a gaming system?

So basically the solution is to buy all 3 consoles and PC ? For some that's not an option.

It's quite easy to see why someone would want to have their cake and eat it.


I haven't had any kind of malware infection on any of my Windows or Linux boxes in years. The supposed improved security of a "micro-os" don't sound worth the significant performance tradeoffs and complete lack of openness and customizability of the OS.

A micro-os is open like a regular OS if you worried about installing software you want to install. Think of it like a hypervisor.

If you are thinking of OS like WIndows 8 store then you are mistaken.

A lot of people have avoided being infected. That still doesn't mean there are glaring holes in the way current operating systems work.

Research has withered but it hasn't died off completely. A lot of our military systems are built with micro operating systems in mind.


I'd be in the dick
Nintendo barely understands the internet or a basic account system. A Nintendo OS on PC would be a nightmare.


I could think of a few Nintendo games I would buy on Steam. With that said OP sorry I don't buy this vision you have. Mostly because it sounds like I would be the one jumping through hoops for the honor of playing Nintendo games. So yeah that doesn't sound too appealing to me. If Nintendo wants to put games up on the PC then they can do what everyone else does and have it run on Windows with no crazy restrictions like their own Micro OS or hardware based DRM. Steam is about as much DRM as I will tolerate these days.


i think every game should be on PC

Console wars, publishers, etc. like to ignore PC for the most part. When Game X is on a console + PC it's referred to as exclusive, if X looks better on PS4 or Xbone, it'll be the "best" system to play on.

Obviously if we don't count in this stupid war so let us play all the games. The people who prefer "comfy couches" and controllers (despite you being able to do both of those with PC already) will never switch so Sony/MS/Nintendo have nothing to worry about.


Nintendo has enough clout that they could go the way Blizzard has and release PC games strictly on their own nintendo store and make a killing. No hardware costs no retail cut, no sunk in costs of box distribution, basically PURE profit per sale. Something only Blizzard, Valve with it's own games and EA now can actually accomplish in large numbers.

But they won't do it. They are stuck in the past.

I know I'd be there buyig a ton of games. Nintendo first party games, unlike other stuff on the other consoles, is truly unique. Nintendo can offer an experience unlike what you tipically find on the PC. Other consoles just do what the PC does, except worse in almost every way.


The huge majority of gamers on PCs play very casual titles through Facebook and mobile.

I wouldn't count them as "PC-gamers" though if they only play with those. Huge amount of console gamers also play mobile and facebook games.


Unconfirmed Member
I've said I think Nintendo making Steam machines would be extremely beneficial for both themselves and Valve (to the point I think Valve would give them a discounted royalty rate). Nintendo gets Steam machines into stores and thanks to their existing relationships within the supply chain and with component companies, they can sell them for less than just about anyone else making them. It would also help draw other developers to Linux/SteamOS.

Even with a royalty fee going to Valve they would likely have drastically higher sales thanks to an expanded audience via Steam, plus their existing "console audience" that will buy the system and software in retail stores. And I'm not sure Valve even gets a cut of retail sales of Steam games anyway.

Plus it gets rid of Nintendo's issues with third parties and services, R&D costs should be lower, and they should still be able to make a profit on the hardware and some accessories.


I would buy every Nintendo game on Steam.

Nintendo´s power are the games but the hardware and online system are the weak points, on PC you get the hardware and Steam helps with the online System.
I bet valve would love to make a deal with Nintendo for Nintendo games on Steam, while Ninteno gets more than the normal 70% cut from each sale. Nintendo could sell a Nintendo branded Steambox xD

Imagine what Valve + Nintendo could do with Mario Kart or Smash Bros.
A PC eshop would be more likely than Nintendo "joining" Steam. Nintendo is clearly not big on aggressive deals and having their own shop means they keep 100% of the money.


Well, if SEGA moved in (and now the PC market is a huge source of money for them), why not. I don´t see it in the mid term tho. That being said, as a PC gamer (i don´t own a console) i would love to play Zeldas, Fzeros, Metroids on PC at full glory.

Also a Pokemon MOBA would be cool.


Considering how Nintendo prices their games consistently for years I wonder how many Steam fans would be unwilling to buy Nintendo games because they don't offer Steam sale discounts, or if they do, small ones, around 15-30%.

Also a Pokemon MOBA would be cool.

Holyshit that would be amazing.
So then buy their console! You'll have access to their games, comfy couch gaming , and the controller you're all salivating over!

Why is the group that spends $$$ on graphics cards and mother boards so cheap over buying a gaming system?

We have no desire to continue supporting Nintendo's business model.

Buying Nintendo's products is the worst thing one can do when they want Nintendo to produce their software on other platforms.


Nintendo barely understands the internet or a basic account system. A Nintendo OS on PC would be a nightmare.

Nintendo launch and maintain a micro OS (or just a storefront) on the PC..? They wouldn't even know where to begin. :D

Which is why making use of an established digital platform like Steam makes sense. All the hard work have already been done.


I don't know if I could see Nintendo putting in the effort to make use of better hardware and have games look better on PC than Nintendo platforms, and even if that was the case, the games would probably be so "basic" compared to what PC hardware is capable of that it could run the games at high enough resolutions to make the Nintendo console option less appealing. If I could play Super Mario 3D World at 1080p+ on my PC with proper controller support, I don't know that I'd even consider getting a Wii U. They need their games to get people to buy their consoles.


General PC is not a growth market and Nintendo needs not put resources there.

However I've always though Nintendo might do well to embrace web applications. Nintendo could use the support of tablets, phones and PCs but they also need to maintain control and independence and be platform agnostic. I'm very happy to see they have started moving this direction for Wii U development but they could open it up to smaller games and what-not as well. I think native applications, especially anything that would be monetized is a mistake but if they could hook up an eShop API and and make things web available then that could a way to utilize other devices.
Nintendo making a steam machine makes too much sense. I have a ps4 but would buy a Nintendo branded steam machine in a second, and then get to enjoy Nintendo and pc games I've been missing out on. They are brilliant software developers but their hardware is so far behind the times it's embarrassing. This could be beneficial for all parties.


General PC is not a growth market and Nintendo needs not put resources there.

General PC is a mature market. Even most people who are classified as poor by their governments have a desktop or laptop. Nintendo doesn't have to push hardware.

This is a question of whether or not the PC market is a growth market for upgrades on hardware. Well that is PC gaming in nutshell and it is a growth market.


John Peddie Research is forecasting growth in one segment of the market: gaming hardware. JPR expects 2013's PC gaming hardware sales to be 3% below last year's levels, but it anticipates 6.5% growth in 2014 and continued expansion through 2016.


Continuing, Santos (CEO of Falcon Northwest) tells me that “on average most of our customers that are high-end gamers spend around $4k or more.” Surely that’s an anomaly, right? Back over to Reeves at Falcon Northwest: “Our ASP [average sale price] this year is $4,100. An interesting data point: we’ve seen a 16% increase in customer spending on the GPU this year over last.”


Nvidia’s GPU gaming revenues are up 6% year to date compared to the same period last year, while mobile GPU gaming has more than doubled in the last two years. Even as overall notebook shipments have declined, Nvidia’s gaming notebook revenue more than doubled in the last two years. The company claims that notebook gaming is the fastest growing PC SKU that it currently serves. [1]

There are reasons to be concerned about the health of the PC gaming industry since AMD is overall negative on it and they are second place to Intel and Nvidia as gamers choice for hardware but an opportunity exists for Nintendo to flourish on PCs.

And now I don't want Nintendo anywhere near PC's all of a sudden.


Spoil sport



Could be awesome but Nintendo would find a way to screw it up.

Imagine every game being locked to 720p/30fps (or 60fps). Thread titles would have to make permanent mention to Durante. :l
I'd buy their games. I've had every Nintendo platform save for the dark SNES days, when my dad left and my mom had to support 3 kids on $30,000 a year and the Wii U. I always said I'd get a Wii U when the games appeared, but now it just doesn't seem like a good investment.

I know there's a fat chance I'll see these games on my PC, but it's money left on the table for Nintendo at this point. Hell, I'd even purchase their (reasonably priced) back catalog games that are easily emulated.


I'd buy their games. I've had every Nintendo platform save for the dark SNES days, when my dad left and my mom had to support 3 kids on $30,000 a year and the Wii U. I always said I'd get a Wii U when the games appeared, but now it just doesn't seem like a good investment.

I know there's a fat chance I'll see these games on my PC, but it's money left on the table for Nintendo at this point. Hell, I'd even purchase their (reasonably priced) back catalog games that are easily emulated.

People always say this, but is it really?
Right now they don't pay anyone licensing fees and they make money off of hardware sold plus they make licensing fees on third party software sold.
They also greatly reduce their development budgets by having systems that they design and can work on very easily and quickly.
Nintendo putting their games on PC or Mobile isn't just some magical way to make them money. That's a last ditch effort before going under completely.
There's no money left on the table here. Nintendo knows that. Sony knows that. Microsoft knows that.
If Nintendo was simply a software company and all they did was make games, then yes, they should very much have every game on PC that they could. But that's not what Nintendo is and likely won't be something Nintendo has to worry about for a few decades.
People always say this, but is it really?
Right now they don't pay anyone licensing fees and they make money off of hardware sold plus they make licensing fees on third party software sold.

We've been over this.

The Wii U hardware costs Nintendo money. They lose money on every Wii U sold.

There are no licensing fees to make on third party Wii U software sales because there is barely any third party Wii U software. If you added up the sales totals for every third party game on the Wii U and combined them all into one number I bet it would be less than the sales of one Call of Duty title.


People always say this, but is it really?
Right now they don't pay anyone licensing fees and they make money off of hardware sold plus they make licensing fees on third party software sold.
They also greatly reduce their development budgets by having systems that they design and can work on very easily and quickly.

Before I would've fully agreed with you but someone in another thread brought up an excellent analysis of their revenue.

Overall those 3rd party royalties for the past 14 years amount to 8% of Nintendo's operating income. Money is money but collecting royalties isn't a compelling reason to me anymore. Avoiding paying royalties for half your operating income otoh still remains as a compelling reason for me.

Ninty could still make a console while supporting PC ecosystem. There is still value in just having fixed hardware that would be more cost efficient to buy than a PC upgrade and knowing you have dedicated hardware that would work without problems.


The idea of a Nintendo OS is laughable, but I would fully support their games coming to PC otherwise if even just for lower prices. I only own three Wii U games because I refuse to buy games at $60 at launch and then lose interest after awhile.


We've been over this.

The Wii U hardware costs Nintendo money. They lose money on every Wii U sold.

There are no licensing fees to make on third party Wii U software sales because there is barely any third party Wii U software. If you added up the sales totals for every third party game on the Wii U and combined them all into one number I bet it would be less than the sales of one Call of Duty title.
It really doesn't matter though. That's still revenue earned as opposed to lost by giving anything to Valve or any other distributor. Plus it doesn't negate my other points. Nintendo has absolutely not reason to develop for PCs over their own hardware. None. Zero. Zilch. And Microsoft and Sony agree with this.
Before I would've fully agreed with you but someone in another thread brought up an excellent analysis of their revenue.

Overall those 3rd party royalties for the past 14 years amount to 8% of Nintendo's operating income. Money is money but collecting royalties isn't a compelling reason to me anymore. Avoiding paying royalties for half your operating income otoh still remains as a compelling reason for me.

Ninty could still make a console while supporting PC ecosystem. There is still value in just having fixed hardware that would be more cost efficient to buy than a PC upgrade and knowing you have dedicated hardware that would work without problems.

Except then you would have everyone refusing to buy their hardware because "LOL! Just wait for PC port!" and then you would have no one buying the software because "LOL! Wait for Steam Sale!"
This is completely flawed. Nintendo would have to be doing magnitudes worse than they are before PC development would look good to them.
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