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Counter Strike: GO - Debut Trailer, Preview and Gameplay

scoobs said:
ugh god this looks awful, wow. That gun models are borderline atrocious, what the fuck am i looking at??? Super bummed out about what I'm looking at

The game isn't out for several more months... it's a 2012 release and we have 4 months left of this year.

R_thanatos said:
not sure if the molotov cocktail won't be abused
I remember some servers putting on anti-nade spam scripts that would auto slay a person who would run back to spawn to re-buy nades he already threw. If a server script can prevent that, I'm sure Valve can have that built in.
Awesome news about confirmed cross platform play with PS3, where most of my mates will buy this. I'll get on PC. Or PS3 if/when it's confirmed to come with a PC copy.


* Dust
* Dust 2
* Aztec
* Office
* Nuke
* Italy
* Inferno

oh yes, the ones I loved and wanted.

It looks great, can't tell but have they changed the actual character models? If so I'm going to miss these guys:




Would be great if Micorsoft actually encouraged cross-platform play. All three groups, playing together.

I am concerned the audience for this will just be the hardcore players.
The console gameplay looks bad.
A CS game on a console.... lmao!

+ PS3/PC crossplay, guess who will be winning..
edit: :eek: didn't know about the k/b + mouse support for ps3 version.
gonna have to somehow set my uni room up to play this on ps3 with a kb + m.

yeh it looks lame like css but although inferior to 1.6, css is still better than the likes of cod and bf etc


So is the mouse and k/b support and cross platform play only on PS3 or is 360 included?

Oh god, I'm so fucking excited right now!

Thank you Valve, from all PS3 owners!!!



CozMick said:
So is the mouse and k/b support and cross platform play only on PS3 or is 360 included?

Oh god, I'm so fucking excited right now!

Thank you Valve, from all PS3 owners!!!

Yeah apparently a developer realized that finally that the PS3 is able to support k/b and mouse. I bring it up every single time a FPS is released, it's like everyone just forgot about it. Thank you based Valve. Up until now I was ready to bury it along with UT3.

edit: move support can go to hell when a k/b and mouse are supported.


Some of those weapon models actually look worse than the CS:S ones. I hope I can still have custom models and skins to replace most of them... :/


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Personally I'll wait until the beta than trying to judge the game from a couple of trailers.
PNstyle said:
The console gameplay looks bad.
A CS game on a console.... lmao!

+ PS3/PC crossplay, guess who will be winning..
edit: :eek: didn't know about the k/b + mouse support for ps3 version.

Luckily you can also just play with PS3 people and use a controller.

I really hope Valve gives users ways to segment who they will be playing against. I don't want to play with k/m PS3 users when playing a PS3 user only game.


I'm not impressed with what I've seen. I can't talk about the gameplay (although I can see people abusing molotovs already). It looks like a game from 2006. And what's with that horrible crossbar?
fresquito said:
I'm not impressed with what I've seen. I can't talk about the gameplay (although I can see people abusing molotovs already). It looks like a game from 2006. And what's with that horrible crossbar?

This. I`m trying to reserve judgement but I haven't seen anything that excites me. It looks like a slightly updated console friendly CSS, nothing more. If that's what Valve mean to release, good for them, get that console money, but forgive me if I`m not rushing to my wallet.


I sincerely hope for invisible weapon models. I am so used to them!!
Lionheart1337 said:
This. I`m trying to reserve judgement but I haven't seen anything that excites me. It looks like a slightly updated console friendly CSS, nothing more. If that's what Valve mean to release, good for them, get that console money, but forgive me if I`m not rushing to my wallet.
Dito :(

Is the beta going to be open?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Robot Pants said:
This looks really bad.

I don't get what people were actually expecting from

1) Valve ( in the sense of that it won't be a crysis1 esque game that 1% of pc pop can play)
2) a CS game
3) a multiplat CS game


It certainly looks like CS but is that all CS fans want? A reskin of CS? If the Community wanted it, they would do it themselves.

Personally I would rather Valve get their ass working on CS2. This seems like a stop-gap. Not enough to sate PC fans and a token gesture to Console gamers.

Also, when CS came out if was fresh and different. Is it really going to stand out now in a market already dominated by a few core shooters?
Raide said:
It certainly looks like CS but is that all CS fans want? A reskin of CS? If the Community wanted it, they would do it themselves.

Personally I would rather Valve get their ass working on CS2. This seems like a stop-gap. Not enough to sate PC fans and a token gesture to Console gamers.
There's nothing to say that's not what it is, CS2 will have to blow are balls off, this should be a good way of at least working out what model to go with. (Full game at set price/piecemeal FTP)

As its own game this looks alight, hope they add more teams and weapons, a return of the roit shield would be fun.


If you quit you would surely lose rank-points or something.

Anyways, personally I think it looks quite good. Not sure if it's still gonna be f2p or b2p, but if it is the former then I'm sold. I am, however, not liking the animation of the weapons and the damn run-and-spray gameplay. That's why I don't particularly liked Source. The recoil was too random and running and spraying always seemed to score a headshot. I'm hoping the beta feedback from the "pro's" will help.


Corky said:
I don't get what people were actually expecting from

1) Valve ( in the sense of that it won't be a crysis1 esque game that 1% of pc pop can play)

Valve is hardly a lower-tier developer. No one claimed it had to be on par with one of the most advanced games this gen, just on par with their past games.


Zenith said:
Valve is hardly a lower-tier developer. No one claimed it had to be on par with one of the most advanced games this gen, just on par with their past games.

And it is visually.

Looks better than Portal 2...

The hate is ridiculous, if this was PC only we'd be seeing this thread in a different light entirely.


Guys, i am pretty sure this is the less important project for Valve in a lot of time... its just a restyling and port, nothing too serious.

Someday we will have CS2... or not :p

So, take it for what it is.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Zenith said:
Valve is hardly a lower-tier developer. No one claimed it had to be on par with one of the most advanced games this gen, just on par with their past games.

How did you ascertain that from my post? My implication was that it's a game targeted for the entire "core" pc audience and not just the enthusiast segment, like the recent games of valve.


CozMick said:
And it is visually.

Looks better than Portal 2...

The hate is ridiculous, if this was PC only we'd be seeing this thread in a different light entirely.
Too much paranoia?

I don't see how it looks better than Portal 2, anyway. I don't care if it hits consoles or not (BTW, Portal 2 hit consoles and people never moaned about that?). The game looks old and it's not even released, and the whole presentation is bland, to say the least. Just look at the crossbar.
Unless this game is doing something amazing people will quit mid match, even with the speed and support spam of COD games now people still quit when things don't go there way, the days of quake, UT1 and CS are long gone for players who stick around until the results appear.


Assuming this works the same way as Portal 2, I'll buy on PS3 and pretty much only play the PC version. Though I may try the PS3 version to see how well implemented Move is.


Junior, please.
I used to play 1.5 all the time at university.

I'll be very interested to see how it plays on Xbox - if it's decent then it'll be a very welcome addition to my hard drive.
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