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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


What point? You haven't provided any solutions to the problem of what to do when there's not enough care to go around.
Again…back to my hypothetical scenario of having two identical patients coming in (one vacc’ed, one not). Do you choose who to treat if they are both in the same boat here & today? No. Are we opening the pandora’s box of now saying we aren’t treating certain things, even though we can? Has that happened before? Legitimately asking, as I don’t know. The solution is to continue treating…in whatever way you can. That’s by getting people vacced as much as you can, treating all that come through your doors (that are treatable), and by requesting emergency federal aid if need be. If the issue is resources, I haven’t seen a federal mobilization & deployment like we saw in 2020, but apparently we are worse off today then we were then? Doesn’t make sense.

Oh, let’s just say fuck the folks who didn’t get vaxxed and not treat them. That’ll teach ‘em.

I mean, it’s a paradox that I legitimately don’t understand. And I’m not being snarky or one-sided either.


The accepted procedure I would think is to treat the most at risk and the most likely to be successful treated first. The vaccinated definitely have the latter, the former would be a case by case basis.
Correct, that’s why I’ve continued to say treat on the the basis of “treatability”. That should always be the case. Not blatant, external-factor driven discrimination outside of that particular purview.


Rodent Whores
Again…back to my hypothetical scenario of having two identical patients coming in (one vacc’ed, one not). Do you choose who to treat if they are both in the same boat here & today? No. Are we opening the pandora’s box of now saying we aren’t treating certain things, even though we can? Has that happened before? Legitimately asking, as I don’t know. The solution is to continue treating…in whatever way you can. That’s by getting people vacced as much as you can, treating all that come through your doors (that are treatable), and by requesting emergency federal aid if need be. If the issue is resources, I haven’t seen a federal mobilization & deployment like we saw in 2020, but apparently we are worse off today then we were then? Doesn’t make sense.

Oh, let’s just say fuck the folks who didn’t get vaxxed and not treat them. That’ll teach ‘em.

I mean, it’s a paradox that I legitimately don’t understand. And I’m not being snarky or one-sided either.

Triage protocols take into consideration need, and who is likely to survive.

But even vaccinated people may now be at risk of not getting life-saving medical care. If hospitals have just one ICU bed, and two critically ill patients arrive, the person deemed more likely to survive will get that bed. (The other patient would likely still receive some medical care, or at least medication to keep them comfortable, until an ICU bed opens for them.)

With two otherwise identical people coming in, who is more likely to survive, the vaccinated one or the unvaccinated one?


(Using Utah data since Idaho doesn't provide it)


Of course it's not acceptable to go to 5, and the fact that you even entertain that as a possibility shows how paranoid your vaccination boogeyman scenario is.

We already know what happens with 1 through 3, on your scale. An unacceptable amount of people die and civilization grinds to a halt because we don't have enough space to take care of all the sick people.

The current law, as it stands, does not stop people from "being able to earn money". They can earn money however they want as long as they don't put other people in danger, and employers aren't obligated to hire someone who is a walking talking health hazard.
Not paranoid at all. It was completely hypothetical.

The far end of the scale is just letting people do whatever. (I noticed you didn't dig me up on including that as an extreme possibility.). Then the opposite far end is actually physically forcing the vaccinations on unwilling people.

So logically where we would all land here is somewhere between those extremes.

I would land on encouraging people to vaccinate but not imposing penalties on those who won't. Even if it's adverts online and on TV and everywhere saying "get vaccinated" that's fine by me.

"Get vaccinated or you can't have complete freedom" is roughly where I am drawing my line. Despite the fact that I got vaxxed specifically for vacationing abroad. (Should also be noted that I have been vaccinated for travel before, through work, years ago so not for covid).

I would see penalties for not being vaxxed as things that are on a scale. Can't go into McDonald's without a vaccination pass? Meh, people don't need McDs, so I wont agree but won't be outraged. Can't go to the supermarket without a pass? Unacceptable, people need the basics.

You believe that some restrictions for unvaccinated people are acceptable, yes? How far does that go?

What would be your most extreme "if you aren't vaccinated you cannot access this place/service" example?

Can't travel. Can't work? Can't get medical care? Where is the line drawn for you?
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Triage protocols take into consideration need, and who is likely to survive.

With two otherwise identical people coming in, who is more likely to survive, the vaccinated one or the unvaccinated one?


(Using Utah data since Idaho doesn't provide it)
That basically shows that on average vaccinated and unnvaccinated are equally likely to die after hospitalization. The difference is that the vaccinated person has demonstrated their ability to take appropriate medical advice which will lead to improved outcomes in the mid to long term.


Rodent Whores
That basically shows that on average vaccinated and unnvaccinated are equally likely to die after hospitalization.
Not necessarily, but it might. There aren't any studies, as far as I am aware, that compares survival rates and quality of life of vax vs unvax once they're in the hospital.


Not necessarily, but it might. There aren't any studies, as far as I am aware, that compares survival rates and quality of life of vax vs unvax once they're in the hospital.
So my point still stands. You don’t discriminate the drunk driver from the non drunk driver when it comes to health care.
Nobody_Important Nobody_Important I see you’ve moved on to other pastures picking pedantic points with other people.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
So my point still stands. You don’t discriminate the drunk driver from the non drunk driver when it comes to health care.
Nobody_Important Nobody_Important I see you’ve moved on to other pastures picking pedantic points with other people.
What? All I asked was why he posted those tweets. Wondering if I missed a post somewhere.

And of course I moved on. You made it pretty clear where you stand on the issue. Did you need me to keep debating with you?


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
So my point still stands. You don’t discriminate the drunk driver from the non drunk driver when it comes to health care.
Nobody_Important Nobody_Important I see you’ve moved on to other pastures picking pedantic points with other people.
But you do discriminate between the current alcoholic and the recovered alcoholic when it comes to a liver transplant. The patient who can lose 20 pounds over the one who can't for bariatric surgery. The likelihood to comply with the care regime, go to regular appointments, make changes to lifestyle etc do play a part.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Our media institutions have relatively responsibility that they're not living up to.
Duh? We have known that the Covid situation was turned into a political one last year. But it's time to be adults and move on from the political nonsense that has polluted a social and scientific issue.

It's time to admit that the vaccine is safe and just do what is best for everyone. The political back and forth does nothing but muddy the waters and put lives at risk.
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What? All I asked was why he posted those tweets. Wondering if I missed a post somewhere.

And of course I moved on. You made it pretty clear where you stand on the issue. Did you need me to keep debating with you?
No, just pointing out that low hanging fruit or disagreement posts seems to be your target. That’s all. No worries then.


But you do discriminate between the current alcoholic and the recovered alcoholic when it comes to a liver transplant. The patient who can lose 20 pounds over the one who can't for bariatric surgery. The likelihood to comply with the care regime, go to regular appointments, make changes to lifestyle etc do play a part.
But you wouldn’t if it was an isolated ICU visit. At least I’m not under the impression you would. It’s an interesting point you make.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
No, just pointing out that low hanging fruit or disagreement posts seems to be your target. That’s all. No worries then.
I have no "target". I comment on posts I agree with, disagree with, and I also respond to studies/tweets that peak my interest.


Snake Oil Salesman
Duh? We have known that the Covid situation was turned into a political one last year. But it's time to be adults and move on from the political nonsense that has polluted a social and scientific issue.

It's time to admit that the vaccine is safe and just do what is best for everyone. The political back and forth does nothing but muddy the waters and put lives at risk.

Move on from the "political nonsense" when the political nonsense is still raging everywhere?



Rodent Whores
Not paranoid at all. It was completely hypothetical.

The far end of the scale is just letting people do whatever. (I noticed you didn't dig me up on including that as an extreme possibility.).
That's because it's not a possibility. That actually happened in parts of the world.

So logically where we would all land here is somewhere between those extremes.

I would land on encouraging people to vaccinate but not imposing penalties on those who won't. Even if it's adverts online and on TV and everywhere saying "get vaccinated" that's fine by me.

"Get vaccinated or you can't have complete freedom" is roughly where I am drawing my line. Despite the fact that I for vaxxed specifically for vacationing abroad. (Should also be noted that I have been vaccinated for travel before, through work).

I would see penalties for not being vaxxed as things that are on a scale. Can't go into McDonald's without a vaccination pass? Meh, people don't need McDs, so I wont agree but won't be outraged. Can't go to the supermarket without a pass? Unacceptable, people need the basics.

You believe that some restrictions for unvaccinated people are acceptable, yes? How far does that go?

What would be your most extreme "if you aren't vaccinated you cannot access this place/service" example?

Can't travel. Can't work? Can't get medical care? Where is the line drawn for you?

All you need to do to figure this out is ask yourself two simple questions:

1. Are unvaccinated people more likely to be carriers and transmitters of a deadly disease and be infectious for a longer period of time than unvaccinated people, and does that make them a public health risk to others? Yes or no?

If yes,

2. What activities is it acceptable for them to participate in and what activities are not acceptable for them to participate in based on their relative risk to others?

So, generally speaking, like you say, basics are more important to fundamental survival than luxuries, so I would try to keep the basics as open as possible within reason. You can do curbside pickup with supermarkets. Alternatively, in person shopping doesn't take that long, so as long as the person is wearing a mask, the risk is acceptable.

Luxuries like eating at a restaurant, or air travel, aren't necessary and can be held to a stricter standard. Of course you can work, but not if you have prolonged interaction with other humans. Of course you can get medical care. Everyone should get to medical care in an ideal society.


Rodent Whores
So my point still stands.
No it doesn't. You haven't provided a cogent protocol that accounts for scarce resource allocation.

There's nothing that says outcomes are definitely the same among vaccinated and unvaccinated once they get to the hospital. But there's a lot of data that demonstrates that vaccinated people die a lot less than unvaccinated people.

You don’t discriminate the drunk driver from the non drunk driver when it comes to health care.
Of course you don't, and that's not the point. Quit using useless analogies.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Move on from the "political nonsense" when the political nonsense is still raging everywhere?

Im not saying it still isn't around. It's worse now than it was last year thanks to all the dumbasses on social media spreading fake bullshit to each other. I'm saying people shouldn't let themselves be manipulated by politicians and other grifters that are pushing fake remedies and anti-vax nonsense.

This is not a political issue, but you still have idiots treating it like a team sport.

Edit: And no vaccinated and unvaccinated are not teams.
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Snake Oil Salesman
Im not saying it still isn't around. It's worse now than it was last year thanks to all the dumbasses on social media spreading fake bullshit to each other. I'm saying people shouldn't let themselves be manipulated by politicians and other grifters that are pushing fake remedies and anti-vax nonsense.

This is not a political issue, but you still have idiots treating it like a team sport.

I agree. Maybe we should start holding the team sport media more accountable. Telling a wildly intellectually varied public to just "do the thing" isn't going to be very effective when we still have misinformation raging everywhere.

Elected leaders are failing the country by not addressing our media issue. They're doing it because our media is in large part, working for one of the teams.



There's nothing that says outcomes are definitely the same among vaccinated and unvaccinated once they get to the hospital. But there's a lot of data that demonstrates that vaccinated people die a lot less than unvaccinated people.
You’re right that unvaxxed are dying at a higher rate. But we are talking about hospitals and their care…once the person is at the hospital. The triage protocol can’t differentiate a between my two hypothetical patients if there’s no data to prioritize one over the other (if they are both already gone critical).

And the drunk driver analogy perfectly suitable. Both were drivers, one made a bad decision. When the covid patients come in…both are infected with covid. One just became infected and critical under different circumstances. The here and now present status is the same once they enter the hospital doors. Same with the automobile drivers.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I agree. Maybe we should start holding the team sport media more accountable. Telling a wildly intellectually varied public to just "do the thing" isn't going to be very effective when we still have misinformation raging everywhere.

Elected leaders are failing the country by not addressing our media issue. They're doing it because our media is in large part, working for one of the teams.
No comment. Too close to the politics ban.


I'm also wondering if there has ever been any self-reflection from government, media, celebrities and whoever does marketing for these pharmaceutical companies?

Why is the situation SO bad that people simply don't trust these vaccines. It's not a USA only thing. I am surprised when I see stuff coming from friends in Poland and Slovakia and also Netherlands who I would have never ever thought of as being in the anti-vax side. It seems that in every country in the world there is some degree of hesitancy. So its not really political.

Its like these pillars of society eroded the public trust but now think they can speak with authority and be obeyed without any kind of acknowledgement that they have been dishonest before. I think thats a bit of a problem. An unwillingness to say "we've been wrong before and we take responsibility for that but let's do better now."

Look at how eager mainstream outlets and even some government people have been to drag and humiliate Nicki Minaj? Surely there is a better way to handle that? Like if you wanted to ensure that she gets more support then the way things have played out is about right. If you wanted to educate her then why not do that offline and in private and see if she at least doesn't say crazy shit anymore? Nah let's try so hard to make an example of her that see gets sympathy and we seem suspiciously vindictive.

Wasnt swollen nutsack and impotence a potential vaccine side effect? I vaguely remember the documentation that was handed out at the vaccination center and Bells palsy was the real "WTF" one that I remember.
This (why is there such distrust in pharma) is something that has been on my mind a lot in this thread too. Pharma had a pretty dubious reputation before the pandemic hit and it's not something people are too eager to discuss. Acknowledging past wrongdoing and taking their part of the responsibility for the current situation would already go a long way towards convincing more people to take the vaccine. But of course, no such luck, pharma is still denying responsibility for (among other things) the opioid epidemic while the vaccine hesitant get all the blame for the paranoia that's going around. It's certainly not all their fault, but saying so is inconvenient to the current trend to blame them for everything. Scapegoating is as old as humanity itself, I guess.


Rodent Whores
You’re right that unvaxxed are dying at a higher rate. But we are talking about hospitals and their care…once the person is at the hospital. The triage protocol can’t differentiate a between my two hypothetical patients if there’s no data to prioritize one over the other (if they are both already gone critical).
Yes there is. Vaccinated people are overall more likely to survive, and take their health seriously in regards to this disease. There are plausible first order and second order justifications. It's weak, but it's still there, and it's more than what's on the other side, which is zero.

And the drunk driver analogy perfectly suitable. Both were drivers, one made a bad decision. When the covid patients come in…both are infected with covid. One just became infected and critical under different circumstances. The here and now present status is the same once they enter the hospital doors. Same with the automobile drivers.

It is not suitable because it's not analogous. Being a drunk driver is not in the same category as being unvaccinated. Drunk driving is has no bearing on survival rates.


Rodent Whores
Rhonda Patrick talking about spike protein, vaccines, ivermectin, and all the greatest hits and how to properly process this information.



Rhonda Patrick talking about spike protein, vaccines, ivermectin, and all the greatest hits and how to properly process this information.

Can we comfortably say at this point that trying to convince the anti vaxxers with facts and clear data is becoming a hiding to nothing?

They don’t want the truth. They want to be right.


Yes there is. Vaccinated people are overall more likely to survive, and take their health seriously in regards to this disease. There are plausible first order and second order justifications. It's weak, but it's still there, and it's more than what's on the other side, which is zero.

It is not suitable because it's not analogous. Being a drunk driver is not in the same category as being unvaccinated. Drunk driving is has no bearing on survival rates.
I’ll stop after this b/c it’s going in circles… but my point is when you already have two critical care patients. The data doesn’t show that once you have gone critical, that being vaccinated or unvaccinated has a bearing (that I’ve seen). And frankly, it would be difficult looking for that differentiator once they are already in your care.

Being vaccinated helps prevent you from becoming critical, but you’re not in the hospital at that point. The drunk driver analogy still holds, b/c both suffered the same crash trauma, and therefore have the same (hypothesized) survival rates. Same for two critical COVID patients— same (hypothesized) survival rates. You treat who is treatable. You prioritize who you need to, to continue successfully treating patients. I would wager those who would not be treated would be those too far-long gone, but that‘s not always 100% established from the get-go. Extrapolating that out to folks before they’ve even come into your care is like writing them off from the get-go, before having ever evaluated them. I don’t like the precedent.

Edit: and it’s not really just “Zero” on the other side for justification. What if you had the most unhealthy person in the world who is vaccinated, and the most healthy person in the world who is unvaccinated coming in? It’s that clear for plausible hierarchal order?
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Rodent Whores
I’ll stop after this b/c it’s going in circles… but my point is when you already have two critical care patients.
I know what your point is and I'm telling you it's flawed. You are using this hypothetical scenario as some kind of defense to shield you from answering a real world scenario so that you can defend your position with the "no one should be denied treatment!" platitude.

Answer your own hypothetical. You are the doctor. You only have one bed. Two identical people enter with COVID. What do you do? If you can't answer that question yourself, your entire criticism is useless because you can't come up with a solution based on your own criteria.

Edit: and it’s not really just “Zero” on the other side for justification. What if you had the most unhealthy person in the world who is vaccinated, and the most healthy person in the world who is unvaccinated coming in? It’s that clear for plausible hierarchal order?
This is how you know you're not weighing the options in your head equally. Your entire premise was based on two people who are otherwise in equal situations except for vaccination status, and you're already moving the goalposts.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
And the drunk driver analogy perfectly suitable. Both were drivers, one made a bad decision. When the covid patients come in…both are infected with covid. One just became infected and critical under different circumstances. The here and now present status is the same once they enter the hospital doors. Same with the automobile drivers.
They are not though. One person has not followed the medical advice for this specific condition, one has.
What if for some reason the doctor thinks that re-infection is possible and recommends the vaccine. One has already shown they are unwilling to follow that advice. Not drink driving is not medical treatment advice for car crash injuries.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

The CDC will ultimately decide. They have not always followed the FDA advisory panel, but they often do. Biden and CDC have both already said publicly they wanted to do it.

So I guess we'll see what happens with that. Probably not going to happen.




If evidence had shown it was necessary I would've been first in line to get one. I'm glad that once evidence could not be provided to show why boosters were necessary beyond fuck you give me money they were soundly shot down, this is how decisions should be made.


Gold Member
The CDC will ultimately decide. They have not always followed the FDA advisory panel, but they often do. Biden and CDC have both already said publicly they wanted to do it.

So I guess we'll see what happens with that. Probably not going to happen.

How are you going to convince people to get a booster the FDA rejected?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
How are you going to convince people to get a booster the FDA rejected?
Its unlikely. But it would probably be an optional emergency auth. Personally I think it should be offered to Frontline Healthcare workers vaccinated 9 mo ago if they want it.
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Can we comfortably say at this point that trying to convince the anti vaxxers with facts and clear data is becoming a hiding to nothing?

They don’t want the truth. They want to be right.

Don't you ever get bored with your stupid black and white view of the world?

Most anti-vaxxers, and by that I don't mean the obvious idiots who constantly serve as examples here, are often simply undecided about corona vaccination and it's not about vaccination in general.

I have no idea what is wrong with you as a human being, if you (and others) seem to seriously believe a not exactly small part of people deserves death, is stupid and only God knows what else. But if someone asks why humanity in this world has been going downhill for years, then I'll just show them this thread (and ERA ofc).

And before you write another arrogant and inhuman answer, please imagine how I, as a vaccinated person, smile while typing this and leading a happy life without constantly feeling hate and contempt. You, but also many others here, should try that. It's really as great as you'd imagine.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
If evidence had shown it was necessary I would've been first in line to get one. I'm glad that once evidence could not be provided to show why boosters were necessary beyond fuck you give me money they were soundly shot down, this is how decisions should be made.
Youre not wrong. But they're basically saying they need data proving protection from death is decreasing significantly to act. Israel, UK and France already saw enough evidence to jump on it early.

The US is going to watch death rates increase before approving. Not exactly a win for the earliest vaccinated. We already know the effectiveness is decreased. The argument got muddled with equity and moral arguments as well.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Don't you ever get bored with your stupid black and white view of the world?

Most anti-vaxxers, and by that I don't mean the obvious idiots who constantly serve as examples here, are often simply undecided about corona vaccination and it's not about vaccination in general.

I have no idea what is wrong with you as a human being, if you (and others) seem to seriously believe a not exactly small part of people deserves death, is stupid and only God knows what else. But if someone asks why humanity in this world has been going downhill for years, then I'll just show them this thread (and ERA ofc).

And before you write another arrogant and inhuman answer, please imagine how I, as a vaccinated person, smile while typing this and leading a happy life without constantly feeling hate and contempt. You, but also many others here, should try that. It's really as great as you'd imagine.
Is that what you think everyone here does off the site? That we all just wallow in anger and spiteful annoyance?

Dude you need to get a brighter outlook on life. Most people don't take the internet that seriously lol


Is that what you think everyone here does off the site? That we all just wallow in anger and spiteful annoyance?

Dude you need to get a brighter outlook on life. Most people don't take the internet that seriously lol

Ah ok, I forgot that this is just the internet. When you write online that people deserve to die or when you constantly do generalizations, you do it only online.

Thanks for the guidance, buddy.
Don't you ever get bored with your stupid black and white view of the world?

Most anti-vaxxers, and by that I don't mean the obvious idiots who constantly serve as examples here, are often simply undecided about corona vaccination and it's not about vaccination in general.

I have no idea what is wrong with you as a human being, if you (and others) seem to seriously believe a not exactly small part of people deserves death, is stupid and only God knows what else. But if someone asks why humanity in this world has been going downhill for years, then I'll just show them this thread (and ERA ofc).

And before you write another arrogant and inhuman answer, please imagine how I, as a vaccinated person, smile while typing this and leading a happy life without constantly feeling hate and contempt. You, but also many others here, should try that. It's really as great as you'd imagine.

i hope you feel better having gotten that off your chest


Gold Member
The media is really burying the lede about the FDA rejecting boosters. All the headlines say the FDA approves boosters, but then they bury the lead that it's only for 65+ and not for everyone.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
The media is really burying the lede about the FDA rejecting boosters. All the headlines say the FDA approves boosters, but then they bury the lead that it's only for 65+ and not for everyone.
To me that just means the boosters will likely be approved for the rest of adult down the line.


Don't you ever get bored with your stupid black and white view of the world?

Most anti-vaxxers, and by that I don't mean the obvious idiots who constantly serve as examples here, are often simply undecided about corona vaccination and it's not about vaccination in general.

I have no idea what is wrong with you as a human being, if you (and others) seem to seriously believe a not exactly small part of people deserves death, is stupid and only God knows what else. But if someone asks why humanity in this world has been going downhill for years, then I'll just show them this thread (and ERA ofc).

And before you write another arrogant and inhuman answer, please imagine how I, as a vaccinated person, smile while typing this and leading a happy life without constantly feeling hate and contempt. You, but also many others here, should try that. It's really as great as you'd imagine.

Blimey. What a horrible outlook you have on the world and other people. What happened to make you like this?
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