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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]

Aw, how cute. I see the pattern now, that's what I thought. Or maybe that's not not what I thought... I should read what I wrote again, but I can't since I'm not an adult, or am I? Maybe I'm not not an adult. Who knows...

you should read what both of us wrote, that is “the conversation” I referred to

anyway your programming is clearly broke now, so see ya…


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
But I thought companies understood them and their effects intimately? So why other sources had to find it? Hmm, intriguing

Yes, the scientific process found that they made mistakes during the clinical trials, despite knowing down to a minute level how their vaccine works. That how things be, how they do.


Yes, the scientific process found that they made mistakes during the clinical trials, despite knowing down to a minute level how their vaccine works. That how things be, how they do.
If they knew down to a minute how their vaccine works, they wouldn't of made any mistakes in the clinical trials, because there wouldn't of been these problems in the first place, it's a bit contradictory

Anyhow, I've been working with drugs since 2003, and to trust the big pharmaceuticals these easily is an absurd concept to me, but to each its own
If they knew down to a minute how their vaccine works, they wouldn't of made any mistakes in the clinical trials, because there wouldn't of been these problems in the first place, it's a bit contradictory

Anyhow, I've been working with drugs since 2003, and to trust the big pharmaceuticals these easily is an absurd concept to me, but to each its own

That’s why we have medical boards

can I ask what your role is and which companies you have dealt with?
Pharmacy, mostly oncology but I also do general. Pretty much all companies that have chemotherapy drugs.

Glaxo, Astra, Merk, Pfizer, Roche etc...

cool, so the pharmacy you work would have had to trust that the medical board that allowed the sale of these drugs had done its job to review the drugs, the end user (even an intermediary like a pharmacy) is not directly trusting the companies themselves


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
If they knew down to a minute how their vaccine works, they wouldn't of made any mistakes in the clinical trials, because there wouldn't of been these problems in the first place, it's a bit contradictory

Anyhow, I've been working with drugs since 2003, and to trust the big pharmaceuticals these easily is an absurd concept to me, but to each its own

Yea, scientists make mistakes sometimes, they miss things, despite their vast knowledge of their own creations or discoveries - that's why there is a peer reviewed process. And while I appreciate the distrust of big pharma in the wake of things like the opioid crisis and other events, I think distrust in this case because of those cases is conflating issues (if that's what you mean - not those specific examples but in general).

But sure, to each their own. Also bigups fellow healthcare worker. Been a rough past year and a half-ish.


cool, so the pharmacy you work would have had to trust that the medical board that allowed the sale of these drugs had done its job to review the drugs, the end user (even an intermediary like a pharmacy) is not directly trusting the companies themselves
Yes I agree on this, though it means the drugs would not have been approved by the board yet and were secured by emergency procedures

There is some rare cases that we will try a drug while it's in research but it's for desperate cases, when nothing else worked so far. Let's say the success rate isn't really high but that's understandable, it's a last resort tryout
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Yea, scientists make mistakes sometimes, they miss things, despite their vast knowledge of their own creations or discoveries - that's why there is a peer reviewed process. And while I appreciate the distrust of big pharma in the wake of things like the opioid crisis and other events, I think distrust in this case because of those cases is conflating issues (if that's what you mean - not those specific examples but in general).
I don't see how they're conflating. Sure, purely logically speaking the vaccines are a different case to the opioids that were previously falsely marketed as harmless, but trust and human psychology don't work like that. If you have a friend that's previously stolen from you, and he asks if you can be friends again, you will probably want some kind of apology and/or some kind of message that he understands what he did was wrong and why. In the case of pharma, they still deny publicly any wrongdoing re: opioid crisis. That is far from what I would call confidence-inspiring.

Also in the case of the opioid crisis both the peer review process and the external oversight (FDA) were in place, yet were somehow not able to stop these medications from going to market with a label "safe & not addictive"

I understand that for the vaccination effort to be successful it would be nice if pharma could start with a clean slate, but they've done very little to clean up their reputation and as such I don't think you can demand people be unequivocally trusting of them again.



Should have consulted his vet before ingesting. Once again, these people are idiots. Get the vaccine, not the horse paste, dummies.
This is where listening to those who say to do one's research can get one if they dismiss the part about talking to medical professionals and put too much weight on unqualified and irrational opinions.
This is where listening to those who say to do one's research can get one if they dismiss the part about talking to medical professionals and put too much weight on unqualified and irrational opinions.
I don’t think this is what anyone means when they say that. Someone who is injects horse medications is just as likely to die from trying to use his hairdryer while taking a bath.


I don’t think this is what anyone means when they say that. Someone who is injects horse medications is just as likely to die from trying to use his hairdryer while taking a bath.
When people constantly bring into question medical professionals and the policies they recommend with unqualified opinions, emotional outbursts, and irrational and irrelevant concerns this is a result.

This didn't happen to this wretch in a vacuum. Trust in the trained medical community needs to be promoted so that people will seek their opinions and put more weight and trust in them even when it doesn't suit personal bias.
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A World Health Organization expert says in a documentary that patient zero for Covid-19 may have worked at a lab in Wuhan, China. Jamie Metzl, the Atlantic Council and a W.H.O. advisor, joins The News with Shepard Smith to discuss.



Authorized Fister
All of the greatest ideas and inventions were from people who were considered crazy by their peers. Be open in any cases and try to find the real crazies.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
All of the greatest ideas and inventions were from people who were considered crazy by their peers. Be open in any cases and try to find the real crazies.
They aren't hard to spot these days thankfully. The whole aluminum hat thing is a dead giveaway.
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How it going for you, symptom wise?
It's complicated because I'm also being treated for other stuff, but definitely lots of coughing, head congestion, and general tiredness. The tiredness, I'm not sure how much is covid, but I had to sit down after taking a shower a couple of days ago because I was so wiped out so quickly.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
It's complicated because I'm also being treated for other stuff, but definitely lots of coughing, head congestion, and general tiredness. The tiredness, I'm not sure how much is covid, but I had to sit down after taking a shower a couple of days ago because I was so wiped out so quickly.
Yeah the tiredness/breathing trouble is apparently what surprises most people in my experience. A family member of mine who had Covid last year told me about how he was short of breath and had to sit down after just going up the stairs in his house. And this is a guy only 3 years older than me used to working hard outside all day. (Farm)

It's just bizarre how hard it hits you.


I have a friend who moved to Australia with her Aussie husband at the beginning of the year with their 5 year old because the COVID situation in the US was so whack. I wonder how they’re feeling now where they apparently can’t get the vaccine and are in lockdowns again…?
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Jesus. You people are desperate to have an argument with yourselves at this point. I didn’t say vaccination wasn’t beneficial. Follow along slowly. The CDC director said, unambiguously, that vaccinated people do not get sick, do not carry the virus. What she said had proven to be false literally a few months later.

Now, we are trying to convince resistant people to get the shots, are we not? You understand people will point to this kind of stuff and say “see, these people don’t know what they’re talking about”. Of course you’ll just belittle them because vaccination=good to you, but it doesn’t to them. In order to convince them to get vaccinated, you have to build trust that we both know what we are doing with these vaccines and are completely honest about them in all aspects. Stuff like this undermines that trust. You cannot go out in public saying things that turn out to be completely wrong like 3-4 months later, and convince hesitant people you know what you’re doing.

It can’t be “oh well, we were mostly right.” The consequences of this stuff actually matter. There is nothing wrong with hedging a bit. “Based on current data we believe” goes a long way.

Obviously, another issue is going to be convincing people who haven’t got one shot to get them now that we are already pushing for a third. It also complicates the mandates. I got two shots. If I refuse to get a third (which I won’t, but for arguments sake), how long before I can’t go to dinner or I lose my job? This is such a fluid situation and yet we’re making all these consequential decisions based on changing understanding of all this stuff.

Um you absolutely can say things that turn out to be wrong and still be credible and still make sense ok issues. Any other notion is completely ridiculous. Science is not about being right ther first time or having all the answers its about altering that conclusion through statistics, experimentation, analysis and so on.

So no you can't just say "one guy said something wrong so any anti Vader has credible reason to disregard every fact of information we've gotten since then" that makes zero sense. The data is there. If vaccination = good is something they need to be convinced of, and yet the real world data will not convince them, why should we be concerned at all with what one man said?

It stops being about what one man said when you start denying the actual facts and realities of the situation. The thing works, that is no longer in any way up for debate. You say the consequences mater but what consequences? People have still gotten the virus with it but most everyone was telling people to still mask up and still practice safety guidelines and many did not. If any body got the vaccine solely because this one guy said it completely erased your chances then they were foolish in the first place as data was coming out well before it was readily available saying that this thing was not 100% effective. We knew this going in.

Thats not a valid excuse to disregard all available info we have and decide NOW that what the doctors say matters.


Bullshit. It'd make sense if there were real options available to those getting a shot. None of the two shots, be it Pfizer or Moderna have even been fully approved.

The argument about putting others at risk is tenuous and insulting. Vaccinated people still carry and transmit it.

Its proven to work. Its much more effective at fighting the virus. Thats no longer up for debate , like I said. St this point choosing to not get it is a personal choice that is purely for your own convenience, not the well being of others.
Um you absolutely can say things that turn out to be wrong and still be credible and still make sense ok issues. Any other notion is completely ridiculous. Science is not about being right ther first time or having all the answers its about altering that conclusion through statistics, experimentation, analysis and so on.

So no you can't just say "one guy said something wrong so any anti Vader has credible reason to disregard every fact of information we've gotten since then" that makes zero sense. The data is there. If vaccination = good is something they need to be convinced of, and yet the real world data will not convince them, why should we be concerned at all with what one man said?

It stops being about what one man said when you start denying the actual facts and realities of the situation. The thing works, that is no longer in any way up for debate. You say the consequences mater but what consequences? People have still gotten the virus with it but most everyone was telling people to still mask up and still practice safety guidelines and many did not. If any body got the vaccine solely because this one guy said it completely erased your chances then they were foolish in the first place as data was coming out well before it was readily available saying that this thing was not 100% effective. We knew this going in.

Thats not a valid excuse to disregard all available info we have and decide NOW that what the doctors say matters.
So as to the bolded, that is revisionist history nonsense. It was CLEARLY stated that vaccinated people no longer needed to mask up. They were not encouraged to do so. You have everyone from this CDC director to Anthony Fauci saying vaccinated people can take off their masks. So while people were saying things about masking up if it made people comfortable, there was absolutely zero push for the vaccinated to wear masks in the spring.

It clearly seems like you aren’t trying to convince people anymore, which I find to be a shame. But I still think people can be convinced.


So as to the bolded, that is revisionist history nonsense. It was CLEARLY stated that vaccinated people no longer needed to mask up. They were not encouraged to do so. You have everyone from this CDC director to Anthony Fauci saying vaccinated people can take off their masks. So while people were saying things about masking up if it made people comfortable, there was absolutely zero push for the vaccinated to wear masks in the spring.
Depends on the outlet you went to or where you were at. Where I live mask mandated ere very much still encouraged gor some time until after a few months when vaccination numbers went up.

But make no mistake..... this vaccine was never claimed even by the providers to be 100% effective. The success rates were documented well before it ever reached public market.

It clearly seems like you aren’t trying to convince people anymore, which I find to be a shame. But I still think people can be convinced.
Im very much still trying to convince people but my question is what are you supposed to convince them with? If someone is choosing to disregard clear data supporting the effectiveness of this vaccine and the state in which unvaccinated individuals are filling up hospitals, what else are we to do? We csnt promise nothing bad will ever happen to you if you get this. We can't see the future and we can't read minds. So if data won't convince you then what will?

This is why I say if you have a problem with what this guy said or that guy said.... fine. Screw what they said. Look at the cold hard numbers. If thats not enough to convince you then realistically nothing you or I say can.
So as to the bolded, that is revisionist history nonsense. It was CLEARLY stated that vaccinated people no longer needed to mask up. They were not encouraged to do so. You have everyone from this CDC director to Anthony Fauci saying vaccinated people can take off their masks. So while people were saying things about masking up if it made people comfortable, there was absolutely zero push for the vaccinated to wear masks in the spring.

It clearly seems like you aren’t trying to convince people anymore, which I find to be a shame. But I still think people can be convinced.
Wasn't that in regard to the alpha variant though, which was less transmissible so vaccinated people unmasked together had an extremely low rate of transmission? I thought it was only when delta started spiking that the mandate came back since the tranmission was higher among everybody you get the handful of breakthrough cases in vaccinated people.


Welp, got covid again, after having both doses of Moderna and probably having covid back in 2020.:messenger_fistbump:
Ah sorry , I hope you are okay. corona the family , can be caught multiple times , like flu. There also where corona viruses spreading before COVID. I have had multiple flu’s, but nothing was worse than the Mexican flu.

This virus is staying among us and will probably change how we live, but I think human kind needs another year to understand and give it a place, and adjust .They are all trying so hard to go back to how it was, with half baked vaccines.. instead of changing some habits .
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Depends on the outlet you went to or where you were at. Where I live mask mandated ere very much still encouraged gor some time until after a few months when vaccination numbers went up.

But make no mistake..... this vaccine was never claimed even by the providers to be 100% effective. The success rates were documented well before it ever reached public market.

Im very much still trying to convince people but my question is what are you supposed to convince them with? If someone is choosing to disregard clear data supporting the effectiveness of this vaccine and the state in which unvaccinated individuals are filling up hospitals, what else are we to do? We csnt promise nothing bad will ever happen to you if you get this. We can't see the future and we can't read minds. So if data won't convince you then what will?

This is why I say if you have a problem with what this guy said or that guy said.... fine. Screw what they said. Look at the cold hard numbers. If thats not enough to convince you then realistically nothing you or I say can.
The tone has just been all wrong. My dad was hesitant. He didn’t get his first shot until a couple of weeks ago. Now, I’ve been pretty plugged into all this since the beginning considering what I do. So when delta started creeping up last month, I encouraged him to reconsider. He’s a pretty skeptical guy, but I just told him that between April of 2020 and March of 2021, we had a steady stream of nursing home patients with covid. After the vaccinations became widespread, that stopped cold. I told him things were going to increase again and I didn’t want to have to worry about seeing him at the hospital.

People can be convinced. But it takes the right approach. Sometimes raw data isn’t enough. It has to be distilled down to something people can wrap their arms around. And it has to come from a source people trust actually has the best interests in mind.


Lil’ Gobbie

Should have consulted his vet before ingesting. Once again, these people are idiots. Get the vaccine, not the horse paste, dummies.
had a patient who owns a feed store look at me surprised when I gave him 29 ivermectin pills a few of days ago. he told me he's already been taking ivermectin (presumably sells it at his store?) and told me he didn't think hospitals gave it to covid patients (common misconception that people lie about, for whatever reason). I could tell this guy was highly suspicious so I thought this would help us establish a therapeutic relationship and build some trust. I told him we are trying everything we possibly can with one goal in mind: send him back to his family in one piece. I didn't lecture him because I know it comes off as patronizing, I just wanted him to know I'll do everything I possibly can to help him fight this thing, that our goals are aligned and that I'm on his team no matter what.

anyway long story short, he didn't get better, his shortness of air made him more and more anxious despite the anxiolytics, became more paranoid due to hypoxia, taking off his oxygen in fits of frustration, and when I couldn't be there to calm him down and a shitty nurse just rubbed him the wrong way, he became convinced we were the ones making him feel this way and not the progressively worsening pneumonia. He became belligerent. Blue in the face he was still able to throw a staff member across the room. is now in restraints and intubated and showing no signs of improvement at this time. I had 5 ICU patients that day and still made time to sit down and guide him through the darkness and some shitty nurse comes in and carelessly throws away any progress we've made in an instant. I don't know where I'm going with this, just trying to make sense of what happened. then yesterday, 3 of my patients died. every phone call you have to make is the worst experience of your life. one of them called me back a few hours after I had to tell her that her husband died to ask me how he was doing....I slept 18 hours last night and wanted to sleep more. people like to cherry pick their talking points they ultimately understand nothing about; "not enough studies" the morbidly obese woman will tell you with a straight face about the vaccines while sits on a non rebreather while we give her tons of meds that have very barely been studied, like she even understands the first thing about how trials work. its fucking absurd. We are figuring things out as we go along, and to hyperfocus and cherry pick trivial discrepancies along the way in an attempt to undermine everything else they say is straight up disgraceful and only ends up hurting causes you claim to defend. it's self sabotage in my eyes.

at this point I wouldn't be surprised if those most resistant to vaccine efforts have already experienced first hand the pain and suffering of the people they love most , and the only thing to avoid the painful realization that you contributed to the miserable asphyxiating death of the people you love most is to just double down in order to avoid the cognitive dissonance. I'm rambling :messenger_pensive:
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
So are you telling me we weren’t “following the science” with all that stupidity?
That set-up in the picture looks ridiculous. I've only ever seen plastic shields at checkouts which probably are effective. Anyway as far as I can tell there is no real science behind putting them up, and no real science about not putting them up. The quotes are pretty vague 'little effect' 'possibly could' etc. Basically they are probably useless but might be slightly bad or slightly good.
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That set-up in the picture looks ridiculous. I've only ever seen plastic shields at checkouts. Anyway as far as I can tell there is no real science behind putting them up, and no real science about not putting them up. The quotes are pretty vague 'little effect' 'possibly could' etc. Basically they are probably useless but might be slightly bad or slightly good.
Like so many of the “public health” measures we have pursued this year. Six feet is another good example.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Like so many of the “public health” measures we have pursued this year. Six feet is another good example.
It is kinda crazy that even before COVID we hadn't done any real research on preventing the spread of respiratory viruses and never looked that hard at things like surgeons masks to see if there was a more effective measure. We got pretty lucky with COVID all things considered.
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It is kinda crazy that even before COVID we hadn't done any real research on preventing the spread of respiratory viruses and never looked that hard at things like surgeons masks to see if there was a more effective measure. We got pretty lucky with COVID all things considered.
It really is true. We sometimes act like covid is the plague. We should thank our lucky stars it isn’t. Imagine if MERS has covid’s transmissibility.


had a patient who owns a feed store look at me surprised when I gave him 29 ivermectin pills a few of days ago. he told me he's already been taking ivermectin (presumably sells it at his store?) and told me he didn't think hospitals gave it to covid patients (common misconception that people lie about, for whatever reason). I could tell this guy was highly suspicious so I thought this would help us establish a therapeutic relationship and build some trust. I told him we are trying everything we possibly can with one goal in mind: send him back to his family in one piece. I didn't lecture him because I know it comes off as patronizing, I just wanted him to know I'll do everything I possibly can to help him fight this thing, that our goals are aligned and that I'm on his team no matter what.

anyway long story short, he didn't get better, his shortness of air made him more and more anxious despite the anxiolytics, became more paranoid due to hypoxia, taking off his oxygen in fits of frustration, and when I couldn't be there to calm him down and a shitty nurse just rubbed him the wrong way, he became convinced we were the ones making him feel this way and not the progressively worsening pneumonia. He became belligerent. Blue in the face he was still able to throw a staff member across the room. is now in restraints and intubated and showing no signs of improvement at this time. I had 5 ICU patients that day and still made time to sit down and guide him through the darkness and some shitty nurse comes in and carelessly throws away any progress we've made in an instant. I don't know where I'm going with this, just trying to make sense of what happened. then yesterday, 3 of my patients died. every phone call you have to make is the worst experience of your life. one of them called me back a few hours after I had to tell her that her husband died to ask me how he was doing....I slept 18 hours last night and wanted to sleep more. people like to cherry pick their talking points they ultimately understand nothing about; "not enough studies" the morbidly obese woman will tell you with a straight face about the vaccines while sits on a non rebreather while we give her tons of meds that have very barely been studied, like she even understands the first thing about how trials work. its fucking absurd. We are figuring things out as we go along, and to hyperfocus and cherry pick trivial discrepancies along the way in an attempt to undermine everything else they say is straight up disgraceful and only ends up hurting causes you claim to defend. it's self sabotage in my eyes.

at this point I wouldn't be surprised if those most resistant to vaccine efforts have already experienced first hand the pain and suffering of the people they love most , and the only thing to avoid the painful realization that you contributed to the miserable asphyxiating death of the people you love most is to just double down in order to avoid the cognitive dissonance. I'm rambling :messenger_pensive:
Man, that is some tough stuff to go through. Hats off that you're still standing. Used to be that dealing with people with an extreme level of paranoia towards their caregivers was the purview of people in my line of work (psychiatry) but the level of generalized paranoia that's going on these days is just something else. It really needs to be adressed somehow when the pandemic is over. I do, to some extent, understand what you are having to deal with though, it can be hair-tearingly frustrating to try to help someone who is convinced you are out to fuck them over in some way.
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Lil’ Gobbie
That set-up in the picture looks ridiculous. I've only ever seen plastic shields at checkouts which probably are effective. Anyway as far as I can tell there is no real science behind putting them up, and no real science about not putting them up. The quotes are pretty vague 'little effect' 'possibly could' etc. Basically they are probably useless but might be slightly bad or slightly good.

I think most of them are just private efforts winging it to make people feel better and more safe in order to get their business. they don't actually care if it works or not to curb the spread, they are just trying to keep their business open
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