It was advice directed at him and he made it clear he's not an anti-vaxxer.
Thanks for clarifying
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It was advice directed at him and he made it clear he's not an anti-vaxxer.
Thanks for clarifying
It was necessary since you're posting before reading.
Try 4th wave here in QuebecIt is amusing to me that during the first wave the official narrative skeptics didn't know anyone who had been infected with COVID - now in this second wave every single person they know has had it and recovered.
As a father of two young children, this is absolutely horrifying. Get the fucking vaccine. It’s not just your own health that’s at risk.
In the sense that 80%is essentially the same as 20%, perhaps...The risk of transmission is essentially the same, vaccinated or not.
You’re right, but the second you’re one of the extremely rare cases? My god. It’s become stressful as hell every time one of my kids gets a cough now. If I lost one of them to something preventable like this…I don’t think I could cope, I’d be doneFortunately, this is still extremely rare. We are also extremely fortunate that COVID didn't have the more usual 'v' shaped virus impact on children and the elderly. The lockdowns we had, in Australia even, would have looked like a hippy commune compared to what we would have seen if 200k young kids in the US had died from this.
Better not to worry about rare cases. My son had his best friend get cancer just before his 5 years old bday. His mom told me about it, that he couldn't come over, he had to leave the daycare center, my son couldn't see him anymore because he had to start his chemotherapyYou’re right, but the second you’re one of the extremely rare cases? My god. It’s become stressful as hell every time one of my kids gets a cough now. If I lost one of them to something preventable like this…I don’t think I could cope, I’d be done
probably because getting COVID is not a viable strategy lolAs a few others have said….I would also like more information on the statistics of natural immunity vs vaccinated immunity. And not in a ‘gotcha’ way…I just think the focus and overall talk of natural immunity has been grossly overlooked in the broad discussion.
As a father of two young children, this is absolutely horrifying. Get the fucking vaccine. It’s not just your own health that’s at risk.
I'm always against the "if it just saves one life" type arguments. Getting the vaccine isn't about saving 'just one' life, it's about doing that tiny fraction of a part to contribute to an effort that will save thousands of lives and destroy the hold COVID currently has over society.Fuck. I’ve never had kids, but I’m very close to a lot in my family. That’s horrific.
Seriously… how can anyone at this stage claim they’re not being selfish to not take the vaccine?
Surely if it only stops one poor little kid like that getting covid that badly, it’s worth it, isn’t it?
Well, there are other factors that decide the spread of the virus besides vaccination. In the UK it looks like R is around 1 overall, with movement not returning to pre-pandemic levels. So whether cases stay where they are or start to increase in a given community, probably depends heavily on the average number of contacts per person. You could have a situation where behavioural changes cause the virus to grow more rapidly in the most heavily vaccinated communities.According to the new NHS report (UK), the rate of infection rate (per 100.000) is significantly higher among the fully vaccinated compared with the unvaccinated in the age group 30-39 and higher. Nevertheless, the vaccination protects quite well against severe courses.
They just do not care. I saw a post from an antivaccine mother who complained her husband took their child to be vaccinated in her back. Their previous child died from an easily preventable disease, she was asking for advice now on how to deal with her husband since she felt he betrayed her...Seriously… how can anyone at this stage claim they’re not being selfish to not take the vaccine?
We already know China lied to the world at a minimum about human-to-human transmission at the beginning. They knew way earlier than they admitted. China has prevented an investigation of the lab leak theory. The charitable interpretation is that the lies and obfuscation are just the reflexive behavior of the Chinese bureaucracy.
The alternative explanation is that the lies and obfuscation are to cover up a lab leak.
Agreed the new word order conspiracy stuff is no good reason to avoid a proven vaccine, but that doesn't negate some people's ulterior motives to gain power in a moment of crisis.A bit of topic but, the argument of the new world order, is more wishful thinking (or fantasy) than nothing else, I guess some people hope to live in the dystopian new world order, than facing the facts:
1) I have been listening to this argument a long time ago (I am almost 40)
2) Even my father hear about it (he is 80+) even before I was born, and he told me even before him
3) The people who believe in it think that all governments will agree to make one central government for everyone (yes because China, Russia, Argentina, Venezuela, and all the rest, will say "yeah, let's do that")
4) All the people in the governments will agree to end their careers, yea this will certainly happen
5)If everyone belongs to this new order, then everyone should have the right to go to any country without asking for papers or whatever you need. Then all strong countries will collapse due to the number of people moving there in the first few months.
6) I can continue with more "arguments", which are just wishful thinking of some people.
The new world order is not a valid argument to not vaccinate. People should see the governments in all countries for that they really are, corrupt selfish people who want to be relevant and stay in power in most cases.
Nothing new about it. The anti-vax crowd have been called selfish for years. Long before Covid ever came about.That new buzzword. "Selfish" LMAO.
Lot of these people aren't "anti vax" That's another hot word right now. Lot of people have all their shots they need. Just because they've either had covid or are just waiting for sometime later in their life doesn't make them anti vax.Nothing new about it. The anti-vax crowd have been called selfish for years. Long before Covid ever came about.
I got COVID only about 3-4 after even being age-eligible for the vaccine. So had I even gotten it on day one, I wouldn't have been immunized by then. Since I had a pretty gnarly case, I had built up a healthy amount of antibodies. I just got the jab recently after about the 90-mark of having had COVID. It was the best choice for me based on the timeline of events, having a surgery, and giving my immune system a break. It would be nice to have known what my level of protection was, and for how long while waiting for full FDA authorization of the Moderna that I received.probably because getting COVID is not a viable strategy lol
Give this a read from yesterday --them.
As for the origins of the virus, I still think it's zootic. The lab leak stuff is all built on various suspicions and suppositions, while we know every other coronavirus developed in either humans or some other animal.
No I'm not, but don't worry about it. Go back to your little laugh emojis mate, it's not safe for you when you step out.
You keep posting, I'll keep laughing.![]()
Give this a read from yesterday --
Opinion | Science Closes In on Covid’s Origins
Four studies—including two from WHO—provide powerful evidence favoring the lab-leak
That new buzzword. "Selfish" LMAO.
Lot of these people aren't "anti vax" That's another hot word right now. Lot of people have all their shots they need. Just because they've either had covid or are just waiting for sometime later in their life doesn't make them anti vax.
That 'sometime later in their life' will never come, there will never be enough proof or time passed to satisfy them - it's a smokescreen to make themselves feel they are not total tools. It's ok if they don't want to be vaccinated, then stay at home - going to cinema or bars is not a human right.are just waiting for sometime later in their life doesn't make them anti vax.
That 'sometime later in their life' will never come, there will never be enough proof or time passed to satisfy them - it's a smokescreen to make themselves feel they are not total tools. It's ok if they don't want to be vaccinated, then stay at home - going to cinema or bars is not a human right.
That 'sometime later in their life' will never come, there will never be enough proof or time passed to satisfy them - it's a smokescreen to make themselves feel they are not total tools. It's ok if they don't want to be vaccinated, then stay at home - going to cinema or bars is not a human right.
Exactly. They all make rationalisations to convince themselves they’re not selfish or cowardly or uncaring - because nobody wants to think of themselves that way. Being honest with yourself is impossible when you know you’re doing the wrong thing… but won’t change tack because of your politics/fears/selfishness.
The problem for them is, everybody else can clearly see what they are.
Of course they are anti-vax. We have all the information we need to tell us the vaccines are safe, and help to keep others safe. There is no good reason not to get vaccinated. Ergo, everyone left who won’t get a vaccination without a decent reason (medically) is an anti-vaxxer.
This statement reveals so much about today's society.
And people wonder why humanity is evolving backwards and hate, incitement and idiocy are on the rise.
we developed a vaccine within a year for a disease we only found out about a year before that
that's my evidence for humanity not evolving backwards and my argument for the opposite...your turn, is it because people being labelled "anti-vaxxer" have a persecution and victim complex?
Social and emotional intelligence has far more to do with how we interact with each other as human beings.
It's great that we develop vaccines or fly to the moon, but it doesn't do us any good if we can solve every problem with science and technology, but are still unable to live together as human beings and life gets worse people because of hatred, intolerance and narrow-mindedness.
This statement reveals so much about today's society.
And people wonder why humanity is evolving backwards and hate, incitement and idiocy are on the rise.
Refuse to take a safe and effective vaccine to help others during a pandemic, get called an anti-vaxxer.
Yeah exactly and vaccines help us socialise, win-win. Regardless, even without the vaccine we were able to live together and that hasn't changed. Of course some actually worse than others, and those some were not unable to live for their arrival views. At least not ironically. Maybe you can give some examples of life getting worse for this group? Otherwise all I see is "please be nice to everyone" platitudes, of which calling someone an antivaxxer for arbitrarily not wanting the vaccine is one of the least persecuted labels.
Actions have consequences. Refuse to take a safe and effective vaccine to help others during a pandemic, get called an anti-vaxxer. On this one subject ‘society’ has it absolutely right.
You want exampled? Well, you are an excellent example of how black and white thinking leads to intolerance and hatred.
For more general examples you only have to look at the news of the last years and how issues related to politics, race, gender and much more have divided parts of society, because for many there is only black or white and good or evil. Nothing in between.
Somehow I'm an example now. Well that was easy for you but I see you've got nothing here.
You are one of many. What examples would be valid for a person like you?
I'm sorry, but I won't be able to give you an example that makes you feel great.
I know that is hard for you and most others. But just imagine you would treat unvaccinated people with respect and accept their decision, no matter if it makes sense or is understandable to you. What would be different then?
In other words, it took less than 24 hours for the drug — barely tested, let alone released yet — to be accused of prolonging the pandemic. By the third day, mentions of molnupiravir in news reports nearly all came affixed to stern reminders of its place beneath vaccines in the medical hierarchy, as in the New York Times explaining that Dr. Anthony Fauci, who initially told reporters the new drug was “impressive,” now “warned that Americans should not wait to be vaccinated because they believe they can take the pill.
We’re similarly becoming a nation of totalitarian nitwits, speaking in a borrowed lexicon of mandatory phrases and smelling heresy in anyone who doesn’t. This cult reflex was bad during the Russiagate years, but it’s gone into overdrive since the arrival of COVID. The CNN writer who thinks it’s necessary to put a disclaimer in the lede of a story about molnupiravir, of all things, is basically claiming he or she is afraid a theoretical unvaccinated person might otherwise read the story and be encouraged to not take the vaccine.
I feel great, don't worry about "a person like me". Also I specified very clearly a couple of posts ago. I am trying to get you out of this strawman and commit to an argument where we can discuss people's lives getting worse because they're called antivaxxers.
No, no, no. You don’t get to put your own selfish desires ahead of the good of society and play the victim. That just doesn’t wash.
I do not, and never will, accept or respect a decision that demonstrably makes the lives of other people worse.
You want the respect and acceptance of others? Then do something to earn it.
But if not, don’t try to play the victim here. You’re not.
This is very simple. You say I'm part of the problem (which in itself is strange if this isn't about individual cases) but you are not defining the problem. That's why I asked for examples specifically to anti-vaxxers because you replied to someone talking about anti-vaxxers.It is not about individual fates, such as your hatred of the unvaccinated, which probably only does you good, right? It's about society itself and how people interact with each other. It's about prejudices, respect and tolerance. If you can completely judge and condemn people based on a single decision with thousands of possible reasons, then you are part of the problem.
Otherwise all I see is "please be nice to everyone" platitudes
Vaccination protects very well against severe courses. In the UK, which distinguishes between vaccinated and unvaccinated in the statistics, there are demonstrably more infections among vaccinated than unvaccinated persons (see page 13, https://assets.publishing.service.g...849/Vaccine_surveillance_report_-_week_40.pdf). Most of the vaccinated are probably infected by people who have also been vaccinated.
So what danger do unvaccinated people pose? It's time to stop beating this dead horse.
The vaccine does not stop the transmission of the virus.
The one thing that really goes against this theory is China itself. If they knew it was a lab leak and were trying to hide it, why not just 'find' an animal source while doing all that testing.Give this a read from yesterday --
Opinion | Science Closes In on Covid’s Origins
Four studies—including two from WHO—provide powerful evidence favoring the lab-leak
Except for the chimeric coronaviruses created through gain of function research and insertion of furin cleavage sites designed to bind to human cell receptors in the lab in the city where the outbreak happened.As for the origins of the virus, I still think it's zootic. The lab leak stuff is all built on various suspicions and suppositions, while we know every other coronavirus developed in either humans or some other animal.