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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Neighbours from Hell
I don't understand why this is so hard for people to grasp. The vaccines don't prevent transmission, but lowers the chances and significantly lowers the chances of serious illness or death by all data sets.

If people want to debate the effectiveness of the mandates that's an entirely different debate, but the reason the boosters are needed is because your antibodies decline over time, so you'll be less protected.

This isn't anything new. People get flu shots every year, and I just got a call from my Rite Aid telling me I'm due for my latest tetanus shot.

Sometimes I don't get if people are legitimately confused or if they're being purposely obtuse.
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Lets throw a curve ball here, we still don't know what the long term effects are from the jabs either.
You realize by now, that in this thread there are people who are always correct, right? They are morally superior. They're on the right side of every argument. You realize that right? It's very ERAish with some of the post. I wouldn't bother. Some of these guys are people who've had corona after their shots as well. It's all very ironic. Meh, I wouldn't bother. Just enjoy yourself and you do you. I wouldn't worry about any of them. These are the same people who get giddy when someone who doesn't want the shot dies. Again. Don't even bother.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
You realize by now, that in this thread there are people who are always correct, right? They are morally superior. They're on the right side of every argument. You realize that right? It's very ERAish with some of the post. I wouldn't bother. Some of these guys are people who've had corona after their shots as well. It's all very ironic. Meh, I wouldn't bother. Just enjoy yourself and you do you. I wouldn't worry about any of them. These are the same people who get giddy when someone who doesn't want the shot dies. Again. Don't even bother.
God the irony of this post is hilarious lol


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Moths to flames.
Dude you came in with that post complaining about some people in here acting high and mighty and always right or whatever all while talking down from a holier than thou mindset. Handing out advice like you are some benevolent know it all who is above such things while also managing to come off more snooty and stuck up than all of the rest of us combined.

Get over yourself lol


I got covid. Tested positive on my LFT did a PCR awaiting my results.
Assuming it’s Omicron as it felt like a cold coming on.
Snotty nose, headache or cotton wool head. Some mild aches. Sneezing and tiredness where I’ve just been sleeping and when awake laying in bed playing video games on the switch, or watching some films.
Can still taste and smell.
feeling better today than I did yesterday. Let’s see what tomorrow brings.
Also double vaxxed with my booster less than 14 days ago.

The righteous have ignored your post, probably because you've tested positive, felt like shit and have had 3 vaccine jabs, but I hope you get well soon. It sounds like a good time to rediscover the PS Vita (GOAT) if you have one. :cool:


The righteous have ignored your post, probably because you've tested positive, felt like shit and have had 3 vaccine jabs, but I hope you get well soon. It sounds like a good time to rediscover the PS Vita (GOAT) if you have one. :cool:

You're a weird one, aren't you?

Again and again, people in this thread post about how vaccines do not prevent infection, but they reduce its severity and transmissability. And yet, again and again, you refuse to accept this blindingly obvious fact in your comments.

Think on this: how much worse would his symptoms have likely been had he not had the vaccine?


Think on this: how much worse would his symptoms have likely been had he not had the vaccine?

Who knows, maybe the same as many people who just experienced flu like symptoms, even moreso with Omicron.

But stay indoors, do not venture out. It's not worth it. Leave it to those who aren't afraid, who don't buy into the doom & gloom on a daily basis of RSS Covid updates, we'll keep the world ticking.


7 days in your house now is it? I don't know the rules for testing positive any more...

Were the goal posts moved? Again?

But we must keep it up. We must abide by the bullshit.

FYI, its 10 days unless you test positive twice on consecutive days either 7&8, 8&9 or 9&10, in which case you can end your isolation early. Unvaxxed need to wait until day 10 regardless cos they're dirty even with 2 negative tests.
Were the goal posts moved? Again?

But we must keep it up. We must abide by the bullshit.

FYI, its 10 days unless you test positive twice on consecutive days either 7&8, 8&9 or 9&10, in which case you can end your isolation early. Unvaxxed need to wait until day 10 regardless cos they're dirty even with 2 negative tests.

I’ve not tested positive yet so never paid it much attention but I still don’t get the explanation. Surely it’s testing negative on those consecutive days to end it early, otherwise it carries on?


not tag worthy
The righteous have ignored your post, probably because you've tested positive, felt like shit and have had 3 vaccine jabs, but I hope you get well soon. It sounds like a good time to rediscover the PS Vita (GOAT) if you have one. :cool:
Even I know being vaccinated doesn’t mean you are immune from infection. Honestly it’s been four days now and honestly I felt rough in the first two and each day I feel a little better.
This is definitely not Delta. This is oh I’ve got a bad cold let me rest at home so far. Is that down to the vaccine or the strain I caught or both ?
First time in two years and numerous LFT and PCR tests that I get positive result.

I honestly did nothing different in regards to what I was already doing for the two years and I get covid.

I don’t want to know how shitty or worse I would be had I not got vaccinated. I just want to ride this out get better get back to normal.
Also I have the switch. So a nice selection of games to play both digital and physical.


I’ve not tested positive yet so never paid it much attention but I still don’t get the explanation. Surely it’s testing negative on those consecutive days to end it early, otherwise it carries on?

Same, I only know due to an Email from my workplace.

My question is why should vaxxed or unvaxxed be any different if they're both testing negative twice after day 7?

Of course, we know the answer, its because the gov is trying to force people to get jabbed and like travel and other restrictions being imposed, they are in essence, removing peoples right to freedom of choice.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Who knows, maybe the same as many people who just experienced flu like symptoms, even moreso with Omicron.

But stay indoors, do not venture out. It's not worth it. Leave it to those who aren't afraid of a 5 second jab, who don't buy into the doom & gloom on a daily basis of RSS Covid updates, we'll keep the world ticking.
Wow I never thought I would see the day when T8SC got on board the vaccine train.

Sweden did have restrictions this year though, it just so happened that they could have lighter ones because this year coincided with the vaccines

their much-jerked-over-by-contrarian-media initial stance in early 2020 was a total fucking disaster, just check out the deaths compared to their comparable neighbours



If lockdowns are an emergency intervention, then we would expect countries with more COVID deaths/hospitalisations to have tougher lockdowns.

Sweden isn't immune to introducing restrictions to lower the case load.

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Rodent Whores
How do you know this?

You don't.

Plenty of people without a single jab get the same (mild) symptoms.
This is the most reasonable conclusion given the amount of research done on the matter so far. If you don't understand why, I will explain here with reasons and evidence:

Overwhelmingly, there are mounds of data that shows the current vaccines reduce the severity of a COVID19 infection from all variants. This is very clear when you compare the unvaccinated and the vaccinated populations side by side. This is very clear when you see that proportionally, the majority of the people hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated. There is a very strong correlation, which upon further analysis has been determined to be causal.

Yes, plenty of people without a single jab get the same mild symptoms. One of difficulties in combating SARSCOV2 is that asymptomatic infection is relatively common compared to other respiratory diseases, so a lot of people don't realize they have it while spreading it around. Does that mean it's not dangerous? Obviously no, since it's already killed over 800K in the USA alone, about an order of magnitude greater the standard flu. However, when we look at fully vaccinated people and compare them to people without a single jab, we can definitely determine that the fully vaccinated people are much more likely not to get infected, much more likely not to become severely ill, and much more likely not to die.

Recently, with the advent of the omicron variant, there is some early data that could suggest that this variant is less likely to send you to the hospital, citing early data from South Africa. betrayal betrayal tried to break my balls for taking the preliminary data with a grain of salt. However, in statistics there is a thing called confounders that make drawing conclusions difficult the more of them you have, and in the early data, there are some big ones.

Even his own sources that betrayal betrayal used when chastising me made sure to mention these, so either he didn't understand the data, or didn't read the whole thing because if he did, he would have understood the limits of confidence. I too, hope that it is indeed true that omicron is intrinsically less likely to cause severe disease than previous variants, but wishful thinking does not a pandemic stop. Just because we want it to be, does not make it so. Conclusive evidence makes it so. The caveats and the acknowledgement of the limitations of the conclusions are important. For the sake of convenience, here they are:

Therefore, this is why my statement that this probably due to the vaccine and maybe due to the strain jufonuk jufonuk has is accurate. There is lots of data that strongly suggests a direct relationship to the vaccine. There is a little bit of data that might suggest some kind of a relationship to the strain. Aside from the fact that we don't even know what strain jufonuk jufonuk had.

Does that clear things up?


Conclusive evidence makes it so.

Does that clear things up?

I need to take the morning off to read through all of that in detail but one thing stands out, none of it is "conclusive" evidence.

Now, I'm not wholly disagreeing that the vaccine hasn't helped, what I'm saying is, its not conclusive. The sides of the fence in this topic are clear, there's the "Dude its the vaccine get jabbed u dirty scum" crowd and the "ffs is this still going on, wake up" crowd.

I like to sit in the middle. My main issue is the attitudes (of both sides) and the political bullshit which essentially is removing peoples freedom of choice.


Rodent Whores
none of it is "conclusive" evidence.
When this is the same pattern you see all over the world regardless of variables, it's pretty confident.


Now, I'm not wholly disagreeing that the vaccine hasn't helped, what I'm saying is, its not conclusive.
That doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is conclusive, or at the least, very confident.

The sides of the fence in this topic are clear, there's the "Dude its the vaccine get jabbed u dirty scum" crowd and the "ffs is this still going on, wake up" crowd.
There are no "sides". There's facts supported by evidence, and not facts. Playing the emotional political game based on imaginary teams does you no good.

I like to sit in the middle. My main issue is the attitudes (of both sides) and the political bullshit which essentially is removing peoples freedom of choice.
There is no "middle" in an epidemiological sense. The virus doesn't care about attitudes or politics. Facts don't care about your feelings.


When this is the same pattern you see all over the world regardless of variables, it's pretty confident.


That doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is conclusive, or at the least, very confident.

There are no "sides". There's facts supported by evidence, and not facts. Playing the emotional political game based on imaginary teams does you no good.

There is no "middle" in an epidemiological sense. The virus doesn't care about attitudes or politics. Facts don't care about your feelings.

Does your job title include the word "Analyst"?

What your saying is, people shouldn't have a choice and should join the queue. You are very focused on numbers and nothing else matters. Peoples feelings, emotions or freedom mean nothing, which is why I think you're an analyst, dealing with numbers/stats and that's final.


not tag worthy
Vaccines in the UK are all free. Just walk in get the vaccines. Also most of Europe too.

get a vaccine or don’t. Up to you. But if they work I don’t understand why people don’t want them?


Rodent Whores
Does your job title include the word "Analyst"?
No, it's better. It's "Rodent Whores".

What your saying is, people shouldn't have a choice and should join the queue.
No, that's not what I'm saying. You know this isn't what I'm saying because I didn't say that in my post.

You are very focused on numbers and nothing else matters.
Didn't say that either.

Peoples feelings, emotions or freedom mean nothing, which is why I think you're an analyst, dealing with numbers/stats and that's final.
Didn't say that either, and have stated many things in the past that indicate that people's feelings, emotions, and freedom actually are important to me, but it's not like you've read every single thing I've ever posted in this thread so don't worry about it.


Vaccines in the UK are all free. Just walk in get the vaccines. Also most of Europe too.

get a vaccine or don’t. Up to you. But if they work I don’t understand why people don’t want them?

The problem is, its not really "up to you", there is a forceful push from government to make people get the jab by restricting portions of their life. Such as the mandated 10 day isolation even if they test negative. It's ridiculous (This is coming from someone with 2 jabs remember) and its no wonder why so many (and its increasing) question things. (Except in here, it's not allowed).

Some people (non-jabbed) feel that the flu like symptoms are worth it as opposed to the blood clots which were made aware "after" loads got the first or second AstraZeneca jab. Which is no longer on the table and its now Pfizer/Moderna. If you can't see why people are worried based on that, then I can't really help. I'm not going to do what RentaHamster did and dig up loads of stuff, I've not got that kinda free time.


not tag worthy
Does your job title include the word "Analyst"?

What your saying is, people shouldn't have a choice and should join the queue. You are very focused on numbers and nothing else matters. Peoples feelings, emotions or freedom mean nothing, which is why I think you're an analyst, dealing with numbers/stats and that's final.
I don’t like needles at all but I got three vaccines. Walk in get jabbed, go home. How did my freedom get taken away ?

Peace of mind extra protection etc.
they got an actual pill or treatment to stop covid or to reverse the bad state that f people on a ventilator? No so get the vaccine.
Wear a mask be sensible.

Vaccines do not mean you can’t get covid. Look at flu jabs

I don’t care if it’s not my choice not to get the vaccine I’m looking at the point of view of if I get this virus. I want the best chance to get over it I can. So got the vaccines for covid. This might be while it is so mild. It could be omicron has changed.
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No, it's better. It's "Rodent Whores".

No, that's not what I'm saying. You know this isn't what I'm saying because I didn't say that in my post.

Didn't say that either.

Didn't say that either, and have stated many things in the past that indicate that people's feelings, emotions, and freedom actually are important to me, but it's not like you've read every single thing I've ever posted in this thread so don't worry about it.

Is English not your native language?



Rodent Whores
Whatever the reason I feel only this way for now. Can it continue until the viral infection etc has stopped within me? That’s what I would like.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Can you rephrase please?
But if they work I don’t understand why people don’t want them?
Several possible reasons. Laziness. No opportunity or access. Afraid of needles. Duped by misinformation that leads them to think they are actually bad for you.


I don’t like needles at all but I got three vaccines. Walk in get jabbed, go home. How did my freedom get taken away ?

???? That's pretty much the opposite of what I said. I said those who choose not to have the jab (through their freedom of choice) are having restrictions place in other aspects of their life and I gave examples.


not tag worthy
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Can you rephrase please?

Several possible reasons. Laziness. No opportunity or access. Afraid of needles. Duped by misinformation that leads them to think they are actually bad for you.
Brain fog sorry.
I want covid to remain at the it’s a cold level. Until my body fights it off.


Rodent Whores
Fuck sake, stop attacking & insulting people who choose not to have a fucking vaccine.
Who's attacking? I'm stating reasons that people have actually given IRL. I'm not making this up. Don't take it so personally.

Feel free to convey other reasons for not taking the vaccine that are more charitable, besides "I just don't want to" (because that's not a reason).


not tag worthy
???? That's pretty much the opposite of what I said. I said those who choose not to have the jab (through their freedom of choice) are having restrictions place in other aspects of their life and I gave examples.
If they choose not to have it they make that choice, if you can’t have the vaccine for medical reasons that is different. But choosing not to have it then Moaning because rules are made on the choice of a mostly vaccinated population that’s absurd.


Rodent Whores
Brain fog sorry.
I want covid to remain at the it’s a cold level. Until my body fights it off.
No worries dude.

There's no guarantees, but given your vaccination status, it will most likely remain like a common cold. You're already feeling better than before, so that's a good sign too. Vaccination is the easiest thing you can do that gives you the most benefit, but additional things you also might want to consider are making sure your diet is healthy and that you're getting enough exercise to maintain a non-obese weight. It's also winter, which means less sunlight, which means vitamin D supplements are important now.


Finally got the booster yesterday, and aside from the lorries outside full of dead bodies being hauled off to the incinerators, no issue with sides or anything this time. This was Pfizer after 2 of the now discontinued (thus limited edition!) AstraZeneca vaccine.
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