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Counterstrike What? Halo 2 Who? Desert Combat best Team Warfare.

Its true. Ive played my share of Counterstrike. Source im sure has some improvements, but its essentially what made it work in the first place. Halo 2 is decidely awesome online, but the team games are for the most part downright confusing.

So when it comes to Team Based warfare, I turn to Desert Combat Final. Last game I jumped in an M1A1 and responded to a distress call from our eastern control point. I enter combat against two iraqi tanks, dispatch one, but lose my tank to the other, but im not dead yet. I catch up with the tank as it reaches the control point which is under siege from a stolen apache helicopter, 2 infantry, and the tank mentioned earlier. I unload 2 grenades into the rear of the tank and up it goes. I use the confusion created by the explosion to sneak behind the front and support my troops in holding the line. Special thanks to the airmen who responded to our calls and kept the tanks and jet fighters at bay.

We held that control point long enough for the iraqi side to lose all of its ticker points, leading to a victory for us.

Thats just the tip of the iceburg tho. That game I also used my binoculars to communicate to a guy miles a way manning the artillery providing surgical strikes, I served as a gunner in a dual apache strike on the main enemy base. Flew on A10 on a tank hunt. Most of the time I was in the M1A1 cause its the best tank ever.

All bow down to what team play is really all about.
MrAngryFace said:
Its true. Ive played my share of Counterstrike. Source im sure has some improvements, but its essentially what made it work in the first place. Halo 2 is decidely awesome online, but the team games are for the most part downright confusing.

Team games in Halo 2 confusing? After a few tries I got it no problem...that goes for all the modes too.
Maybe I should have clarified. The 12 year old pottymouths that populate most games dont know the first thing about being on a team. They just sit and yell at people, and if a loss is at hand they blame everyone. Gee, great team experience.

Then you get the 17-19 year old wanna be gangsters. They rock. Or the hicks. Awesome. or the over-excited nerds.


ocasionally you can find a really great game but 90% time you find server full muppets who camp the planes and dont even try to take points or anything.

then they have ordasity to call other side spawn campers for blowing them all up.... PRICELESS.


Or that you're playing a game of assault with 16 players at rank 6 and yet NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING >.<

I mean it was like 20 mins of people just running around shooting each other, no one (besides me) picked up the bomb on either team ONCE.

Now wtf!?!, it's really not fun to play team games unless everyone knows what their objective is. Maybe in a few weeks everyone will have figured it out, but for now I'd say 80% of the team games I join end up in ties because no one actually knows how to play.

(note this may pertain to Japanese players & US/UK people who are playing at like 7-8am US and whatever time it is then in the UK only)
DSN2K said:
ocasionally you can find a really great game but 90% time you find server full muppets who camp the planes and dont even try to take points or anything.

then they have ordasity to call other side spawn campers for blowing them all up.... PRICELESS.

I think you only play on the EA servers :lol
My problem is that XDude Live has a UNIQUE playerbase which just so happens to be made up of most of the people I avoid in the real world. PC Online Gaming demographic isnt nearly as focused since its much more established. There's a much greater chance of finding a solid team game in DC than Halo 2.

Nothing about Halo 2's team games are complicated, the PROBLEM is the infighting. In the MANY team matches ive played so far there's been maybe 2 that actually worked out, and it wasnt because it was my whole team working together, its cause I found one person who thought all this shit was crazy too, and we had each others backs and went towards the objective on our own as a third team ;P
I have to semi-agree on the point that the Xbox Live experience for Halo 2 and indeed all Xbox live titles (perhaps except ChessMaster or Steel Battalion) is somewhat unreliable in terms of delivering a good team experience.

This is the brilliant part though. Inventions now exist to help solve this problem.
1) The Party system - Find yourself some solid, reliable, and post-pubescent players to go into battle with.
2) The Clan system - essentially the party system but permanent and cooler because it pertains to Clans and the like.
3) The Phone - I have to admit, the guys in my clan and a few of my non-clan friends have numbers I know I can reach them at and arrange a time to play.

Now, I know perhaps this seems like a lot of work to some, but the upshot is that when you lock in at least 3 other people beside yourself you can at least get some small team action going and be confident that your fellow team members won't beat you to death so they can get the flag capture and not you.

To be honest I've gotten to the point where I won't play unless at least one of my XBL friends is with me as well. I'll sit and play Jak II on one input while I wait for my party/friends to fill up.
The Guivre said:
I'll sit and play Jak II on one input while I wait for my party/friends to fill up.
You gonna beat that game. We're into Half-life 2 now. Maybe Monday.

Seriously though, Dark10x and I were in the same room playing Halo 2 on Saturday and we still weren't working together often. Honestly, I usually feel that teamates slow me down, especially when they can't find the teleporter on Headlong (WTF Dark?).

More often then not, I get that flag alone. It's when I'm gunned down halfway home that I rely on my team to pitch in. I suppose one might surmise that I wouldn't get gunned down if I had some boys with me, but if fuckers can't be bothered to follow me when I tell em what I'm doing, then what choice do I have? The clock is ticking.

Next time we play, do your best to work with me, like I know you do, and I'll be grateful for it.

Go Scorpians!


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
You still haven't tried Forgotten Hope?


^^^Sit your ass down and don't start throwing grenades in the plane.
I'm scared of Half-Life 2 Monk... very scared. My PC has gone for a year now without any new additions and I don't think HL2 will like that one bit. Perhaps though I'll pick it up and see how it works and then plan my budget accordingly.
Unless anyone out there can tell me how it runs on an Athlon 1.7 with a GeForce 3 (256) and about 512 DDR.

As for that teleporter, up the stairs/ramp, right out the front, turn left and you should see it. Puts you in a nice spot to grab that coveted energy sword.
You don't have 256mb of RAM on your Geforce 3, stop fibbing. While you were back home, you should have made a play for that damned 9800Pro that I can't shut up about. If it doesn't overheat and crash it would push HL2 quite nicely. The game would still be Access Town though, even with a gig of ram.


Has problems recognising girls
Desert Combat / Forgotten Hope LAN with players who know wtf they are doing = the shit.

Too many hours wasted on those.
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