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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]

We know a lot by now. Omicron is more infectious, but the disease is milder (thanks to immunisation through vaccination or a past infection).

Denmark published numbers. 0.6% of those affected by Omicron have to be admitted to hospital. With Delta it is 1.5%.

The only thing we don't know is why omicron waves seem to peak quite quickly. This was the case in South Africa and the figures in London also indicate that the peak has already been reached.


Something similar like Denmark/SA (high case numbers, low number of hospitalizations) etc. can be seen in the UK btw (December 2021):


There is now also more than one study on the fact that Omicron is significantly worse at replicating in human lungs.

And here again are the latest figures from the provinces of South Africa where the trend in ICU admissions and ventilations is illustrated and compared to previous waves.


I am very sure that the pandemic will end in 2022. There will be a combined vaccine in 2022 that protects against flu and current coronaviruses. Novavax will be the leader (NanoFlu) and other manufacturers will follow.

Mark my words.

Do you think we will see even more milder variants? I'm counting on it, to be honest.

I hope you're right about 2022 being the year that the pandemic might die down, but I'm not exactly convinced by it yet.


Gold Member
Do you think we will see even more milder variants? I'm counting on it, to be honest.

I hope you're right about 2022 being the year that the pandemic might die down, but I'm not exactly convinced by it yet.

The science I have been seeing quoted recently is that there is really no evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less deadly, just more contagious. So a variant that would be super effective in spreading in the first month but then 50% lethal would outcompete Omicron.

Thankfully sometimes we can get lucky too. That is what seems to be happening with Omicron, the mutations that make it so much more infectious make it also much worse in attaching to lungs, and thus cytokine storms are averted. So Omiceon’s success is not because it’s less lethal, it’s because it’s much more infectious.


Do you think we will see even more milder variants? I'm counting on it, to be honest.

I hope you're right about 2022 being the year that the pandemic might die down, but I'm not exactly convinced by it yet.

No one can predict whether there will be milder or worse variants. However, this only plays a minor role, because a broad basic immunisation is now prevalent, either through a previous illness or vaccination.

Whether even milder variants than Omicron are absolutely necessary is actually the question that needs to be asked. The number of unreported cases is probably extremely high. It is probably 5-10 times higher than with Delta. Last week, a study on South Africa and Omicron had calculated that the number of undetected infections was about 10 times higher. It is also important to remember that some influenza waves have caused almost similar hospital numbers, but no nationwide tests have been done (~75% of all influenza cases are asymptomatic). That's why only looking at cases is nonsense.



Yeah, but Japan has effectively locked themselves down from the rest of the world.

There's some travel, which did open up a little during the summer, but to get into Japan is still hard and has recently gotten harder again.

And there are some nutjobs here. Public school teachers who refuse to get the vaccine because they don't even believe that the virus exists.


what are testing numbers like?

Relatively level, with a small drop in numbers over past few days. Not enough to undercut the reduction in cases. If the drop in case detection continues at this rate, without a precipitous drop in testing as well, omicron will be over as a major threat in SA within the next couple of weeks.
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No one can predict whether there will be milder or worse variants. However, this only plays a minor role, because a broad basic immunisation is now prevalent, either through a previous illness or vaccination.

Whether even milder variants than Omicron are absolutely necessary is actually the question that needs to be asked. The number of unreported cases is probably extremely high. It is probably 5-10 times higher than with Delta. Last week, a study on South Africa and Omicron had calculated that the number of undetected infections was about 10 times higher. It is also important to remember that some influenza waves have caused almost similar hospital numbers, but no nationwide tests have been done (~75% of all influenza cases are asymptomatic). That's why only looking at cases is nonsense.
I do hope that COVID reaches a level that we might not need this measures ever again. Because this is something I have already accepted, we will live with this virus, but hope it becomes the new flu.


Gold Member
Some more good news from South Africa.

Omicron is 80% less likely to cause hospitalisation:


Infections and hospitalisations have already peaked for Omicron:




UK showing great numbers ! After Xmas lockdown incoming . We Dutch are hardcore ! Having a lockdown right now😜
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Gold Member
UK showing great numbers ! After Xmas lockdown incoming .

106K in a single day is really smashing all the records.

If Omicron is *anywhere* near the OG or Kent variants in severity, we would start seeing 5,000 deaths a day in 2-3 weeks. We are currently at around 200 deaths a day so that would be a 25x increase


Who gives a shit about cases?

Very few people are dying, yet lets make the headlines the big number, because scaremongering.

140 deaths. There's probably more deaths from alcohol on Friday and constipation from dodgy kebabs on Saturday.
You for sure don’t , I don’t mind either as long as 100k stays in England.
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Rodent Whores
Who gives a shit about cases?

Very few people are dying, yet lets make the headlines the big number, because scaremongering.
Because that is the first indicator of a potentially serious problem in the future. Even if it turns out that omicron leads to less death relative to Delta, if it infects that much more people, the absolute numbers that affect hospital capacity won't improve. Additionally, it's not only death we have to worry about. Complications from COVID19 affect a lot of people, and it is still unclear what the long term effects from omicron are and if they differ from other variants.

Giving a shit about cases is a very important factor in the field of epidemiology.


Because that is the first indicator of a potentially serious problem in the future. Even if it turns out that omicron leads to less death relative to Delta, if it infects that much more people, the absolute numbers that affect hospital capacity won't improve. Additionally, it's not only death we have to worry about. Complications from COVID19 affect a lot of people, and it is still unclear what the long term effects from omicron are and if they differ from other variants.

Giving a shit about cases is a very important factor in the field of epidemiology.
It won’t matter if you explain .


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Shit, sorry, I forgot we're not allowed to question stuff.

My bad.

Nothing to see here folks. Big numbers of cases, small deaths and nothing more. Please disperse in a socially distant manner & wipe your noses.
Just tired of hearing the same BS talking points about the vaccines.
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Just tired of hearing the BE about the vaccines.

People have a right to question what they put in their bodies.

I research which protein or BCAA's to take (Edit - And the rest of my nutrition which enters my body), yet I go to the walk in clinic and its a fucking lucky dip for which vaccine I get.

Oh hello sir, today you'll get Astra Zeneca which im sure wont give you a blood clot.

- But I thought I was getting Pfizer?

Sorry sir, you get what your given and you'll get the same in 6 months time.

- Oh, erm ok.

3 months passes

Hello sir, thanks for coming 3 months early, here's your Pfizer jab ... we decided its fine to mix & match and give you it 3 month early. You're welcome.

And you think people won't question things?
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Rodent Whores
Lets throw a curve ball here, we still don't know what the long term effects are from the jabs either.
Yes we do. They've been in mainstream use for almost a year, with clinical trials being done even longer ago.

We know for a fact that long COVID affects many more people than any sort of adverse reaction from the vaccines.


Rodent Whores
People have a right to question what they put in their bodies.
Yes we do.
I research which protein or BCAA's to take (Edit - And the rest of my nutrition which enters my body), yet I go to the walk in clinic and its a fucking lucky dip for which vaccine I get.
If you do your research, the current data overwhelmingly shows that any of the vaccines approved for use in the USA are both safe and effective, and you'll be good to take any of them. There are minor differences that are still being evaluated, but it's abundantly clear that they all provide a strong protective affect against transmission, infection, severe illness, and death, with only temporary side effects, if any.


Neighbours from Hell
NYC had to close 13 testing sites today due to staffing issues. Partially because of COVID infections and partially because of unvaccinated staff who can't work due to the mandates.


Rodent Whores
NYC had to close 13 testing sites today due to staffing issues. Partially because of COVID infections and partially because of unvaccinated staff who can't work due to the mandates.
Are you talking about CityMD? They didn't mention anything about what is the reason for their staffing issues, or how much of it is due to the mandates.

As so many of you are aware, most CityMD locations are operating at full capacity, doing our best to meet the urgent care needs of the people of New York and New Jersey.

Continuing to provide these services to the community is a top priority; however, our physicians and teammates are also a priority. To preserve our ability to staff our sites, we are temporarily closing certain locations effective tomorrow, December 22. It is our hope that closing sites now will best allow us to avoid future closures as this surge continues.


Lets throw a curve ball here, we still don't know what the long term effects are from the jabs either.

None. Because no other vaccines have long term negative effects, and we’ve been having covid jabs for over a year now. You’re either trolling, or too stupid to read information. I’m guessing probably the former, which is kinda sad.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
People have a right to question what they put in their bodies.
Yes they do. And I have a right to roll my eyes at you questioning vaccines that have proven to be safe at this point and using that to deflect away from the original conversation.


Rodent Whores
Nymag said it was a combination of positive surges and mandates among other things. Maybe that was their own speculation and not reporting.
I didn't see their article, but possibly. It's highly likely that both of those things are a contributing factor, but I have no idea how much.

Personally, my guess is that the overwhelming factor is the surge in demand. Given that increased demand, they'd prefer to consolidate their staff in the most appropriate locations. Quality over quantity, so to speak.


Yes they do. And I have a right to roll my eyes at you questioning vaccines that have proven to be safe at this point and using that to deflect away from the original conversation.

And I have a right to put into my body what I choose. I'm not deflecting anything, I look after my body and I choose what I put in it. I had two jabs, partially because I was forced to as governments are just crippling anyone who chooses not to and partially because I thought it was 1 & done but then it was then 2 & done .. now its 3 & done. I'm not going to keep up that charade but if you want to, that's entirely your choice.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
And I have a right to put into my body what I choose. I'm not deflecting anything, I look after my body and I choose what I put in it. I had two jabs, partially because I was forced to as governments are just crippling anyone who chooses not to and partially because I thought it was 1 & done but then it was then 2 & done .. now its 3 & done. I'm not going to keep up that charade but if you want to, that's entirely your choice.
Its not a fucking "charade".

Jesus Christ 🤦‍♂️


Its not a fucking "charade".

Jesus Christ 🤦‍♂️

Listen, you want to line up and boost yourself every 3-6 months then that's your prerogative. The world is about choice. We have South African doctors saying very different to European doctors. We have Governments (UK) doing whatever the fuck they want but expect the public to listen to their shit.

You crack on, enjoy it. Keep reading the doom & gloom over Xmas. Get some pasta & bog roll for new year when we're all locked down again anyways vaccine or not. Remember, when we're all jabbed, no more lockdowns .... shame they didn't specify how many jabs were needed .. oh wait they did, then changed it. Not a charade. Not many deaths either.


Because that is the first indicator of a potentially serious problem in the future. Even if it turns out that omicron leads to less death relative to Delta, if it infects that much more people, the absolute numbers that affect hospital capacity won't improve. Additionally, it's not only death we have to worry about. Complications from COVID19 affect a lot of people, and it is still unclear what the long term effects from omicron are and if they differ from other variants.

Giving a shit about cases is a very important factor in the field of epidemiology.

"Even if it turns out that omicron leads to less death"...

Stop. This. Shit. Like really.

We already know, it is less deadly. That's a given. A fact. There's nothing to argue about that, and it's not going to change in a few weeks or months.



not tag worthy
I got covid. Tested positive on my LFT did a PCR awaiting my results.
Assuming it’s Omicron as it felt like a cold coming on.
Snotty nose, headache or cotton wool head. Some mild aches. Sneezing and tiredness where I’ve just been sleeping and when awake laying in bed playing video games on the switch, or watching some films.
Can still taste and smell.
feeling better today than I did yesterday. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
Also double vaxxed with my booster less than 14 days ago.


Rodent Whores
"Even if it turns out that omicron leads to less death"...

Stop. This. Shit. Like really.

We already know, it is less deadly. That's a given. A fact. There's nothing to argue about that, and it's not going to change in a few weeks or months.
What shit? Waiting until all the facts are available? There's some good indicators so far but it's too early to say with a high amount of certainty what the implications for the world will be. The pandemic follows similar patterns, but not all demographics are equal between countries, and what happens in one country might not necessarily mirror itself in another. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Math doesn't pull any punches. If it's less deadly but infects more people in an equal proportion, then the same number of people will end up dying. If it's way less deadly but slightly more infectious that's good. If it's slightly less deadly but way more infectious that's bad. We don't know what the overall implications will be until more time has passed.


Lil’ Gobbie
Listen, you want to line up and boost yourself every 3-6 months then that's your prerogative. The world is about choice. We have South African doctors saying very different to European doctors. We have Governments (UK) doing whatever the fuck they want but expect the public to listen to their shit.

You crack on, enjoy it. Keep reading the doom & gloom over Xmas. Get some pasta & bog roll for new year when we're all locked down again anyways vaccine or not. Remember, when we're all jabbed, no more lockdowns .... shame they didn't specify how many jabs were needed .. oh wait they did, then changed it. Not a charade. Not many deaths either.
how can they know how many jabs we need? we still don't even know...
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Lets throw a curve ball here, we still don't know what the long term effects are from the jabs either.

Yes we do: our immune systems now know to target the spike protein on the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

If you mean "I'm just asking questions about whAt GoeS iN mY BOdY?" anti-vaxxer, early 1900's bullshit nonsense, I'd suggest taking that pointless and utterly moronic discussion to Gab or Parler where you can engage likeminded individuals.


Yes we do: our immune systems now know to target the spike protein on the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

If you mean "I'm just asking questions about whAt GoeS iN mY BOdY?" anti-vaxxer, early 1900's bullshit nonsense, I'd suggest taking that pointless and utterly moronic discussion to Gab or Parler where you can engage likeminded individuals.

I have no idea what "Gab" or "Parler" are, I don't live on the Internet.

Edit: Maybe you need to get out more and stop reading the doom & gloom. Or perhaps, like many who want to prolong the bullshit, you're an introvert wHo LiVeS iN tHeIr PaReNtZ bAsEmEnT (Yes I can write like that too).
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