No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Small disclaimer before we begin. Since there isn't much interest or resources for the title this is pretty much a barebones OT just meant for general discussion / impressions. Current schedule also does not allow for much time to be spent with piecing together what little there is to make something fancy.
Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain is set in Refrain, a town where there is a cursed underground labyrinth where people cannot survive very long. A certain witch comes along and volunteers to explore the labyrinth. The player is a legendary book called “Youro Rekitei.” Together with the witch, your owner, you’ll challenge the dungeon. The player cannot fight, so the witch will make dolls (which you’ll customize in character creation to form your adventurer party) to fight instead.
Long story short you are a magical book called "Youro Rekitei" who just so happens to be traveling along with the Witch Dronia, her Apprentice Ruka. Due to being rather useless as a book you make use of the Doll Soldiers to do all the heavy lifting during your dungeon travels. (basically the same info in the setting section lol)
The Aster Knight is balanced in defending and attacking, and specialize in wielding two-handed weapons.
The Shinobushi are sword-users that are characterized by their speedy movements and ability to dual-wield swords.
The Theatrical Star Facet use weapons called “Spell Bells” in both hands and use them for using attacks with a side of effects as supporters of the party.
The Peer Fortress are the tanks that use their tough armor to defend allies while creating an opportunity to strike back.
The Marginal Maze is a mage class that uses spells calls “Donam” to provide power and consumption buffs. They use weapons called “Eclipse Stands” to perform flame, mud, and fog-based attacks.
The Mad Raptors use weapons called “Hyakka Yumi,” a weapon that shoots out flame, mud, and fog-based attacks. You’ll want to keep these guys in the back row to perform a variety of powerful attacks and status ailment hits from behind.
The Gothic Coppelia and Demon Reaper are two of the hidden Doll Soldier selections. Which are unlocked through story progression / spending mana.
*Credits to Siliconera
4gamer link for those who want to see more screenshots (JPs finest potato quality that is...)
Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain - Promotional Trailer
Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain - Introdution to Classes
Gameplay w/JP commentary semi-potato quality
*Recorded footage "might" make a banner for this to separate it
Tutorial / First Dungeon Gameplay
Doll Soldier Creation
More First Dungeon Gameplay 1 of 2
More First Dungeon Gameplay 2 of 2
Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain (PSV) – 8/8/9/7 [32/40]
*Credits to Gematsu
CD Japan
HMV Japan
*Disclaimer: Neither GAF nor myself has any sort of affiliation with the following sites above. These are just the most common ones members frequently speak of when it comes to online import shops and these links are for the convenience of the members who are still interested in importing the Japanese version of the game. Mods if you feel this is inappropriate let me know and will remove this section.

Title: Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain
Platform: PlayStation Vita (PSVTV Compat)
Genre: RPG
Players: 1
Release Date: 06/23/2016
Normal - 5,980 JPY (6,458 JPY w/tax)
Limited - 7,980 JPY (8,618 JPY w/tax)
Digital - 4,762 JPY (5,143 JPY w/tax)
Age Rating: CERO C (15 and up)

Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain is set in Refrain, a town where there is a cursed underground labyrinth where people cannot survive very long. A certain witch comes along and volunteers to explore the labyrinth. The player is a legendary book called “Youro Rekitei.” Together with the witch, your owner, you’ll challenge the dungeon. The player cannot fight, so the witch will make dolls (which you’ll customize in character creation to form your adventurer party) to fight instead.

- Detailed Dungeons to explore filled with traps and gimmicks
- Lots of options available for character creation that relate to the dolls stats, growth rate when leveling and extra perks.
- 3 Portraits total per class. 2 default and 1 hidden?
- 2 voices per class (for now?) *Might be 1 voice per portrait type.
- Narrative based story with fully voiced events
- Lots of loot to find both from enemy drops and from junk or treasure chests in the dungeons
- Doll parts can break when critically hit in combat. Called (Gore Hit?) I think it was. When parts are broken Doll's maximum HP and various stats decrease. Parts can be repaired if proper materials are available and you return to the base wagon.
- Dolls can be permanently lost if all parts break. (Perma-death) basically. Considering there are 5 parts - Head / Torso / Arms / Legs it should not be something too worry about that much yet... If your doll's head is broken and you take damage, your doll will die instantly it seems.
- Finding more rare soul bottles allows for the creation of dolls with higher base stats.
- Up to 40 members can fight in battle. Each of the 5 main party slots can have 8 additional dolls attached to them to form squads.
- Create new items with the alchemy pot.
- Spend mana for various effects with the Witch Petition system.
- Collect too much mana and be chased by "Death"!
- Able to switch your dolls growth style in their status menu at any time. Growth occurs during level up with the values of stats raised.
- Skills / Additional character & support slots are connected to Covens, so find more Covens to broaden the variation of your party setup and abilities.

Long story short you are a magical book called "Youro Rekitei" who just so happens to be traveling along with the Witch Dronia, her Apprentice Ruka. Due to being rather useless as a book you make use of the Doll Soldiers to do all the heavy lifting during your dungeon travels. (basically the same info in the setting section lol)

*Credits to Siliconera
4gamer link for those who want to see more screenshots (JPs finest potato quality that is...)

Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain - Promotional Trailer
Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain - Introdution to Classes
Gameplay w/JP commentary semi-potato quality
*Recorded footage "might" make a banner for this to separate it
Tutorial / First Dungeon Gameplay
Doll Soldier Creation
More First Dungeon Gameplay 1 of 2
More First Dungeon Gameplay 2 of 2

A: Seeing how Nippon Ichi Software sends over the major titles to NISA be localized would imagine this will be eventually announced also. That and its a "Takehito Harada" project in the sense that it has his character designs yeah Id say this would be showing up in the West in some form.Q: Is this game going to be localized for the West?
A: Dungeon Crawler RPG. First time NIS has gone and done their own first person dungeon crawler.Q: What type of game is this?
A: Since have not had hands on with the game yet it is hard to say. Though since NIS generally does a good job with having a narrative with their titles those looking for a game with a story I would imagine that this title will have an amusing story to go with the dungeon crawling. Though in terms of difficulty will have to play for a bit and then update this answer.Q: Im new to the Dungeon Crawler Genre would this be a title for me?
A: Generally if you want to understand the story and know what the game mechanics and skills do then yes. As this isn't an action game bumbling around blindly is not something I would suggest. This game also has questions where the player is required to respond to dialog with 3 choices of answers, which basically are Yes, No, No Response. Depending on the choices made can change events and such, also lead into fights. So being able to understand what is being talked about in the dialog would help ones enjoyment with the title itself. And save you from potential death in the event if your choice of answer causes a battle you are not ready for.Q: Do I need to know Japanese to play this game?
A: While in general nobody takes Famitsu scores seriously the game got the following marks.Q: Does this game have any review scores?
Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain (PSV) – 8/8/9/7 [32/40]
*Credits to Gematsu

CD Japan
HMV Japan
*Disclaimer: Neither GAF nor myself has any sort of affiliation with the following sites above. These are just the most common ones members frequently speak of when it comes to online import shops and these links are for the convenience of the members who are still interested in importing the Japanese version of the game. Mods if you feel this is inappropriate let me know and will remove this section.

- Thanks goes out to Nippon Ichi Software for the resources used to make up the graphics in this OT.
- Thanks to the dafont website for having an awesome selection of fonts to download and use.
- Thanks to Jonathan Stephen Harris for his Imagination Station font
- Thanks to Gematsu for various information.
- Thanks to Siliconera for various information.
- Thanks to 4gamer for the screenshots.
- Thanks to DualSHOCKERS for the screenshots. (Forgot linking to them is still banned lol)