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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


I tend to believe the financial harm of punishing China for Covid now will be far less than the harm caused over the long term if we do nothing.
Agreed. If (emphasis on if) they did intentionally or maliciously mislead the rest of the world then this is that inflection point where the line should be drawn in the sand. I only worry that our leadership lacks the cajones. I have a feeling we won’t be in a leading position on this one, and will follow suit from other countries like UK, France, etc.
Still waiting a few years for a vaccine. I'm not anti-vax, I've been vaccinated more than the average person, but each one I took had at a minimum a decade of research behind it. I'm taking a pro-science approach and doing what every vaccine scientist did before this shit became political, waiting for more information and research. I've had natural immunity for a long time already, my wife had covid the day she gave birth to our daughter, we are all here and still healthy.

You don't like it? Get the vaccine for yourself and mind your own business.


Still waiting a few years for a vaccine. I'm not anti-vax, I've been vaccinated more than the average person, but each one I took had at a minimum a decade of research behind it. I'm taking a pro-science approach and doing what every vaccine scientist did before this shit became political, waiting for more information and research. I've had natural immunity for a long time already, my wife had covid the day she gave birth to our daughter, we are all here and still healthy.

You don't like it? Get the vaccine for yourself and mind your own business.
If the vaccine was a thing that was intended to only protect the person receiving it, you’d have a good point. As it is though your point is fucking stupid.


I've had natural immunity for a long time already, my wife had covid the day she gave birth to our daughter, we are all here and still healthy.
See? Nothing to worry about because Krappadizzle Krappadizzle had Covid and he is fine! All the suckers that died or are in the hospital are either weaklings or lying about being sick. Since we use anecdotal evidence as fact you want to bring all the articles about people that were young, health, got Covid and died?


Gold Member
Still waiting a few years for a vaccine. I'm not anti-vax, I've been vaccinated more than the average person, but each one I took had at a minimum a decade of research behind it. I'm taking a pro-science approach and doing what every vaccine scientist did before this shit became political, waiting for more information and research. I've had natural immunity for a long time already, my wife had covid the day she gave birth to our daughter, we are all here and still healthy.

You don't like it? Get the vaccine for yourself and mind your own business.
If the vaccine was a thing that was intended to only protect the person receiving it, you’d have a good point. As it is though your point is fucking stupid.
Think of it like requiring a driver's license, which requires everyone to pass a certain amount of text and driving tests to pass. And with it goes an age requirement.

The reason why government mandates it is not only for safety of yourself, but safety of others. If everyone does it, it'll cut down on accidents as everyone has a minimum standard of knowledge and skills. If there was no qualification, imagine how bad it would be if everyone just jumped into a car and tried self teaching themselves how to drive at whatever age the parents let them in the driver's seat.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Agreed. If (emphasis on if) they did intentionally or maliciously mislead the rest of the world then this is that inflection point where the line should be drawn in the sand. I only worry that our leadership lacks the cajones. I have a feeling we won’t be in a leading position on this one, and will follow suit from other countries like UK, France, etc.
We already know China lied to the world at a minimum about human-to-human transmission at the beginning. They knew way earlier than they admitted. China has prevented an investigation of the lab leak theory. The charitable interpretation is that the lies and obfuscation are just the reflexive behavior of the Chinese bureaucracy.

The alternative explanation is that the lies and obfuscation are to cover up a lab leak.
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If the vaccine was a thing that was intended to only protect the person receiving it, you’d have a good point. As it is though your point is fucking stupid.

See? Nothing to worry about because Krappadizzle Krappadizzle had Covid and he is fine! All the suckers that died or are in the hospital are either weaklings or lying about being sick. Since we use anecdotal evidence as fact you want to bring all the articles about people that were young, health, got Covid and died?

Think of it like requiring a driver's license, which requires everyone to pass a certain amount of text and driving tests to pass. And with it goes an age requirement.

The reason why government mandates it is not only for safety of yourself, but safety of others. If everyone does it, it'll cut down on accidents as everyone has a minimum standard of knowledge and skills. If there was no qualification, imagine how bad it would be if everyone just jumped into a car and tried self teaching themselves how to drive at whatever age the parents let them in the driver's seat.
Cry me a river. Make the choice right for you. Fuck off if you think you'll mandate anything for me. Don't like it? Too bad.
So what's the consensus on the Pfizer booster right now in the US?

I read the article about the efficacy dropping enough after 6 months that it's worth getting, but that's just one study. Then the New England Journal of Medicine and studies out of Quebec show little to no drop in protection. Some experts are saying there's no need for boosters right now because even if antibodies drop there's no reason to believe immunity does.

And if you decide to get a booster is that something you can just walk into Walgreens and get even if you're not at risk or immunocompromised? And do you have to specify it's a booster? Anybody get one yet?

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
....so we will continue to let the second largest economy in the world commit crimes against the world without repercussions. I really don't understand the Chinese sympathy from movies, celebs, NBA, industries, etc. We literally have cow-toed to China for long enough that we are now dependent on them. We are dependent on someone that we don't even have that great of relations with....why? Cheap labor? Large viewership base? We sold oursleves out long ago. It's time to rip the band aid off, if this was a global cover up. I don't think we will be the only ones willing to not play (the same kind of) ball with China anymore. We are enablers, turning blind eyes, for cheap profit. Meanwhile, so are they...but they only care about Chinese interests. They don't care about the UN, WHO, Uighurs, Taiwan, HK, their own citizens, USA (and other country's) intellectual properties, global currency manipulation, global democracy, region stabilization, alliances with 'bad actor' nations, etc.

...What is the threshold? If COVID isn't the tipping point, then frankly, nothing is.
Yeah it's insane how China manages to simply leverage the size of their population as irresistible leverage to the capitalist world despite being incredibly bad actors.

And like, dealing with them can be really bad for our companies even. Have you read about what happened to ARM? They tried to create a subsidiary to license ARM IP in the region and instead they just went rogue and claimed to own all of ARMs IP in the Chinese region and are operating with impunity. Like literally just stole some of the most valuable IP in the world and China does nothing.

Seriously, fuck them.


Rodent Whores
I'm not anti-vax, I've been vaccinated more than the average person, but each one I took had at a minimum a decade of research behind it. I'm taking a pro-science approach and doing what every vaccine scientist did before this shit became political, waiting for more information and research.
There's more years of research behind the new mRNA vaccines than you think.

Yes, waiting for more information and research results is the pro-science approach. Good news - those results are in, and the data is promising. The overwhelming majority of information shows that all FDA approved versions of the SARSCOV2 vaccines are very safe and very effective.

You don't like it? Get the vaccine for yourself and mind your own business.
Liking it or not liking it is beside the point. It is an objective fact that by being unvaccinated, one is increasing not only one's own risk, but is also contributing to being a public health liability and risk. It is an objective fact that the more people are unvaccinated, the greater this public risk grows, and the longer it takes for the virus to be controlled, and the economy and life to get back to normal.
Liking it or not liking it is beside the point. It is an objective fact that by being unvaccinated, one is increasing not only one's own risk, but is also contributing to being a public health liability and risk. It is an objective fact that the more people are unvaccinated, the greater this public risk grows, and the longer it takes for the virus to be controlled, and the economy and life to get back to normal.
The vaccine does not stop the transmission of the virus. The public risk will ALWAYS be there. You could say it reduces your hospital visit. Ok. Get the vaccine. You worry about your visit to the hospital. I'll worry about mine. Do what's best for you. I won't stop you, just like you won't be able to make me do anything. If you think this virus is ever gonna be "controlled" you are fooling yourself. There's always gonna be another variant, off-shoot, strain, etc that'll be politicized for clout and control.

The actual risk of death being so low means that I'm not gonna let the shit run my life. If someone were to come to you and said that you have a less than .1% chance of shitting your pants today, everyday, and that they'll require you to wear a giant diaper in the off chance that you do, would you do it? If they were to say you have to wear a diaper because someone else might shit their pants?

Again, I'm not anti-vaxx by any measure. I'd wager I've been vaccinated more than probably you or even the average American. The difference is that the ones I took were backed by decades of research. Big pharma has no interest in actually keeping you healthy and safe, I don't trust for a second when you give no repercussions for mistakes. On one hand people want to blame these giant pharmaceutical companies for the massive drug addiction problems and deaths from them and then on the other hand say "trust" them. Some of you guys can't pick a lane or even follow your own logic.

says man openly and publicly declaring his business to strangers on a forum, is this a dare?

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Lil’ Gobbie

The BBC can reveal that more than a third of 26 major trials of the drug for use on Covid have serious errors or signs of potential fraud. None of the rest show convincing evidence of ivermectin's effectiveness.

Dr Kyle Sheldrick, one of the group investigating the studies, said they had not found "a single clinical trial" claiming to show that ivermectin prevented Covid deaths that did not contain "either obvious signs of fabrication or errors so critical they invalidate the study".

Major problems included:

-The same patient data being used multiple times for supposedly different people
-Evidence that selection of patients for test groups was not random
-Numbers unlikely to occur naturally
-Percentages calculated incorrectly
-Local health bodies unaware of the studies

The scientists in the group - Dr Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, Dr James Heathers, Dr Nick Brown and Dr Sheldrick - each have a track record of exposing dodgy science. They've been working together remotely on an informal and voluntary basis during the pandemic.

article goes into much more detail
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Rodent Whores
The vaccine does not stop the transmission of the virus.
It doesn't stop transmission 100% of the time, but then again no vaccine does. Historically speaking, it has exceeded expectations in how effective it is at stopping the transmission of this coronavirus. "It does not stop the transmission of the virus" is not a good argument because the vaccine is very good at reducing the transmission of the virus.


Do what's best for you.
I am doing what's best for myself, but wouldn't you agree that it's better to not only do that, but to also do what's best for your friends, family, community, and country too? If our goals are to prevent Americans from dying, and to get the economy back on track, the best, cheapest, and fastest way to do that is to have everyone who is eligible to get the vaccine. I'm pretty sure we agree on these goals.

If you think this virus is ever gonna be "controlled" you are fooling yourself.
No. I'm using real world examples to form my opinion. Compare the countries in the world with the highest vaccination rates vs the countries in the world with the lowest vaccination rates. Even if you only look at the rich countries, there's a difference in how "controlled" the virus is.

The actual risk of death being so low means that I'm not gonna let the shit run my life. If someone were to come to you and said that you have a less than .1% chance of shitting your pants today, everyday, and that they'll require you to wear a giant diaper in the off chance that you do, would you do it? If they were to say you have to wear a diaper because someone else might shit their pants?
Bad analogy. Risk assessment is wrong. Comparing death and debilitating long term illness to pants shitting is not in the ballpark at all. Wearing a diaper and getting a vaccine are not similar.

The difference is that the ones I took were backed by decades of research.
As I mentioned earlier, these vaccines have more research behind them than you think.

Big pharma has no interest in actually keeping you healthy and safe, I don't trust for a second when you give no repercussions for mistakes. On one hand people want to blame these giant pharmaceutical companies for the massive drug addiction problems and deaths from them and then on the other hand say "trust" them. Some of you guys can't pick a lane or even follow your own logic.
The world is more complex and nuanced for this black and white outlook of complicated issues with multiple variables. The things people putting their "trust" in aren't merely the words of giant pharmaceutical companies. There's other means of verification and fact-checking other than simply taking their word for it.
The vaccine does not stop the transmission of the virus.
I thought this was largely debunked? It's not 100% perfect by any means but I thought recent studies showed people infected within a household together were exponentially less likely to get infected from a family member if fully vaccinated and if they are infected they're far less likely to transmit it. Apparently their duration of contagiousness is cut pretty drastically too.
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It doesn't stop transmission 100% of the time, but then again no vaccine does. Historically speaking, it has exceeded expectations in how effective it is at stopping the transmission of this coronavirus. "It does not stop the transmission of the virus" is not a good argument because the vaccine is very good at reducing the transmission of the virus.


I am doing what's best for myself, but wouldn't you agree that it's better to not only do that, but to also do what's best for your friends, family, community, and country too? If our goals are to prevent Americans from dying, and to get the economy back on track, the best, cheapest, and fastest way to do that is to have everyone who is eligible to get the vaccine. I'm pretty sure we agree on these goals.

No. I'm using real world examples to form my opinion. Compare the countries in the world with the highest vaccination rates vs the countries in the world with the lowest vaccination rates. Even if you only look at the rich countries, there's a difference in how "controlled" the virus is.

Bad analogy. Risk assessment is wrong. Comparing death and debilitating long term illness to pants shitting is not in the ballpark at all. Wearing a diaper and getting a vaccine are not similar.

As I mentioned earlier, these vaccines have more research behind them than you think.

The world is more complex and nuanced for this black and white outlook of complicated issues with multiple variables. The things people putting their "trust" in aren't merely the words of giant pharmaceutical companies. There's other means of verification and fact-checking other than simply taking their word for it.
Hey, good luck in your vaccine. I wish no one ill will. Still not gonna take it now. I'll wait. The risk of transmission is essentially the same, vaccinated or not. Shutting down the economy and requiring vaccines doesn't change that fact. Everything should be re-opened, get the vaccine to protect yourself if you want it and go about living your life again.

I thought this was largely debunked? It's not 100% perfect by any means but I thought recent studies showed people infected within a household together were exponentially less likely to get infected from a family member if fully vaccinated and if they are infected they're far less likely to transmit it. Apparently their duration of contagiousness is cut pretty drastically too.

It's not been debunked. There's equal amounts of evidence to show that natural immunity is just as effective, but no one wants to have a good-faith conversation about that because it doesn't track with the narrative.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Hey, good luck in your vaccine. I wish no one ill will. Still not gonna take it now. I'll wait. The risk of transmission is essentially the same, vaccinated or not. Shutting down the economy and requiring vaccines doesn't change that fact. Everything should be re-opened, get the vaccine to protect yourself if you want it and go about living your life again.

It's not been debunked. There's equal amounts of evidence to show that natural immunity is just as effective, but no one wants to have a good-faith conversation about that because it doesn't track with the narrative.
5 times less likely to get Covid and you say that it's "essentially the same" lol


As a few others have said….I would also like more information on the statistics of natural immunity vs vaccinated immunity. And not in a ‘gotcha’ way…I just think the focus and overall talk of natural immunity has been grossly overlooked in the broad discussion.


Gold Member
Again, I'm not anti-vaxx by any measure. I'd wager I've been vaccinated more than probably you or even the average American. The difference is that the ones I took were backed by decades of research. Big pharma has no interest in actually keeping you healthy and safe, I don't trust for a second when you give no repercussions for mistakes. On one hand people want to blame these giant pharmaceutical companies for the massive drug addiction problems and deaths from them and then on the other hand say "trust" them. Some of you guys can't pick a lane or even follow your own logic.
If big pharma companies are so greedy and dont care about safety why are you "vaccinated more than probably you or even the average American"?

You dont like covid vaccine, but seem to love all the other ones you took.

If drug companies are so shady, why did you take any vaccines at all? You might as well not bother even going to the doctor or dentist because all the drugs and gear they have are all made by medical companies too.


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I did. I'm healthy, can go anywhere, and if my company ever mandated a vaccine for employment I'm covered.

You on the other hand are too chicken to get a needle that takes 5 seconds to do.
“Too chicken” is a very trivial and disingenuous way of addressing this poster’s concerns. Cmon man.


Gold Member
“Too chicken” is a very trivial and disingenuous way of addressing this poster’s concerns. Cmon man.
Well, if he wants to mouth off telling me and anyone else on GAF to fuck off after I gave him an example of health and safety standards like driver's license requirements, I think I'm entitled to call him whatever I want if he wants to act like a big shot in this thread.
If big pharma companies are so greedy and dont care about safety why are you "vaccinated more than probably you or even the average American"?

You dont like covid vaccine, but seem to love all the other ones you took.

If drug companies are so shady, why did you take any vaccines at all? You might as well not bother even going to the doctor or dentist because all the drugs and gear they have are all made by medical companies too.

Again. The ones I took were backed by decades of research and study. It was a requirement for work that I chose to allow because I knew what I was getting into. The same can NOT be said about the current study of vaccines for Covid. More than likely, they are probably fine, again, I have no issues with vaccines in general. I am just choosing to wait until there's been more study. If you completely trust, by all means, take your vaccine. You'll be protected right? My choice doesn't affect you. Hell, your choice of vaccinating doesn't really affect anyone really, so have at it. I'll stick with my natural immunity for now.

Well, if he wants to mouth off telling me and anyone else on GAF to fuck off after I gave him an example of health and safety standards like driver's license requirements, I think I'm entitled to call him whatever I want if he wants to act like a big shot in this thread.

Lol, you must live a very stressful life bud. I certainly don't. I don't think about this shit nearly as often as I assume you do. Too chicken and I'm a big shot? Laughable. You make false equivalence and push the goal posts. But by all means, continue on with your "holier-than-thou" attitude and you do you bud.
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Again. The ones I took were backed by decades of research and study. It was a requirement for work that I chose to allow because I knew what I was getting into. The same can NOT be said about the current study of vaccines for Covid. More than likely, they are probably fine, again, I have no issues with vaccines in general. I am just choosing to wait until there's been more study. If you completely trust, by all means, take your vaccine. You'll be protected right? My choice doesn't affect you. Hell, your choice of vaccinating doesn't really affect anyone really, so have at it. I'll stick with my natural immunity for now.
You don’t know what you’re talking about


According to the new NHS report (UK), the rate of infection rate (per 100.000) is significantly higher among the fully vaccinated compared with the unvaccinated in the age group 30-39 and higher. Nevertheless, the vaccination protects quite well against severe courses.


This is crazy. Is it because vaccinated people no longer take social precautions? If so, I’d argue that’s a larger public health crisis than being unvaccinated and still taking social precautions. This is very interesting.


Gold Member

Again. The ones I took were backed by decades of research and study. It was a requirement for work that I chose to allow because I knew what I was getting into. The same can NOT be said about the current study of vaccines for Covid. More than likely, they are probably fine, again, I have no issues with vaccines in general. I am just choosing to wait until there's been more study. If you completely trust, by all means, take your vaccine. You'll be protected right? My choice doesn't affect you. Hell, your choice of vaccinating doesn't really affect anyone really, so have at it. I'll stick with my natural immunity for now.
Well make up your mind on big pharma. You say they are greedy and arent looking at public safety, yet you also accept their vaccines.


Gold Member

Again. The ones I took were backed by decades of research and study. It was a requirement for work that I chose to allow because I knew what I was getting into. The same can NOT be said about the current study of vaccines for Covid. More than likely, they are probably fine, again, I have no issues with vaccines in general. I am just choosing to wait until there's been more study. If you completely trust, by all means, take your vaccine. You'll be protected right? My choice doesn't affect you. Hell, your choice of vaccinating doesn't really affect anyone really, so have at it. I'll stick with my natural immunity for now.

Lol, you must live a very stressful life bud. I certainly don't. I don't think about this shit nearly as often as I assume you do. Too chicken and I'm a big shot? Laughable. You make false equivalence and push the goal posts. But by all means, continue on with your "holier-than-thou" attitude and you do you bud.
What stress? I work from home and can surf the net at the same like now. I have no problems about accessing anything since I'm vaxxed. You on the other hand have things to worry about. It's getting to a point some cities are mandating proof of vax to enter buildings and travel or work.

And if you cant even keep your cool on a game board without cussing at people as were all trying to give you some advice, you got issues. As I said, big shot attitude but afraid of a needle.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Well make up your mind on big pharma. You say they are greedy and arent looking at public safety, yet you also accept their vaccines.
There's a reason pharma doesn't get to approve their own products...

We know the vaccines are safe, they've been given to billions of people at this point so the data is there. It doesn't mean every drug ever is safe or that pharma never put profits first.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Like clockwork. A week goes by and then we have one of the same exact debunked arguments again.

Next week it will be Ivermectin again I bet. The week after that we will have someone come in and talk about the new world order and how governments are taking away our freedoms.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future

This is crazy. Is it because vaccinated people no longer take social precautions? If so, I’d argue that’s a larger public health crisis than being unvaccinated and still taking social precautions. This is very interesting.
More like reporting bias and vaccination status bias. If you look at this in a vacuum you would be freaking out about that under 18 number, but the small number of vaccinated in that sample is probably skewing the data. The unvaccinated in the higher age brackets are almost definitely less likely to get tested and accept having to curl up in the fetal position in pain as 'normal' symptoms, no need to see a doctor.


Still waiting a few years for a vaccine. I'm not anti-vax, I've been vaccinated more than the average person, but each one I took had at a minimum a decade of research behind it. I'm taking a pro-science approach and doing what every vaccine scientist did before this shit became political, waiting for more information and research. I've had natural immunity for a long time already, my wife had covid the day she gave birth to our daughter, we are all here and still healthy.

You don't like it? Get the vaccine for yourself and mind your own business.

Mr Rogers Clown GIF
Like clockwork. A week goes by and then we have one of the same exact debunked arguments again.

Next week it will be Ivermectin again I bet. The week after that we will have someone come in and talk about the new world order and how governments are taking away our freedoms.
Yeah, it's easier to keep your head in the sand and follow the accepted narrative as long as it's your political affiliation of choice saying it.

consent GIF

Lol, you are so triggered right now.

Emotion Reaction GIF
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“Too chicken” is a very trivial and disingenuous way of addressing this poster’s concerns. Cmon man.

But he is though, eh?

When you get right down to it. To not want to go get a safe, easy jab that billions of others have taken, to help protect others around him.

Sounds like grade A chook to me.

Hell Yeah Chicken GIF by 8it
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But he is though, eh?

When you get right down to it. To not want to go get a safe, easy jab that billions of others have taken, to help protect others around him.

Sounds like grade A chook to me.

Hell Yeah Chicken GIF by 8it
You go straight to personal attacks when you can't make a sound argument. You're the one afraid. I'm not. I've asked very reasonable questions and looked at the long history of vaccines and our understanding of them to make a personal choice to wait. You've cried like a baby and chose to start attacking. My Grandmother was a ER nurse, my mother was an ER nurse, my father was a Paramedic and Chief of the Fire Dept, my whole family is very well versed in medical science.

To say you want to wait for more data isn't an anti-vaxx approach, it's a pro-science approach. There's as much information out there espousing the benefits of natural immunities as there are for vaxx. You want to ignore that information because it doesn't work for all the emotion that you've decided to put behind your position on the subject.

This shit has been so politicized it's pathetic. When Trump was talking about vaccines, the narrative was, "that's dangerous, I won't take it until there's more info". Now that Biden is pushing the same vaccine the narrative has completely shifted the other way.

My position has never wavered. And for all the calamity, not a single person I've known has died from covid. My entire family has had it, my 76 y/o lifetime smoking Grandmother had the shit, every single person recovered. Which by going by the scientific data, was the probable outcome.

Live your life like you want, vaxx, don't vaxx, I don't care. Decide for yourself, you don't get decide for others.
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You go straight to personal attacks when you can't make a sound argument. You're the one afraid. I'm not. I've asked very reasonable questions and looked at the long history of vaccines and our understanding of them to make a personal choice to wait. You've cride like a baby and chose to start attacking. My Grandmother was a ER nurse, my mother was an ER nurse, my father was a Paramedic and Chief of the Fire Dept, my whole family is very well versed in medical science.

To say you want to wait for more data isn't an anti-vaxx approach, it's a pro-science approach. There's as much information out there espousing the benefits of natural immunities as there are for vaxx. You want to ignore that information because it doesn't work for all the emotion that you've decided to put behind your position on the subject.

This shit has been so politicized it's pathetic. When Trump was talking about vaccines, the narrative was, "that's dangerous, I won't take it until there's more info". Now that Biden is pushing the same vaccine the narrative has completely shifted the other way.

My position has never wavered. And for all the calamity, not a single person I've known has died from covid. My entire family has had it, my 76 y/o lifetime smoking Grandmother had the shit, every single person recovered. Which by going by the scientific data, was the probably outcome.

Live your life like you want, vaxx, don't vaxx, I don't care. Decide for yourself, you don't get decide for others.

Sorry… I can’t quite hear you over the sound of all the CLUCKING.

Speak up?

jimmy fallon lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Edit: calm down. I’m just yanking your chain. If you want to be selfish and not bother to help others, there’s nothing I can do about it. I hope you and anyone else in your family who refuses to get the vax don’t end up on sorry anti vaxxer… I truly don’t.
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Gold Member
You go straight to personal attacks when you can't make a sound argument. You're the one afraid. I'm not. I've asked very reasonable questions and looked at the long history of vaccines and our understanding of them to make a personal choice to wait. You've cried like a baby and chose to start attacking. My Grandmother was a ER nurse, my mother was an ER nurse, my father was a Paramedic and Chief of the Fire Dept, my whole family is very well versed in medical science.

To say you want to wait for more data isn't an anti-vaxx approach, it's a pro-science approach. There's as much information out there espousing the benefits of natural immunities as there are for vaxx. You want to ignore that information because it doesn't work for all the emotion that you've decided to put behind your position on the subject.

This shit has been so politicized it's pathetic. When Trump was talking about vaccines, the narrative was, "that's dangerous, I won't take it until there's more info". Now that Biden is pushing the same vaccine the narrative has completely shifted the other way.

My position has never wavered. And for all the calamity, not a single person I've known has died from covid. My entire family has had it, my 76 y/o lifetime smoking Grandmother had the shit, every single person recovered. Which by going by the scientific data, was the probable outcome.

Live your life like you want, vaxx, don't vaxx, I don't care. Decide for yourself, you don't get decide for others.
Every person in life knows people who are pro-vax and anti-vax. Thats not really the issue in this thread lately with you being the centre of it.

The key difference is most dont mouth off to people. If you dont want to get the vaccine, nobody is going to force you. Just lay off the big shot bravado.
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That’s some big brain energy right there.
The fact that you guys think that's big shot bravado is very enlightening. Like...what? Big Shot?! LOL. On NeoGAF? C'mon guys, stop being so sensitive. You guys should try going out and talking to a person in real life sometimes.

Ya'll can come to my sister's bar, I'll buy you a beer and we can all talk.
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Gold Member
The fact that you guys think that's big shot bravado is very enlightening. Like...what? Big Shot?! LOL. On NeoGAF? C'mon guys, stop being so sensitive . You guys should try going out and talking to a person in real life sometimes.

Ya'll can come to my sister's bar, I'll buy you a beer and we can all talk.

Don't waste your time. Most of the people that post in here are just looking to argue and insult people. It is funny to read through though.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Yeah, it's easier to keep your head in the sand and follow the accepted narrative as long as it's your political affiliation of choice saying it.
Says the guy who is openly denying statistical facts.

You are just trolling at this point.
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Gold Member
this is great advice for any anti-vaxxer who thinks they have some new brave opinion, problem is by taking that advice they not only help themselves but also help all of us so of course they’re not to going to listen to it

It was advice directed at him and he made it clear he's not an anti-vaxxer.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It is amusing to me that during the first wave the official narrative skeptics didn't know anyone who had been infected with COVID - now in this second wave every single person they know has had it and recovered.
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