If we could get more people vaccinated, we could end this pandemic sooner. He's right.
(two different time stamps)
He's a virologist, someone who studies viruses for a living. He's also a professor who teaches about viruses at a very prestigious institution. He consults not only his own expertise, but also the expertise of other professionals in the same and related fields to educate the listeners at a highly academic level while also putting things in terms that laymen can understand too. He's smart and he knows what he's talking about. This is in contrast to other academics and scientists who are smart in their own right but also aren't virologists specifically. One's opinion carries more weight and credibility than the other.Ok, who is he and why should I listen to him and not the other various doctors on videos saying things to counter all of that? (Trying to remember the name of one Japanese or Chinese guy I was shown a few days ago, but Im sure he's based in either the US or Canada. Doctor Magasi? or something).
(Small print - I'm not listening to either).
He's a virologist, someone who studies viruses for a living. He's also a professor who teaches about viruses at a very prestigious institution. He consults not only his own expertise, but also the expertise of other professionals in the same and related fields to educate the listeners at a highly academic level while also putting things in terms that laymen can understand too. He's smart and he knows what he's talking about. This is in contrast to other academics and scientists who are smart in their own right but also aren't virologists specifically. One's opinion carries more weight and credibility than the other.
If you're not listening to either, you should start.
The study also shows the jab's ability to stop people catching Omicron starts to wane 10 weeks after a booster dose.
There are also signs that the effect of booster doses is waning.
Two doses of a vaccine were shown to offer limited protection against catching Omicron, which was then restored with a booster dose.
However, the report says this protection drops by between 15% and 25% after 10 weeks.
Thousands of Europeans are protesting Covid mandates as the E.U. and individual nations impose more restrictions and lockdowns.
Unlimited boosters… Cron spreads like wild fire offsetting the milder effects
Astrazenica is discontinued?Finally got the booster yesterday, and aside from the lorries outside full of dead bodies being hauled off to the incinerators, no issue with sides or anything this time. This was Pfizer after 2 of the now discontinued (thus limited edition!) AstraZeneca vaccine.
Astrazenica is discontinued?
Astrazenica is discontinued?
I had two doses of that.
Yeah I need to lose work it so that is always ok the cards been doing press ups and body weight squats plus resistance bands and walking but yeah I’m the main weight loss will be good.
Astrazenica is discontinued?
I had two doses of that.
Yeah I need to lose work it so that is always ok the cards been doing press ups and body weight squats plus resistance bands and walking but yeah I’m the main weight loss will be good.
Everything he listed is a known reason for not getting the vaccine.Fuck sake, stop attacking & insulting people who choose not to have a fucking vaccine.
AZ is still somewhat available in Australia. I got AZ 3 weeks ago at a pharmacy they asked if I meant moderna so I’m guessing not many people are getting it.
More than 17,000 reports of menstrual disorders after vaccination
Up to 1 December of this year, side effects center Lareb has received more than 17,000 reports of menstrual disorders after corona vaccinations. It concerns a variety of complaints, such as a heavy or delayed menstruation.
Reporters generally indicate that menstruation after vaccination is different than before. Most of the reports were about heavy periods (about 4500 times), followed by delayed periods (3200 times), irregular periods (3000 times) and bleeding in between (3000 times).
According to Lareb, it is still too early to say whether a disrupted cycle is really a side effect of the corona vaccines, more research is needed for that. But the side effects center does not rule out a connection.
Also other causes
According to the side effects center, the vaccine puts the immune system to work and can therefore possibly influence hormone levels and the construction and breakdown of the endometrium. It is expected to be a temporary effect.
Lareb also points out that menstrual disorders often occur without vaccination. This can be caused by, for example, an infection, illness or stress.
It is already clear that a corona vaccination does not lead to infertility. "I understand the concerns about this very well," says Lareb director Agnes Kant. "But luckily there are real studies that show the corona vaccine does not lead to infertility or reduced fertility."
Since last summer, Lareb has been conducting follow-up research among 2000 reporters. Follow-up questions are asked about the nature of the complaints and at what point in the cycle they occurred. It is unclear when the results of that follow-up study will be published.
6.4 million vaccinated
The Side Effects Center also received many reports of postmenopausal bleeding. It concerned about 500 reports, mostly submitted by women between the ages of 54 and 64. But there were also women older than 75 and women who had not had any bleeding for more than ten years.
Reports occurred about as often after a first as after a second jab. Compared to the number of injections given, reports after the Janssen vaccine were most common. In the Netherlands, 6.4 million women have been vaccinated.
False notifications
"There are quite a lot of reports, and they are also striking in the sense that women say that they now suddenly suffer from a menstrual disorder. We therefore think it is possible that it is a side effect," says Lareb director Kant.
In principle, anyone can report a side effect to Lareb; it is not checked whether someone has actually had a vaccination. The side effects center therefore does not rule out the possibility of false reports.
Nevertheless, the number of reports is so great that the report has been transferred to the Medicines Evaluation Board. To determine whether there is actually a side effect, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will also have to conduct further research.
This was published on the NOS (dutch BBC) website a couple of days ago, somewhat to my surprise. It talks about over 17.000 reports of women with problems with their period post vaccine. Reported on the LAREB (= dutch VAERS) website. It bears out some stories I've heard anecdotally via female colleagues. It's not a huge number considering the number of vaccinations that have rolled out, but still not insignificant either.
This was published on the NOS (dutch BBC) website a couple of days ago, somewhat to my surprise. It talks about over 17.000 reports of women with problems with their period post vaccine. Reported on the LAREB (= dutch VAERS) website. It bears out some stories I've heard anecdotally via female colleagues. It's not a huge number considering the number of vaccinations that have rolled out, but still not insignificant either.
I was going to wait for novavax but work said if I don’t get vaccinated I’ll be fired so not much choice. Yeah at least I got the limited edition.I'm telling you man, AZ vaccine = collecters item
Prices already skyrocketing on ebay
is that true though? I think it's more of a class thing; wealthy vs poorNo, again, I wasn't looking for the stats for percentage of people vaccinated. I wanted numbers of states with vaccination mandates and their infection rates. And if the mandates have helped the infection rates at all.
I'd expect mandate states to have a higher vaccination rate. They're blue states and Democrats/liberals are more likely to vaccinate than Republicans/conservatives.
According to the polls I've seen it is. I've seen a handful where they asked people who identified as Democratic/Liberal, Republican/Conservative if they have gotten or will get the vaccine and the latter is always fewer.is that true though? I think it's more of a class thing; wealthy vs poor
Does that matter if their vulnerable died in 2020 more than Norway, Denmark or Finnland, while their vulnerable die more in 2021 and at the end of the day it comes out at the same, or Sweden will even be lower?Sweden did have restrictions this year though, it just so happened that they could have lighter ones because this year coincided with the vaccines
their much-jerked-over-by-contrarian-media initial stance in early 2020 was a total fucking disaster, just check out the deaths compared to their comparable neighbours
Does that matter if their vulnerable died in 2020 more than Norway, Denmark or Finnland, while their vulnerable die more in 2021 and at the end of the day it comes out at the same, or Sweden will even be lower?
is that true though? I think it's more of a class thing; wealthy vs poor
I am not sure what your point is. Yeah most of us are going to be hanging out with friends and family over Christmas same as we did at Thanksgiving. The only people getting called anti-vaxxers are those who are posting anti-vax stuff.Local rag on Facebook telling people to be cautious at Christmas and not have large gatherings etc due to cases rising.
So, I looked at the comments:
Will still be having my kids and grandkids.
I urge everyone to go about there lives as normal and have a happy normal Christmas![]()
No point, after the G7, cop26 & all the “business meetings” at number 10, if these people don’t feel at risk, why should I?Ever get the feeling politicians are peeing on us & telling us that it’s raining ?
I won't be changing plans
Cheese and wine for me.
Can’t be too careful
Nope il be seeing all my family as I did last year!
Yes…going to have a business meeting instead. It’s much safer
Not changing any plans especially after last year. I’ve had all jabs and booster something we are going to have to live with so enjoy life while you can
Will have the same 16 round as last year
No, life needs to be lived
No I won't.
Who cans go out 2morrow see few friends go few pintsChristmas Day go see family have get on with life![]()
At this moment Wetherspoons is very busy and nobody is wearing mask or living in fear. Merry Christmas. The covid narrative has collapsed and people are sick of the lies.
No because people are 70% less likely to be hospitalised than before (according to ITV news) and considering you had a 99.7% chance of survival before I would say (in my humble opinion) that it is not much worse than a common cold now!
Won't be changing anything in the new year either.. non compliance is the way out of this debacle. Oh . Stop testing healthy people with NO symptoms. They are not sick. Or if healthy people do in fact have covid. Then whats all the fuss about. Old fat sick vunerable people always die. A cold winter is coming and 30k will die. Life is life. Live yours and STAY out of ours.
Fck off your boring me to death
So, no doubt the reply here is "Facebook and social media is full of idiots, fools and weirdos". However, I scrolled through approximately 100 comments from many different walks of life and not one agreed with the "Christmas caution". This, ladies & gentleman, is how the majority (not all) of the public see things now. Yet this topic rambles on with stats and more stats and anyone questioning is an anti-vaxxer dirty scummer.![]()
Does that matter if their vulnerable died in 2020 more than Norway, Denmark or Finnland, while their vulnerable die more in 2021 and at the end of the day it comes out at the same, or Sweden will even be lower?
Local rag on Facebook telling people to be cautious at Christmas and not have large gatherings etc due to cases rising.
So, I looked at the comments:
Will still be having my kids and grandkids.
I urge everyone to go about there lives as normal and have a happy normal Christmas![]()
No point, after the G7, cop26 & all the “business meetings” at number 10, if these people don’t feel at risk, why should I?Ever get the feeling politicians are peeing on us & telling us that it’s raining ?
I won't be changing plans
Cheese and wine for me.
Can’t be too careful
Nope il be seeing all my family as I did last year!
Yes…going to have a business meeting instead. It’s much safer
Not changing any plans especially after last year. I’ve had all jabs and booster something we are going to have to live with so enjoy life while you can
Will have the same 16 round as last year
No, life needs to be lived
No I won't.
Who cans go out 2morrow see few friends go few pintsChristmas Day go see family have get on with life![]()
At this moment Wetherspoons is very busy and nobody is wearing mask or living in fear. Merry Christmas. The covid narrative has collapsed and people are sick of the lies.
No because people are 70% less likely to be hospitalised than before (according to ITV news) and considering you had a 99.7% chance of survival before I would say (in my humble opinion) that it is not much worse than a common cold now!
Won't be changing anything in the new year either.. non compliance is the way out of this debacle. Oh . Stop testing healthy people with NO symptoms. They are not sick. Or if healthy people do in fact have covid. Then whats all the fuss about. Old fat sick vunerable people always die. A cold winter is coming and 30k will die. Life is life. Live yours and STAY out of ours.
Fck off your boring me to death
So, no doubt the reply here is "Facebook and social media is full of idiots, fools and weirdos". However, I scrolled through approximately 100 comments from many different walks of life and not one agreed with the "Christmas caution". This, ladies & gentleman, is how the majority (not all) of the public see things now. Yet this topic rambles on with stats and more stats and anyone questioning is an anti-vaxxer dirty scummer.![]()
Blue checkmarks on Twitter and coastal elites are the ones continuing to drive the fear and paranoia and authoritarianism around this virus. The majority of the rest of the world has gone about their lives mostly as normal, with certain precautions obviously. It reminds me of the poll NBC or some other national outlet put up regarding whether people would be getting their 5-11 year old kids vaccinated, or would be getting a booster (I honestly forget which). After several hours it was at around 90% against/10% for, and they pulled the poll from the site. "They" (blue checkmarks and coastal elites) don't want you to actually know what the majority of people feel about what is going on. Same reason they removed dislikes on Youtube.
He's also a bit of an arrogant prick who refuses to accept any evidence not given by virologists as valid. Until he has worked through all the tests in his lab, which take months, no variant should be considered more contagious and the press should just shut up about it.He's a virologist, someone who studies viruses for a living. He's also a professor who teaches about viruses at a very prestigious institution. He consults not only his own expertise, but also the expertise of other professionals in the same and related fields to educate the listeners at a highly academic level while also putting things in terms that laymen can understand too. He's smart and he knows what he's talking about. This is in contrast to other academics and scientists who are smart in their own right but also aren't virologists specifically. One's opinion carries more weight and credibility than the other.
If you're not listening to either, you should start.
Am I doing this right?
Also, what about all the reports of sportsmen collapsing? We have Christian Eriksen (Now retired), Sergio Aguero (Now retired) both due to "new heart problems". Victor Lindelof for Man Utd also went down clutching his chest the other week, and reports are that hes now wearing a heart monitor.
Then there's also Adama Traore, Charlie Wyke, John Fleck and more. Plus its not just footballers, Emma Raducanu had to quit her Tennis match at Wimbledon and I've heard of hockey players and others collapsing during games or training.
Related? Coincidence?
In the many years I've watched football (soccer), I can only remember Marc Vivien Foe & Fabrice Muamba who had similar or worse incidents. I don't believe it's the "Pace of the game has increased", that's total nonsense but it's what I've heard to be the cause.
The database initially examined 5 years of data and found an overall rate of SCD to be 1:43,000, with approximately 8 to 10 deaths in the NCAA per year attributed to SCD
In the United States, there are approximately 100 to 150 sudden cardiac deaths (SCD) during competitive sports each year
Local rag on Facebook telling people to be cautious at Christmas and not have large gatherings etc due to cases rising.
So, I looked at the comments:
Will still be having my kids and grandkids.
I urge everyone to go about there lives as normal and have a happy normal Christmas![]()
No point, after the G7, cop26 & all the “business meetings” at number 10, if these people don’t feel at risk, why should I?Ever get the feeling politicians are peeing on us & telling us that it’s raining ?
I won't be changing plans
Cheese and wine for me.
Can’t be too careful
Nope il be seeing all my family as I did last year!
Yes…going to have a business meeting instead. It’s much safer
Not changing any plans especially after last year. I’ve had all jabs and booster something we are going to have to live with so enjoy life while you can
Will have the same 16 round as last year
No, life needs to be lived
No I won't.
Who cans go out 2morrow see few friends go few pintsChristmas Day go see family have get on with life![]()
At this moment Wetherspoons is very busy and nobody is wearing mask or living in fear. Merry Christmas. The covid narrative has collapsed and people are sick of the lies.
No because people are 70% less likely to be hospitalised than before (according to ITV news) and considering you had a 99.7% chance of survival before I would say (in my humble opinion) that it is not much worse than a common cold now!
Won't be changing anything in the new year either.. non compliance is the way out of this debacle. Oh . Stop testing healthy people with NO symptoms. They are not sick. Or if healthy people do in fact have covid. Then whats all the fuss about. Old fat sick vunerable people always die. A cold winter is coming and 30k will die. Life is life. Live yours and STAY out of ours.
Fck off your boring me to death
So, no doubt the reply here is "Facebook and social media is full of idiots, fools and weirdos". However, I scrolled through approximately 100 comments from many different walks of life and not one agreed with the "Christmas caution". This, ladies & gentleman, is how the majority (not all) of the public see things now. Yet this topic rambles on with stats and more stats and anyone questioning is an anti-vaxxer dirty scummer.![]()
Boris Johnson already said people can go ahead with their Christmas plans. People are free to make their own judgement call; that's the point.So, no doubt the reply here is "Facebook and social media is full of idiots, fools and weirdos". However, I scrolled through approximately 100 comments from many different walks of life and not one agreed with the "Christmas caution". This, ladies & gentleman, is how the majority (not all) of the public see things now. Yet this topic rambles on with stats and more stats and anyone questioning is an anti-vaxxer dirty scummer.![]()
He doesn’t care, gets the best healthcare if he falls ill , afterwards he drives his BentleyBoris Johnson already said people can go ahead with their Christmas plans. People are free to make their own judgement call; that's the point.
Am I doing this right?
Also, what about all the reports of sportsmen collapsing? We have Christian Eriksen (Now retired), Sergio Aguero (Now retired) both due to "new heart problems". Victor Lindelof for Man Utd also went down clutching his chest the other week, and reports are that hes now wearing a heart monitor.
Then there's also Adama Traore, Charlie Wyke, John Fleck and more. Plus its not just footballers, Emma Raducanu had to quit her Tennis match at Wimbledon and I've heard of hockey players and others collapsing during games or training.
Related? Coincidence?
In the many years I've watched football (soccer), I can only remember Marc Vivien Foe & Fabrice Muamba who had similar or worse incidents. I don't believe it's the "Pace of the game has increased", that's total nonsense but it's what I've heard to be the cause.
My wife is one of these individuals. A few months ago she noticed that her menstrual cycle doubled in length and was a lot more painful at times. She keeps a journal that goes back at least until 2015 for her menstrual cycle and the changes are significant. She talked to her OBGYN's office about her menstrual changes when this happened and the doctor's office said that they have had many calls from other women reporting the same problems months after having the vaccine. The office said there is nothing that can be done about this.
when they don't seem to know or understand what about the vaccination is possibly causing the period problems. How can they be so sure? It seems unwarranted to be that confident. OTOH it's certainly possible that stresses around the pandemic are causing period issues, it's gonna be quite hard to get rid of that confound given the current situation.It is already clear that a corona vaccination does not lead to infertility. "I understand the concerns about this very well," says Lareb director Agnes Kant. "But luckily there are real studies that show the corona vaccine does not lead to infertility or reduced fertility."
This is the most reasonable conclusion given the amount of research done on the matter so far. If you don't understand why, I will explain here with reasons and evidence:
Overwhelmingly, there are mounds of data that shows the current vaccines reduce the severity of a COVID19 infection from all variants. This is very clear when you compare the unvaccinated and the vaccinated populations side by side. This is very clear when you see that proportionally, the majority of the people hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated. There is a very strong correlation, which upon further analysis has been determined to be causal.
Yes, plenty of people without a single jab get the same mild symptoms. One of difficulties in combating SARSCOV2 is that asymptomatic infection is relatively common compared to other respiratory diseases, so a lot of people don't realize they have it while spreading it around. Does that mean it's not dangerous? Obviously no, since it's already killed over 800K in the USA alone, about an order of magnitude greater the standard flu. However, when we look at fully vaccinated people and compare them to people without a single jab, we can definitely determine that the fully vaccinated people are much more likely not to get infected, much more likely not to become severely ill, and much more likely not to die.
Recently, with the advent of the omicron variant, there is some early data that could suggest that this variant is less likely to send you to the hospital, citing early data from South Africa.betrayal tried to break my balls for taking the preliminary data with a grain of salt. However, in statistics there is a thing called confounders that make drawing conclusions difficult the more of them you have, and in the early data, there are some big ones.
Confounding - Wikipedia
Even his own sources thatbetrayal used when chastising me made sure to mention these, so either he didn't understand the data, or didn't read the whole thing because if he did, he would have understood the limits of confidence. I too, hope that it is indeed true that omicron is intrinsically less likely to cause severe disease than previous variants, but wishful thinking does not a pandemic stop. Just because we want it to be, does not make it so. Conclusive evidence makes it so. The caveats and the acknowledgement of the limitations of the conclusions are important. For the sake of convenience, here they are:
Therefore, this is why my statement that this probably due to the vaccine and maybe due to the strainjufonuk has is accurate. There is lots of data that strongly suggests a direct relationship to the vaccine. There is a little bit of data that might suggest some kind of a relationship to the strain. Aside from the fact that we don't even know what strain
jufonuk had.
Does that clear things up?
I’ll quote you on thatGood post. But I never said that vaccination is not the cause. Of course, vaccination has a very large part to do with the fact that infections are milder (and btw, also compared to delta, whether vaccinated or not), which I just pointed out. The numbers were already VERY clear last week and it was apparent that further studies would only confirm this. You can also simply compare the figures directly yourself and don't have to wait every time for "studies" that ultimately only evaluate exactly these numbers, that are already available for days or even weeks. It really is true that the data is available to everyone way before "studies" (which are often only evaluations of already known data) come out, but many people no longer have the imagination (or they're just dumb) to look at the numbers themselves.
I'm perfectly comfortable saying it again, and you're welcome to quote me on that next year: The pandemic ends in 2022. A regularly modified vaccination that protects against flu and coronaviruses at the same time will be the gold standard against seasonal outbreaks.