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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]



Welcome to another episode of Conversations with Coleman. My guest today is Professor Peter Doherty. Professor Doherty is a Nobel Prize-winning veterinary surgeon. His prize-winning research focused on how the immune system reacts to viruses. He is also the author of "Pandemics: What Everyone Needs to Know", "An Insider's Plague Year" and many other books. This episode is about all things COVID. Professor Doherty goes into detail about the physiology of COVID and what happens when you get infected. We talk about the way MRNA vaccines work, whether masks and lockdowns work, the ethics of pressuring people to get vaccinated, the reasons why people choose not to get vaccinated and more. We also talk about Ivermectin and its potential use as a treatment or prophylactic. I assume I have some audience overlap with a Darkhorse podcast, which is run by Brett Weinstein and Heather Heying. I know that some people have drawn the lesson from listening to that show that taking Ivermectin is better than getting the vaccine. So if that describes you, please listen to Professor Doherty discuss Ivermectin. Finally, there's a lot of biological detail in this podcast, but I highly recommend you stick it out because Professor Doherty is a brilliant thinker and an excellent communicator. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did. (9/17/21)


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
So I saw a couple while out grabbing some groceries - the man had a shirt with the words "UNMASKED - NO TYRRANY" or something along those lines, and his wife's shirt read "JESUS DIDN'T WEAR A MASK". I kid you not. I didn't realize this level of corny anti-masker lived in my area.

Well I was raised generally religious, bible school some weekends and all that jazz. Seeing her shirt reminded me of something, but I couldn't quite recall what. After some Google'n I found this:

Basically, the bible informs its adherents that when they are sick they should wear a mask and self isolate. Funny stuff.



It just keeps happening over and over and over and over again and people put up with it. But really these hypocrite politicians are living exactly like vaccinated people should be, i.e., doing whatever they want. It's just the "rules don't apply to us" attitude that's so galling. Well that and the fear mongering.

If the aristocrats get to go back to normal so should the commoners.
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You believe that some restrictions for unvaccinated people are acceptable, yes? How far does that go?
Isn’t that the case for majority of things? You can have a glass of wine and drive, you can’t drink the whole bottle. Nobody is asking ‘it starts with one glass, where does it end?’. It’s obvious majority of measures are proportionate with a line drawn somewhere, not simple yes/no.

Some people just survive stuff that kills most others. That's why we're still here after all those millennia before medicine.

But it's not something to put into a pill, the past 18 months have made clear we have very limited insight into how effective a random person's immune system is and the only way to find out is to drill into their bones where the real heart of it lies.
But plenty of people will see this and think they are these super immune people and should not ruin that super immunity with a vaccine.
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Such a shame to see a new class war being perpetuated so strongly by some on here...

Ignoring the crazies and malicious misinformation spreaders(FYI SCUM)...

The bulk of those who are anti vax have various reasons to be suspicious, to put it simply it is a trust issue. They don't believe the US government let alone the world governments have their best intentions at mind, and it is blinding many to actual help. Thanks to things like the CDC and their flip floppy messaging regarding this pandemic, their trust in the medical field is also spotty at best.
Their peers, who trust the government and medical professionals rather than reaching out to them and trying to help, are instead demeaning them, mocking them, making them look like idiots and the media i's falling right in step making sure that the masses are divided as always(if it bleeds it leads after all)

IE In regards to the horse paste, many of you are aware that the people taking it in droves ( and by in droves I mean less than 500 people nation wide) LOL, are trying to treat their current covid-19...NOT prevent it.
The vaccines based on the science we have hand do wonders for covid 19 as far as prevention is concerned, but does dick all if you already have it, there will always be outliers of course but there is no current cure if you are diagnosed just recommended care.

I know many on this forum believe the right side of politics to be the champions of anti-vaccination, but many people are concerned for religious freedoms, for Country given freedoms such as our Constitution which currently seems to be being challenged by our very President and leaders, we have seen in countries like Australia what fear and power can accomplish and take away... this is not a right or left issue, the current anti-vaccination movement is far more complicated than this and you will never win the war by dismissing them out right.

I remind you all that the original anti-vaccination movement was started due to concerns of a higher count of children diagnosed with Autism, it was championed by people such as Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy not to mention their physician of all people via protests and rally's and this was ALL vaccines, not just covid. I also hope I don't need to remind you they certainly don't vote right lol... it was then spread wildly online and picked up my Suburban mothers and fathers all around the country

A hypothetical if I may, do you think if Trump had won things would be the same in regards to concern about the vaccine? (I remind you that Trump started the vaccine ball rolling and numerous Democratic leaders were anti-vax proving this BS was political from the start) Trump was booed at his rally for advising the vaccine he started the distribution and development of...so I would say yeah things would be the same regardless...I know I would still be cautious and asking questions.

These people are misinformed, but they are still American citizens they are still your fellow men and women and when you mock them when you treat them lesser than human you don't solve anything you merely create a a wider divide... You deepen the distrust they have, it's time to work with your fellow man, time to Inspire, educate and most importantly he was empathy and reasoning to fix this issue.

Oh and since I know it will come up yes I have been vaccinated.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Such a shame to see a new class war being perpetuated so strongly by some on here...

Ignoring the crazies and malicious misinformation spreaders(FYI SCUM)...

The bulk of those who are anti vax have various reasons to be suspicious, to put it simply it is a trust issue. They don't believe the US government let alone the world governments have their best intentions at mind, and it is blinding many to actual help. Thanks to things like the CDC and their flip floppy messaging regarding this pandemic, their trust in the medical field is also spotty at best.
Their peers, who trust the government and medical professionals rather than reaching out to them and trying to help, are instead demeaning them, mocking them, making them look like idiots and the media i's falling right in step making sure that the masses are divided as always(if it bleeds it leads after all)

IE In regards to the horse paste, many of you are aware that the people taking it in droves ( and by in droves I mean less than 500 people nation wide) LOL, are trying to treat their current covid-19...NOT prevent it.
The vaccines based on the science we have hand do wonders for covid 19 as far as prevention is concerned, but does dick all if you already have it, there will always be outliers of course but there is no current cure if you are diagnosed just recommended care.

I know many on this forum believe the right side of politics to be the champions of anti-vaccination, but many people are concerned for religious freedoms, for Country given freedoms such as our Constitution which currently seems to be being challenged by our very President and leaders, we have seen in countries like Australia what fear and power can accomplish and take away... this is not a right or left issue, the current anti-vaccination movement is far more complicated than this and you will never win the war by dismissing them out right.

I remind you all that the original anti-vaccination movement was started due to concerns of a higher count of children diagnosed with Autism, it was championed by people such as Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy not to mention their physician of all people via protests and rally's and this was ALL vaccines, not just covid. I also hope I don't need to remind you they certainly don't vote right lol... it was then spread wildly online and picked up my Suburban mothers and fathers all around the country

A hypothetical if I may, do you think if Trump had won things would be the same in regards to concern about the vaccine? (I remind you that Trump started the vaccine ball rolling and numerous Democratic leaders were anti-vax proving this BS was political from the start) Trump was booed at his rally for advising the vaccine he started the distribution and development of...so I would say yeah things would be the same regardless...I know I would still be cautious and asking questions.

These people are misinformed, but they are still American citizens they are still your fellow men and women and when you mock them when you treat them lesser than human you don't solve anything you merely create a a wider divide... You deepen the distrust they have, it's time to work with your fellow man, time to Inspire, educate and most importantly he was empathy and reasoning to fix this issue.

Oh and since I know it will come up yes I have been vaccinated.

I can't get behind this kind of compassion for them. It's 2021. They're just vaccines - nothing special, nothing dangerous, nothing dramatic or sensational. They're overwhelming our healthcare apparatuses and causing suffering and death over something as benign as a vaccine. They are holding us back from returning to a normal world. And all the while they are forcefully hateful against anyone who hasn't fallen into the same illogical conspiracy theory-fueled nightmare of anti-science. We're all sheep, they're lions. We're all stupid, but they know The Truth. Etc. It's so fucking pathetic and yet at the same time sad to watch.

It's also not the rest of our problem that they're making a virus and disease political, creating a division that didn't exist prior, or that they're allowing themselves to fall into the trap of unconvincing grifters over medical technology that is over a century old. This is all on them, full stop, 100 percent. It is not the duty of the rational to drag them along. They actively shut out valid scientific information and the reality right in front of their eyes over some kind of fucked up tribalism that is literally getting themselves, their elderly, and now more than ever their children killed.

So no. No. Stop trying to offload the blame onto the rational. This is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, spilled over into affecting the sensible and it is all 100% their fault.
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Such a shame to see a new class war being perpetuated so strongly by some on here...

Ignoring the crazies and malicious misinformation spreaders(FYI SCUM)...

The bulk of those who are anti vax have various reasons to be suspicious, to put it simply it is a trust issue. They don't believe the US government let alone the world governments have their best intentions at mind, and it is blinding many to actual help. Thanks to things like the CDC and their flip floppy messaging regarding this pandemic, their trust in the medical field is also spotty at best.
Their peers, who trust the government and medical professionals rather than reaching out to them and trying to help, are instead demeaning them, mocking them, making them look like idiots and the media i's falling right in step making sure that the masses are divided as always(if it bleeds it leads after all)

IE In regards to the horse paste, many of you are aware that the people taking it in droves ( and by in droves I mean less than 500 people nation wide) LOL, are trying to treat their current covid-19...NOT prevent it.
The vaccines based on the science we have hand do wonders for covid 19 as far as prevention is concerned, but does dick all if you already have it, there will always be outliers of course but there is no current cure if you are diagnosed just recommended care.

I know many on this forum believe the right side of politics to be the champions of anti-vaccination, but many people are concerned for religious freedoms, for Country given freedoms such as our Constitution which currently seems to be being challenged by our very President and leaders, we have seen in countries like Australia what fear and power can accomplish and take away... this is not a right or left issue, the current anti-vaccination movement is far more complicated than this and you will never win the war by dismissing them out right.

I remind you all that the original anti-vaccination movement was started due to concerns of a higher count of children diagnosed with Autism, it was championed by people such as Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy not to mention their physician of all people via protests and rally's and this was ALL vaccines, not just covid. I also hope I don't need to remind you they certainly don't vote right lol... it was then spread wildly online and picked up my Suburban mothers and fathers all around the country

A hypothetical if I may, do you think if Trump had won things would be the same in regards to concern about the vaccine? (I remind you that Trump started the vaccine ball rolling and numerous Democratic leaders were anti-vax proving this BS was political from the start) Trump was booed at his rally for advising the vaccine he started the distribution and development of...so I would say yeah things would be the same regardless...I know I would still be cautious and asking questions.

These people are misinformed, but they are still American citizens they are still your fellow men and women and when you mock them when you treat them lesser than human you don't solve anything you merely create a a wider divide... You deepen the distrust they have, it's time to work with your fellow man, time to Inspire, educate and most importantly he was empathy and reasoning to fix this issue.

Oh and since I know it will come up yes I have been vaccinated.

the problem with "Inspire, educate and most importantly he was empathy and reasoning" is the Goldilocks syndrome, that no matter how inspiring, educational or "nice" you want to be it'll never be good enough...that's what happens in this thread, when biases are not confirmed people run away...at least this is my experience in this thread for those that come in with anti-vax analogies, anecdotes or arguments

your post needs actual examples, and actual solutions, because each interaction is ad hoc with its own context and peculiarities so while I'm sure it was cathartic to type all this it's not very helpful for anyone

on the measles vaccine, you can look up Andrew Wakefield who is very much the example of that anti-vaccine movement rather than those celebrities
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These people are misinformed, but they are still American citizens they are still your fellow men and women and when you mock them when you treat them lesser than human you don't solve anything you merely create a a wider divide... You deepen the distrust they have, it's time to work with your fellow man, time to Inspire, educate and most importantly he was empathy and reasoning to fix this issue.

Oh and since I know it will come up yes I have been vaccinated.

We’ve reached the point where anyone reachable on this has been reached. The only people left are either firm anti-vaxxers, or the poor bastards who are locked up in their homes because they’re immunosuppressed and can’t take the vaccine.

How about some sympathy for them instead of the anti-vaxxers who are keeping them locked up?

How about telling anti-vaxxers to work with their fellow man and have empathy for all of those who cannot take the vaccine?

Why are you - and so many like you - more concerned with some nebulous idea of your American ‘freedoms’ while totally ignoring the actual and real plight of your fellow citizens?

How about you tell you anti-vax friends to grow up, have some empathy, and get the jab?


The bulk of those who are anti vax have various reasons to be suspicious, to put it simply it is a trust issue. They don't believe the US government let alone the world governments have their best intentions at mind, and it is blinding many to actual help.
Nah, it’s not a trust issue, same as ‘I’m not racist, I have black friends’ doesn’t work. People know the stigma of being anti-vaccine so they intentionally hide behind ‘just asking questions’. Same as people that were not willing to admit they voted for Trump.

Regarding US government - how does that work? You don’t pay taxes? You don’t send your kids to school? You make no use of government services? After all everything the government does is suspicious by definition.
They are holding us back from returning to a normal world.
1. No it is politicians and the government doing that.
2. Even if 100% of all people were vaccinated, they will not let things return to normal. How many times have I heard from government and media "the new normal".

So keep on blaming your fellow citizens and ignore the main problem of a government out of control.


Such a shame to see a new class war being perpetuated so strongly by some on here...

Ignoring the crazies and malicious misinformation spreaders(FYI SCUM)...

The bulk of those who are anti vax have various reasons to be suspicious, to put it simply it is a trust issue. They don't believe the US government let alone the world governments have their best intentions at mind, and it is blinding many to actual help. Thanks to things like the CDC and their flip floppy messaging regarding this pandemic, their trust in the medical field is also spotty at best.
Their peers, who trust the government and medical professionals rather than reaching out to them and trying to help, are instead demeaning them, mocking them, making them look like idiots and the media i's falling right in step making sure that the masses are divided as always(if it bleeds it leads after all)

IE In regards to the horse paste, many of you are aware that the people taking it in droves ( and by in droves I mean less than 500 people nation wide) LOL, are trying to treat their current covid-19...NOT prevent it.
The vaccines based on the science we have hand do wonders for covid 19 as far as prevention is concerned, but does dick all if you already have it, there will always be outliers of course but there is no current cure if you are diagnosed just recommended care.

I know many on this forum believe the right side of politics to be the champions of anti-vaccination, but many people are concerned for religious freedoms, for Country given freedoms such as our Constitution which currently seems to be being challenged by our very President and leaders, we have seen in countries like Australia what fear and power can accomplish and take away... this is not a right or left issue, the current anti-vaccination movement is far more complicated than this and you will never win the war by dismissing them out right.

I remind you all that the original anti-vaccination movement was started due to concerns of a higher count of children diagnosed with Autism, it was championed by people such as Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy not to mention their physician of all people via protests and rally's and this was ALL vaccines, not just covid. I also hope I don't need to remind you they certainly don't vote right lol... it was then spread wildly online and picked up my Suburban mothers and fathers all around the country

A hypothetical if I may, do you think if Trump had won things would be the same in regards to concern about the vaccine? (I remind you that Trump started the vaccine ball rolling and numerous Democratic leaders were anti-vax proving this BS was political from the start) Trump was booed at his rally for advising the vaccine he started the distribution and development of...so I would say yeah things would be the same regardless...I know I would still be cautious and asking questions.

These people are misinformed, but they are still American citizens they are still your fellow men and women and when you mock them when you treat them lesser than human you don't solve anything you merely create a a wider divide... You deepen the distrust they have, it's time to work with your fellow man, time to Inspire, educate and most importantly he was empathy and reasoning to fix this issue.

Oh and since I know it will come up yes I have been vaccinated.
The people in this thread don't care about this. They've already established they are morally superior clowns who look down on others and would rather mock people. That said, you're spot on.
  • Strength
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1. No it is politicians and the government doing that.
2. Even if 100% of all people were vaccinated, they will not let things return to normal. How many times have I heard from government and media "the new normal".

So keep on blaming your fellow citizens and ignore the main problem of a government out of control.
There are places all over the country completely open with numbers triple or more what they were during lockdowns last year. I went to Disneyland in *California* this July and nobody had a mask on or was required to distance, etc. The idea we’re in for permanent lockdowns and muh freedoms is gone forever is just nonsense.

Some states respond to the numbers and are implementing better controls, others are just ignoring them to their own peril. But this would make that all almost a moot point: if everyone who could get vaccinated got the goddamn vaccine already


Such a shame to see a new class war being perpetuated so strongly by some on here...

Ignoring the crazies and malicious misinformation spreaders(FYI SCUM)...

The bulk of those who are anti vax have various reasons to be suspicious, to put it simply it is a trust issue. They don't believe the US government let alone the world governments have their best intentions at mind, and it is blinding many to actual help. Thanks to things like the CDC and their flip floppy messaging regarding this pandemic, their trust in the medical field is also spotty at best.
Their peers, who trust the government and medical professionals rather than reaching out to them and trying to help, are instead demeaning them, mocking them, making them look like idiots and the media i's falling right in step making sure that the masses are divided as always(if it bleeds it leads after all)

IE In regards to the horse paste, many of you are aware that the people taking it in droves ( and by in droves I mean less than 500 people nation wide) LOL, are trying to treat their current covid-19...NOT prevent it.
The vaccines based on the science we have hand do wonders for covid 19 as far as prevention is concerned, but does dick all if you already have it, there will always be outliers of course but there is no current cure if you are diagnosed just recommended care.

I know many on this forum believe the right side of politics to be the champions of anti-vaccination, but many people are concerned for religious freedoms, for Country given freedoms such as our Constitution which currently seems to be being challenged by our very President and leaders, we have seen in countries like Australia what fear and power can accomplish and take away... this is not a right or left issue, the current anti-vaccination movement is far more complicated than this and you will never win the war by dismissing them out right.

I remind you all that the original anti-vaccination movement was started due to concerns of a higher count of children diagnosed with Autism, it was championed by people such as Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy not to mention their physician of all people via protests and rally's and this was ALL vaccines, not just covid. I also hope I don't need to remind you they certainly don't vote right lol... it was then spread wildly online and picked up my Suburban mothers and fathers all around the country

A hypothetical if I may, do you think if Trump had won things would be the same in regards to concern about the vaccine? (I remind you that Trump started the vaccine ball rolling and numerous Democratic leaders were anti-vax proving this BS was political from the start) Trump was booed at his rally for advising the vaccine he started the distribution and development of...so I would say yeah things would be the same regardless...I know I would still be cautious and asking questions.

These people are misinformed, but they are still American citizens they are still your fellow men and women and when you mock them when you treat them lesser than human you don't solve anything you merely create a a wider divide... You deepen the distrust they have, it's time to work with your fellow man, time to Inspire, educate and most importantly he was empathy and reasoning to fix this issue.

Oh and since I know it will come up yes I have been vaccinated.

Im more than willing to educate and help people after they've swallowed their pride and got vaccinated for the good of their fellow Americans.


The people in this thread don't care about this. They've already established they are morally superior clowns who look down on others and would rather mock people. That said, you're spot on.

We’ll mock people who are too selfish to get a vaccine that would help those who can’t get one. As I asked the other guy - who hasn’t answered - where’s your sympathy for the poor people who are locked at home because they can’t get the vaccine, but would be able to move more freely if everyone else did?
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
1. No it is politicians and the government doing that.
If you actually believe that you have lost the plot. The people pushing for vaccination and precautions are the ones trying to get everything back on track. The people who have done the right thing and gotten their vaccination as well as followed the various suggest precautions are also trying to get things back on track.

The people wearing tinfoil hats, yelling at clouds, and consuming horse paste are the ones preventing that from happening.



This is my city. Its gone to shit

Of course the msm are shilling the bs that they are violent protests, and not mentioning the fact that if the police didn't go there to antagonize and start shit, then it would have been entirely peaceful. They're also making a big deal out of 10 or so officers that were injured (which I agree isn't cool, but it didn't need to happen) and completely neglecting mentioning any incidents like this

(And yes we're not meant to be gathering, but never forget the BLM march that happened 3 months or so after covid started, and went ahead without any heavy handed policing, and probably in larger number. And there was no vaccine available then either)


The msm perpetuating lies, and the government of which the police are happily doing their bidding in choosing which type of protest they need to violently shut down, are 2 very strong voices pushing that we all need to be vaccinated. I dunno about elsewhere in the world, but here, where I live, they've done a lot to prove they can't be trusted.


This is my city. Its gone to shit

Of course the msm are shilling the bs that they are violent protests, and not mentioning the fact that if the police didn't go there to antagonize and start shit, then it would have been entirely peaceful. They're also making a big deal out of 10 or so officers that were injured (which I agree isn't cool, but it didn't need to happen) and completely neglecting mentioning any incidents like this

(And yes we're not meant to be gathering, but never forget the BLM march that happened 3 months or so after covid started, and went ahead without any heavy handed policing, and probably in larger number. And there was no vaccine available then either)


The msm perpetuating lies, and the government of which the police are happily doing their bidding in choosing which type of protest they need to violently shut down, are 2 very strong voices pushing that we all need to be vaccinated. I dunno about elsewhere in the world, but here, where I live, they've done a lot to prove they can't be trusted.

Did you just say the BLM protests went on without any heavy handed policing?

The full story:

An American spokesperson told Insider in a statement that the plane returned to its gate at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport because the family refused to "comply with crew member instructions to remain seated while on an active taxiway and to wear face coverings securely over their nose and mouth."

The American spokesperson said the flight attendants weren't made aware that Pendarvis' son was having breathing problems on board the flight.

Pendarvis did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment on the incident.

The American spokesperson said the crew made "multiple attempts to reinforce safety requirements" after it saw "a minor in the party laying in the aisle and moving between seats" when the plane was on the taxiway.

Pendarvis wrote in her Instagram story that she let her son walk between the aisle rows so he could see her mother on the other side of the plane while it was lining up for takeoff.

The spokesperson said that it was a legal requirement to remain seated with a seat belt on when the plane is on the taxiway.

The three passengers were rebooked on the next flight to Colorado Springs on the same day after they agreed to "adhere to policies instituted for the safety of our customers and crew," the American spokesperson said.

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As a Swede I realy agree with doing what is best for society overall, but I kind of suspect every nation tries that in their own way.

Why did you post the story about swedish high schools? That does not seem to have anything to do with the twitter post?

“no school closures”


“no school closures”
So going remote for ages 14-16 for two weeks is what everyone has been doing in other countries?

What ever is anyone whining about kids missing school then?

Kids above age of 16 has been partialy remote (our school had a schedule where only 2/3 of the students there at the same time) for most of last winter here.
"Sweden had zero covid deaths last month" no shit Sherlock, most of the really vulnerable people already died in 2020. Death count so far in Sweden is 12 times that of Australia which has 2,5 times the population.
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I can't get behind this kind of compassion for them. It's 2021. They're just vaccines - nothing special, nothing dangerous, nothing dramatic or sensational. They're overwhelming our healthcare apparatuses and causing suffering and death over something as benign as a vaccine. They are holding us back from returning to a normal world. And all the while they are forcefully hateful against anyone who hasn't fallen into the same illogical conspiracy theory-fueled nightmare of anti-science. We're all sheep, they're lions. We're all stupid, but they know The Truth. Etc. It's so fucking pathetic and yet at the same time sad to watch.

It's also not the rest of our problem that they're making a virus and disease political, creating a division that didn't exist prior, or that they're allowing themselves to fall into the trap of unconvincing grifters over medical technology that is over a century old. This is all on them, full stop, 100 percent. It is not the duty of the rational to drag them along. They actively shut out valid scientific information and the reality right in front of their eyes over some kind of fucked up tribalism that is literally getting themselves, their elderly, and now more than ever their children killed.

So no. No. Stop trying to offload the blame onto the rational. This is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, spilled over into affecting the sensible and it is all 100% their fault.

The anti-vaccine people have nothing to do with any of these problems. The healthcare system is always overwhelmed, as anyone who works near one can tell you. This is by design, as anyone who runs a healthcare system can tell you, and a 100% vaccination rate wouldn't change a damn thing about that. More bad news: you are never, ever going to return to a normal world because you won't let that happen. Your enthusiasm for draconian policy has been duly noted by the worst people on Earth and the last thing any of them wants is to waste a good crisis. I'm sorry but for once the conspiracy crowd is actually right: you are stupid, and the epic tantrum you're throwing over an unsolvable problem is the reason the pandemic is so political. Politics is the art of redirecting rage and yours is not as tough to wrangle as I'm sure you'd like to believe.
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I think probably the most damning case against the vaccine is that the people who have it are still terrified to the point of hysteria by COVID.


Yeah sorry you don't just pick up healthcare workers from the random unemployed off the street and throw them into hospitals after a few weeks of training.

You also don't build entire hospitals in random locations in a year and a half just so you can deal with the overflow caused by all of this. Because inevitably when all of this blows over you would just have a hospital that you don't need full of staff that are just going to lose their jobs.

And the reason why they are trying to get people to take the vaccine instead of doing everything that you just said is because getting people to take the vaccine would help alleviate the problem for much less money and much less long-term damage. You are basically whining that they took the more effective and cheaper option instead of spending 18 months wasting time and money.

You really didn't think that post through did you?

I don't actually think shutting down unneeded hospitals is a disaster (the nurses can learn to code) but since you seem to let's do an exercise together in thinking things through: what can we say about hospitals that have not shut down, in light of the assertion that hospitals that can't maintain full capacity can't exist. What must therefore be true about existing hospitals? And what therefore cannot possibly be true about new COVID patients? What can't possibly be their fault, given that the only existing hospitals already operate at full capacity?
More bad news: you are never, ever going to return to a normal world because you won't let that happen.

Difference between normality pre-vaccine and post-vaccine has been quite a contrast in the UK. So being pro-vaccine has worked out well for us so far.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The anti-vaccine people have nothing to do with any of these problems. The healthcare system is always overwhelmed

I've been in healthcare IT for years, large network, and have worked on both sides of the nation. No, it was almost never overwhelmed pre COVID-19, and even now it's only overwhelmed during spikes. And it's overwhelmed by the unvaccinated.

I am not sure what reality you're living in, but it's not the one the rest of us are in.

Edit: I just had to add after re-reading your post - you claiming that hospitals are always overwhelmed is actually humorously incorrect. Such an assertion makes us in healthcare laugh in the same way the uninformed cite "HIPPA" (they always get the acronym wrong) as the reason they can't wear a mask or something, because they have no idea what it's actually for. You claimed, quite confidently it seems, that 100% vaccination will "do nothing", despite over 90% of the hospitalizations and death now being only unvaccinated people. You wildly claim that the powers that be don't want us to return to normal, despite them doing every thing they can to get everyone to take a free vaccine. And finally you immediately resorted to petty insults.

You are in serious need of valid sources of information and news.
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I've been in healthcare IT for years, large network, and have worked on both sides of the nation. No, it was almost never overwhelmed pre COVID-19, and even now it's only overwhelmed during spikes. And it's overwhelmed by the unvaccinated.

I am not sure what reality you're living in, but it's not the one the rest of us are in.
Why listen to people like you when we can make shit up?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Why listen to people like you when we can make shit up?

I actually had to re-read his post then edit mine, I was sort of dumbfounded how anyone could be so misinformed this late into the pandemic, but then I remembered the sorryantivaxxer website and the subreddits tracking them and was like "oh, yea, I forgot".


The anti-vaccine people have nothing to do with any of these problems. The healthcare system is always overwhelmed, as anyone who works near one can tell you. This is by design, as anyone who runs a healthcare system can tell you, and a 100% vaccination rate wouldn't change a damn thing about that. More bad news: you are never, ever going to return to a normal world because you won't let that happen. Your enthusiasm for draconian policy has been duly noted by the worst people on Earth and the last thing any of them wants is to waste a good crisis. I'm sorry but for once the conspiracy crowd is actually right: you are stupid, and the epic tantrum you're throwing over an unsolvable problem is the reason the pandemic is so political. Politics is the art of redirecting rage and yours is not as tough to wrangle as I'm sure you'd like to believe.
Precisely because is already overwhelmed by design it doesn't mean that things can't get worse, and that should be avoided
Is this something that happens often?
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I've been in healthcare IT for years, large network, and have worked on both sides of the nation. No, it was almost never overwhelmed pre COVID-19, and even now it's only overwhelmed during spikes.

What does that mean? I'm sorry you're a computer janitor but that has nothing to do with capacity. Hospitals don't just add new wings for the hell of it, just like any other business they shrink or grow to meet the expected demand, which is what they did in 2020 because, despite all the hysterics, staff were reduced in response to a decline in admissions. Imagine that! The middle of a history-altering pandemic and hospitals are reducing staff, which of course they can't get back now. So what happens when hospitals "fail" to correctly predict demand?

You only wish this were a COVID thing, because it lends some kind of context to your rage, which you are fucking addicted to just like everybody else in this insane media drenched society of retards.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
What does that mean? I'm sorry you're a computer janitor but that has nothing to do with capacity. Hospitals don't just add new wings for the hell of it, just like any other business they shrink or grow to meet the expected demand, which is what they did in 2020 because, despite all the hysterics, staff were reduced in response to a decline in admissions. Imagine that! The middle of a history-altering pandemic and hospitals are reducing staff, which of course they can't get back now. So what happens when hospitals "fail" to correctly predict demand?

You only wish this were a COVID thing, because it lends some kind of context to your rage, which you are fucking addicted to just like everybody else in this insane media drenched society of retards.

You're actually proving my point and continuing to be a toxic person, but great. I could go into further detail but it would be pointless. And if being a "computer janitor" pays well over $100k, then I am a proud computer janitor.

Have a ball in anti-vaxx land.
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