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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |OT3| Halo and Goodbye


Played a map solo on ESEA thanks to that free premium month from Ludono. Ended up getting matched against a guy who's by far highest ranked in A+. All I can say is, holy fucking shit.

meanwhile I q with rugi in faceit cuz his cheap ass hates esea and we lost 1 round in 2 faceit pugs

FACEIT: Boosting your confidence since 2015



WTF!? Where is this from?


I take it back. Blu and Pansy are the worst duo, I'd take 12 hours of Sadokist/HenryG over this any day

Gotta give props to FaZe, good enough to qualify for another round of sticker money, not good enough to make top4 in majors
WTF!? Where is this from?

Astralis's HeartBreak video showing how emotional they were after they lost in the Semi-Finals of MLG Columbus.


I feel them... they just beat their "biggest rivals" in a dominate fashion, and choked on beating Na'Vi on Map 1, and then just got crushed in Map 2. I still believe MLG Columbus was Astralis Major to win... They beat Fnatic, NiP wasn't in there way to crush them, and Na'Vi and LG are teams Astralis should have had no problems wrecking.


I rarely bet on EnVyUs, other than when I have a feeling that I know they won't let me down.

Practically 50/50 against C9? I know kennyS won't lose to C9. I'm all in. I trust kennyS. Second best AWPer in the world can single handily wreck NA.
Allu #1 awper world
I actually feel bad for the Renegades... I know they're not a good team... But fuck man... Feels bad seeing them go out this way.

Org pretty much dying because their League team gets banned.
SpunJ so done with the hate the community gives him he's just retiring.
Every single analyst and commentator constantly calling them shit.

Man... I feel for the guys. Best of luck to all of them.


Can any of the Euros that have been to a ESL event tell me what its like? On the fence about going to ESL NY but I'm not sure what there is to it besides watching an observer POV from a arena seat. Are there hardware booths and stations around to check out stuff? Are the autograph signing stations easy to get to? What other stuff besides watching the matches is there to do at the event?


Can any of the Euros that have been to a ESL event tell me what its like? On the fence about going to ESL NY but I'm not sure what there is to it besides watching an observer POV from a arena seat. Are there hardware booths and stations around to check out stuff? Are the autograph signing stations easy to get to? What other stuff besides watching the matches is there to do at the event?

Quiche and Ludono went to the Pro League thing in London and seemed to love it. Presenters seemed to mingle with the crowd etc

However Quiche did not get Pansy to sign his hairless chest which really soured me on him as human being
Can any of the Euros that have been to a ESL event tell me what its like? On the fence about going to ESL NY but I'm not sure what there is to it besides watching an observer POV from a arena seat. Are there hardware booths and stations around to check out stuff? Are the autograph signing stations easy to get to? What other stuff besides watching the matches is there to do at the event?

I went to the pro league finals as Hixx said and had a really good time but that wasn't an arena it was like a 2,000 seater room. There was nothing to do other than watch the matches and get autographs. The London one was awesome cause the arena was so small that the players and casters would just walk around and talk to people so I got to meet a bunch of awesome people. Also Ludono made friends with people in the row in front of us so the people who went to this one were not as anti social as you would expect. I would go once just to try it, I didn't think I would enjoy it but will definitely go again at some point!


ESL Cologne was nice. Big arena, good atmosphere, amazing sound (aka deagles that you felt in your stomach it was great).

There were hardware booths and a bunch of other stuff - but I didnt really check them out. The signing situation was a bit tricky though, unless you had a premium ticket then it was easy (there was a signing booth for normal ppl and then another one for premium ticket holders that was way emptier).

And it was super crowded in general, but it makes sense it was the biggest CS event at the time. Age restriction was 16+ too which was great because no annoying children anywhere.

Definitely a whole different size than the stuff Quiche talked about. None of that "players and casters would just walk around" stuff. They only occasionally walked around in the premium area - but yea premium tickets were expensive.



I hope Flipsid3 can give the ultimate fuck you to bondik today. Maybe I will go to ESL NY, just to say I did it once! Thanks for the feedback boys


Markeloff somehow always make it to the major lol. Kinda sad Tyloo didn't make it, but they got matched up with Dig sadly. :< Gonna be sad if G2 doesn't make it, but it looks like the 1-16 tilted them for the rest of the qualifier!
Come on G2, fulfill my dreams of Cloud9 not making it to the major. Punish this team for picking up Stewie. Cloud9 don't deserve these free Sticker pay checks anymore.

Group 1:

Team Liquid

Group 2:

Group 3:

Group 4:
Optic Gaming
Ninjas in Pyjamas


All it takes is Fnatic fucking up once to get them outta the majors in the group stage... Please FaZe/G2... Win your Bo1 against them.

"Let's just say "hard work" and "passions" wasn't the only thing the Brazilians took advantage of ( &#865;° &#860;&#662; &#865;°)"

This is the same guy who correctly leaked Pita being CLG's Fifth, leaked S1mple going back to Liquid and Pimp/JDM being signed to Liquid (confirmed by Styko that it's Legit) the Map Vetoes from Dignitas/Empire and Dignitas/HellRaisers, and is leaking LG playing under SK at the major and SpunJ retiring.

So far, his leaks have been on point.

I'd like to say I've been calling out LG and Fnatic for cheating since the start.

LG especially... I really like the guys... But they suddenly went from barely Top 10 to being the best team in the world randomly after a Massive Roster chsnge, after JUST losing to Fnatic 16-0. I bet the embarrassment of losing so hard, and the pressure of making massive roster changes got to them and they said Fuck it and started cheating. They improve too much and play too sketchy sometimes to be legit in my eyes. As much as I love FalleN.

Flusha is Flusha.

I knew NiP is legit, those guys would never cheat. I bet the fall of NiP is because everyone else started cheating and they couldn't keep up... Poor NiP... Playing clean and with heart from the beginning and getting fucked by cheats. :( if you get rid of all the cheaters... GeT_RiGhT and F0rest really are the two best players in the world.
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