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Counter Strike: GO - Debut Trailer, Preview and Gameplay

Tom Penny

~Devil Trigger~ said:
It looks and move exactly like Counter Strike lol

Nah. That AK had almost no recoil. Not like the PC game which is total luck if you hit something. This game might actually be good.


CozMick said:
And it is visually.

Looks better than Portal 2...

The hate is ridiculous, if this was PC only we'd be seeing this thread in a different light entirely.

I like the idea of being able to use my PS3 over my PC with k/b & mouse support if it's implemented well enough. Would be better if it's like Portal 2 and I can have a copy on my PC and PS3, it's like half my friends do not own PCs and the other half do.

Anyway back to my point: If it was PC only, you are correct Sir - it would be a completely different thread.


subversus said:
are you trolling? CS with ADS is Call of Duty but bad one.

The_Player said:
Why bad? CoD's Search and Destroy without regeneration and perks = suppa awesome.

What the fuck are you people talking about. S&D=Bomb plant. You know, the main mode in CS.

Confidence Man said:
Has to be free to play on PC.

Didn't they already say it's F2P?
Looks pretty fucking good. I like the visual changes/updates.

Will give it a fair chance. If I don't like it I can always go back to CSS, but it looks so good I think I will like it.


Wouldn't it be cool if Valve throws in the original untouched maps? Just as a bonus.
They would get so much love and respect for that.

I for one look forward to the ps3 version with steam code included :)
The_Player said:
I call it go with the times.
So what would ADS add to the gameplay, exactly?

I think they should add it, but don't give the zoom, aimbot, and increased accuracy that kids are used to. Just a big ol' model blocking half the screen for no reason. It would take away all the complaints without changing the gameplay, it's brilliant!


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
To this day I have never played Counterstrike... yet I have seen my friends play it for roughly an hour total.

That (along with knowledge of the legacy) is enough to be offended by how little effort they are putting into this.

I also thought that before realizing it was coming to consoles as well, so GTFO with your PC-bias accusations. This doesn't look like a 2012 game. It doesn't look like a 2008 game.
I just watched the two gameplay vids and I love the changes they've made to Dust. I'm sure some people will bitch you shouldn't touch them, but fuck that, despite playing this game for nearly a decade I think it's a nice touch. Breathes a bit of new life in to them.

I really am getting excited about this!


Yup, after watching the videos, I know I'm going to get roped into playing the shit out of this for another year. And then there's Dota 2. And Diablo III. And Tribes: Ascend.

It's like the early 2000s are happening all over again.


thanks for the laugh
the ak handles more like its l4d2 cousin than its css forbearer. it's sorta painful to witness, like a mighty bear lashed to a lamp-post in a pub carpark.


Aha.. Weapon Wheel.

Good to know that the PS3 version can cross-play.

Time to own some KB+M gamers by just using the DS3 then.

Radec said:
Aha.. Weapon Wheel.

Good to know that the PS3 version can cross-play.

Time to own some KB+M gamers by just using the DS3 then.

If I ever play this game, my hope would be that I can decide whether or not I will play with people who use a gamepad or not. I don't like the idea of covering one of two entrances while relying on a teammate not knowing that he's decided to cripple his ability to play the game.

I mean yeah you get paired up with a lot of people who just plain suck when you play on pubs... but if ~50% of people decided to cap their skill-ceiling for aiming in addition to that then it doesn’t really seem like a fun environment for anyone to be in.


Molotov is THE WORST idea possible for a game like Counterstrike. What the hell are Valve designers thinking? Do they just want to prolong matches with Molotov spamming on choke points? Way to kill the pace = /


Nome said:
Molotov is THE WORST idea possible for a game like Counterstrike. What the hell are Valve designers thinking? Do they just want to prolong matches with Molotov spamming on choke points? Way to kill the pace = /
Nothing they have is effective at stopping rushes, smoke nades won't stop people.

This is at least a stab at doing it correctly. It seems like some people literally just want another remake of Counter Strike, I'm glad they're trying something else.


What's the release date ?

I bought the PS3 version of Portal 2 but haven't checked out Steam yet. Will do so together with CS purchase.


Nome said:
Molotov is THE WORST idea possible for a game like Counterstrike. What the hell are Valve designers thinking? Do they just want to prolong matches with Molotov spamming on choke points? Way to kill the pace = /

What the hell are you talking about? Molotov can be a nice new way to control other teams actions. Molotov spamming is as stupid as Grenade spam so nothing changes with that.

I'm not saying this is superb change, more like risky try but don't judge it before trying it. Try to be positive and think of ways this can actually improve the gameplay.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Kinda hope they have really kickass matchmaking on PC.
The riot shield was the second dumbest idea Valve has ever had, right behind that dumbass global economy idea.

But as a long time CS player I think the molotovs could work pretty well. And that extra stairway @ underpass is just what terrorists on de_dust needed. There was actually already a de_dust variant from years ago that had an exit to the same spot but the entrance was much further back in a place where the CT's couldn't see the T's using it and wouldn't know how many were using it until they showed up at ledge. The entrance to the stairs in the video is in a much better location.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
The way the fire spit through that doorway was way impressive. Wow, I really can't wait for this. Ranked matches are only 5v5?
Jtwo said:
The way the fire spit through that doorway was way impressive. Wow, I really can't wait for this. Ranked matches are only 5v5?

Probably. At higher levels of competition it would be pretty difficult for the rushing team if it were anymore than 5v5. 7v7 or 8v8 would be almost impossible to rush with 2 evenly matched teams.


I'll buy the XBLA version just to see how weird it's to play CS with a controller. And to use my old CS skills to dominate some Live newbies AHUAUHAUHA

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
I H8 Memes said:
Probably. At higher levels of competition it would be pretty difficult for the rushing team if it were anymore than 5v5. 7v7 or 8v8 would be almost impossible to rush with 2 evenly matched teams.
Yeah it sounds gooooood.


I hope this isn't based on CSS since it has worst use of blooming reticle I've ever seen. America's Army did blooming reticle right and then CSS is released after and did it completely wrong.
If the PS3 version comes with the Steam code like Portal 2, I'll definitely get that version. I'd love to play the PS3 game with Move and play the PC game for custom maps/mods.
No_Style said:
They didn't change the voices. I am pleased.

Looking forward to hearing:

"Fire in the hole"
"F-f-f-fire in the hole"

"Get in position and wait for my go."
"Get in position and wait for my go."
"Get in position and wait for my go."
"Get in position and wait for my go."
"Get in position and wait for my go."
"Get in position and wait for my go."
"Get in position and wait for my go."
"Get in position and wait for my go."
"Get in position and wait for my go."
"Get in position and wait for my go."
"Get in position and wait for my go."


How dissapointing. This looks exactly like Source? Does that guy really strafe headshot someone in that "planting the bomb" video? FUCK
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