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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Neighbours from Hell
I don't know about this, there was that podcast where he had Steve Kirsch on who was talking about babies with bloody fucked up brains being born because of vaccines, which seems to me to be abject fear mongering. Bret never even pushed back...

I find B+H to be pretty exasperating figures. They really fucked up promoting some dodgy anti-vax stuff but when I listen to them talk about stuff from their book I find myself agreeing with most of what they say, so it's hard for me to completely disown them
I do. I've heard him on plenty of podcasts have entire podcasts talking about the importance of vaccines and amazing technology behind them. Bret and Heather have received many vaccines as people who've traveled abroad to a variety of countries.


I do. I've heard him on plenty of podcasts have entire podcasts talking about the importance of vaccines and amazing technology behind them. Bret and Heather have received many vaccines as people who've traveled abroad to a variety of countries.
I've heard him say that too, yeah. But how do you square that with letting a guy like Steve Kirsch give a pretty unhinged rant on your podcast about covid vaccines? Do you think Bret believes Kirsch? (honest question)


Rodent Whores
He only pushes back on people dumber than he is, like Dave Rubin. More intelligent grifters are safe.
Not a good look for Rubin lol.

I find it interesting that when Rogan pushed back on Rubin it was because Rubin was making a libertarian/free market argument for the removal of regulations, and Joe's response was that no, you need some level of regulations because some people aren't looking out for the general welfare and so you have to force them to do that for the betterment of everyone (building safety codes).

Now, Rogan is making a libertarian case for the removal of vaccine mandates or harsh (in his opinion) restrictions. Of course, building regulations aren't the same as vaccine mandates, but there is some overlap in the concept of both.

Basically sensible regulation vs let the free market/natural selection sort 'em out.


Neighbours from Hell
I've heard him say that too, yeah. But how do you square that with letting a guy like Steve Kirsch give a pretty unhinged rant on your podcast about covid vaccines? Do you think Bret believes Kirsch? (honest question)
I think he's skeptical of the COVID vaccine. Doesn't mean he's anti-vax in general.


Rodent Whores
I do. I've heard him on plenty of podcasts have entire podcasts talking about the importance of vaccines and amazing technology behind them. Bret and Heather have received many vaccines as people who've traveled abroad to a variety of countries.
Okay, but the conversation isn't about vaccines in general. It's about these mRNA vaccines in particular. That's what the controversy is about.

We're all on the same page as Bret for the MMR vaccines and other old school ones.


He said in the beginning he wasn't vaccinated. He said months ago he wasn't, but he never made public if he'd have gotten the vaccine since. So he confirmed it.

Only 2 minutes in and I've already heard something I know people are going to blow out of proportion. I'm paraphrasing, but he said "It's a shame people don't know there's things you can do out there to help you recover if you haven't been vaccinated" and then talks about vitamin D and losing weight again. I can pretty much guarantee within 48 hours that is going to be framed as "Joe Rogan says don't take the vaccine and follow his pseudo-science to recover from COVID."

I’m 100% on board with anything that helps with recovery once someone is infected. What’s incredibly stupid is taking your chance with something that has questionable data to support it, especially when even what it has to support it isn’t that great, in lieu of the vaccine. That’s exactly what people are taking away from Weinstein and Rogan. Why take the vaccine if ivermectin will cure you? Well, it’s all questionable that it does at all and the vaccine is something like 90% effective


Neighbours from Hell
I’m 100% on board with anything that helps with recovery once someone is infected. What’s incredibly stupid is taking your chance with something that has questionable data to support it, especially when even what it has to support it isn’t that great, in lieu of the vaccine. That’s exactly what people are taking away from Weinstein and Rogan. Why take the vaccine if ivermectin will cure you? Well, it’s all questionable that it does at all and the vaccine is something like 90% effective
As far as I know, Joe doesn't have a stance on Ivermectin. People keep acting like he does, he doesn't. He's never been for or against it. He's had people on his show who have, but he hasn't.

Bret is, but I think he's always been consistent that he thinks of it less as a cure and more of an alternative that may potentially help recover if you're someone like him who is concerned about the vaccines.


Gold Member
President Joe Biden on Thursday is announcing sweeping new federal vaccine requirements affecting as many as 100 million Americans in an all-out effort to increase COVID-19 vaccinations and curb the surging delta variant that is killing thousands each week and jeopardizing the nation’s economic recovery.

The expansive rules mandate that all employers with more than 100 workers require them to be vaccinated or test for the virus weekly, affecting about 80 million Americans. And the roughly 17 million workers at health facilities that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid also will have to be fully vaccinated.

Oh boy. Here we go.


Beyond the direct effect of the virus itself, the thing that’s dismayed me so much about Covid is just how much it’s highlighted this ridiculous obsession America has with this idea of ‘freedom’… and not ’being told what to do’. It’s so incredibly childish. A nation full of people essentially screaming ”you’re not my dad!” and storming out the front door.

The irony being that on healthcare, America is probably one of the least ‘free’ developed countries on earth.
I bet people in China and now probably Australia don't think it's that ridiculous. I understand the frustration with unvaxed people but I find the whole "but muh freedoms" mockery to be a really weird flex. I think if there's one thing to be proud of as Americans it would be our obsession with (though imperfect pursuit of) freedom.

I was perusing HuffPo today just for fun and there was an article about Elizabeth Warren being mad at Amazon's algorithms and search results displaying books with "misinformation" and also being, "unwilling or unable to modify its business practices to prevent the spread of falsehoods or the sale of inappropriate products — an unethical, unacceptable, and potentially unlawful course of action from one of the nation’s largest retailers." And of course all the comments were in support of Warren and condemning Amazon and capitalism, etc., and nobody seemed to realize that their basic argument was politicians should decide what books we can buy online.

So I guess my point is to be careful what you wish for.
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Not sure how the private company mandate can hold up in court, but it seems like federal employees or companies receiving federal dollars would.


Not sure how the private company mandate can hold up in court, but it seems like federal employees or companies receiving federal dollars would.
I understand federal employees and institutions…but the private sector?? This is a hell of an overstep. And why draw the line at 100 employees at that point? Why not make it blanket across the board? I just don’t get it.

This could’ve been a Monday announcement but this takes the media attention off the Aghanistan fallout on the eve of our 20th 9/11 anniversary.


" And of course all the comments were in support of Warren and condemning Amazon and capitalism, etc., and nobody seemed to realize that their basic argument was politicians should decide what books we can buy online.

So I guess my point is to be careful what you wish for.
I'm not surprised since I've seen how quickly pretty much people from every political ilk are perfectly happy to gut the first amendment for whatever they believe in, even thinking violence is ok, that this is no stretch.


I think he's skeptical of the COVID vaccine. Doesn't mean he's anti-vax in general.
I realize that. I guess the core issue for me is that there are some very dead people out there who were posting dark horse content on their facebook feeds and such to bolster their refusal to get vaccinated. Obviously B+H aren't fully culpable for this, but they do have *some* measure of culpability, which they don't seem to want to take on.
Interesting development. It'll undoubtedly bring cases down so I'm guessing at this point Biden doesn't give a shit if the vast majority of people who will be affected by this are people that already hate him anyway. I don't particularly agree with this but the meltdowns on social media will be entertaining so game on.


Neighbours from Hell
I realize that. I guess the core issue for me is that there are some very dead people out there who were posting dark horse content on their facebook feeds and such to bolster their refusal to get vaccinated. Obviously B+H aren't fully culpable for this, but they do have *some* measure of culpability, which they don't seem to want to take on.
Are there? Is this an actual fact?

And if it is, how did they die? Ivermectin overdose or not taking the vaccine or do we even know?

If it's the former, is Bret the one who sold them on Ivermectin or did it come from someone else or a combination of a lot of people?

If it's the latter, how do we know they didn't already decide not to take the vaccine before Bret and they didn't use Bret's stuff as confirmation of their own biases they already had? Not to mention, Bret never advocating against the vaccine. He said he has concerns long-term, but never told anyone not to take it, and even said it was the better alternative to COVID, while still saying it has risks.

Very few people listen to one person and make a decision based off one person, and I believe few people even make decisions based off what other people do at all. Even if Bret was imploring people to get the vaccine, any adamant skeptic would just look for the next person to confirm their own biases. That's what they do.

30+% of the country hasn't gotten a single jab of the vaccine. That's 100 million people.

What I think I can comfortably assume is there isn't anyone of those 100 million who were all jazzed up to get the vaccine, heard Bret's podcast, and said "never mind, I don't want it now. I'll just take Ivermectin instead."
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Neighbours from Hell
For the obvious reasons, I hope so much there are no long-term issues with the vaccine or some new study that comes out that shows on second glance it isn't as effective as we thought. But also for the fact that if this were to happen, our country's trust in healthcare would be damaged beyond repair.

After how politicized this has been, if something new were to come out about the effectiveness or some severe side effect, may the gods help us all.


Keep the mandates coming. If some are so vulgarly stupid that they still refuse safe vaccines even after all we've been through, continuing to place others at risk, even their own children, then force them.
I'm vacced. But I still think this is the thought process of a Nazi

Why force vaccines on people who've already had the virus and have natural immunity? Or force vaccines on people who might have a bad reaction to it?
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I'm vacced. But I still think this is the thought process of a Nazi

Why force vaccines on people who've already had the virus and have natural immunity? Or force vaccines on people who might have a bad reaction to it?

I guess George Washington thought like a nazi.

Vaccination guarantees strong protection against the most prevalent variants. And I of course am not referring to people with issues that make vaccination unnecessarily risky.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I mean, imagine actually thinking that mandating a vaccine to help stop a pandemic is on any level similar to the nazis. The nazis. Sigh.
Wonderful news. Its time to stop fucking around.
The ironic part is from people refusing to get the vaccine because the government is "suppressing" them. Now, there are legit mandates they have to deal with because they so adamantly refused it in the first place. I wonder how many people will still refuse it and possibly lose their job? Also, will private businesses actually enforce this and risk their already troubling staffing issue? This will certainly be interesting to see play out.


The ironic part is from people refusing to get the vaccine because the government is "suppressing" them. Now, there are legit mandates they have to deal with because they so adamantly refused it in the first place. I wonder how many people will still refuse it and possibly lose their job? Also, will private businesses actually enforce this and risk their already troubling staffing issue? This will certainly be interesting to see play out.
But have you considered that making employment conditional for those who refuse- to the effect of killing tens of thousands of their countrymen- is akin to gassing slave laborers for the crime of being Jewish?

Oh you dismissed that idea outright for being retarded? Alas….
But have you considered that making employment conditional for those who refuse- to the effect of killing tens of thousands of their countrymen- is akin to gassing slave laborers for the crime of being Jewish?

Oh you dismissed that idea outright for being retarded? Alas….
I'm seriously tired of people making the Nazi comparision. No one has ever sounded intelligent haphazardly throwing out Nazi insults.


But have you considered that making employment conditional for those who refuse- to the effect of killing tens of thousands of their countrymen- is akin to gassing slave laborers for the crime of being Jewish?

Oh you dismissed that idea outright for being retarded? Alas….
The blood is not on their hands. That’s quite a conflation you made there.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The ironic part is from people refusing to get the vaccine because the government is "suppressing" them. Now, there are legit mandates they have to deal with because they so adamantly refused it in the first place. I wonder how many people will still refuse it and possibly lose their job? Also, will private businesses actually enforce this and risk their already troubling staffing issue? This will certainly be interesting to see play out.
That was my point for a while. Being completely unreachable by education, reason, even facts, basically ensures that you're going to lose freedom. No one is going to sit by and watch people threaten basic security and health and just throw their hands up and say, well too bad guess they're free. It's just never worked that way. I kept trying to tell people that fear government overreach that acting the way they were was basically just guaranteeing it's going to happen.

And at this point, I totally support Biden's move. We're dealing with a hardened group of fundamentalist anti-vaxers who hold the belief on par with religious beliefs. I'm losing zero sleep adding 1 more vaccine to the list of many others that are already commonly mandated. Frankly, everyone in society bent over backwards already and watched people die and hospitals fill up just to try and accommodate these people's libertarian delusions. It got us nowhere.



An article about Hinshaw's Lore and what led to the state they're in.
Alberta's plan to lift all pandemic restrictions and precautions appears to have been based on a scenario rooted more in wishful optimism and political expediency than obvious scientific evidence, say experts in infectious diseases and pandemic modelling.
But they say the problem was compounded as Premier Jason Kenney and Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the chief medical officer of health, failed to reimpose measures despite the steady rise of COVID-19 infections and hospitalizations through the summer.

BC started reimposing restrictions in the Interior end of July(on the 28th iirc, it's in the thread somewhere. Think it started midnight on the 29th).

The comparison numbers between BC/AB that I've been posting felt exploitative yesterday and even now as they trend apart. These are real people suffering and dying. That are currently at risk due to government incompetence and their refusal to act for best health interests.

Here's the last two days

cases - hosp - icu - deaths
BC: 814 - 261 - 129 - 0
AB: 1166 - 647 - 147 - 18

BC: 774 - 262 - 130 - 5
AB: 1510 - 679 - 154 - 9

And we got antivaxxer people here in BC protesting the hospitals for their medical science contributing to government policy. Fortunately, those that represent those protestors currently don't have power in government or we'd be in the same shape as AB. They just have to managed. Cautionary tales.

BC just started releasing ICU vaccination status.


Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Without a vaccine mandate, thousands more conservative Americans will die.

Is this a true statement?
If the current death toll continues in Florida for 8 more months with the current political split, the amount of dead conservatives relative to dead liberals will eclipse the amount of votes that DeSantis won by. People have actually calculated it out since it's so lopsided. Crazy times we live in.
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If the current death toll continues in Florida for 8 more months with the current political split, the amount of dead conservatives relative to dead liberals will eclipse the amount of votes that DeSantis won by. People have actually calculated it out since it's so lopsided. Crazy times we live in.
They have looked up the voter registration on dead people or what?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
They have looked up the voter registration on dead people or what?
That's a good question. I honestly have no idea how they calculated it. I heard the figure on David Pakman. Could be bullshit, because I have no clue how they arrived at that number.
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